
American Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Proud, hardworking American Patriots, you are amazing. You built this country."
"Your acts of selflessness and sacrifice and ingenuity are a powerful testament to the American character."
"Etsy is an American e-commerce website that is more focused on handmade and custom items."
"We are Muslims and we're proud of it, and we are Americans. We're paying our taxes and we have every right to be proud of our Muslim identity, and we will be Muslim in this land."
"The Dust Bowl is a dark cloud in American history, often overshadowed by the Great Depression that it coincided with, and World War II that immediately followed."
"I'm an American, period. Don't try to marginalize me by putting me over into the corner."
"I enjoyed the fact that it was different and it was a very American thing to do."
"For those of you who observe from the outside looking in, there is this... American swagger."
"I took on the identity of a born American who had passed away at the age of 11."
"I had the great honor of maybe being the only American woman to dance Giselle on this stage."
"The American people need to have confidence in their elections."
"Raikuda is sometimes simply called an American genius."
"Regular folk who will sit in Judgment of a former president of the United States, that my friends is the best of the American Criminal Justice System."
"Our agenda is more popular with the American people."
"Resolve to become a better educated American in 2023."
"Lincoln has done a fantastic job with making this interior feel uniquely American luxury."
"The sportster is an icon of American motorcycling."
"I think that this revival of American values is big and I think it's real."
"It's just quintessentially American fast food. And it's glorious."
"He's well on his way to potentially being the best American wrestler ever."
"I honestly think Jordan Burl is the greatest American wrestler right now."
"This is public land, American land, and Americans deserve to get paid when you take stuff out of it, because that's our minerals."
"The American Canon: Literary Genius from Emerson to Pynchon is a compilation of essays on American literature."
"Like most good Americans, I really only speak one language, which is English. Amen."
"Anytime we can bring home an American, that is a win for Americans. No one should be left behind."
"It's the most American RV I've ever seen."
"What gets more American than that?"
"The last great American dynasty indeed."
"Pie is the bulwark of our American civilization."
"I believe in Nashville... where the place I can carry guns... and I don't need a permit to do so... 'cause then I'm an American... and we stand up out."
"If this was a film today, it would be one of those heart-tugging American films."
"The most unconventional of the foursome was James Watson, an American prodigy."
"The Bowie knife is uniquely American and more than once has rightfully been called the Excalibur of America."
"It's something that's so cool to me to see it just be so uniquely American right like, and it is."
"Undoubtedly the best zombie movie in American film history."
"The most American thing a guy could do is go kill a predator with a hound, I mean for real."
"That idea of self-reliance which is so fundamentally American."
"You can't get more American than that."
"TR was once described as 'the most interesting American who ever lived.'"
"Have faith in the American justice system."
"If I had to vote for one novel by a living American, it would be Blood Meridian, which is a fearsome story and a terrible parable and which I think has a deep implicit warning for current American society."
"The Redwing Iron Ranger is one of the most iconic American boots."
"An American money, $500 cash dollar everybody."
"American style fried chicken this is"
"...in all seriousness they really were the last great American rock band..."
"It's like the most American thing for me to say."
"The average American can reinvent him or herself, and that's what makes this country what it is."
"I can have anything else. Why am I drinking this beer? It's like, 'Well, I can have a beer, damn it! It's America, right? And freedom!'"
"American cars are so affordable, it's insane."
"Science is as American as combining chicken with waffles. Don't just take my word for it; ask Thomas Jefferson."
"You get a real sense of American transportation history when you drive a vehicle like this, you know, well engineered, well, well designed."
"The American idea is that everyone is born equal, all men are created equal."
"Personally, I feel like foreign horror movies are the best compared to American."
"The suspect is still out there and I believe that my American audience especially we can help solve the criminal because I personally believe that this could have been an American suspect."
"By American, you will get a superior product."
"A premium American off-road capable SUV that also happens to have a plug."
"He was the individual American, the prototype that contained Americana."
"Its story is one of American history and of the American people."
"...Ozarkian culture was actually created by America itself."
"People were like, 'How do we like celebrate the bicentennial? I know, we'll do the most American thing we can possibly think of, we will make quilts.'"
"Super Bowl Sunday is still one of the great American traditions. Forget about football; it's one of the great things, that and of course the American Idol finale."
"The Escalade V is like the ultimate beastly expression of American luxury."
"I thought you were an American Badass."
"I was happy to be an American and still am."
"Duke is GI Joe and always represented the real American hero."
"Destabilization, foreign horrible American foreign policies."
"The American healthcare system failed you on every single level."
"The heroes of that they were American heroes."
"Given this is an American British evening, should we talk about your move to New York?"
"We really can't understand what the world looks like to somebody who's not American."
"The Dodge D100 Spirit of 76: a special pickup truck that oozes American pride."
"I just want to be cool in Tokyo and I want to be American."
"An outstanding performance by the American."
"Just right with pigtails and freckles, just like any other typical American Girl."
"Cadillac Escalade: Offering the pinnacle of American luxury and technology."
"This is the push, I mean, that's the American jam."
"Americans love hamburgers, they love fries oh my gosh, that's good."
"Happy Thanksgiving to all my Americans."
"Citizen Kane is maybe the greatest American film of all time."
"This is an all-American superhero of a breakfast: eggs baked in hash browns with glazed bacon."
"The black experience is central to American history."
"George Dickel was a great American success story."
"...I think that that pluralism is part of what it means to be American."
"American populists are highly skeptical of any central authority."
"The tales surrounding the Amityville Horror house have become pretty famous in American folklore."
"This affects every single American."
"There's limitations to how much you can print... is it going towards things that legitimately help every single American?"
"What's more American than Breaking an unjust law? This is a fight for Freedom."
"Those early American silver dollars date back to the 1700s."
"It's almost as if the American culture wanted to take the modern Cole and make him into a sort of monumental figure."
"It's a funny thing about being an American, you just take it for granted until somebody tries to take it away from you."
"My Chinese heritage is very important to me and I think it's what makes me American and so my stories are very American stories but they're about the full range of what it means to be American."
"That's part of Americans, they want a comeback story."
"We're finding out that people really like all-American products."
"During the 1850s occurred the flowering of the most popular American quilt pattern: the log-cabin quilt."
"And that's a special thing and that's what makes it so not only New York but American there's nothing more American than a Checker Cab."
"It's a mix of both American and British humor. Anyway, Canadian humor is a mix of both."
"It's a classic, a great American classic."
"Just give me any comedian, any American that has asked that question and says Any Other Name Is Not An American."
"The pursuit of happiness is part of the American Constitution. It's written into our nation's foundation."
"American audiences are kinder than anywhere."
"Refugees are people who risked everything and left their homes in search of better lives for them and their families. What could be more American than that?"
"The show's Homespun philosophy struck a chord with the American people."
"Perhaps the most enduring image of a stereotypical American house is not the house itself but the white picket fence that surrounds it."
"It's the greatest American film of all time."
"Whether it's retro futurism direct from the dealer or a New Classic custom built for an Enthusiast Builders and buyers need not beware the Mustang Mystique lives on an American seduction thundering into the future."
"Possibly the most American movie I've ever seen in my life."
"Every single American deserves access to high-speed affordable internet."
"One of his missions was to create an American architecture, one that was not dependent upon other places and other times for its aesthetics."
"It's proudly American, which many aren't."
"Is there anything more American than forcing your entire populace to watch a War on Drugs propaganda video starring characters that existed to sell toys?"
"But what ultimately makes us American, quintessentially American, is something that can't be taught -- a stubborn insistence on pursuing our dreams."
"I felt that arguably it's more American now."
"He became the fourth person in American history since 1946 to walk out of the execution chamber still alive."
"You are witnessing one of the most talented American motorcycle racers to ever get on a motorcycle."
"This could be the last American muscle car that's gas powered."
"You have before you the most coveted and sought after American whiskey in history."
"It's a happy privilege of an American that he may prattle and print in what way he pleases and without anyone to make him afraid."
"James saw a place for a fellow like himself. 'It was the happy privilege of an American that he may prattle and print in what way he pleases and without anyone to make him afraid.'"
"The Mustang is the last American Pony muscle car standing because the Camaro and the Challenger are officially dead next year. So, the Mustang wins no matter what setup it has."
"I just love that the 6.4 gives you so much more power, and it sounds like America."
"Finally, an American luxury manufacturer making a fun fast sporty sedan."
"Vote. That's what being American is all about."
"That movie right now, without going to China, is the fourth highest-grossing movie of all time and it's still in the theaters. That is an American's movie."
"American Landscapes are so diverse, there's like so many different environments so close to each other."
"Over the last century the name Chris-Craft has become synonymous with American high-quality power modes."
"This is a perfect example of a food item I think Americans would really love."
"His legacy really is as an example of, quite frankly, what an American should be."
"An idealistic American working-class town."
"Free healthcare, oh man, this speaks to me on a deep level as an American."
"The pinnacle of American comedy was always an HBO special."
"What's more American than a burger?"
"It's like a little chef with American stuff thrown all over it."
"The Eagles had a strong background in traditional American Music. They loved it; it was clearly part of their heritage."
"The most American Rifle firearm maybe that a person can own."
"Yo, sometimes I can't believe the reality we live in. I think it's maybe only American."
"Let's dive into American Vampire volume one and you can all see this very fun vampire story."
"That's what's been going on in American polity."
"It's an important time...for all Americans indeed press included to perceive most carefully the impact of their participation in the evolution of events."
"She was the pride of the American side."
"I really like the positive mindset in the American culture."
"Americans have a love affair with audacity."
"But that's how a lot of Americans live. That's how a lot of people live. So, we've never owned a storage unit."
"This is a story that is the American version of a global story."
"Flat track was an American form of racing and it started with Indian and Harley-Davidson."
"Thank you God for that I'm an American."
"It was the finest moment for American human spaceflight."
"I'm not concerned with being a good American... I certainly do have this feeling of affection for the absolute sense of intellectual freedom that exists as a live nerve, a live wire right through the center of American life."
"There is such a thing as the American character... we're all enormously concerned with being virtuous."
"There's something about an American company that wants America to lead the world."
"The epitome of American engineering and ingenuity."
"It's simple, man. It's a black person here in America who's a non-immigrant."
"If this isn't and doesn't show the awesomeness of American manufacturing, I don't know what does."
"Our American system is based on competition."
"I think there's a couple of things about America that are just like in our bloodstream that is just so good."
"I love the American tendency to be like just leave me alone."
"Given that story, he truly is an American hero."
"This involvement boosted Harley-Davidson's image as a 100% American product."
"This myth of American exceptionalism, we talk with such rhetoric of everybody on their own hero's journey."
"Jazz is the Great American art form."
"This really is the ultimate American truck when you think of driving something tough, beautiful, big, can get the job done."
"Leadville, it's just very American. It's like bigger than anything, steeper than anything, faster descends than anything, it's just... bigger."
"I love old cars, good American-made old cars."
"Neighborhoods such as Boyle Heights are especially important because they're uniquely American."
"Progress is part of the American credo and has been almost from the beginning of the nation."
"The great part about being an American is that you have these wonderful tracks of public land."
"What's at stake aren't Democratic values or Republican values, but American values. And we have to reclaim them."
"This is the Santa Fe War Bonnet paint scheme, and in my opinion, this is one of the most, if not the most beautiful paint scheme in all of American railroading."
"In this video, I'm going to be talking about five things that the Dutch are more relaxed about than Americans."
"This is the epitome of American sacrifice."
"My favorite American locomotive is SP 4449."
"My favorite American steam locomotive would have to be Big Boy."
"Why aren't we Americans? Since when are we victims?"
"Barbecue is the quintessential American food."
"Leave it to Beaver... became a cultural artifact reflecting the values and aspirations of a particular era in American history."
"Life at the start of the 21st century retains a straightforward simplicity that is quintessentially American."
"Jonathan Edwards, perhaps the most important and significant theologian to ever be born on American soil."
"Everything's done just right, take the cheddar, it's all American."
"I'm your typical 21-year-old American girl."
"One delicious scoop at a time, Americans enjoy about five and a half gallons of ice cream per person every year."
"Grilling is woven into the fabric of American life."
"He loved American popular culture."
"Invest in your own future, buy American."
"There's really no culture I have that I can like strongly grasp onto other than me just like being American, I guess."
"I tell you now the prophecy of a great American warrior."
"Every good American family got to get some bread for their family."
"I'm just an all-American guy livin' a dream."
"I am proud to be an American; I am so proud to have been an American soldier."
"It's a terrific story, he is a great American IndyCar champion."
"Allow me to introduce the Majestic Brahma, a chicken with a rich American Heritage that despite its roots in China proudly wears the badge of an All-American poultry."
"There's not a challenge on God's Earth that can't be overcome by an American."
"I consider 'There Will Be Blood' to be probably one of the great American films of the 21st century."
"The story of the American railroad is one of the most thrilling and important stories in the history of our country."
"A 12 valve is so much more of a can-do, honest, true American diesel."
"Americans created the concept known as self-interest rightly understood."
"The average American, we're no different from one another."
"And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free."
"This is American super bike racing at its finest, classic stuff."
"The dynamism of the American economy."
"With pride in every American heart, and it's time we stand and say, that I'm proud to be an American."