
Origin Of Life Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"To understand the origin of life, you have to understand its planetary context."
"It was not organisms that were the bridge from geochemistry into life; it was ecosystems."
"Panspermia was the idea that life may not have originated on Earth; it may have originated somewhere else and been transported to Earth."
"Life on Earth began from microbes delivered from space. This theory is called panspermia."
"Whether life started here or somewhere far, far away, it did start somewhere. So, my question is: Who started it?"
"The origin of life is... an incredibly sophisticated field."
"We're trying to crack the mystery of the origins of life... It's not just about identically trying to check a historical account... but understanding the laws of the universe."
"Some scientists call it the Big Bang of life."
"What if life in the solar system first formed not on Earth but on planetary embryos in the protoplanetary disk? In that event, the entire near space may be teeming with various bizarre organisms."
"How did life form in the first place?...Can quantum mechanics lend a helping hand?"
"Interestingly, the role of clay minerals in the origin of life can be suggested even scientifically."
"Cracking the nut of just how RNA, and ultimately DNA, came into existence is going to be of the utmost importance to astrobiology."
"Viruses, or their ancestors, may have played a role in the origin of life on Earth and may be needed to initiate life on any planet."
"Life on Earth first appeared 3.7 billion years ago, but how it sprung into existence is still a hot topic of debate."
"The first self-replicating entity... was the moment when natural selection and hence Darwinian evolution could start."
"However improbable the origin of life might be... it has to have happened at least once because here we are, thinking about it."
"This is great, I truly believe that these systems are the key to understanding the origins of life."
"So, the discovery of information at the foundation of life in even the simplest living cells provides strong grounds for inferring that a designing intelligence played a role in the origin of life."
"For an intelligent God to take the dust and make a human, that's logical. For the dust to make itself into a human, that's not logical."
"So when asked point blank whether James thinks we will find a naturalistic explanation for how life arose, his answer is yes, we will figure out how god did it."
"But for those of us who don’t have dogma to abide by, origin of life research has been removing the aura of mystery from life, and will only continue to do so as these more complex systems are achieved."
"Liquid waters the source of life, that's how life on Earth begun."
"You cannot explain the appearance of life on this planet without the physical intervention of actual offworld beings."
"But perhaps somebody else could... The emergence of primitive cellular life is only the first and definitely not the most difficult step."
"Earth went from organic molecules to self-replicating life within between 1 and 200 million years."
"The RNA world hypothesis does not represent an example of convergent evolution, rather the potential start of it."
"Panspermia offers the possibility that the origin of life was extremely improbable."
"Life emerged on this planet long before men invented their gods."
"It's clearly where all life began, so was it the garden of eden?"
"Life on Earth is thought to have emerged through hydrothermal vents."
"Life on earth could be older than the planet itself."
"Nothing comes from nothing, therefore matter and life must have had a source."
"Life may have begun in the hydrothermal band... it may be that life started there."
"The origin of life and the origin of major groups of animals remains unknown."
"First living cells emerged 4 billion to 3.8 billion years ago."
"Life's Origins could be found in a puddle of chemicals."
"Life may have come to Earth from outer space."
"Life began almost immediately on Earth, suggesting life elsewhere is probable."
"If life did spring from an extraterrestrial rock, where did that rock come from?"
"We need to come to terms with the fact that the virum is the source of life on the planet."
"Dead chemicals should not be able to arrange themselves into living systems, and yet that's exactly what we see."
"The first cells were probably lonely. I mean, they're not wrong."
"Well maybe, but it's also possible that life on Earth didn't start on earth at all. Perhaps it started on a distant world somewhere in the Milky Way."
"Amino acids found on comets hint at life's origins."
"Of the 15 or so components, zero, none, none of them have been made in a Prebiotic sense in a laboratory."
"The black woman is the mother of all living things."
"If we can understand the origin of nucleic acids and proteins without pre-existing life, it's a major step forward."
"Hydrogen cyanide, a key precursor for the synthesis of amino acids, might have been central for the origin of our distant ancestors."
"In this verse water is pointed out as the origin of all life. All living things are made of cells."
"Even the Bible talks about all life originated in Africa."
"Asteroids and comets may have been the bringers of life if not the ingredients of life but perhaps even life itself."
"Without surface water, there would have been no life."
"It might be that they delivered the building blocks for life and then we need to understand how then we got life because it's not good enough to say oh there's organic matter we have life because it's not that simple."
"The key to the mystery of the origin of life was actually information, it was code."
"If life can originate at the bottom of the ocean in hydrothermal vents, it might adapt to a mix of water and ammonia as a solvent."
"We can pinpoint the moment Cali was born thanks to these videos. Cali says she came into existence when life did. We have to ask the question of what counts as life."
"The mere fact that evolution requires life and thus an origin for life is something that we still need an answer to does not invalidate the theory of evolution."
"Water acts literally as the perfect median for the formation of amino acids to create life."
"Every attempt to simulate [the origin of life] seems to suggest the need for a designing intelligence."
"People will say, 'Jim Tour, you're just talking God of the gaps.' I never invoke God into my teachings on origin of life. I never do. You do not. You, I mean the people who accuse me, they do."
"We know that liquid water is essential to life, and life probably got started in a water environment, whether it's in the deep ocean at the volcanic vents or in a shallow pond, we don't really know where and how precisely life got started here."
"The topic tonight is not about me; it's whether there is a valid hypothesis to make a living cell on a Mindless early Earth."
"Was life created in transit? I don't think so."
"Nobody has a clue how life got started. They can't make it happen in the laboratory."
"Crick and another fellow presented directed panspermia as a plausible explanation for the origins of life on Earth."
"If life on Earth came about because of a lucky roll of the chemical dice, then it's much more likely that it never started at all."
"I don't know why the world is, why these amino acids are so complex, I don't know how they came about, but to assert Supernatural cause for it is a bridge too far for me."
"The presence of information at the foundation of life seemed to me to provide a compelling indicator of a prior intelligent cause."
"This is not for lipids only, it's for almost all origin of life researchers."
"It's possible that the seeds of life arrived from space, flown in by asteroids and meteorites."
"The exciting part about this field for origin of life research is that we can observe molecules exhibiting Darwinian principles."
"I've never seen life come from non-life. You talk about a blind leap of faith, that has got to be the biggest blind leap of faith I could ever imagine."
"Evolution deals with the diversity of life, but cannot contribute to the origin of life."
"Abiogenesis is the word we use to describe the creation or formation... formation or the arising of life from non-life."
"Life cannot arise spontaneously but must come from preexisting cells."
"As soon as you think about the origin of life you're faced with the question well what is life anyway."
"To study purely the origin of life, not life itself, I think that's still fascinating."
"If we can look at the conditions that give rise to that entire network, then we should be able to predict the conditions under which life arose."
"I am trying to put together a proposal now to write a book on the origin of life specifically covering more or less what I've said today."
"Abiogenesis is a theory that proposes life came from non-living matter, referring to the hypothetical phenomenon where simple organic molecules under certain conditions on early Earth gradually assembled and formed increasingly complex structures."
"How did an inanimate universe become animate? That question has been the cause of wars and the inspiration for artists, painters, writers, and of course, scientists"
"Perhaps the most straightforward answer a World Builder can use for how abiogenesis occurred is creationism."
"It's really the pH gradient which is potentially driving things at the origin of life."
"Perhaps the molecular dice were loaded by some sort of law or life principle that favors the formation of the very molecular structures life needs."
"The origin of life is now attracting stronger interest. It's no longer deemed to be one of those problems like consciousness which, though manifestly important, is relegated to the 'too difficult' box."
"Life, where did it come from? At the moment, our best guess is that life originated from simple organic compounds."
"That common ancestor was a single-cell, a single-celled organism, perhaps in a deep-sea vent at the bottom of the oceans or maybe in a warm shallow pond."
"The onset of life is not a debatable issue but a fact of science."
"Synthetic biology: recreating life forms to understand the origins of life."
"Miller had created organic molecules called amino acids, the protein building blocks of all living things."
"Biogenesis: living organisms arise from pre-existing life."
"The faint Sun Paradox is basically how do we explain the long history of life from planet Earth given that the sun today is much brighter than it was at the time of the origin of Life."
"...the idea that undirected chemistry could produce the first life is implausible in the extreme."
"The scenario called the primordial soup summarizes the process of the origin of life in four steps."
"We really don't know anything about the origin of life."
"I make salad dressing a lot in my lab but in fact salad dressing is probably the most important thing for the origin of life that is oil in water."
"Life sprang out of East Africa, just as the scriptures indicate."
"...current discoveries in most fields of science have totally debunked the idea that biogenesis occurred by itself."
"Some scientists theorize that the seeds for life on Earth were planted by microorganisms from Mars."
"The origin of life must be pretty easy throughout the galaxy and beyond."
"Our DNA came from outer space, specifically from chemical reactions inside interstellar molecular clouds."
"The primordial soup theory suggests life on Earth could have started based on the conditions in the early atmosphere."
"All life in the world comes from life."
"Life on Earth, seeded from Mars, could we in fact be Martians?"
"I presume that one day we will understand the origin of life."
"I maintain we're still very far from being able to understand how life could have come about on this planet from a scientific perspective."
"Life hatched in the ocean, so it's a fitting way to honor it by choosing the blue immensity as the starting point for our journey."
"There is no natural law through which matter can give rise to information."
"The very knowledge that life can originate spontaneously will have, I believe, very profound effects on the thinking of man."
"Life originally in the sea water, without this water, no life."
"The birth of life, the critical threshold crossed by evolution with the appearance of the first cells."
"Life came about because these 'building block' compounds just so happened to form at the right place, at the right time."
"The idea of human life emerging from a cosmic egg can be found in many ancient cultures."
"All living things have arisen from a single-celled organism."
"Love is something so much greater than passion between two people, it is the origin of all life where everything blossoms."
"The theory of intelligent design is the idea that there are certain features of life and the universe that are best explained by a purposeful intelligence rather than an undirected material process."
"The Miller-Urey experiments... demonstrated to some extent the building blocks of life from non-life."
"The different state of liquid water present on the early Earth may have assisted early life on Earth to create all the necessary components for a later life to evolve."
"If life emerged on Earth via this simple path, then it also likely emerged on Mars."
"The gap between non-life and life is bridged by an abstract but physical code."
"All cells in nature originated from the first cell, and the first cell has never died; it only divided."
"Life as we understand it actually began pretty quickly after the Earth was formed."
"The clays of the primitive Earth may have been the forge of life."
"If a rocket had crossed the reaches of open space and brought to earth the seeds of life, then it is possible that the seed of man also traveled here."
"We weren't put here by the big bang theory... we were created by an almighty creator."
"Life comes from life, that's the way this world was designed."
"At some point between three to four billion years ago, matter did make life."
"...intelligent design provides the best, most causally adequate explanation for the origin of the information necessary to produce the first life."
"It's quite possible that life began on Mars and we are all Martians."
"These are the first necessary steps in the synthesis of biological molecules and thus of life."
"Life did not begin in the ocean but in freshwater hot springs."
"We call this the hot spring origin of life."
"It's thought that all life originated in the sea, and that later certain organisms adapted to life on land."
"Life did not begin in the sea, as we all had thought."
"Darwin's hot little puddle... goes through wet dry cycles."
"We're making protocells in the laboratory every time we do these experiments."
"Life got kick-started on the Earth something like four billion years ago."
"The oceans... were actually really great places to have life kick-start but also to have life evolve pretty quickly."
"Maybe life on Earth was created this way."
"Viruses could be what created life to begin with."
"Every living thing on Earth can be traced back to the primordial soup that formed at the beginning of our planet's life."
"Very soon after the oceans started to form on Earth, about 4 billion years ago, that was probably the beginning of life."
"It's interesting to note that the first life on Earth was at 3.7 billion years ago, right at the end of this phase."
"The Grand Canyon serves as guardian to one of the greatest mysteries in the universe: how did life begin and evolve on this planet?"
"The Earth resembled a vast boiling cauldron where life was gradually being created."
"We will find out from whence our universe came and we will find out from biochemistry how life was derived."
"Life on earth began in the ocean and the conditions in that primeval environment put a permanent stamp on the chemistry of living things."
"I just can't get my head around how life came from not life."
"Origin of life research is a thriving dynamic field."
"The first major transition was the transition from an abiotic world to a living world, the origin of life."
"The RNA world answers the question of the origin of life."
"Cosmic Dust May Have Played a Role in Abiogenesis."
"Life comes from life; you never get a baby human being coming from non-life."
"Life comes from life, that we now know is the case."
"Microbes were the first life forms on earth."
"The recipe for life is clear: you need a petri dish with which to mix up the chemicals, the organic molecules."
"We're searching for what I call a second genesis of life."
"Darwin purposely avoided the topic of the origin of life but was careful not to allow the creator any active role in subsequent biological proceedings."
"The protocell is a self-organized, endogenously ordered spherical collection of lipids proposed as a stepping stone to the origin of life."
"We don't know for sure, but we have demonstrated that it is possible to produce the basic building blocks of life in the laboratory."
"Life began in seas 3.1 billion to 3.4 billion years ago; land dwellers appeared 400 million years ago, a relatively recent point in the geological timeline."
"Life on our planet originated in water."
"It is often said that all the conditions for the first production of a living organism are present, which could ever have been present."
"Assuming the key problem is solved, we still need to understand how RNA was replicated within the first primitive cells."
"Scientists have reproduced in the lab how the ingredients for life could have formed deep in the ocean four billion years ago."
"Life got started by a continuous run-up of complexity and building upon nature as a ratchet."
"We think that it's a reasonable idea that life began not as we see it today with DNA and protein and ribonucleic acid all in a cycle of information and catalysis."
"All forms of life come from Christ, biological life, spiritual life comes from him, and that life is expressed by light."
"People remember that a woman don't come from a man's ribs, man come from a woman who black woman the creator of life."
"From the primordial seas will algae-like plants rise, coating the surface of the water."
"Origins is about where did we come from, what is the origin of life's essential elements."
"The origin of life itself on our planet developed in the oceans."
"Once we discovered this... that supported the idea that perhaps the origin of life on earth was through these anaerobic bacteria."
"Life on our planet started about 3 and 1/2 billion years ago."
"Life in this material universe comes from life that lived before it and that was of its own kind."
"The origin of life would have to be a quite fantastically stupendously rare and improbable event."
"How did life start? We have scientists, we go back to prehistoric ages... if all of that happened, how did that happen?"
"RNA seems to be that important step for the origin of life on any planet."