
Holocaust Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"When we were kids and we were learning about the Holocaust and Nazi Germany, we all had this idea like, if I was there I would have stepped up, I would have said something."
"The message of the Holocaust, at least that we were taught, was 'never again,' but it wasn't just about Jews; it was supposed to be never this type of wholesale slaughter."
"Hitler's racial policy was a crime which led to a disaster for 5 million Jews and for all Germans."
"The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile and persecution, and fresh memories of knowing that six million people were killed simply because of who they are."
"If the byelection had been in February of 1940 or 41, would anyone seriously have condemned me for putting the crimes of the Holocaust at the center of my election campaign?"
"The Holocaust... was based, of course, on the evil that the Jews are inferior to the Aryans."
"Auschwitz also served good chicken soup and they gave people shelter and clothing. So do we ignore what Auschwitz did by saying they also provided jobs in labor and shelter and clothes to the Jews?"
"The Holocaust shows us that genocide is a process."
"I said that the Holocaust wasn't about race, and it was instead about man's inhumanity to man, but it is indeed about race because Hitler and the Nazis considered Jews to be an inferior race."
"Amidst this murky backdrop emerges a relentless hunter, a beacon of justice in a world grappling with the horrors of the Holocaust, Simon Wiesenthal."
"The Nazis may have disrespected their lives and their bodies but we can respect their souls and their memories. It's the least we can do."
"Any time I invoke the Holocaust I do so with the spirits of 6 million hanging over me and I invite you to do the same because the least we can do is honor the memories and not sling 6 million souls around to win petty arguments."
"The twin research is obviously a tremendous interest, and why he was recognized so often by survivors as the key figure on the ramp."
"The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with words."
"World War II, I think, for a lot of people, regardless of your politics, there was something really bad going on in this world, and my understanding is the US didn't know the Holocaust was happening until after they got there."
"Hearing from the perspective of a Holocaust survivor firsthand, I do think there is value in that."
"From an early age, what I wanted to do was to do something about the Holocaust, to try to learn the lessons from it."
"His voice will remain a voice to check revisionist historians and Holocaust deniers with an irrefutable account."
"We are eliminating the Jews, exterminating them. Altogether we can say we have carried out this most difficult task for the love of our people."
"It is one of those things that is easily said. The Jewish people is being exterminated. Every party member will tell you perfectly clear, it is part of our plans."
"Tobin is trying to rewrite history and not only cast a shadow on the events of the Holocaust but also expunge Nazi Germany of any wrongdoing."
"Germany pays a monthly pension to survivors of the Holocaust."
"The final solution... resulted in the Holocaust of approximately 6 million Jews."
"Schindler's famed list... would ultimately save approximately 1,200 Jews."
"If you happen to be Jewish, you were to be killed as part of the final solution to the Jewish question."
"Entire world now learns of the unspeakable horror of concentration camps."
"The Holocaust has been the greatest crisis for Jewish theology."
"The Holocaust wasn't about race but was about man's inhumanity to man." - Whoopi Goldberg
"Six million European Jews fall victim to the Nazis' racial Mania."
"The Holocaust is the most extreme form of a universal human disease."
"It's really worth reading if you're interested in Holocaust remembrance and the best way for us to remember the Holocaust."
"What the Holocaust teaches you is very clear that if it could happen in Germany it could happen anywhere."
"Esther's story of assimilation seen in a new light after the Holocaust."
"Uses interviews and found images to tell the true stories of gay survivors of Nazism in the Holocaust."
"The Holocaust isn't about race. It's about inhumanity to man."
"Perhaps the greatest crime against humanity the Nazis committed against the Jews."
"He was a symbol of the Holocaust, the methodical killer, the Nazi Holocaust monster. He is directly culpable for the murder of six million Jews."
"A deliberate attempt by the legally constituted and elected government of Nazi Germany to exterminate, wipe out an entire race."
"My father survived the Holocaust thanks to the compassion and selfless acts of others."
"What became known as the final solution to the Jewish question."
"It's important for everyone to take a moment read about the holocaust."
"Remember those six million souls that were lost."
"The night City Holocaust triggered a new era."
"The world has said 'never again' after the Holocaust. We're not going to turn a blind eye."
"With the discovery of his death camps, everyone learns the true evil of his regime."
"At the top of that bureaucratic pyramid at the outset of the Holocaust was Reinhard Heydrich."
"Heydrich would become one of the central architects of the Holocaust."
"The history of the Holocaust is important, but it's also very complicated."
"Auschwitz, the most appalling crime against humanity ever."
"One in five young Americans thinks the Holocaust is a myth."
"Adolf Eichmann claimed that all he did was manage train timetables, but there's much more to it than that - he is overseeing the forced transfer of thousands of men, women, and children."
"Eichmann was completely unrepentant about the extermination of the Jews - it was a policy he was proud to have carried out in the name of Germany."
"This is the story of The Forgotten Prelude to the Holocaust."
"Himmler quite clearly states, that the Nazi state is actively conducting a genocidal mass murder of Europe’s Jews at camps such as Auschwitz."
"My name is Eva Kor. I am a survivor of Auschwitz, a survivor of medical experiments conducted by Doctor Mengele, and now that I am 81 years old, I am trying to survive old age."
"Tonight we light six such candles to honor the six million Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis and their collaborators." - Ceremony excerpt
"Sirens blared across Israel and the country came to a standstill earlier this morning for Holocaust Remembrance Day."
"His work challenges us to face the facts of the Holocaust with courage honesty and a strong sense of humanity." - Lawrence Langer
"If you don't believe in the Holocaust then you need to open a book, that's all I have to about that."
"A testament of hope that survives the Holocaust and can speak to Future Generations."
"The Holocaust has no precedent in the way it transformed an ideology directly into policy."
"Australia declared war on a bunch of flightless birds and they lost – the emus won the war and they didn't even know it happened."
"They alone were responsible for the death of 1.5 million Jews, 34,000 of them in a massacre at Baba Yar in Ukraine."
"I could tell you a million more stories of stories where it seems like Mengele killed literally just to amuse himself..."
"Eventually those who had been his victims at the concentration camp were going to speak his name and point him out..."
"This Holocaust Survivor escaped to the beginning of World War II."
"The Holocaust has many fathers but you know Goring is one of the most significant of all these figures."
"The Holocaust, one of the worst atrocities in the history of human Civilization."
"6 million Jews were killed outright by the Nazis, and it was my hope that they would have a Homeland where they could operate."
"The Netherlands national rail company is planning to set up a commission to pay reparations to Holocaust survivors and their relatives."
"The mass murder of the Jews is not the result of uncontrolled outbreaks of violence."
"During the Second World War, 6 million Jews were killed by the German Nazi regime, this genocide campaign called the Holocaust was of a scale and horror that most people couldn't even conceive of, let alone figure out what to do about it."
"Schindler had managed to shield 1,098 Jews from the Holocaust."
"Is the lesson of the Holocaust to circle the wagons and defend only our community, or is the lesson that we understand dehumanization and oppression and fight for that for all people?"
"The Liberation of one of the first and most notorious of Hitler's death camps symbolized the end of the horror called the Holocaust."
"The Holocaust was a genocide in which Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and its collaborators killed about six million Jews."
"Schindler's List captures just how horrific the Holocaust really was."
"Holocaust denial among other things is insane, it's terrible and it has a million horrible functions in the world and is morally odious."
"My generation grew up hearing from our parents and our grandparents 'never again,' the slaughter of Jews in Europe."
"The most powerful Holocaust memorial I think in all of Europe is the concentration camp here at Auschwitz. Hopefully, visitors take away a determination to learn from the Holocaust and never let it be repeated."
"What I think is not realistic and what I think is perhaps wrong is to make that the only lesson of the Holocaust. The Rescuers were the people who could act virtuously when there were no structures."
"More than 6,000 descendants of Schindler's Jews. In memory of the more than 6 million Jews murdered."
"The camps are a small laboratory for a much greater policy or a much greater experiment of destroying the state beyond the boundaries of Germany."
"How often do you meet a person who says 'I have a worldview but the Holocaust contradicts my worldview'?"
"Shows how horrifying the Holocaust was, but also manages to show the hopefulness as well."
"Oscar Schindler is probably most well known for saving the lives of hundreds of Jewish individuals during the Holocaust."
"It's about a Polish woman trying to save a group of Jewish workers during the Holocaust"
"You know, if you say that there wasn't a holocaust, I'm sorry, but we're screwed."
"It's pretty tough to argue with this one - an astonishingly powerful depiction of the Holocaust, of genocidal horrors, and the bravery of one man who saved the lives of hundreds of Jews."
"The holocaust literature has taught me a tremendous amount about trauma and deceit and systems and the church."
"What's important about the Holocaust? Should never, ever be forgotten. That should never happen again."
"The plight of the Jewish people under Nazi occupation loomed relatively small in the wartime perceptions of Churchill and Roosevelt."
"Your silence saved you during the Holocaust but your voice is what will save us now."
"Nevertheless, the powerful message discrediting anti-Semitism almost foretelling the horrors of the Holocaust to come was very well respected."
"That's how the Holocaust started. That's how it happened."
"The main rescuers in the Holocaust pretty much everybody who rescued more than 100 Jews was a diplomat... somebody who sat behind a desk, a paper pusher, a bureaucrat."
"His silence gave license to Catholic members of the SS to shoot the Jewish men, women, and children as they cowered on the edge of the mass graves."
"The first Holocaust, near France, the Russian Revolution brought no respite, the opposite in fact."
"The most vividly eloquent witness to this immense catastrophe was the writer essence key."
"The last gear family were amongst 30,000 Jews taken to Auschwitz."
"And if what happened in the Nazi death camps isn't enough hell for you, then I would suggest that you update your prioritization of perception and value because it's certainly enough hell to be convincing if you look at it thoroughly."
"Nobody knew really, can say about Auschwitz and Treblinka. They were, of course, rumors all the time."
"I asked myself why God would have allowed the Holocaust to happen, and I'd never come up with an answer."
"Pope Francis today ordered the publication of 170 volumes on Pope Pius the 12th treatment of Jews during World War Two."
"That comes amid renewed criticism that Pius did too little to save Jewish lives in the Nazi Holocaust."
"And today, it's a new site in Amsterdam, and it's a powerful opportunity to heed the wish of the victims of the Holocaust that we never forget."
"You've just rendered this unbelievably unspeakably brutal regime that did murder 6 million Jews to be just some lad up the road who said something that you thought could have been phrased a bit better. Come on."
"Unknown to many of such cruel acts that are about to happen to innocent Jews..."
"I've just written a Holocaust story."
"Shoah comes at its subject with stark honesty, finding the humanity in its subjects and the pain in their stories."
"Trivialization and even the denial of the Holocaust are visible once again due to people who give themselves a certain voice, their special voice because they say I was there."
"In school whenever and whenever teacher would ask any of you have a Holocaust Survivor in your family I'd raise my hand straight away and tell them the story."
"The Nazis murdered approximately 12 million people, nearly 6 million of those being Jews killed in the Holocaust."
"Auschwitz was the only place where prisoners were given identification number tattoos."
"Every aspect of film production and our film artistry comes together to stop the holocaust."
"During the Holocaust, a father risked his life to light the Hanukkah candles, and it turned into a modern Hanukkah miracle."
"I share my history as a way to honor the memory of my family members who were killed in the Holocaust."
"I hope that my experience, and those of all Holocaust victims and survivors, will serve as a warning of what can happen when hate and antisemitism go unchecked in a society."
"In little more than a decade, most of Europe would be dominated by Germany and its Axis partners, and the majority of European Jews, two out of every three, would be killed."
"...many people will tell you that until 1967, the Holocaust was never spoken of, but that's not really true either in fact again speaking of Elie Wiesel when we sell..."
"Deborah Lipstadt really defies description, she's just an incredible holocaust historian, one of the greats of our time."
"Schindler's List lays it all out and presents viewers with arguably the most disturbing and horrifying account of the Holocaust ever put to film."
"As long as the state of Israel, powerful and just, there'll never be the Holocaust of Jewish people. Never, never, never—of this, of this we are convinced, right?"
"The Holocaust is by far the most extensively documented... the most intensively researched and the best understood example of genocide in human history."
"The only thing you can do is a comedy, the idea came to me, why is it that all good films about the Holocaust are comedies?"
"I've always thought about who the first guy was to die in the Holocaust. Like, the guy that was like waiting in line for the train and just being like, 'How long is this?'"
"...Nazis began the march towards the final solution, but I think there's no doubt that it was there implicitly or here explicitly in Hitler's rhetoric from the very beginning, don't you agree?"
"Raoul Wallenberg served as Sweden's special envoy in Budapest between July and December 1944. In this position, Wallenberg issued protective passports and sheltered Jews in buildings designated as Swedish territory."
"Many historians believe that this event Crystal knocked began one of the most deadly phases of the Holocaust that killed 6 million Jews and other people deemed racially inferior."
"The Holocaust could hardly be contained in any Soviet history of the war, least of all one that moved the center of gravity of suffering East to Russia, where relatively few Jews died."
"The remains of more than a quarter-million Warsaw Jews were among the ashes and bones that Grossman found at Treblinka."
"We need to remember the atrocities that happened to families during the Holocaust and pass this information on to our children."
"The argument was-- he made a statement, which has been quoted by the revisionists and deniers that there were no death camps on German soil during World War II."
"It is so important for us to continue to talk about the Holocaust and the horrors that so many of us experienced."
"The stones are the best guarantee that we will never experience something like the Nazis again."
"the full extent of Nazi horrors is finally exposed to the world,"
"Even though there were so many obstacles to leaving Nazi Germany many German Jews still you know were able to find some safe havens in countries around the world."
"Literally a quiet Holocaust that's going on."
"Before the Holocaust, more than three million Jews lived in Poland."
"The painting does an incredible job at highlighting the atrocities of the Holocaust. Very disturbing indeed, but powerful."
"I know the Holocaust mainly refers to like the the Jewish population but I think it should refer to all of the ones that the atrocities you know Hitler's you know that did not fit Hitler's perfect view."
"Within the concentration camp system Jewish people were considered by the Nazis to have no worth at all."
"While accounts of survival help us to remember and give a human face to a series of events that are so hard to comprehend, it is also important to recognise that millions of people – the vast majority – were not able to escape or survive."
"The Holocaust is overwhelmingly a history of loss."
"As long as we have Israel, there is no possibility of having another Holocaust against the Jewish people."
"The Holocaust started with hate speech, stigmatizing and vilifying the Jews and other ethnic groups."
"When we stood at the same crematorium where I had to dig the ashes on Yom Kippur Day in 1944, we all lit candles."
"The most haunting part about these photos in particular is the realization that despite all the pain and suffering and hellish horrors suffered by the Jewish people within the camp, the ones carrying out such acts of evil never battered an eye."
"We all know that Auschwitz is the largest concentration camp in history, a dark and sinister place that forever marked humanity."
"We should treat each other all the same and then we would never have the experiences that I've had to have or others during the Holocaust."
"Michael, I can't explain the Holocaust with God, but I can't explain the Holocaust without God."
"The Eichmann trial put the Holocaust on the cultural map. It reminded the world of what had happened in the Holocaust."
"Slavery was a holocaust, out of which emerged an accomplishment that advanced the morality and the dignity of humankind, namely emancipation."
"We must revolt. Let the world learn about the existence of Auschwitz."
"Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my god and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes."
"6 million Jewish people were killed in the Holocaust."
"Over a million died in Auschwitz, most were killed in the gas chambers."
"The way it went from simple segregation to industrial extermination remains a warning to us all."
"Hey Cypher here. Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, so I think it's finally time to review Schindler's List."
"This is actually part of a big collaboration between history channels about the Holocaust, or Shoah as it's known in Hebrew."
"This day at Belsen was the most horrible of my life."
"I'm sure that members across the house will wish to join me in marking Holocaust Memorial Day this Saturday and in remembering all those who endured such appalling suffering in the Holocaust."
"It's not just about remembering the Holocaust and pledging never again; we're seeing that never again has to be now."
"Shoah is a towering act of witnessing."
"The historical evidence is the Holocaust did take place."
"...a time when people around the world pause to honor the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust."
"The idea that both the calamity that befell the Jews of Europe during the Holocaust, but also kind of the remarkable and miraculous story of revival that came from there."
"We're at a key moment now in that the Holocaust is starting to pass out of living memory, and so it's particularly important that we keep talking about it."
"We recommit to the remembrance of the Holocaust, we recommit to the principle of never again."
"Holocaust Survivors are telling us an inspirational story of resilience, of fierce resolve to never give up and never give in."
"Never again simply translated for me means never forget."
"Our brave Soldiers, the first eyewitnesses to the Holocaust, not only defeated Nazism, they shared the truth about the unprecedented crimes."
"The scars of the Shoah can never be repaired, but we can at least learn from it."
"Auschwitz is infamously known to be one of the most horrific Nazi concentration camps."
"It's upon all of us to ensure that Holocaust is not forgotten; it may happen again. It's important to keep that historical knowledge and to pass that knowledge to new generations."
"The worst of everything was Dachau. The concentration camp was much worse than anything I'd ever seen in war."
"The evidence is the Holocaust did take place."
"We acknowledge the uniqueness of the Holocaust."
"The most frightening aspect of the Holocaust was that it happened in one of the most educated, most progressive, and most cultured countries in the world."
"Holocaust photographs are valuable as evidence of the specific mechanisms of genocide; they are proof of the Holocaust."
"Images that show how people lived are also an important dimension of Holocaust photography."
"I study memory, the theme of the Holocaust is never forget; this is one of the reasons I feel privileged to do this."
"It had in fact happened. The Holocaust did in fact happen. Residential schools was a real thing."
"Our work and our mission which remains to represent and support Holocaust refugees and survivors by providing social welfare services."
"The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of roughly six million Jewish men, women, and children."
"Surviving the Survivor: a brutally honest conversation about life and death with my mom, a Holocaust survivor."
"She's a Holocaust survivor, she's also a licensed marriage therapist."
"The Holocaust is thought of as this terrible unique catastrophe for the Jews, and of course that's true in some sense, but the genocidal uniqueness is a bit misleading."
"Destroying the regime responsible for the Holocaust is one of the most morally defensible things that America and the other allied powers ever did."
"The slave trade is sometimes called the Maafa by African and African American scholars, meaning Holocaust or great disaster in Swahili."
"The Holocaust really is the world's best-documented crime."
"US President Harry Truman asked Great Britain to admit 100,000 survivors of the Holocaust."
"The world must never forget the lessons of the Holocaust."
"Yesterday marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz Birkenau."
"We properly commemorate the horrors of the Holocaust for years to come."
"I couldn't quite accept the reality of this is Auschwitz where thousands, millions of people lost their lives."
"Nearly 80 years after the Holocaust, it's clear that the United States could have done much more to save Jewish lives."
"Although the Holocaust Museum remains closed... learning about the history of the Holocaust doesn't have to stop."
"The horror of our holocaust is too painful for you to face, but we have to face it."
"It was the first time Paula ever spoke about her experiences during the Holocaust, and certainly the first time before a camera."