
Historical Influence Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living."
"Many different cultures—Berber, Arab, Spanish, and French—have all left their mark on Morocco through the centuries."
"The genius of Lady Gaga using the harmonic style of 18th-century European musicians highlights her song 'Bad Romance's use of the raised leading tone in a minor key."
"The knowledge that exists at any given time, the facts that are deemed to be incontrovertible, and the discoveries that it is possible to make are, in fact, heavily influenced by that same era's power relations."
"Best of all, you can buy the Roman Empire and have people pay you for it."
"He was the most influential thinker in world history, a man whose ideas permeated every sector of society."
"There is not a single debate in American life today that doesn't have a history. None of this is coming ex nihilo."
"These ancient sacred objects, their style, and the culture of the original builders drove the entire dynastic Egyptian civilization over thousands of years."
"We venerated them and they're actually the ones who seeded Christianity."
"Queen Mary, wife of King George V and grandmother of our current queen, may have been largely forgotten, but her influence on Britain has been huge."
"The Art of War has been heralded and used in military strategies and military academies for thousands of years."
"Indeed, many European rulers subsequently adopted benevolent despotism over the coming decades, including Frederick the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Catherine the Great herself."
"What happens often in history is that you have a group of people, whether large or small, who don't realize the power they have."
"Genius isn't the result of the great men that Carlyle proposed, instead the genius stands atop the shoulders of those that came before."
"Courtrooms underwent a shift toward neoclassical architectural styles inspired by ancient Greek and Roman designs."
"God established prayer as the means, the primary means, to draw down from heaven into history."
"The more interesting case is the case of path dependence."
"Examine the success of any titan of industry, whether it be Carnegie and his mountains of steel, or Rockefeller and his sea of oil, and you will find a coveted green commodity fueling their industry ... Money."
"I've come to appreciate how much I'm standing on the shoulders of people who did so much more with so much less."
"Embodying the period's artistic audacity, however, this golden age was not to last."
"Paul sets up ripple effects of revolution throughout Western history."
"The long-lived tradition of the white wedding dress is largely attributed to her wearing white."
"Trump wasn't an anomaly in the Republican party, he was actually kind of the soul of it for the last 25, 30 years starting with a guy like Buchanan who ran in '92 on a lot of the ideas that Trump ended up running."
"Maleficent's costume greatly resembles artworks of the era where you see women wearing houppelande."
"Their financial prowess set them apart, but it was their secrecy and discretion that fueled rumors and conspiracies for centuries."
"The Iroquois Confederacy laid out a model of federalism and participatory democracy that inspired leaders during the formation of the United States."
"I think Adams was the revolutions greatest man of ideas."
"Could they have helped to form the very identity of the civilization that later inherited them?"
"How did Japanese culture get to where it is today? The answer lies in foreign influences imposed and embraced in the post-war years."
"A sign of his growing influence is seen, in the increasing number of petitions which Cromwell was receiving."
"This stunning act of propaganda would be emulated by all subsequent Olympics. It was an operatic production lavish in scale; it really invented Olympic ritual for all time to come."
"I think the Egyptians also gave us beer so you could get drunk and look at stars."
"John of Gaunt was also a significant figure for his patronage in his later years of Geoffrey Chaucer."
"Regardless of your thoughts or feelings on Apple as a company today, there's no denying the impact Steve Jobs has had on the modern world."
"James Dean's death was used as an example for young people at the time to drive safely."
"The legacy of the Bronze Age civilizations echoes in the practices and traditions of the ancient Greeks."
"Louis XIV transformed Versailles into the ultimate power base, a great Royal City under a single roof."
"Superstars reshape teams and rewrite history."
"That experiment, which was run over 35 years ago now, that result drives much of what we do in health policy."
"By 1815 Nathan had control of the Bank of England."
"Disease is overwhelmingly the most important historical force."
"The Cyrus Cylinder: a symbol of ruling with tolerance and freedom, influencing future generations."
"His bloodline would give rise to the royal families of the entire world."
"Norman influence in Sicily was not ended in 1194."
"Queen Victoria ruled for 63 years, remembered as one of the most influential monarchs."
"It was largely thanks to Marie Antoinette’s intervention that Louis XVI retained his power."
"The parallels are crazy. It's like mental work, essentially. The seeds were planted by the Soviet Union who have long since died, and now they've grown into fruit bearing trees of insanity."
"You couldn't get the idea of Jesus being an incarnation of God himself if it weren't for the fact that you had much earlier in the religious DNA things like cult statues of the gods."
"The history of the world is but the biography of great men."
"Erasmus brings to his time the courtesy he wants for boys to have."
"Teotihuacan was an economic juggernaut that managed long-distance trade with distant areas, spreading its cultural influence all over Mesoamerica."
"Many of Africa's independence leaders went to the Emperor for inspiration, advice, and even material support."
"James McDonald was an inspiration not only to the people in his day but to people who followed."
"We need look forward rather than back, but we arrived here on the shoulders of giants and we ought to learn from them."
"The purpose here is sovereignty... to make truth for our children."
"The secret society Book and Snake was founded in 1863... looking at the list of notable members reads more like a list of America's intelligence leaders."
"70 years on from the wind rush and Britain is again leaning on its former colonies."
"Thanks to Potters published account, Janet's influence would travel far beyond Lancashire."
"The real Elvis was a major fan of the Lansky Brothers, which is an influence of all of the 1950s outfits that they created for the movie."
"The influence of the country's innovations around this time can hardly be exaggerated."
"It's like I've taken from World War one and World War two."
"This is about life, this is a Deborah, a judge. This is about an Esther who has been chosen for such a time as this."
"If Romans started a revolution that liberated millions of people, maybe you should read the book of Romans."
"Kublai Khan the man may be long dead, but the stories of his exploits, the influence his life had on others, ensure that his name will live on forever."
"We live in a world enhanced by technology but much of it is inspired by the Romans."
"He was the man who brought the most powerful message to this world."
"Eleanor remains one of the most influential women in history...period."
"The American Revolution inspired revolutions in France, Haiti, and in Latin America."
"Sacred drug plants have played a vitally important role in human history."
"The United States has been the greatest force for benevolence in world history, and I think the evidence for that is overwhelming."
"A ruler ahead of his time: Frederick's reforms laid the groundwork for a prosperous Prussia."
"There's good reason to question the great man theory of history, the idea that single individuals drove historical events."
"Hitler's long relationship with the power of propaganda began... the Allied forces had won the First World War through their superior use of propaganda."
"The reality is that he had a very profound effect on the world."
"The city's cultural and historical legacy is more Greek than anything."
"You have the ability not necessarily to repeat history... to do amazing things."
"The American founders drew on an astonishingly wide range of historical sources... Ignorance of the intellectual trajectory... puts those achievements at risk."
"The Emerald Tablet is believed to be the main inspiration for Western alchemy."
"When it comes to forming an unhealthily strong attachment to numbers, few of us have taken it quite as far as the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras."
"The noble, the kind, the strong Queen Kida desired Atlantis to lead the entire world forward."
"Driven by fearless men and women who dreamt big and shaped the country we live in today."
"Do not forget what America did for the people of China."
"The biblical story of Moses is a beautifully crafted work of literature."
"For well over 2000 years, the story of Moses has both inspired those who have been oppressed and instructed those with power."
"I love its mix of modernity and 1930s inspired design cues."
"There's a real pattern of them being interested in stuff and naming spacecraft after ancient Egyptian gods."
"As the king’s mother, Margaret became the most powerful woman in the realm."
"Britain has saved the continent from itself for the last 500 years."
"If a country has been successful for centuries and others have failed for centuries there's normally a long-standing reason for that which will not change in a matter of a single decade."
"Phoenicians: creators of the alphabet, masters of trade."
"Benjamin Franklin types from all over the world came in droves to America because this was the place where they could best pursue their passion."
"The Pixar Theory: actively remember those who came before you."
"Pericles decided the best way to leave a mark on posterity was to completely alter the skyline."
"The Parthenon is arguably the most influential building in world history."
"One of my favorite performances ever is Charlie Chaplin in 'The Great Dictator.'"
"The Morabito movement became dominant in North Africa and extended itself into Spain."
"His breakthrough idea about motion influenced every area of physics, allowing other great thinkers to stand on his shoulders."
"The Phoenicians were master architects, astrologers, shipwrights, mariners, healers, and scientists... They were the arya or adepts of the highest order."
"Coffee made the age possible in the first place."
"It is an indication of John Dee's influence over Queen Elizabeth that he selected the date for her coronation."
"Thanks to the Western Roman Empire... they've been doing lots of converting."
"Sephiroth's design took inspiration from conflict between Musashi and Kojiro."
"His headquarters were on a ninth-floor suite at the Ritz Carlton Hotel... 'I can’t find anybody in the first half of the 20th century who was as dominant a boss in his community.'"
"The Titans are absolute icons, forever etched in stone."
"I've always been suspicious of the Paine's role in all of this."
"Most myths are rooted in truth but they are presented as myths because myths become larger than life."
"The story of Haru and his uncle Set set the standard for the historical battle between the forces of good and evil."
"Hamilton never served as president nor did he ever make a serious attempt for the office preferring to operate behind the scenes."
"Europe was able to take over the world because of the invention of the modern corporation."
"The world was very nearly conquered by pirates."
"You know who carried Valentino on her back for decades? One Jackie Kennedy, former First Lady."
"This represented an important shift in the power balance of Europe."
"We're taking a lot of inspiration from that as well, we're taking a lot of narrative and the characters and building something that's not your standard historical type of war game."
"Just because the British ruled it doesn't mean they became a part of you."
"The CIA funded jazz artists, feminist movements, it worked."
"It was the US that facilitated the rise of its peer competitor."
"If you want to look at historical examples... it's only ever with music that carries some sense of hope in it."
"The development of the Trinity could be argued as a result of surrounding Platonic, Stoic, and Greek mythological sources that came together."
"Benedetto Brin's engineering mindset made a difference."
"Class conflict is the influencing force of human history, absolutely yes."
"Carthage takes the mantle as the empire that influences the people of Gaul and Iberia, just not in the way that Rome did."
"Marx understood the difference that's the reason why he wrote Capital and he wrote the Communist Manifesto and they're written very differently."
"This is not a tale of a dead past; it still shapes the way Britons live today."
"The founding fathers showed us that we can say no to the powers that be to the establishment in the system and stand up for ourselves."
"The government itself, how it was laid out and what it prescribed, ultimately led to the greatest nation in the history of the planet."
"Here's an early sign of Hurrem's intelligence and ability to manipulate the whole palace system."
"Their roots firmly located in the Tudor Age."
"The Lost Cause was a pro-confederate belief system that emerged from the post-war histories of the white South."
"The Monroe Doctrine takes its name from the president who first articulated it, but the idea was nearly all John Quincy Adams's."
"We're standing on the shoulders of giants – it's a collective effort."
"Japan withdrew the demands, but it would continue to extend its influence in China via more subtle means."
"The historical past shapes the present and influences the future."
"Arabic spread across Africa in the wake of Islam just as Christianity spread Latin across the European continent."
"No other ancient Near Eastern text has been as influential on the modern world as Gilgamesh."
"After the Bible, no other ancient Near Eastern text is as influential on the modern world as Gilgamesh."
"The wedding of theosophy with German folklore."
"We must stand on the shoulders of the Giants that came before us."
"New York has always been pushed to new heights by secret societies and clandestine organizations operating behind the scenes." - DON WILDMAN (VOICEOVER)
"Inspired. And I do feel like it sums up its use of the history."
"Or would he find satisfaction that the name has survived and that his secret society may have achieved power and influence beyond anything he could have imagined in 1776?"
"History is not deterministic, we still have agency, we have power."
"The praise is toward the Mao, but the Mao also relied on his wife Jiang Qing and Gang of Four to carry out this massive propaganda."
"The future needs past soldiers to fight the future war."
"Memphis's golden age of music goes back to the 1940s, 50s, and 60s when musicians like Elvis Presley, BB King, and Otis Redding made Memphis their home."
"Tesla, if in doubt, always listen to Tesla. He was the man here. Now Elon Musk should be listening to Tesla."
"History is filled with examples of men whose achievements trace back to the influence of women who aroused their creative faculties through sex desire."
"That civilization of grace is what defined our own."
"We're going to be judged by whether or not we live up to the promises we made."
"Ancient Rome: foundations of our modern society, from democracy to three-course meals."
"We are the authors of history, and we can bend the arc of history toward a more just world for all."
"Our history built this country, but it's also going to shape this country's future."
"History is built by those who integrate technology with Doctrine, training, and application."
"You can't understand the modern-day Barack Obama Democratic Party without reading about John Dewey and his ideological forebears."
"Rome, the spiritual centerpiece of Europe, regained its political influence, at least after the 8th century."
"Mohammed Mossadegh inspires Iranians to believe in liberal parliamentary democracy."
"A tight-knit group of officers who became known as the bomber mafia."
"The laughter is all on the right because we're laughing at that."
"They say the old King died long ago, but his influence echoes around us still."
"Imusama symbolizes Rome itself, known as the Eternal City, with a firm and steady hand behind the world government."
"Black history ain't got a [__] thing to do with the trajectory of who you are based on where you come from."
"The Strategikon is particularly important because of its profound influence on later generations."
"Disney Plus original content shines with a 100-year history of storytelling."
"The idea that human agency plays a role in history."
"Uncle Tom’s Cabin changed hearts about slavery."
"Luther's ideas had laid the groundwork for this in his works like 'To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation'..."
"If you control the past, you control the future."
"But long before the tragedy, he was best known as the mind behind some of the greatest pop songs in history using his signature 'Wall of Sound.'"
"Americans have always been infatuated with the concept of manifest destiny."
"Ed was among President Reagan's closest advisors as the administration implemented tax cuts, a dramatic defense build-up, and a relentless campaign to defeat communism."
"He became so renowned for his penny-pinching ways that he is credited as the inspiration for Ebenezer Scrooge from 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens."
"Jesus is the most influential person who ever lived."
"It had been the women's vote, six decades later it was nuclear arms."
"We are the paradigm shifters. It's up to us to rewrite our own history, our future, and our present."
"Along with Billy Graham and maybe internationally Winston Churchill, Dr. Martin Luther King was the most influential individual in the 20th century."
"The Book of Enoch was so popular for early Christians that even the New Testament cites it."
"The Vikings had a significant influence on the country."
"Rome would become instrumental in shaping not merely the global West, but the East as well."
"However, they would act as an inspiration for a much larger, terrifying and dangerous revolt; the Third Servile War under the leadership of the gladiator Spartacus."
"It's evidence that Nadol had influence that stretched across the waves."
"Rhodes’ genius had an enormous impact on the development of South Africa."
"Design is standing on the shoulders of giants."
"Black Americans have shaped America, changed America, made America better."
"My confidence about what will happen in the future is rooted about what has already happened in the past."
"The war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits." - Abraham Lincoln
"Pericles managed to get his dream to come true, which was to build all those beautiful temples on the Acropolis and to have his name on our lips 2,500 years later."
"The city he built set a blueprint for Western civilization."
"In just 10 years, Alexander had set the stage for Greek culture to dominate the world."
"Even today, the Italian socialist movements define themselves by the experiences shared during the Civil War."
"Superstitions have influenced humanity since the dawn of our species."
"They’re crawling towards us from the past, inch by precious inch."
"Certainly, we would never have come here if it hadn't been for a handful of finds deposited by a group of people worshiping a completely different set of gods two thousand years ago."
"Nowhere is affection for his Britannic Majesty stronger than in the fabled lands of India."
"Chrono Trigger and the Bible: a controversial debate."
"Leaving certain levers of power behind so the placeholders, the Kings who replaced them, were really still running things."
"Christianity built the Western world. So many of the things that we value, they come to us through years and years and years of Christian thought and Christian service."
"A man who connected the East and the West during his lifetime continues doing so even more than 2000 years after his death through the stories that people share."
"Elijah Muhammad was ahead of his time, laid out a blueprint for reparations."
"You can be an adventurer in real life. That's very much what my channel is about."
"The most influential Greek orator and intellectual of the period was a guy called Herodes Atticus, who was like a rock star of the era."
"We would none of us today be what we are if a handful of Jews nearly 2,000 years ago had not believed."