
Until It Fades Quotes

Until It Fades by K.A. Tucker

Until It Fades Quotes
"I did what I had to do. He was going to ruin your life!"
"That’s where he belongs, if he’s preying on his students."
"You are so desperate to be treated like an adult. Show me you deserve it and start acting like one."
"What do you think this mess is going to do to our family?"
"We all have to live here! And your brother and sister have to go to the same high school."
"I have an obligation, Cath. This is what good parents are supposed to do."
"No, it’s ending, all right. And one day, when you’re a parent, hopefully a long time from now, you’ll understand why I’m doing this."
"I guess we could see what arrangements can be made for the woman Gord Mayberry is dating."
"You have every reason to hold your head up high."
"It’s kindness, and you never turn your nose up at that."
"She’s come a long way from her wild teenage years, I’ll tell ya."
"You saved the guy’s life. He could at least buy you a new car."
"They’re too much, even for me, and I’ve grown up with it."
"I’m sure you’re really strong and all, I just can’t see how you did it."
"I count myself extremely lucky to be doing so."
"I guess that means I, Catherine Wright, pulled a man double my size out of a burning car."
"Just the idea of having a TV camera pointed at me makes me tense up."
"I owe you everything, actually. Starting with a new vehicle, and help with all the shifts you’re missing."
"A lot of people would not have done the same."
"I’m going to assume she’s the reason why my phone’s been vibrating nonstop in my pocket?"
"I don’t know how to adequately thank you for saving my son’s life."
"I’ve been given a second chance to live that one of my best friends didn’t get."
"There are many things I wish I could go back and change about that night, but I can’t. I’m truly sorry if we let people down."
"I’ll make sure you get your life back, if that’s what you want."
"No matter how curious you are, do not read comments, do not look for reactions. Nothing."
"I want him to fall deeply and madly in love with me."
"Your daughter has quite the role model to look up to."
"Everyone has bad days, but tomorrow will be better."
"Life is too short to do what other people think you should do. That's what I know."
"You keep saying you just want to move on, but I’m beginning to think you don’t want to move on at all."
"Nothing good in life will ever come to you if you don’t take some risks."
"Without dreams, we wouldn’t have goals. And without goals, what’s the point of living?"
"Something good will come from the bad. It always does. That's how life balances itself out. That's how people keep going."
"This has never been about gratitude, Catherine."
"You have to tell me what I need to do for you to give me that chance. Please."
"The best things in life always come from taking risks."
"You should go to California for the summer, like you planned."
"For a fleeting second I’m afraid I’ve missed my chance, I’ve screwed things up."
"I silently allow myself to accept that this man truly wants me, for however long that may be."
"His breath hitches as I reach his chest, pressing my palm against where his heart now beats frantically."
"Brett feels altogether different, unreal. A sculpture of honed muscle and hard work flexing beneath my fingertips."
"I remember the feel of high school boys, their skin still soft, their bodies still developing."
"I don’t actually say the word 'okay,' but he must be able to sense it."
"And every day of every year of being without has been worth it, for this very moment with Brett."
"I’ve seen the kinds of girls he dates—but still I tense the moment his thumbs draw over them, slowly outlining their subtle shape."
"You should think about things that make you happy. That’s what I do when I’m sad."
"I’m not usually so... It’s been a really long time for me."
"This man wants me. And the last time I saw him, he was kissing me with abandon."
"I was just thinking how hard it must have been for you, to be alone and raising a kid so young."
"I try to give her double the love to make up for anything she may be missing."
"You know, there’s a free room upstairs, if you’d rather just stay the night."
"She can’t remember my name half the time. Keeps callin’ me ‘fool.’"
"The girl’ll be talking about him for the next week."
"I don’t think either of us intended for things to move so quickly."
"You really have no idea what kind of endurance I have, do you?"