
Interdisciplinarity Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"We're trying to integrate insights from not just psychology, but also anthropology, sociology, medicine, psychiatry, et cetera, into economics."
"Science and religion will meet and shake hands as friends; poetry and philosophy will become friends."
"You cannot separate theology, the study of God, from psychology, the study of the mind."
"Advertising, public relations, and news have all become inexorably intertwined."
"Religious science is a correlation of laws of science, opinions of philosophy, and revelations of religion applied to human needs and the aspirations of man."
"I think eventually it'll become increasingly more difficult for people to deny the power of interdisciplinarity."
"Art and science need one another, they thrive for one another and they build on one another."
"Scientists continue to explore these mysteries through a multi-disciplinary approach, sparking our curiosity and imagination."
"Designers are the Nexus, the bridge, the crossroads."
"Mathematics is part of physics. Physics is an experimental science, part of mathematics. Mathematics is the part of physics where experiments are cheap."
"Art in the Renaissance cannot be divorced from the concerns of literary, intellectual, and political history."
"A lot of the crises that come up in the newspapers today are about phenomena that are not easily categorized as one thing or the other and that span traditional academic disciplines."
"Art, religion, anthropology, political science, economy - all of the disciplines are touched by this question of ecology. That's why it's so interesting."
"Philosophy tries to find common ground between different disciplines."
"Academic fields are social constructs. We need fewer barriers between these disciplines and we need more people with the right skills."
"Investigating the earliest fragments of the New Testament requires scholars from all sorts of disciplines."
"Knowledge webs make available and accessible the no man's land between different fields and encourage collaboration."
"Beyond these little corners of Science and religion and culture... the most meaningful things happen in the spaces in between."
"We work collaboratively across disciplines and across sectors—academic, industry, government, and communities—as co-creators."
"The disciplinary boundaries, not the professional ones but between separate categories of physics, maths, language, genetics, are all blurring."
"We're looking at multiple disciplines and it really has been something I've enjoyed about the Cleveland Clinic."
"These complex problems cannot be analyzed with disciplinary approaches alone; they have to be dealt with in an integrative, interdisciplinary way that considers the interaction between social and ecological systems."
"Building bridges between different subjects means actually a possibility of translating from one set of problems to another set of problems."
"The convergence of disciplines is necessary for innovation; domain experts and computer scientists must collaborate."
"Nature is a web of life and he is so interdisciplinary."
"Political science does not stand on its own; it is a cross-disciplinary course because it is all encompassing."
"These numbers which are so fundamental in mathematics and science first arose by the work of artists, poets who actually cared about the meanings of these numbers."
"Science is art, and art is science, and sometimes science is a lot more art than science."
"His ability to bridge disciplines to speak of economics as easily as historical architectural movements and to even find equivalencies between the two imbues the work with a robust richness."
"Modern infrastructure projects are getting increasingly interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary in nature."
"Physics in general obviously has very deep and systematic connections to other fields."
"The reality of really needing an interdisciplinary team kind of working in the AI space is so critical right now."
"There are some very natural connections between repulsive energies from geometry and those showing up in physics and biology."
"Engineering at the end is like basic applied physics, chemistry, mathematics, and all the branches of engineering are somehow interrelated by very unique mathematics."
"You need to be able to bridge the science, the technology, and the art."
"This is a highly interdisciplinary science combining organic chemistry, biochemistry, computational chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology, statistics, and physical chemistry."
"The term human factors is cross-disciplinary and has its roots in fields such as industrial design, psychology, statistics, engineering, anthropometry, and operations research."
"It's really nice to see how this whole stuff we've done with area is completely interlinked with everything we've been learning about in mechanics as well."
"The true living traditions in science, art, and spirituality have never been separate because they have the common source... being able to let go of whatever it is you are holding on tight and then jump into a moment of insight and freedom."
"It's always been an ideal of mine to be interdisciplinary, and cybernetics is outstandingly an interdisciplinary subject."
"Art conservation is quite interdisciplinary. It really involves a lot of art history, a lot of art studio techniques, painting, etc., and a lot of chemistry also."
"Albert II regarded mass as the common ground of art and science."
"Thinking about resilience means that we have to use more than one discipline in order to attack it properly."
"It's its applicability to these other fields, and how you can take some of today's and the semester's ideas and practical skills back to your own domain, and actually explore this intersection of the liberal arts and the sciences."