
Dietary Habits Quotes

There are 408 quotes

"How is it I'm eating all these foods that are supposed to make me sick and fat, and yet I'm thinner and feel healthier than I have in years?"
"The question shouldn't be why some of us are fat. The question should be why aren't all of us fat?"
"When you eat the ancient grains, very often people that think they are gluten intolerant find that there's no intolerance anymore."
"Fasting is a great way of breaking that cycle. It can be a very effective way of getting the person to the point where good foods taste good."
"When you eat is as important as what you eat."
"You have to eat late in the day. And that's certainly not a sin."
"Assuming that you go to bed somewhere between 10:00 PM and 1:00 AM that allows this tapering off."
"The first thing that I'm going to assess with the patient is, what symptoms are they having? What is their current diet like? And what are they willing to do?"
"The single biggest mistake [in fasting] is sort of overeating afterwards."
"Diabetes remission was observed in over 57% of participants at 6 months in a study, demonstrating that it's possible to reverse type two diabetes by changing dietary habits."
"58% of America's caloric intake comes from ultra-processed foods."
"Food is medicine. What you take in the form of food is something that should fit your constitution, that should be in harmony with your constitution."
"It's not about eating a handful of berries every once in a while; it's about your dietary pattern as a whole."
"A cheat day... it's untracked, and that's where it goes out of hand."
"Self-loathing and being miserable eating foods that you don't like and not eating enough food to meet your body's basic needs is not my definition of being the best version of yourself."
"Eating bad once a week will not hurt you, but eating good once a week will not help you. It's what you do consistently that counts."
"Aligning your eating patterns with what gives you joy because food... should bring us joy."
"Eating the higher protein, higher fats, you feel full quicker, you're not hungry all the time."
"When you fill up on good quality food, you are so full and satiated that the smallest amount of chocolate is actually a reasonable treat."
"Two tablespoons daily makes your arteries more elastic, more resistant to stroke and heart attacks."
"The best time to eat something sweet is as dessert at the end of a meal, not first thing in the morning when you're fasted."
"There is no such thing as eating like a man or eating like a lady."
"It's not that hard you know as we talked about the blue zones it's eat real food."
"The more honest you can be with yourself about how much you eat, then you're going to be able to deal with it."
"You cannot just sit there and say I don't have any non-negotiables."
"Do you think that trying to give somebody a really hearty, fatty, meaty meal at the beginning of the day is like their body's not ready for it?"
"Balance of nature fruits and veggies are a great way to make sure that you're getting essential nutritional ingredients every single day."
"We need to understand a bit more about our internal drivers about why we eat or why we don't eat."
"Feeding them garbage will only exacerbate their mental illness, it's going to make them big and unhealthy."
"The Kellogg brothers are the ones who convinced everyone that breakfast was the most important meal of the day."
"We have to do a much better job of creating incentives that we will eat in a healthy way."
"If you had pizza for breakfast, but you had a smoothie for lunch and a salad for dinner, what's wrong with that?"
"Almost all groups stop eating at about 80 satiety."
"We are made for feast famine cycling so every few days just don't fast as long step out of fasting a 5-1-1 maybe your jam."
"With intermittent fasting, studies are actually showing that you shouldn't be experiencing more hunger. In fact, most people experience decreased hunger levels when they use intermittent fasting."
"There's nothing radical about eating animals nose-to-tail."
"It's very important that you don't snack and you go periods of time without meals."
"If you eat just a lean piece of meat... it's gonna at least get the digestive system going."
"If you can change your lunch and dinner to improve health, why not do it?"
"They are mostly vegetarians, but they might occasionally consume animal foods."
"There's nothing wrong with being hungry every now and then."
"Beans and cancer: eat beans, you have low rates of cancer."
"Keeping healthy is vital. The Prophet emphasized caring for our health. Eat real food, avoid fake food, and be mindful of what we put into our bodies."
"There's no such thing as a bad meal, there are only such things as a bad diet."
"Nut consumption may be a marker of a better diet overall."
"If you eat enough fruit in a meal, you will not feel like snacking."
"People think that vegans don't eat a lot but I can crush whatever you put in front of me."
"I'm not pushing McDonald's, I'm not pushing fast food, I'm pushing taking accountability and making the right choice for you individually."
"Make sure to eat a healthier diet and have a healthier lifestyle so you have a better chance of surviving this thing."
"Sugar is so addictive and it doesn't leave any sense of fullness at all."
"Animals eat other animals. It's nature. No, it isn't. We taught a lion to eat tofu."
"I think over the last 50 years we've been told to eat the standard American diet that's not enough time for our DNA to catch up."
"Humans are by design low carbohydrate animals."
"So the one key I'll say here is you want to eat for the average person in a way that fosters abundance and not scarcity. Don't go on a diet, don't have cheat meals, just eat. Just to eat and make food good."
"If this is gonna be long-term health, if this is gonna be a change that you make and stick with, you have to educate yourself on what you're putting in your mouth."
"Every individual is different but my goal is always to prioritize carbohydrates."
"Bulletproof coffee is essential to my day personally, so it helps to have it."
"You are what you eat, and if you've been eating the Beast, then you are the Beast."
"I think in this wellness space, I think that various forms of orthorexia are a problem meaning they get so paranoid about their diet that that becomes its own fixation."
"Cut out the snacks and make sure you have an adequate fasting period."
"You can't be talking about super healthy eating and be eating junk."
"Porridge for me is my go-to breakfast and I have to have it to start my day off correctly."
"Eventually you can in fact eat too much ice cream and your audience is gonna start thinking can we get back to some lean protein and change it up."
"You're angry with her for saying don't eat the Krispy Kreme doughnut every day?"
"If you're an intuitive eater, you kind of don't know you are one."
"Well they say you are what you eat and she looks just spectacular so I am glad that there are people like you who understand this stuff really well."
"One night of tequila shots isn’t going to cause your liver to explode, but having a shot of whiskey with every meal and for a snack would do some serious damage."
"It becomes so easy, people become so used to you being vegan."
"I am on a mission to share the power of nutritional excellence."
"You don't need a doctor to eat properly, you just need to know what the hell you're supposed to eat."
"A diet shouldn't be temporary; it should be something you can do for the rest of your life."
"I'm gonna say the entire truth and nothing but the truth because [__] if I'm gonna like cover for someone."
"Front loading those calories earlier on the day seems to have a metabolic benefit."
"Teach it like it's all about balance. You can have birthday cake if it's a balance. You can't have cake every meal."
"You can retrain your taste buds to love simple whole foods."
"Honestly, a diet makes a huge difference. Eat your fruit and vegetables."
"There's a lot wrong with diets that are based on starvation... but a diet based on healthy vegetables and fruits and whole grains and beans is the fuel your body works on and that allows you to succeed automatically."
"This is more apt in my life because I did eat All-Star meals for like a month."
"People tend to completely forget about eating vegetables."
"So eating wild-caught salmon or fish on a regular basis is great, but also days you don't do that you should be getting an omega-3 supplement."
"You are what you eat. You know what you consume, then what you expect something else to be produced."
"Supporting gut bacteria with the right foods is crucial."
"Even though you're not eating, you are actually priming your gut so that when you wake up and you consume that fiber-rich meal the fiber in that meal will be converted at an even higher rate and with greater efficiency into butyrate."
"You are what you eat, and that is so important because we really are what we consume on a daily basis."
"Most people eat far too much processed, packaged, and overcooked food to get their vitamins solely from their diets."
"It's getting a lot easier to have one less meat meal a week."
"If you get the goldfish crackers out of the house and put a bowl of apples in its place, if your kid opens the pantry and says there's nothing to eat they're not hungry."
"A spiritual rebirth in our social fabric and diets."
"One meal and the next meal, there must be an eight-hour space. That's it."
"Americans in general do not eat enough vegetables and fruits... makes it less likely to develop cancer."
"Your food is your medicine, not your entertainment."
"Continue eating normally aka intuitively... you eat when you're hungry you stop when you're full."
"Eating more slowly is a great way to pick up on the sensual pleasures inherent in food."
"Just like the goal is to eat a diet you enjoy."
"I think just trying to build the habit of meat free being the go-to um instead of the exception would be an incredible Habit to build."
"I could eat hummus every day for the rest of my life. You eat hummus every day and I will. That's a promise."
"Eat slower. Try to enjoy it more instead of eating it in five seconds and then craving for more."
"If I don't have my fermented food every day I'm not in as good of a mood."
"Your diet needs to be a day-to-day habit that you can maintain indefinitely."
"Brazilians eat a lot less fast food and a lot more fruit and veg than the British."
"I've noticed with these celebrities, usually they'll have their carbs for breakfast."
"I think I'm finding the balance of eating enough but also eating clean."
"Pandas only eat bamboo sticks. They literally poo out bamboo sticks. Wow!"
"That's nothing like what we were told and it makes sense like you said because you see people that don't eat much but they graze all day and they get fat."
"Snacking on nuts and seeds... just so helpful."
"I like to do the 80/20. 80% clean, 20% 'dirty'. Eat what you love, keep it in moderation."
"This is the Wolverine and Logan that Jackman has been waiting to play."
"I've become a huge fan of intermittent fasting where I have 14 to 16 hours since my last meal. Awesome!"
"It's deeper than just a thought. You have to know that these foods that you were eating, you're literally getting addicted to."
"Maybe look into what was it you were eating before that didn't make you feel well."
"Your number one supplement is your daily intake and diet."
"I'm not going to tell you how you need to eat because like you said nobody can tell grown man to eat his vegetables not his doctor not his dietitian not even his mother."
"Eating a banana every day can get pretty boring. What you need is a little variety of flavor."
"Even he didn't say that we're supposed to eat a bunch of pork chops... you need to eat the seeds folks."
"Eggs and oatmeal or eggs and toast in the morning."
"Abs are made in the kitchen and they're defined in the gym, okay? Mark my words."
"The benign-looking table fork...conveys foodstuffs that are going to kill us." - John, British ethologist
"You gotta watch what you eat, if the food is the one that just really, you know, that if you don't, and the older you get the harder it is."
"Eating healthfully so we get our nutrients and don't have to overeat to get them."
"I mean, some people could aim to eat a little healthier, 90% of Americans and 95% of Australians don't eat enough vegetables every day."
"Most people do not eat enough fruit or enough greens or vegetation."
"Men who were eating the Mediterranean diet had better sperm count than men who were eating the Western diet."
"Most people they're addicted to cheese because it's like a narcotic, it's that strong."
"And remember, good, better, best – if carrot juice is going to allow you to drink more and eat more vegetables than you normally would, then it’s a good thing."
"In today's society, it's entirely unfeasible to get everyone to switch from an animal diet to a non-animal diet."
"Their diet is predominantly based on their bountiful catch, with fish and other seafood forming the cornerstone of their meals."
"We are all obligate carnivores; you're eating meat every single day."
"In China, it's almost all plant-based diet...Chinese peasants eat plants and they have very different cholesterol in their blood and they have far fewer heart attacks."
"Discipline yourself to only eat fruits, vegetables, and proteins."
"I know my body I know it feels fired vegan vegetarian so I'm going to keep doing it."
"Protein is very satiating and then you're fat adapted and you don't remember eating yadda yadda so you probably really were not eating enough food."
"Increasing the amount of fasting periods. And it doesn't mean that you do like forty days and forty nights, right? It means that, you know, maybe you cut out a few of the snacks."
"95% of the diet in all of these blue zones they found to be was a plant-based diet."
"Eating cheese before bed can help you sleep apparently."
"Know that they're mind games that aren't accidentally there, they are intentionally placed between you and that sixth helping of spiral-cut ham."
"I'm craving something sweet, which is why I was eating the peanut butter cereal."
"Life is unpredictable and it's mentally unhealthy to need to obsess over every single bite."
"My breakfast is really low in seasonings and refined sugar."
"I felt like telling myself not to eat something was just a setup for making me want it even more."
"We want to fast in the morning able to increase our Focus but not fast for so long that all but you also want that first milky moderate." - Andrew Huberman
"I just feel like portion sizes like recommended portion sizes are a bit silly because like I don't think anybody really eats the recommended portion size everybody's different every day is different"
"My dad and I love eating fast food, but my mom, she's always eating salads, and that's why we're only eating at drive-throughs for the next 24 hours."
"You eat this way because I love myself right so we really transform all of those things and that's what creates the rapid recovery."
"Black coffee is also a very tried and true method for suppressing your appetite."
"No meal is complete without something green."
"You're eating to make sure that your good bacteria thrive and the bad bacteria are controlled."
"Do you think that Coach Greg only had these meals now or do you think I've been eating this way for a long freaking time?" - Coach Greg
"She believed there was no secret formula to her long life and said she ate everything except pork and chicken." - Violet Brown
"At what point does this poor little guy's heart just burst after the copious amounts of processed cheese fatty beef laying upon sheets of pasta."
"We're narrowing our diet down to the worst foods and still not getting better."
"People who eat a carnivore diet may use the bathroom less often."
"It's much easier to eat healthy when you only have mostly healthy foods to choose from."
"Maintaining kidney health involves a comprehensive approach, including dietary choices and lifestyle habits."
"Work harder than last time, enjoy what you're doing, find the foods that you love and keep doing it."
"Take good care of your health and be cautious about what you're putting in your tummy. Have a balanced diet."
"That's the diet that we try to mimic for him every single day."
"It's hard, it is so hard but somehow I managed and it's definitely helping a lot with me eating normal amounts if you will."
"It's not a good idea to hit yourself with a hammer in the same spot every day, right? It's not a good idea to damage the structures in your digestive tract three, four, or five times a day by eating gluten."
"Being satisfied when you eat food is so important for your mental health."
"I think vegetables should be enjoyed more in the morning, I think you can sauté some green beans with your eggs and you'll be surprised at how delicious that meal is."
"With any diet you gotta cheat, I'm sorry, that's just the whole premise of this segment of the vlog."
"Man I hope for her sake that he at least eats one other thing."
"80% of our glucose response is based on principles like eating in the right order, having vinegar, and movement."
"Try to avoid sweets as much as you can and drink as much water as possible."
"Dove hungry? Look, he's still smiling though, he's like 'It's okay, he gets his protein shake, bro.'"
"I think just in general we should all be eating more beans."
"Your body would prefer... to compress your eating window and give it longer periods of fasting... that's how it's been designed."
"Eating a whole rotisserie chicken won't make you gain weight."
"As people improve the nutritional density of their diet... their cravings lessen."
"We're designed to eat meat, and so if we're eating that and we're eating our biologically designed diet well whatever the hell our cortisol is that's normal then right?"
"There's a link between higher intake of sugar and fast food before age 10 and later life criminal behavior."
"Since we're talking about Ramadan, how do we feel about croissants?"
"The leaves that sloths prefer to eat have very little nutritional value, so by conserving energy, they are able to survive on tiny amounts of food each day."
"I mainly only consume veggies, fruits, smoothies, and juices... certain protein drinks and meal replacement shakes."
"Keeping junk food out of the house really helps."
"Coffee kind of helps me... so that I'm not eating so much throughout the day."
"If he actually drinks four diet cokes a day that's seriously concerning for his health."
"I love avocado, so I always eat avocado with all of my protein."
"It's all about changing the way that you consume food."
"I mean really an emergency room physician who, again, I hope he's never eaten a cheeseburger in his life, never gone to McDonald's never done any of that."
"I am a keto alternative faster. I do intermittent fasting since I'm a keto eater."
"Chronic overnutrition, especially refined carbohydrates and sugars, our sedentary lifestyles, our chronic low-gain stress, and our poor sleep... taking over these systems that are fundamental for every cell to function properly." - Casey
"Starting a food diary is always a great place to go."
"Over 2 billion people on the planet consume insects."
"The best diet is the one that you can stick to for the rest of your life."
"Eat your vegetables, collective, eat yo grapes rebecca no but for real eat your vegetables."
"As someone who drinks way too much Diet Coke way too much soda in general too many sugary things like this has been one of my goals"
"Well, I just figure he's a kid that really can't stand to eat too much." - Platt
"We can all benefit from incorporating more plants into our diet."
"That could be something. I don't know what it is, but I said I wonder if it would work for your children, like if you're trying to get your kids to eat vegetables."
"You don't get that by telling men to eat more beans and fewer steaks."
"I didn't take any supplements, okay? I do not mean creatine and multivitamins."
"You need to eat in harmony with the seasons as the day gets shorter so too should your feeding window."
"Joanne's diet is almost exclusively bread, do not have with a memory a time when I've had a proper meal."
"How often do we truly pay attention to what we're eating?"
"You're not what you eat; you're complex, it involves not only what you eat but what your food eats."
"I have covered interventional trials showing, for example, that eating just a few mushrooms a day can improve immune function."
"Perhaps this is why a study in Singapore found that those who consumed more than two servings of mushrooms a week had less than half the odds of suffering from mild cognitive impairment, compared to less than once a week."
"We're adding a lot more maple sugar and honey to our diet this year."
"Noah's day was eating anything that walked."