
Real-world Application Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"You're going to get real strategies that actually worked for people."
"For anything to happen in the real world, it first has to happen in the imaginary world."
"The scientific enterprise, in some sense, is that calibration against real-world patterns, synoptic integration, and not just differentiation over innovation."
"You guys are great at optimizing... You guys are good at min-maxing. You're going to be good at other stuff in the real world too."
"Liberty trumps totalitarianism, and we see this in the real world, too."
"Successful development, training, and testing of complex robots for real-world applications demand high-fidelity simulation and accurate physics."
"The goal would be to take what you learn here and start to port that over into the real world to make better robots and better actual physical agents that can interact with the world alongside us."
"Business and life are not about how able you are to regurgitate information but instead connect the dots in the real world and find ways to build your life on top of that."
"I want you to appreciate how chemistry is used to solve real world problems."
"We need to foster critical thinking, not teach people to pass a test. We're shaping individuals to thrive in the real world, not just in a classroom."
"It's like a Universal constructor from Deus Ex, except much more rudimentary but still very, very cool because we don't live in a fictional universe."
"Getting so good you can't be denied and there are real-world consequences to that skill set... Doing some rad stuff that affects people in a way that matters to you."
"The real learning doesn't really start until you're doing real-world projects."
"C++ succeeded because it addressed real needs to real users."
"Even though mastering a specific breathing technique in the real world will not allow us to use supernatural powers, I still find it fascinating how these various breath techniques form the crux of demon slayers epic battle system."
"You might not realize this, but you're actually actively learning real world skills that companies are paying big money for."
"The beauty of calculus is that it can solve just awesome real-world problems for us."
"It comes down to the real-world performance in the applications that you actually use."
"Round four is real-world tasks, including reminders, emails, notes, and calendar usage." - Joe Handy
"It's not about having the right strategy on paper, it's about the real dynamics of how things play out."
"Real answers only come when you have real inquiry with real tools to measure and analyze real data from The Real World."
"There's no substitute for actually doing the real thing actually having a fully driverless product out there in the field with you."
"Analyzing small clips from real conversations helps you see how native speakers talk."
"Math is everywhere, and when you bring math back into the world, it's interesting again, it's fun again, it sinks in."
"Our collective understanding of real-world sciences is core to how we map out and rationalize things, even within a fictional verse."
"Real-life experiences are crucial, but virtual labs amplify and enhance learning."
"These are the things they should be teaching you in University about how the world works."
"Every step along the way, this system is interacting with the real world. In real life it’s not happening on a blank white page. It’s interacting with societies, cultures, economies, the environment."
"Education is not simply working your way through Wikipedia. Education is about understanding what you're trying to accomplish and getting the knowledge that you need in order to bend reality to your will."
"In the real world you can, and that's called free speech."
"A focus on outcomes is really where the rubber hits the road."
"Economics deals with the real actions of real men."
"Credifi is a unique protocol in many ways, connecting defi with real world businesses."
"You need to go out, find the problem, and start solving for the problems."
"For me, it's really remarkable to see something that is on a poster... but to see it lived out every day with our students."
"Trust without humility, there's no learning because in order to learn you must accept that you don't know. That's Socrates."
"Concurrency is a way of writing or structuring your program to deal with the real world."
"I have looked quite closely at real-world examples of this system and there has only been very good feedback."
"In real world performance, there really isn't that big of a difference."
"There's actual science behind all of this stuff."
"All the advertised speeds are theoretical maximums and you're never going to reach those speeds even in a perfect lab environment."
"If you're wanting a career, the college degree isn't going to do that for you."
"Your mental training and visualization will be far more effective if you are performing the exact same or very similar mental and physical tasks in the real world."
"The whole point of blockchain is to enhance the real world and add value to the real world."
"Solving real-world problems is where it all matters."
"The interesting thing about Margaery is that when it comes to making a great impression, she is the single best Game of Thrones example of how to behave in the real world."
"When you get into the real companies, they're going to have an insane amount of data."
"Tesla's real-world AI doesn't need somebody ahead of time to tell it where the lines are, how many lines there are, which lanes can turn right or left, which lanes merge."
"There's countless situations in the world outside of college where being able to think critically is incredibly important."
"Sometimes as an investor it's not only about the financial analysis but also about the real-world analysis."
"Preparing students for real life, not just an exam."
"Sometimes when you find that the output of your research is being used in the real world, that gives you a lot of motivation."
"Real businesses at real scale are using these out there today to run production code."
"One of the things that we have to do as programmers is make our program work in the real world, make it work with real people who might not be programmers or might not be engineers."
"Ultimately, the real value is going to be derived from real-world utility."
"Specs on paper basically mean nothing in the end. It's the real-world performance that actually matters."
"Decision making is where the rubber really hits the road."
"We get to learn so many different things in real-life cases that you probably don't learn in law school or any kind of schooling."
"To see machines that actually get better and better the longer they exist in the world."
"Imagination is the most magical thing we have in the real world."
"It's always the proof is in the pudding and real networks, they stick around they last, they're resilient, they're built like tanks."
"Real use cases, real utility, these are long-term projects."
"Consent is very important in the real world. No means no. But in chess, it's go forth, please deliver a Checkmate."
"We are developing our cars for the real world."
"So as an example this can just happen out in the world if you commit some crimes."
"Real world understanding: a crucial step in building beneficial AGI."
"In the real world, you have to take a position on something."
"Action just is changing the data by acting upon the world."
"It makes electric real-world motoring pretty affordable."
"It's not about the podiums and all of that. I just love seeing some of the stuff that I've been working on actually work in the real world."
"Babble teaches you how to have real conversations that you will actually use in the real world."
"We're very, very focused on solving one problem... real customers... doing real things with the technology." - Daniel Rondo
"The corrupted blood incident got so infamous that apparently it's become a subject of study by actual epidemiologists."
"It's not scientific testing, it's real-world testing to the best of our ability."
"Specs on paper don't always translate into performance."
"You always going to get what you negotiate, not what you deserve."
"What we wanted to see is can a guy who's maybe the best sim racer in the world does that transfer directly into driving in the physical world I think we've seen that it does."
"Talking about how it is on paper or just going out to take some stupid test shots in your backyard is one thing... actually putting it through its paces in the real world and in real applications, that's what it's all about, right?"
"Learning how to think critically and applying your knowledge to real-world situations is one of the most important things you can do during your pursuit of scientific truth."
"That's what free markets do best: take a lot of different possibilities and sift through real-world experience to come up with something that works really well."
"Real-world tests and looking at actual images is a much better thing to do."
"Case studies give or let's say help you appreciate the nuances of taking decisions in real-world business environments."
"Projects that demonstrate understanding of business context provide real-world value."
"Most real-world projects don't need extraordinary amounts of data at all."
"The 4S being just a little bit more expensive in the real world, in my opinion, very close to the Turbo S in terms of speed."
"A scoreboard figure can never account for real-world experience."
"LTO: Layer One Blockchain for Real World Asset Ownership."
"I just beat you all at your own game in like two months and now I'm just gonna go back to the real world and just stop easy you're all lazy you're all lazy and dumb."
"Science is important... but when you look at the real world, it's multi variables and dynamic."
"People who think critically they have a huge Advantage because they allow themselves to line up their Paradigm and have an have an interlacement or an overlap between what they believe and what the world how the world actually operates."
"Just show me the real assets, show me who's doing it."
"Let's work together and escape this place. And once we get out here, let's make it the real world."
"You can make that kind of money. It's real world, guys."
"Just because you have a degree does not mean you know what you were doing."
"In the worst case, hashing sucks. Yet in practice, it works really, really well."
"There is no substitute for actually measuring the actual battery life in your actual product."
"I love pushing the boundaries and I love the application of math into real world problems."
"As we're doing the complex number arithmetic, don't forget that this stuff does have real applications."
"We're able to thrive here and if we can do it online you damn well better believe we can do it in the real world."
"Obsess about practical implications of what you're learning or what happens if the volume of users... is to be applied to whatever you're building."
"I'm actually able to learn new pieces of tech, simplify them, teach you guys them, and you guys are benefiting in the real world from that."
"Tesla is arguably the leader in real-world AI hardware and software."
"Real world scenarios can give you a better perspective on learning as it is tied to something that makes it easy to comprehend."
"The real world affords a lot of opportunities for making meaningful progress in AI."
"Authentic real world learning experiences... applying it to their lives, that's going to be the answer."
"I'm currently leading big data and business intelligence projects in Mercedes-Benz, so that means I'm sharing with you now a knowledge and real-life skills on how we implement stuff in real projects. It's not just another online course."
"The take-home here is in the real world, we're not doing an experiment, we're placing you on a medication and we're leveraging the benefits that we saw in the trial and hopeful that you receive them."
"Unlike other language apps and websites that may teach you robotic phrases that not even natives may use, Babbel thrives on preparing you for conversational language that you will be able to use in the real world."
"The concept of OOPS are used in many places in real world programming."
"Now that we know how to simulate our robot in Gazebo, we're ready to start building one in real life."
"With Brilliant, you get to use real data sets from sources like Starbucks, Twitter, Spotify, and more."
"Mathematics is applied to the real world and has proved fruitful."
"The tenth house is a place of real-world application... where you are standing in an expertise and a sense of mastery that you came here to put out into the world."
"This is how a real-world website is created."
"It's really cool to see all these things, you know, these are the things that you do in the real world as a student you don't really quite need to do them just because, you know, this prodigy project is just showing off your skills putting your skills into practice."
"In the real world, when you learn a new skill, that only makes you more powerful."
"No matter how much you can study in school, if you can't do your job properly, then you're useless in the real world."
"Or if you need to practice kicking a football, the best way to practice that is to actually be out on a field, kicking it."
"Handling external factors in real-world scenarios."
"You can't replace on the job, you know, class and you can't buy it either."
"It's a brilliant mix of fictitious tale and theories to depict real-world scenarios."
"Really shows the beauty of mathematics in the real world."
"Join us as we unravel the beauty and the mysteries of being a spiritual healer in the real world."
"It's been a lot of fun, I always love doing these... demos because, hey this is the real world, this is the measurements or the anchor to reality."
"Realistically, real-world situations, you'd be hard pushed to notice the difference in a normal everyday shot when it comes to sharpness and detail."
"Having the ability to design and test your ADAS algorithms in the virtual and the real world from one common platform is a very powerful concept."
"Let's take a look at a real-world problem that you're likely going to be solving."
"You're not going to learn that in business school, by the way. So be those people."
"I wanted a real-world example because applications are more complicated than deploying your typical static blog."
"It's a lot more interesting than what school show you."
"Learning is the result of an experience, so it's real situations that people are applying meaning to."
"Ranking is really like a core part of many real-world systems."
"The A1 looks just a fraction better, but not enough to make a difference in the real world."
"The people who are interviewing you, they just want to see your personality and they also want to see you be able to make real world connections to the questions that they ask."
"We want to ensure that our model is useful, that the trends we're picking out from our model are indeed trends which exist in the real world."
"We're learning a lot based on this relatively simplistic model if it matches real-world scenarios."
"It's much better to do it with a real world example with something that's real."
"Alibaba Cloud AI-powered kiosk application solution has been applied in multiple real-world projects."
"This whole project is actually a real world project that is going to help you deal with other advanced projects."
"Law seemed to me like a domain where you could still try to crack the codes, you could still study things, you could still try to go deep, but where at the end of the day there's always an output that affects real people in the real world."
"Trust me, trust me, trust me, this saves you so much headache when you actually do this and go out into the real world."
"Lifestyle self-help content has in the past helped me to put things in motion in the real world."
"Babel teaches real-world conversations so you can learn what is important and useful to you."
"Real world performance is radically different than on paper specs."
"The more complex these techniques become, the less likely you're going to be able to use them in a real situation under stress."
"The most important thing, way more important than any specs, is real world use."
"There's so much gap inside the learning... you get the certification but nobody teaches you real-world stuff."
"That's how I get access in the real companies."
"State machines are everywhere and cover almost everything we do in software and even the real world."
"When I start getting more into data science, I'm going to be doing some real world examples using scatter plots and showing you how useful they are."
"Physics basically is the applied mathematics applied to the real world."
"However, with all its pros and cons aside, when it comes down to real-world use, this is pretty damn near perfect."
"The M1 is still really fast when processing real world work."
"This is where the rubber meets the road, and you'll learn exactly how software companies use Docker throughout the application development lifecycle."
"You will actually get your hands dirty and work with me to develop a real-world e-commerce web application with clean architecture."
"The rules that are rewarded in school are not the rules that are rewarded in the real world."
"Go beyond your classroom, learn; there's so much to learn from the outside world which will give you the real-world experience."
"It's all about real clients, real problems, and real coaching."
"In the face of messy data and the real world, how do you build applications that use machine learning that are robust to the world that they operate in?"
"It's unrealistic to not account for real-world situations."
"We play around with them on our own vehicle and see some real-world results."
"A 30 pound increase on a barbell squat is worth more than a hundred pound increase on a leg press or a hack squat in terms of real world strength and carryover."
"You can make reinforcement learning robust so that you can actually start to train in a simulated environment and then deploy it in the real world environment."
"The true test is always in real data in production."
"We'd like to use reinforcement learning to solve large, real-world interesting problems."
"This has to work in the real world, and it has to scale and generalize out into all the different things you see in the world."
"Kegels are awesome because they have real-world data from real companies and real people."
"You start to see the what complexity is like and then if it comes to solving some difficult problem in the real world, you come to it with a little bit of a less naive viewpoint."
"Calibration is when the predicted probabilities match the real world occurrence or frequencies."
"This has been and can be used for real-world life-threatening situations."
"Remember how your teacher said that you would always be using math in the real world? Well, here is one of those moments."
"Let them see the real problem and let them think of the possible solutions for those problems."
"The data model intends to replicate real-world constraints."
"That's how we move in the real world, that's how you move in sports, in combat."
"Tesla bot will be a Swiss army knife of software but capable of helping humans in the real world."
"Optimization is using the idea of extrema, finding relative or local maximums or minimums to solve real world problems."
"Authentic assessment is where the student is asked to perform a real-world task."
"Ultimately, what matters to me is how it performs in the real world of detailing."
"Students are encouraged to explore and implement their own projects here and test their ideas real world inclination and global impact."
"This was a really nice example of using client first in the real world."
"I'm just going to try my best, keyword try, to get some real-world performance results while minimizing as many variables as possible."
"You start to have a temperature sensor and you're able to start controlling things manually over Wi-Fi and that's where you start to get to complicated devices that actually become pretty important in the real world."
"Linear programming is a kind of CSP with continuous variables with linear constraints that's very important in the real world."
"We're solving real-life problems with digital solutions."
"We actually invented a real thing."
"English textbooks can be like the gym, so find a great challenge for you in the real world."
"Math is useless unless it's used to do something; we're using math to describe the world."
"Something can be completely and totally perfect on paper, but then in the real world, it just doesn't pan out that way."
"Empowerment for me means being able to operate with your knowledge, literally in the world, in the real world."
"It offers a very nice way of mapping real world concepts to programming."
"The test was revised to become extremely real-world."
"To study the dynamics of any real system, the idea of the model of the system is very important."
"When you start to develop an application, what you really do is actually try to solve a problem in the real world by modeling that aspect of the real world in your application."
"You can bask in an area where you know logic fully applies and in the real world sometimes it doesn't feel like that."
"People often learn about data structures out of context, but in this course, you will learn foundational concepts by building a real-world API."
"This is where you're turning someone's academic pain into something very real."
"I would actually love to hear from people that use these for a living."
"That's what control theory is all about, taking this flow chart, using some mathematical tools in control theory to analyze real world systems, and then doing cool stuff in the real world with it."
"Training for all of them is going to give you just kind of this overall better strength for the real world."
"Artificial intelligence more interacting with the real world, and that to me is where I think it really gets exciting."