
Free Thought Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"We endorse free thought. We want people to think for themselves."
"We offer free thought, we offer freedom of religion, and while we do not offer absolute freedom of speech, we allow freedom of speech."
"You have the ability here to think. And you can think anything you want."
"You can think anything you want. No one can cause you to think something you don't want to think."
"We still think free thought and open conversation is needed more so now than it really ever has been before."
"What is the space between free thinking and social responsibility?"
"You can't protect people from ideas. You will end up taking out every good idea in the process."
"Being a free thinker is going to make you the most happy."
"We need to get back to true diversity of thought and opinion."
"The entirety of society depends on the free thought of individuals."
"The focus is on individualism and free thought, the development of one's own abilities rejecting religious authority and social taboos."
"Free thinkers thinking outside the box, they're disruptors."
"He supports the idea that big breakthroughs happen when individuals are free to think beyond what's normally accepted."
"When you tell the plebeians what they can and can't think, they will inherently be driven to think whatever you told them they could not."
"One of my secrets for happiness: unstructured thoughts, just let your brain go."
"The precursor to free speech is free thought."
"You want diversity of everything else except diversity of thought."
"You shouldn't agree with somebody's stance just because it's the popular thing, you need to be a free thinker."
"Everybody, regardless of race, should be a free thinker."
"There's nothing more Western than robust debate and free thinking."
"Free your mind... be a free thinker, use the facts, look at logic, look at statistics."
"Mug Club to me is for free thinkers. We are constantly bombarded with rhetoric from mass media."
"The actual answer is it's always okay to think for yourself and go those people and those comedians who shamed people for thinking for themselves those people aren't real comedians when they're doing that they're doing propaganda just like a Nazi."
"Free thinking among African-Americans is not welcome and that is the racism of it."
"Shout out to the free thinkers of course absolutely."
"We're in an era now where fake news is used to shut down free thinking."
"We need confident free-thinking brave people here."
"Identity politics is what takes away your capacity as an individual to think."
"Next generation's free thought and questioning at stake - it's massively important."
"I am simply and quite freely the independent thinking individual human."
"You cannot tell me that the things he helped to expose wasn't positive for free thinking Americans."
"Free thought is more than just being atheist and having your own politics though. We have what could end up an even larger problem on our hands in that conspiracy theories are rampant today."
"Don't let the trolls and the cancel culture, no matter how polite they try to be about it, stop you from thinking about the things that they're actually talking about."
"Islam gives something unique: a free-thinking mind."
"The best way to fight to totalitarian thinking is education... encouraging people to think for themselves, to openly disagree and share different opinions, and have debates."
"The whole purpose of [the First Amendment] is to foreclose Public Authority from assuming a guardianship of the public mind."
"Colette is where free thought lives."
"I believe in free thought and free speech."
"This is a very Unapologetic let's save space for everybody to have free thought."
"I will not be told what to think."
"Anarchism is a community of free thinkers who disagree with hierarchical authority."
"Free thinkers, of course! People who are unafraid to break from the mold, to carve their own path in life instead of following the predetermined route set by that ignorant 'check valve.'"
"He's a world-renowned author and speaker, a professional historian, published philosopher, and prominent defender of the American free thought movement."
"Shoutouts to all free thinkers, of course."
"I've always been somebody who's been a free thinker."
"Reddit was a beacon of these principles, a hub for ordinary free thinkers."
"You're a free thinker, and that definitely has to come from the parents."
"I'm not sure what a free thinker really is. Everybody's influenced by somebody."
"She was a humanist, a free-thinking humanist at the time."
"I'm independent, I'm a free thinker."
"There was that luxurious after-dinner atmosphere when thought runs gracefully free of the trembles of precision."
"Free association, yeah, that is the key to unlock a whole bunch of types of creation."
"We are free mind thinking people over here on this channel."
"The ability to think freely is what moves society forward."
"I honestly believe that many of the greatest champions for free thought in this world are those who escaped from religion."
"We are the goslings, a digital speakeasy of free thinkers and explorers of esoterica."
"...we question authority, that's kind of one of the big cornerstones of free thought."
"Unlike religion, science allows free thought and inquiry."
"I've always raised my children as free thinkers."
"I want to raise them to be free thinkers."
"In order to be able to think, you have to risk offending people."
"I have free thought. I can believe whatever I want. I am compelled to accept evidence as it is, regardless of what I would rather believe."