
Racial Inequality Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"According to the Center for Disease Control, American Indian, Alaska native and Black women are two to three times more likely to die during pregnancy than a white woman."
"Affirmative action isn't going to cure insidious bias in this country. What it can do is... it helps us to understand that African-Americans are starting on first base and you're seeing a lot of white Americans just based on things like redlining neighborhoods funding starting on second or third base."
"During World War II, more than one and a half million African-Americans served in the United States armed forces, while still encountering unequal treatment and racial segregation."
"The GI Bill was often credited as creating the American middle class, but overwhelmingly white; black soldiers were denied access to programs within the GI Bill."
"The problem is the white families in this country have had hundreds of years to build up generational wealth. The black families hadn't."
"The fact that a few black people are doing well is dope, but another black billionaire is not going to move the needle for black people as a whole."
"This is about centuries of systemic racism and racial inequality that has existed in this country."
"Climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of Black communities."
"The effects of redlining are as strong today in much of America as they were back before the end of Jim Crow."
"Young people of color, understand that we are not starting at zero; we are starting at negative 1,000."
"School districts where the majority of students enrolled are students of color, receive $23 billion less in education funding than predominantly white school districts, despite serving the same number of students. If that's not systemic racism, I don't know what is."
"The GI Bill was an incredibly powerful road towards generational wealth that was denied to black soldiers."
"What we're seeing isn't just the response to one gruesome, cruel, public execution. It's the bill come due for the unpaid debts that this country owes to its black residents."
"The recent death of George Floyd and the nationwide protests that followed have once again put a spotlight on the perceptions of a racial divide and inequality."
"The most disrespected, unprotected, and neglected person in America is the black woman."
"The median wealth for white families in America is $170,000; for a black family, it is $17,000. That is 10 times the amount."
"This is not just about police misconduct, it's not just about needing to change the culture of policing, and the training, and the accountability. I think it's a bigger story about this whole history of racial inequality."
"Non-white people in this country got the short end of the stick for a wide variety of cultural issues."
"While neither San Francisco nor California formally adopted the institution of chattel slavery, the tenets of segregation, white supremacy, and systematic repression and exclusion of black people were codified through legal and extra-legal actions."
"The Negro is still the poorest American, walled in by color and poverty."
"For every hundred dollars of wealth held by a white family, black families have five dollars and four cents."
"Black lives matter; they are disproportionately killed by a system of militarized police."
"The assault on the Black vote and voting rights across the nation has never been more ugly than it is today."
"Critical race theory has essentially become a stand-in for any discussion of racial inequality or the history of racism in America, which is why it is not at all surprising that Rufo's claims about critical race theory are either entirely misrepresentative or outright lies."
"Expand access to high-quality education and tackle racial inequality in our education system."
"I felt some discomfort with the standard narrative... that African Americans lag behind because whites won't extend opportunity to us, doors are shut, we don't have the fair chance to show our human talent."
"As soon as I talk to the family and got the details and heard that among George's last words, was 'I can't breathe,' with a knee on his neck, I couldn't sleep."
"Prison is really meant to punish the poorest among us, and it was designed as a place to control the vast populations of people of color who could no longer be legally controlled via enslavement."
"Decades of research has shown that we haven't ended racial cast but simply redesigned it."
"People can always empathize with the dog but can't empathize with a black woman. It's crazy."
"Everyone loves to be a mental health warrior, a mental health advocate, preach for understanding and valuing mental health, until it comes to a black woman."
"White privilege allows you to basically get away with a whole lot of things that black people can't get away with."
"This encounter between Wright and Hitler stands as a testament to the enduring struggle against racial inequality and the importance of unwavering determination in the face of adversity."
"It comes as a great shock to discover the flags which you have pledged allegiance along with everybody else has not pledged allegiance to you."
"The justice system is rigged against African-Americans and for once here is a black man who is able to beat the system."
"What's happening to people of color in this country right now in 2019 is wrong."
"White people got ahead on the backs of black and Native people."
"The entire country was suburbanized... African Americans had to remain in cities and became poorer."
"The gap between white and black homeowners is greater now."
"Homes in black neighborhoods are devalued by 23%, totaling about 156 billion in lost equity."
"Officers kill black and brown men and women and we get little to no consequences."
"The government wouldn't send the police to protect the black small business owners and families in Minneapolis but they have managed to keep rioters out of the CNN headquarters. Priorities on display, wonderful, isn't it?"
"Women of color especially black women have systematically received less opportunities than white women and that is a fact."
"Freedom is America's source of power, and the denial of that power to black people and others at the inception of this nation remains a stain and a source of pain."
"If this was a bunch of white people... that would be a national outrage."
"Black girls are 4.19 times more likely to get suspended than white."
"Black girls are the only group of girls disproportionately suspended in the country starting at preschool."
"Malcolm X said in 1962 we are the most disrespected, unprotected, and neglected women in America."
"Know this is America this is what they do to black people they shove them through the criminal justice system even when they dub nothing."
"The breakdown in the justice system and the killings of unarmed black and brown people in our country has become all too familiar tragically."
"As a black woman in 2023, I've seen the ripple effects of the war on drugs, Iran-Contra, conservatives packed on the Supreme and federal courts, and the devolution of social programs that could have and should have helped the impoverished."
"We cannot talk about poverty in America without talking about it as a tool for white supremacy."
"Equal justice under law" is etched in stone over the Supreme Court, but that hasn't been the case for African-Americans throughout history.
"We're not talking about fewer AP classes suspended, more often black students still face racism in the suburbs."
"Even in generally High performing suburban school districts, students of color face pervasive Prejudice."
"Oh no, poor schooling... This is excuse after excuse for why Black people can't get ahead."
"White America has this idealized vision of itself... it usually does not involve its treatment of the black community."
"White privilege doesn't mean it's a privilege to be white."
"You cannot say you are about black excellence when all you do is step on the backs of black women, black men, black people."
"The median net worth of white families in Boston was $247,500, compared to $8 for black families."
"You're telling them that no matter how far they go in school, no matter how far they go in life, no matter what country they're in, if their skin looks like this with any melanin in it, they will never matter like other people."
"Stop telling black children not everybody gonna be your friend and not give them any explanation about the corruption, the human corruption, white supremacy mythology."
"Even when black and white people grow up in wealthy families and have similar education, black boys are more likely to end up poor."
"There's systemic disparities in the banking system. Black entrepreneurs are three times more likely to report that they did not apply for credit for fear of being turned away by a bank."
"A black man had no rights that a white man was bound to respect."
"Women lose thousands of dollars each year and hundreds of thousands over a lifetime because of gender and racial wage gaps."
"Benjamin Banneker, a self-taught astronomer, challenges racial inequalities and contributes to science."
"Having all of your rights and our rights represented by a man that hates the other 42 million African Americans."
"Black schools need to have better teachers, black areas need to have better infrastructure."
"This kind of legislation hurts poor women, women of color, black women. It disproportionately hurts people who are already marginalized."
"The incarceration rate among African Americans, it's unconscionable."
"Justice has always eluded black and brown people even to this day."
"Racism Trump's class, even middle-income African Americans are more likely to live in more polluting."
"White privilege is anything in our culture that benefits the whites who have actually engineered society to benefit them." - A concise explanation of the concept of white privilege.
"White supremacy itself is affirmative action. Benefits, privileges, and protections based on race. That's the affirmative action."
"This is an ongoing problem that black folks, particularly black women, have encountered."
"Simply put, America's bail system is broken for people of color."
"This legacy-based admissions allows mediocre mostly white but not all to get into high places with doing the least amount."
"I'm tired of continually watching law enforcement treat black folks like this."
"Any disparity between black and white is the system at work."
"There is a huge double standard and she's right if you are white and you shoot up a school everybody's going to know about it everybody's going to hear about it if you're black nobody's going to hear about it."
"These racial disparities... they're not inevitable."
"We cannot have two justice systems in America, one for black America and one for white America."
"Black women suffer even greater despair treatment when it comes to gender pay than white women."
"Equal justice has not been real for black Americans."
"Over 100,000 black girls go missing every year in America and we never get the coverage we need."
"Bank deregulation led to stripping wealth out of communities of color."
"The inseparable twin of racial injustice is economic injustice."
"What is the economic cost to America for continuing the centuries-long history of racial economic inequality?"
"When they say that the fourth of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people."
"The question isn't whether there's a net worth black-white gap, there is. The question is what do we do about it today?"
"White supremacy is predicated on controlling and mal-distributing all of the resources in a community."
"Whenever black folks are about to get some type of economic prosperity, the white supremacist suspects come in and they undermine it. This is an old Jim Crow tactic."
"When it's time to talk about us, everything becomes theoretical, everything becomes abstract, everything becomes 'we're not sure,' everything becomes 'what happened.' Everything becomes 'these are the reasons you can't get it.'"
"What I didn't understand is the human decency that people of color don't experience."
"Racism, systemic racism, the structures that were built, were not built for black people."
"Black pain and black suffering don't get the same attention anywhere."
"Black women are also dealing with those same exact biases."
"White people will fight harder for animals' rights than they will for black people."
"I'm not gonna put my future and my self-esteem into the hands of people who have never promoted a black man in a hundred years."
"Black people are not benefiting from it, that's the real deal."
"The median black family today owns $3,600, just 2% of the wealth of the median white family."
"Black lives still matter less than other lives in America."
"We've consistently undervalued Black neighborhoods and Black property."
"Black workers amongst black workers the unemployment rate remains stubbornly high at 7.1 percent more than twice what it is for white workers."
"There is also a claim of racial disparity in wait times."
"They're prioritizing that over black people who are being slaughtered out here... That's another slap in the face."
"There is no greater witness than when demanding reparations than Obama himself, acknowledging centuries of slavery and discrimination as the primary causes of our gaps."
"The root of every major issue in Black society is an economic injustice and disparity."
"Equality in a post-civil rights era would be impossible for black Americans because of racism and the structure of black families."
"Black women on average have to work between seven and eight months just to earn what a white man earned the year before."
"We would absolutely agree there are injustices happening towards the black community."
"Your inability to humanize us and the way you humanize your own community is why these situations will continue to happen."
"Our lives have historically not mattered to the cops, can you please stop shooting us?"
"For the fact that black people are doing well is not proof that there's not enough pain out there."
"There are issues about housing instability and insecurity if you black people in particular that important to look at."
"America is far from being colorblind; inequality exists only in the minds of those who pretend that inequality is equality."
"The industrialization of prisons has led to people, mostly young black men, being dealt incredibly heavy sentences for often incredibly petty offenses."
"Over 50% of minority service members have said they've seen white nationalism and white supremacy and racism within the military and this is increasing numbers from a few years ago now it's one in three."
"There is no other group that has experienced the most inhumane treatment for as long as we have that's number one."
"The Poor People's Campaign released a study called 'Mapping the Intersection of Poverty, Race, and COVID-19.'"
"The immortal devaluation of black lives has been ingrained in America's political economic and is long overdue for a reckoning."
"If you don't deal with the money, you cannot change the conditions that black folks have had to face in America."
"This brother is spending more time in jail for burglary than that cop is going to spend for the murder of a young black man."
"Black birthing people are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than their white counterparts."
"American Indians hospitalized 4.7 times more than white people."
"Black people in America are still facing the battle against racism and coronavirus."
"We can't breathe in your own world. What does that cry say about the African?"
"Black folks, we get these degrees and we get all this education, and we still may not always get the salary we deserve, the opportunities we deserve, or get to work for the companies that should be opening the door for us."
"By 2053, if nothing changes, black median wealth will be zero."
"You're going to have to be twice as good for half the credit."
"Why do we have to work twice as hard in the first place?"
"If you have one white parent you roll into the hundred trillion dollar possibility tree. Did you understand how problematic it is?"
"If black folk don't wake up and smell the coffee, they'll be a permanent underclass."
"The darker the color of someone's skin, the more likely they are to die."
"Systems that were created during a time of legal racism have persisted today."
"It's actually more dangerous for a black woman with a Ph.D. to have a child than a black woman with a high school diploma."
"The racial wealth gap in the US has cost us 16 trillion dollars over the last 20 years alone."
"White privilege means having fundamental human rights that not everyone has."
"This version of history otherwise known as what actually happened explains much more about the current state of racial inequality in our country than the standard American history myth we were all taught."
"Prisons largely against black and Latino folks. This is the reality of what it means to be black and minority in this country."
"The illusion of equality, the illusion of fairness, the illusion of freedom that black people have in America."
"You cannot have wealth without labor, and what whites took from them was their potential to convert their labor to wealth within their own community."
"Black folks also have diminished opportunity to improve those outcomes compared to white people on average."
"You don't get the same opportunities that white people get. Every statistical indicator shows this."
"Systemic racism is part of American society."
"I've had more privilege than probably most white people in this country."
"You can't have wealth without labor. White folk stripped black folk of their potential to convert labor to wealth."
"If justice is being served, why is it always being served to white people?"
"The biggest issue that face my black America is in race wealth inequality."
"There's proven fact that women of color die more, yes, because of the low income in the hospital that's provided near their environment."
"If it were black people or brown people or people of color that were storming the capital that day rest assured that there would have been many more bullets fired than the one that prevented that woman from going in."
"This has been a legacy of black women being shut out."
"I can't be unprofessional in this business. I have to work twice as hard than the white blog because I'm black."
"Black people still had to work 10 times as hard."
"Truth is, America has always prioritized white comfort over black survival."
"The most disrespected person on earth is the black woman."
"It seems like justice in America is always so slow, or not possible, for black people."
"The value Gap is the belief that white people are valued more than others."
"In order to guarantee privileges for white people, you have to systematically disadvantage black people."
"Black folks were not given loans or any type of resources to build their community."
"Black infant mortality is 2.4 times that of white infant mortality."
"If a black person kills a black person, they will go to jail, and that is what we call justice. If a white cop kills a black person, they will get paid leave, and that is what we call justice."
"They gave white people low-interest loans to move to the suburbs of Atlanta and trapped us in the hood."
"...the event that more than any other in recent history measured the difference between being white and black in America."
"Every black person in America bears the scars. Just oh yeah. And so this country was built on that, like, America's built as woven into the fabric of everything we do. The top one percent is 96 percent white on purpose."
"You can go out and get a PhD, as I did, but you're unlikely to have a wealth position that is comparable to an individual who's white who also has a PhD."
"Tiana’s literal dehumanization is even more insulting when the story puts an importance on the white characters."
"... in 99% of neighborhoods in the United States black boys earn less in adulthood than white boys who grew up in families with comparable income 99%."
"Bell concluded that racial inequality endured in a post-civil rights era because among other things the vision of racial justice that civil rights lawyers had championed was a weak and impoverished one."
"But it happens all too often outside the church as a disproportionate number of African Americans are forcibly removed from communities, families, homes, and workplaces."
"Black people of course have challenges. Black people have to worry about getting shot by the police for doing nothing wrong. But white people, we gotta worry about getting promoted before we're really ready for it."
"...White America has convinced themselves that everything that they have is because of their hard work and their intelligence and how brilliant they are and how the rest of us especially black folks we are just lazy."
"Black men are killed by the police at three times the rate of white men each year."
"The fact that because it's black people nobody cares that's real."
"Umbrellas don't make it rain; why studying hard and working hard is not enough for black Americans."
"The typical black family owns about 8 cents for every dollar owned by the typical white family."
"Our justice system isn't exactly known for its racial equality and lack of bias."
"Capitalism was racial not because of some conspiracy to divide workers or to justify slavery and dispossession."
"Racial segregation in the United States is not a condition of mere separation but of inequality."
"Many studies have shown that in part due to judicial discretion and jury's implicit bias, oftentimes black men, especially black men of a darker skin tone, are sentenced to longer sentences than white men of similar priors and of the same crimes."
"As long as blacks were held down, whites would be held down as well."
"I wish to offer here an alternative way of telling the story of persistent racial inequality, which I'm going to call the development narrative."
"The United States of America imprisons a higher percentage of its black population than did South Africa at the height of apartheid."
"Black women and girls are more likely than any other group of women to be killed by the police."
"Racial inequalities in health cost the US economy 310 billion dollars a year."
"Judges are statistically more likely to assign harsher sentences to black men who commit crimes than they are white men who commit the same crimes."
"To separate them from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority."
"My dad is always talking about how whites are treated differently than black people."
"Life is really a lot easier in the United States for white people."
"Special education and ADHD were being used as weapons of mass destruction against African-American boys."
"The ability then to recognize what's happening with our black and brown brothers and sisters with COVID all over the country who have the stigma of race or the stigma of poverty or the stigma of this illness is an opportunity for all of us to get better and smarter."
"We have not seen progress because we still have not addressed the issue of racial inequality in this country."
"People of color, especially Black Americans, don't enjoy access to this vibrant 1920s."
"I am angry. I am sad. People of color in this country have faced injustice for far too long."
"Black women in the U.S. suffer more, with their maternal mortality rate being 70 per 100,000."