
Baseline Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Understanding how to set your baseline levels of dopamine at the highest possible level."
"But let’s just start, let’s just start from the baseline."
"They're doing so much new stuff that it feels like all the hacking that you love from Watch Dogs 2 is like just a great baseline that they can build off of."
"Establishing your own baseline to understand yourself better is crucial."
"Standards not the ceiling, that's the floor."
"I respect everybody on the surface level, I give you baseline respect."
"Your Baseline of Happiness can shift upward or downward."
"So this is the Baseline characteristics. So this is our first point in time. So we have to look at that. But we will look at weight change over the course of the prospective study."
"The two B's you have to master: what is the Baseline and what is the Benchmark."
"I took these, I say that these are the baseline of good."
"You're trying to prove something, you gotta have a baseline to prove off of, you know?"
"You have to have some baseline so you know when there's a real change happening versus just scatter."
"The opening gunfight is fine as a baseline start."
"Have the analysis so that you establish a baseline and then come back in a couple of months to see the changes."
"The unfortunate baseline of humanity is violence. That's what happens when all the electricity were to go out and all the police were to quit. This would become a violent place very quickly."
"The minimal that any human being deserves is to be treated with respect, right? That's like the baseline."
"It's simply a Baseline and you can always go back to it and tweak it a little bit further."
"It's a good idea to start with a baseline model and then see it improve as you go."
"Twenty is like your new baseline."
"Being aware of it, and I think that's really what this is, trying to figure out where my baseline is now."
"When finding a baseline, we are less concerned with how much you eat and more concerned with what kind of food you're eating."
"That's how you submit to Kaggle, both through something simple we'd actually call it a baseline model, that average model. It's something that, you know, kind of makes sense. So a baseline."
"Cognitive and hedonic adaptation: we quickly adapt to new stimuli until they become our baseline norm."
"The baseline will not be enjoyment, it's gonna be fulfillment."
"It's important to know what's going on as a baseline with your body."
"It is critical to keep a record of historic performance as a baseline."
"Let's get started with the exercises, rate your current baseline dizziness, and then set your threshold level for this exercise session."
"There is no hard rule, but five is a good baseline to start with."
"We should live in a society that provides a certain baseline for everybody."
"Creating a baseline... would give us the ability to see trends, see what the patterns are of system usage."
"If we have a baseline, when we do troubleshoot... we have a general idea of what things should be in the absence of any complaints."
"Trust is the baseline according to Susan Fisk, social psychologist at Princeton."
"We need to establish a baseline to know that our model is good."
"Auditing standards act as the floor, the basic level that everyone must meet."
"That baseline is so funky and fun."
"Be a human, just be like a baseline human."
"Failure is not a goal in itself, it is a baseline."
"Let's add a baseline to this current beat that we're working on."
"That's exactly what a baseline does; it records it so that you can make comparisons."
"Setting the baseline is fundamentally important for us to do for our project."
"The value function as a baseline is most intuitive because it is how much on average does my policy get from this state onwards."
"That is actually the baseline for her science."
"We perform health and fitness tests to get normative data, establish a baseline, and assess risk."
"It's a good natural baseline fallback position to get into the habit of driving to."
"People have what's called a set point for happiness."
"Not too bad, right? So that's our baseline reinforcement learning model that allows us to play Space Invaders."
"Defining your business as usual or your baseline during this process should account for wider business strategy."
"A good quality baseline will capture all the activities and the project."
"It's a level of restraint and respect you show everybody just at baseline."
"Unit testing... acts like a baseline and it's your first line of defense."
"This will give you a good baseline."
"Feeling this good just becomes how we feel; it becomes our new baseline, our new normal."
"A good indicator of how good a program is, is the ability to go to baseline but more importantly to control how you go to baseline."
"Beautiful ground strokes from the baseline."
"It's something you can walk around and have at your integrated baseline."
"The wider the baseline, the larger the angle; the closer the object, the wider the angle."
"When looking at the performance of a system, it is important to have something to compare it with, often called a baseline."
"What's also great is to actually have human baseline and that is something that will make sense for you too sometimes."
"All I'm doing right now is getting a baseline for how the instrument feels."
"Let's reset the baseline to be zero and then we can start from there and add gain if we want to."
"Let's start using Pokemon as the new baseline for generative models instead of MNIST."
"The song sparrow is often viewed as kind of the baseline sparrow by which other sparrows are compared."
"Whatever you do next, at least you'll start from a working baseline."