
Human Race Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"If it was possible to unify the human race, it is the one topic that seems to be like, okay, maybe we're not as big as we thought we were, and we need to actually be together in order to do this."
"AI now poses a significant threat to our race as humans and could be more dangerous than the dictator of North Korea."
"We're all one race, Adam's race. It's very important to understand because we take the gospel to every tribe and nation. Why? Because we're all one family, we're all one race, we're all Adam's race, the human race."
"Why don't we just all lump together as the human race? Because we're all a minority in our own way."
"This is the end of the childhood of the human race. It is time for us to become mature adults in the cosmic civilizations out there."
"I think it's going to change the whole dynamic of the entire planet and the human race, big time."
"We aren't all weak, and not all of us are men. It's about the human race."
"People forget that we're the same race, the human race. We're all one kind."
"The inherent beauty of black men and his greatness is his diversity as it greatly contributed to the entire genetic fabric of our planet, literally building what we know today as a human race."
"We are different species though I totally understand what you mean by the human race because you know sometimes we might say it's not a black or white thing it's a great thing if you if you know you know."
"Let's first focus on protecting the largest community. It's the human race."
"I think it would force the human race to see ourselves for who we really are and that's one race, one planet."
"Unity, are we a human race that can reach unity? I honestly don't know."
"Enough nuclear power to destroy the human race several times over."
"The human race is so precious, it must survive."
"God created one race the human race but humans created racism."
"He wants to be an ambassador for the human race."
"We're image bearers of God, we're all part of one human race."
"In communism, there is only one race: the human race."
"There's only one race, there's a human race."
"Interstellar uses its themes to argue against the idea that artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."
"No price is too high for the survival of the human race."
"He wants revenge, and he wants to protect the rest of the human race."
"The onward march of the human race requires that the heights around it should blaze with noble and enduring lessons of courage."
"...there can't be any races because we're all descendant of one man and one woman..."
"There's no other race, just one human race."
"...nothing of the humans is to be left outside of the low orbit of their blasted home world."
"On behalf of the human race, it was time to show the galaxy exactly what we were capable of."
"The human race, perhaps above all others, has earned the right to exist and fulfill its manifest destiny, which promises to be glorious."
"These can be the greatest days in the history of the human race."
"With each passing generation the human race grows ever closer to becoming Gods."
"Tawheed should help us not just to affirm the unity of the creator but help us to remember the unity of the human race as well."
"The God of all is good and supremely noble by nature; therefore, he is the lover of the human race."
"Teach them that there's only one race, the human race."
"Can we predict a future evolution of the human race based on everything we know about our past and where we came from? Not perfectly."
"If the people at the top were doubting the success of the human race then things were dire."
"To save the human race," Damian said, "I'll go to hell and back."
"There's only one race, that's the human race."
"The fact that the human race occupies a place in the 3,000 worlds and survives against the overwhelming pressure is all thanks to you guys."
"The evolutionary challenge of the human race is the only kind of thinking that will deliver us from the problems of the world."
"We can love our brother and our sister because there is only one race, and that is the human race."
"All humans are one race, Homo sapiens; there is no genetic or evolutionary justification for racial categories of humans."
"Despite our physical and cultural differences, we are one human race."
"The human race had slowly evolved until it was in a position to operate things, run them as it saw fit."
"It's whether the human race survives really, it's critical."
"I am not adherent to any one race... if a meteor is coming to crash into Earth, it's going to kill everybody."
"This extraordinary manuscript unveils chilling revelations about the human race."
"There's every reason to believe the human race could survive for a very, very long time."
"Babies are the most adorable part of the human race."
"We believe in one race only, the human race, to which we all belong."
"We don't have to have this battle if we would simply realize that you and I are all members of the same race."
"Mankind is a race of explorers... pursuing the expansion of our domain into uncharted territory."
"You have to care because it's not about what planet you're from or what rock you were born on; you're a human and it's about the human race."
"We got to come together naturally; we all the same race, the same people."
"This entire story arc was a commentary on the human race as Karen Gillen sees it."
"Any new link to the human race and its possible evolution does have the potential to upset what many scientists believe is the true timeline of our species."
"I will preserve the human race; there will always be spring, summer, autumn, and winter."
"The metaphor is about the salvation redemption of the human race whether we are going to destroy ourselves or whether nonviolent resistance is the only mode of countering violence that will redeem the human species."
"Human beings are one human race and there is only one God."
"Let's just enjoy life all together as a human race."
"We've been lied to about the number of races there are in the world when in fact there is one race, the human race."
"There is one race, and it is the human race."
"I'd rather identify as the human race than anything else."
"The entire human race alive today, all 7.478 billion of us, could fit inside of a building that would only take around half an hour to jog around."
"Because of aliens, Galaxia is necessary for the good of the human race."
"He started the eradication of the human race by taking out such threats as the Avengers and the Defenders."
"They are a noble-looking race, these cave men of Pellucidar, and if our progenitors were as they, the human race of the outer crust has deteriorated rather than improved with the march of the ages."