
Clarification Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"All attention deficit is not Attention Deficit Disorder, right?"
"I'm not a beauty guru; I'm a craft guru, okay?"
"This series has a script doctor... there'll be like little pieces of dialogue that quickly explains something right away to where I'm satisfied."
"Feminism isn't a man-hating movement, by the way. That's called being a misandrist."
"Madam, you are mistaken. You are not fighting; you are being subjected to domestic violence."
"Nothing about that screams feminism, literally nothing."
"I feel like I should clarify the exact words that were said."
"These are precisely the kinds of confusions that I like to address."
"Yes, silicon is an element, but silicone is not."
"We're not building Star Wars games in Ubisoft, okay? I just made it for you guys, just disclaimer."
"Decimates has a primary definition and that is to kill, destroy, or remove a large portion of."
"Are you going to use it to try to create new rights? Senator, appellate court judges don't create new rights."
"Just to make this perfectly clear, I was laughing at the joke and not at any group of people."
"I promise, I'm not peeing. I am just pouring out my hot tea."
"I really, really, really would like to take this time to talk logically and set the record straight for a lot of these things flying around."
"I got it um what is it called trademarks that's all I mean."
"I was not in a car when I went to Starbucks."
"The vaccines were never supposed to protect you against infection or transmission. The purpose of the vaccines was always to mitigate the risk of hospitalization or death."
"We now have an answer, we got a referenceable answer."
"He was never charged, it was only ever a preliminary investigation."
"History's bloodiest war? Nope, the second World War."
"It just seems like a video of like clearing up lies of the past and everything seems to line up with that thought."
"If you're gonna talk about true socialism, you should talk about true socialism."
"He like guys but he wasn't a rapist, let me get that straight as well."
"I've seen people online, shrine is not a creature type, yeah, so it's an enchantment type."
"Insulin resistance: it's not a disease. Nothing is broken."
"Clarification and confirmation didn't come until several weeks later."
"I just wanted to make sure I said it myself."
"It's so good to just ask or rather let's say that you want to do something like this that could be interpreted this way but you actually do mean it to be up here just ask somebody."
"Anyone talking about dilution, we just know that it's not factually true."
"These two days with Barr have been incredibly edifying and clarifying for everyone paying attention."
"Hopefully it makes sense, but if it doesn't, let me know and I'll re-explain it."
"There are 11 books, because if you say more than 11 as a hyperbole people are all like actually brookie it's 11."
"What does it do? What does it do? What does it do? Read the card!"
"So what we are doing now is mining the 16 documents and finding the problems that are debated. I just wanted to make that clear from the beginning."
"It's absolutely clear that she meant it in a negative context and Harry is trying to undo the damage."
"Remember that I was here too, this is actually a really good question to bring up because the Reverie timeline is a little bit confusing."
"He's Eustace 'Captain' Kid... Was that point of saying Captain twice?"
"There are no instances where...dictionary definition of a word."
"Now let me try and add some additional information."
"A major decision just requires a little bit more focus, maybe a little bit more clarification."
"There is no oxygen shortage in India, quite the opposite, we have a huge surplus."
"Literally three, right? Like one, two, three, right?"
"Despite what you may have learned about me and my origin, I am not the voice of some phantom or imposter."
"An argument is not a claim, a claim is a claim. An argument is a claim with evidence."
"If we made it pretty clear that firearms are not causing the problem, what is causing the problem?"
"I wasn't in any kind of crazy trouble or nothing like that."
"What also is important that he talked about was that it wasn't just Dave right."
"Lab origin does not necessarily mean man-made."
"Remember, this isn't a novel coronavirus, or coronavirus at all."
"If at all during this reading if I say the word feminine or masculine please know I'm referring to the energies, not the gender or the sex."
"I hope that answers your question, but let's continue."
"That's not what he said, could you say and that's all?"
"Does it make sense? This is really, really, really important."
"If there's anything that you don't understand, please do let me know—literally, let me know."
"I'm not angry, I'm passionate. Don't confuse it."
"When I mentioned in that video that I wasn't sure why that BUN went down and I still don't, one of my viewers enlightened me."
"My goal with this video is to both expose the history of this item and demystify the Deck of Many Things to prove that while some of these cards have extreme consequences, the deck of many things is NOT a guaranteed campaign-destroyer!"
"This is a whole different conversation versus tricking."
"I know it isn't the apology tour, it was clarification."
"Helping and healing is two different things, that's their job."
"Understanding what it is and what it isn't is super super important."
"Pyro raptor, yes, exactly. Before we can proceed any further."
"I think what they mean is off exchange percentage, not dark pool percentage."
"It's actual racism. It's not like someone going and saying those people do this or those people do that."
"Despite Mercury in retrograde, you're gonna get clarification."
"Well, if it can help those who are working this understand it a little better, support it a little better, then it's a heck of a weapon."
"Not every Republican, not even the majority, are MAGA Republicans."
"It's that simple. What about it? That's it, there you go."
"Before you make any further comments or judgments, I'm going to be using this video to address a lot of the rumors that are going on around about me."
"Nothing could be further from the truth, Cody is completely legal software."
"FreeNAS is not based on Linux, it's actually based on FreeBSD."
"I never wanted to make any videos about him, but people are coming to my channel and leaving comments thinking that what they're saying, what they're claiming is true. So I felt like we need to address this and talk about this."
"The false statements are categorically false, so they're just false in their entirety."
"Before my final nail gets put in my cancel culture casket, I think I'd like to set the record straight."
"Finally, after two and a half years, I get to set the record straight."
"Facts okay, this is not opinion, this is not fiction, this is factual."
"This is not bullying and this is definitely not cancel culture."
"If someone puts down a +4 card, you must draw four and your turn is skipped. You can't put down a +2 to make the next person draw six. We know you've tried."
"What you're excited and what they're saying is two different things, ma'am."
"Everything I just said was not Donald Trump, it was Kamala Harris."
"It answers a lot of the questions you see repeatedly asked of me."
"You keep talking about the hanging, what, hanging twins? I called it the hourglass twins. It is the hourglass twins."
"Social justice is not the same thing as socialism."
"Is it because you don't know how to? Okay, that makes sense."
"He was unhappy with the explanation provided by nyard to him."
"Just saying, I'm just saying I'm just saying."
"Appreciation, that's always the case for the staking and stuff. I think we're just, we lost the point a little bit, though. So like, is that why you're making Pulse Chain?"
"Streaming means you're taking that from the internet, not necessarily beaming it from your phone."
"Let's clear some things up from the beginning."
"I guess that's what they're trying to say, but every time in the MCU someone now says Hawkeye, they're going to have to clarify who they're talking about."
"It's not a threat, it's a public service announcement."
"Well, it explains the angle to it, actually."
"Macaroons. Yeah, because macaroons are the coconut one, right?"
"This finally gives us some measure of answering the question: What's going on with the button?"
"An AR-15 is not used anywhere in the military, that is an M16, people."
"That's not a miracle, that's science, is essentially what I was claiming."
"The NRA is not bankrupt or going out of business."
"Remorse means I'm sorry, okay? So you don't understand what I'm saying, this is just mansplain remorse to her."
"There's no wage gap, there's an earnings gap."
"Two important points must be established now."
"Atheism isn't the assertion that there absolutely are no gods; it's the rejection of the claim that gods do exist."
"Could you maybe just elaborate a little bit on that and how you think it's going?"
"My channel was for educational purposes only."
"Now if you know that basic to you by two if they can give you this stuff guys got it you know I get this stuff from reliably up it's a good question."
"No, it does not store water. That's a bucket, or a capacitor if we extend out the metaphor."
"Somebody tabbed you like that out for me, please."
"I'm asking you again, like, what's wrong with the video? You have to tell me after I asked you three times. I'm asking like, what's wrong with the video?"
"And I just want to clarify right now that these feelings are in no way an excuse for violence or any of the things that Daniel did..."
"Did we split up? No, did we take a break? Yes."
"It wasn't no beef, it had nothing to do with them. It was just some, that little situation, man. Ain't no beef with them dudes, man."
"I displayed a strong lapse in judgment but let me be clear nothing happened between me and my co-star." - Justin Timberlake
"He's talking about an extreme portion like extreme, uh, part of the party. He's been very, very clear about that."
"If you specifically remove that implication, it's gone. They can't use that."
"It's because of the music, not because of Bella Hadid."
"Vaccines are not made from aborted fetal cells. Unfortunately, that is a myth."
"Are you asking me for different examples of how?"
"Not only have the title to go off of but the text is supporting it in some way. If there is any doubt about what this video is about, the text is kind of driving it home."
"It's a murky, crazy situation. It was because of scheduling conflicts and Stephen Y confirmed that."
"A weekend is not a relationship. That's a relationship."
"Spanish flu killed more people than the Spanish flu what's the Spanish flu the flu from Spain oh okay that makes sense I was thinking the UK."
"What do you refer to as clandestine, please tell me."
"The Quran actually sets the record straight."
"I know I just used it just now, but it was to demonstrate the point."
"They're actually not called graphite pencils at all."
"You can clarify your ideas by having conversations, speaking them out loud."
"Being a person of faith has nothing to do with being a bigot."
"Praying to Jesus as Jesus, no it's not mad to pray to Jesus as Jesus, no it's not." - RMD DMR
"I always find the theater is the best way to clarify things."
"I ain't nobody's boss, okay? That's what I meant when I said 'the rebuke.'"
"They acknowledged there was never one moment where anyone said, 'We think you might have been violent.'"
"I never really used it in fact, I never used it."
"I hope that helps you because you seem to be confused here."
"I'm not a lobbyist, I've never been a lobbyist."
"Riot is not protest, looting is not protest."
"Validate the assumptions. Are you both actually talking about the same thing?"
"Is it dark visually or dark like spiritually?"
"I just wanna, I guess, preface with that so you understand."
"We found out who did it. It wasn't JStation."
"The days of me going, you know I'm not homophobic, I'm not, I'm not, because I don't have to explain myself anymore."
"No hate here, this is not hate, no, no, no it's not hate."
"XL American Bullies are not a fighting breed, Pit Bulls are fighting breeds."
"If you're communicating with people, it's really easy to sort out what they mean by just asking them."
"Is there any conspiracy with Russia? The answer is no."
"I didn't expect before I even answer that question."
"Palantir is among other things not a visualization tool, not a closed environment, and finally not one database to rule them all." - Saad Abdali
"I appreciate the opportunity to clarify what I meant by that."
"If someone gives you a task, you have the right to ask clarifying questions."
"I corrected them that I hadn't given him half the house and he wasn't on the title but he was welcome to live with me and not pay rent so that he had more money to put towards his studies."
"I just want to be completely clear what happened."
"Krishnamurti was definitely not David Bohm's guru. Krishnati categorically rejected the role of guru. He wasn't the guru to anyone." - David Edmund Moody
"I'm a fascist, I'm not a Republican. Don't talk like one of them. You're not."
"Having a mental illness does not make you an anti-Semite."
"We gotta get a hold, you know, it's, uh, we gotta, we need to know."
"I want to go back to the point that I was trying to make, but you stopped me there."
"I genuinely mean, I don't bring that up already."
"It's not about interracial marriage that's not what this bill is about at all it is about same-sex marriage…"
"Would you like me to explain that to you? Please, please identify yourself."
"Just wanted to add that he has no mental issues."
"This is well within the scope of the pardon power, you know this."
"No, Dragon Ball Z was not sending coded Neo-Nazi messages."
"I just want to make sure I completely understand your position."
"Let's make sure this is clear, if you cannot follow along, don't worry about it."
"Just making that clear for those that are going to come in the comments."
"It wasn't a rule one, that's rule 7 where you are allowed to leave."
"We need to kind of try and kill some of these myths really, yeah, yeah."
"You have to wonder, well is he talking about the State Department, is he talking about the Clinton Foundation, is he talking about the Clintons personally?"
"Can I just add sorry to cut you off there's one more bit."
"To be very clear, in addition to the fact that this is a person."
"No, we're not getting married twice, we're married once."
"Homophobes aren't throwing shade, they're hateful and violent."
"Let's just be clear, not Wayne's shift the culture."
"You're not exclusive, you're not in a relationship."
"Products do not make you oily, they help minimize the appearance of oiliness."
"Education and clarification are key to dispelling misconceptions about Islam."
"I mean, there's so much I could say about that. Can someone please just tell me what it is in the chat?"
"Ohio was the thirty-fourth largest state, it's not the seven, don't let them convince you."
"Christianity ain't never been in the Bible. Christian is in the Bible."
"That's not improved, that's extended. There's a difference."
"Netflix has not canceled the release of Prince Harry's Heart of Invictus."
"A lot of people thought we moved to Puerto Rico to start a cult, but I promise you there's nothing weird going on down here."
"I hope to rest all of your questions by answering them over the next several minutes."
"So, help me Thomas. So, help me Thomas. That's it. Oh, so help me Thomas, period. Gotcha, that makes sense."
"I hope that makes sense, but let me know in the comments down below if you have any other questions about The RealReal or thredUP."
"Well, Jennifer, it's not really on TV. It's a Netflix show. And 100%, it's Cobra Kai."
"I'm not a Trump supporter in any way, shape, or form."
"I'm dropping it so I can get my point across and for people trying to come at me or anything like that kind of like get all the facts."
"I think it was Mario Williams. No, it was Carlos Dunlap, number 97 who got there but."
"Deaths that happen after the vaccine are not deaths that happen because of the vaccine," John Lawrence emphasized.
"It's only once, twice, three times. It works out to be 2.6 meters."
"So they confirmed with us that there is no other difference between the two GPUs other than the memory spec which is how it should be."
"Not even close, it was online, yes." - Jim Jackson
"We need to verify exactly what was meant at the crash site."
"I just assumed that like maybe she was like your little sister or something he was no no that's my best friend Tyler's daughter that answered my question about who that little girl was."
"This is a good thing, ufn is an SDK, not a creative mode."
"I thought it was funny, and you finally asked me, 'What? You said no, seriously, once you quit.'"
"The sister site of The Bee is Not the Bee, right?"
"Dugan's influence is very minimal, close to zero, with the Kremlin. He's not Putin's brains or Putin's anything. He has virtually no influence, in fact, no influence on direct political matters."
"Mar-A-Lago is not his home, it is an event space he rents out."
"Bridging from that to what we're doing right now we're trying to provide understandable information that kind of disambiguates and clarifies a lot of these issues that people have anxieties about."