
Fruit Quotes

There are 953 quotes

"Most people don't know that coffee is a fruit and it's a very sweet fruit."
"Fruit has been inappropriately villainized... people that consume more fruit are less likely to have diabetes."
"You haven't had a fruit like this; it's frutal."
"Although there is natural fruit sugar in a piece of fruit, when you eat a piece of fruit, an apple, pear, peach, something sweet, a grape, you are getting a lot more than the fructose in your body."
"Bananas: Nature's perfect fruit. Delicious, convenient, ubiquitous."
"There is something so absurdly tropical about a pineapple."
"When you get into this fruit eating and you start detoxing with these, it's an experience."
"You can make crisps out of any fruit really."
"Plums don't get enough credit for how good they are, plums are good. Plum yeah when they're juicy it's seductive."
"The history of apples is actually a long and winding journey between continents - ancient humans had an even more interesting relationship with apples than we might have previously thought."
"I get annoyed when somebody tells me they love it, I get annoyed when somebody tells me that they think it's sweet. Why do you get annoyed with the person who... because I think it is a tasteless fruit."
"The Red Delicious put Washington on the map of the world."
"The durian is known as the king of fruits in certain areas due to its massive size, powerful odor, and thorn-covered rind."
"Pawpaw is coming in to ripening in the end of summer and into fall."
"Fruit kills pathogens and it literally saves lives."
"Cherries are a great fruit, both sweet and tart."
"The guru guru nomi—this fruit isn't so much the best as it is by far the best, most underestimated."
"Salt can make sweeter fruits like cherries and strawberries even sweeter and balance the flavor of grapefruit, pineapple, and watermelon."
"Every time I eat a pear, I'm like, more of this in my life."
"Someone who likes eating fruit they could even have fruit trees."
"Fruit is great, especially whole fruit."
"Anything with a seed inside it is a fruit."
"I love watermelon so much, anything juicy like that."
"I think bananas are the best fruit."
"These are the biggest figs I've ever seen."
"Low glycemic fruit is fine, berries, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, that's fine."
"Cutting open some fresh cantaloupes and getting a taste of them is a true sign of summer."
"It's a strawberry Mimosa made with real fruit... delicioso."
"Increasing your fruit intake can increase your spine mineralization by 5%."
"I love anything apple, as we all know."
"Eat lots of whole fruit, especially apples."
"You can buy blueberry plants, look, and they're already fruiting."
"The apples taste better in the Autumn."
"A ripe banana next to other fruits will trigger more ripening."
"Prevent fruit salad from browning: one part honey to two parts water works similarly without the sour taste of lemon juice."
"Peeling your kiwis in a flash: slice off both the tough ends of the kiwi and scoop out the middle with a spoon."
"Happiness is a fruit of a lot of hard work."
"Keep in mind that the fruit is the swollen ovary, and keying out fruit types is actually pretty fun."
"If the fleshy fruit has a seed that is not enclosed in a hard covering, then it's a berry."
"Peaches and nectarines... if the fluffiness gene is dominant we get peaches; if not, we get smooth nectarines."
"I love lemons, I've been living for citrus."
"It's certainly delightful that way, its juicy segments can add a zesty punch to salads, giving them a refreshing twist."
"Yuzu isn't just a fruit; it's an experience."
"Grapes have as much sugar as candy."
"Berries are some of the best things that you can actually eat in the world of fruit."
"Passion fruit is one of my favorites."
"You really want as much light as possible because almost all of them want full sun to develop really sweet fruit."
"The testimony in the world provokes two reactions. It starts with hostility and it ends with fruit."
"Lemons are one of those staple things to have in an Edible Garden."
"Look at all this mango, so premium and juicy, sour and sweet at the same time."
"The queen of fruit, durian, the King of Fruit."
"Any amount of fruit whatsoever is self-abuse. The immediate effect of that abuse on your body as determined by your genes in the situation that you've placed those genes, the environment in which you live, your lifestyle—all individual."
"Fruit can be seasonally enjoyed so we have a nice variety of fruit throughout the entire calendar year."
"Most plants do not put toxins into the fruit."
"That's fruit. It tastes like it's a fruit. It's like they were dipped in Gatorade."
"For overall health, have a watermelon."
"I love an apple pear. It's juicy and really good."
"That's exciting I love blueberry."
"They got bananas wrapped up in a plastic baggie."
"Lemons are like a miracle of nature."
"I always, always, always have lemons in my kitchen."
"Meyer lemons make me a little less sad about winter."
"The most delicious thing you have had to that point ever eaten a fruit by the name of banana."
"The easiest swap is obviously replace a sweet craving with a fruit."
"I absolutely love blueberries and love blueberry season."
"A tomato is a fruit after all, so I'm just gonna eat it like an apple."
"...encourages the fruit to ripen and turn black."
"favorite fruit watermelon M good answer"
"Blueberries are not the powerhouses we think of them. They're just a whole fruit, perfectly lovely as a whole fruit, but they're not going to ward off dementia."
"There's nothing sweeter than these Asian pears."
"We bear much fruit because we have suffered and let the Word do its work, bringing conviction, cutting away the sin and the things that don't matter."
"Once you finish doing that, you keep on doing this and repeating the process for both your orange and your banana, and any other fruit that you might have."
"Hi kids, I'm Apple, I'm crisp, juicy, and come in different colors like red and green. I'm perfect for snacks and making delicious pies."
"Jackfruit is a weird fruit that when you tear it apart, it looks like pulled pork."
"This fruit might even be enough to settle their age-old rivalry once and for all."
"I always do a mountain of fruit because fruit is life."
"That fruit had every piece of you."
"When it comes to grapefruits, they're just big ass Citrus and they're super tasty."
"The Sumo Citrus mandarins are back in, and if you haven't had these, it is worth the little extra money."
"Pineapples are not a single fruit but a group of berries that have fused together."
"Blueberries have everything you can want in a fruit tree: huge yields, delicious taste, enormous adaptability to a wide variety of climates, compact size, and they're virtually pest-free."
"...taste just like a really ripe banana. It's amazing how many different flavors you can get from this one fruit."
"Juju be will actually dry and preserve itself on the tree, like a peach that's just going to fall off and rot on the ground."
"Having one tree that I can harvest fresh fruit from for 3 or 4 months is amazing."
"Believe it or not, if you root fig cuttings over the winter, there is a very good chance that you can actually get fruit by late summer or early fall."
"In the beginning, chocolate is a fruit like a mango, like a pear, and it's a tropical fruit."
"Fruit is literally Nature's Way of providing fiber, good carbohydrates, and deliciousness."
"But you know, for those very same reasons, we should be growing more fruit too."
"Overall I agree the statement 'diabetics shouldn't eat fruit' is not supported by the evidence."
"The loquat, you guys, have low class at your grocery store, pick them up."
"Fizz fam, I have got some of the fruit and there are raspberries, blueberries, and grapes."
"Having fresh fruit on hand and having it cleaned up always makes sure that we will eat it a lot faster."
"Fruits are a safe route to get sugars because you get so many other good things with them and your body does need sugar. But like everything else, moderation is the key."
"Nothing more iconic than using ninja gadgets to chop fruit."
"I'm always dubious when I do recipes that involve cooked fruit because they normally take ages and ages to cook in the oven."
"That does not work everybody. Don't mix your pineapple with your papaya."
"He might have simultaneously high-speced his fruit in like a sensory angle ways that no other logia has been capable of."
Frank: "I'm gonna go for and I can't remember what it is whether it's a fruit or it's something but I've heard the word Tamarind. Tamarind."
"There's nothing quite like the flavor and taste of fresh raspberries."
"Eat five pieces of fruit a day because they're good for you."
"There's something about fruit on the beach that just hits different."
"Farmers nickname the fruit 'green gold'."
"I think cherries are my go-to fruit."
"Hopefully these will give you some ideas to extend your harvest and get fresh fruits as early as possible."
"Food is delicious, but I can put fruit out on any day. What I really like to do for my kids for like after school snacks is just put out a charcuterie board of whatever fruits or veggies I have in the fridge, and then they just go to town."
"Those are the fruits the fantasy eat."
"Green is the best fruit ever made."
"I've never had a mango. Maybe I should pick up a mango."
"It's a star fruit. Isn't that cutesy?"
"So pancakes and then we got some fruit."
"Grapefruit is like, oh yeah, it's loving it grapefruit. It's, I think it's the chicest fruit."
"Cantaloupe is one of the... it's good but I think the green one is even better."
"Let's talk I so peple was a fruit that has developed in New Zealand."
"Let's try another one. Let's match the fruits. You love fruit, you like it. What about the apple? Keep an apple."
"That's fine, but I don't want an actual tomato, the best fruit."
"Blueberries deserve their hype. They really are drama queens, but they're not impossible."
"According to Koji's daughter, this extraordinary fruit tasted 'oishii', which means delicious."
"The unique thing about char will, it's a fruit can hang on the tree ripe 11 months."
"The fruit isn't there to harm you. The fruit isn't hurting you. It is only putting life into you."
"...growing dragon fruits that are multiple varieties in your garden... very easy to get pollen ready and just have them accessible for you."
"Underrated: pears. Shout out to pears."
"What I love about poaching peaches like this is that you get that hit of intensely fruity mid-summer whenever you want."
"I could rave about fruit all day."
"I wish they would use mango way more because it's just so incredibly sweet and juicy."
"One of the juiciest strawberries I've ever had in my life."
"Pomegranates grow perfectly and wildly all over this region."
"Finally, we have the goro gurudumi, a fruit so op that according to Robin it is one of the few Powers said to make the user Invincible."
"There is literally nothing better than fresh fruit, especially like mango, watermelon, and like grapes."
"I'm confident that it could essentially change your pruning life it could give you more confidence moving forward and it'll make it so you get more fruit higher quality fruit and you can enjoy the whole process of gardening even more."
"I probably eat four to six servings of fruit a day."
"Berries like raspberries and blackberries are great, but there are some really cool exotic fruits that nobody's ever heard of."
"...ensuring your stone fruits ripen at room temperature you're maximizing their health benefits and enjoying them at their best."
"Fruit's a great thing to have in the morning to break your fast with because it's really easy on the gut and it's super hydrating and it's really delicious."
"I've had a quick plum round and it's so interesting."
"Pineapple is one of the most metal fruits out there because it has bromine in it which breaks down protein."
"For all you orange lovers out there."
"Seriously, the best part and my most favorite thing to grow at this point is berries and fruit."
"Peach is the best fruit for summer."
"If you're thinking about growing good fruit in the Pacific Northwest, you're looking for a northern highbush variety."
"The lowbush could be a good choice for you if you want some fruit and you have a little niche or a container that you'd like to use."
"Farmers will begin harvesting when they see the wrinkled skin around the stem of the fruit."
"Start with small changes first, yeah, start incorporating more fruits."
"Depending on the power you receive from the fruit in question, that may still seem like an all right deal."
"I think all salads should have one element of fruit."
"When you get a fruit, it doesn't look very good. So you look at it and like, you know, this looks kind of beat up and it's not that pretty. But once you eat it, the taste is just heavenly, right?"
"Fig Tea: vibrant, fruity, uplifting."
"The passion fruit has such a big punch of flavor."
"Makes winter a little more tolerable and now you see blood oranges almost like year-round."
"Thank you for giving me permission to get this mango."
"What's better than a delicious piece of fruit?"
"Best of the year. These mangoes look amazing."
"The greatest strawberry pineapple sorbet."
"More than 28 million tons of bananas are eaten, making it the most popular fruit in the world."
"Fruit is low calorie, high nutrients, high fiber, high water, so it's a wonderful food."
"Hell hath no fury like a banana scorn"
"I propose to you guys we do a fruit draft. We all draft our favorite fruit and then at the end we all take the four fruits that we've combined that we ended up with and we have to make them into a smoothie and then we do a taste test to see whose smoothie tastes the best."
"You have no fruit without the root."
"Fruit is righteousness in every form."
"The Bible is the seed that produces fruit."
"That's my three go-to fruits, that's what I always use."
"Mulberries produce an abundance of fruits that are easy to harvest, process, nutritious, and delicious."
"I love warm baked fruit in general, and I think you could probably do this with like a fresh peach."
"You gotta love sweet, delicious fruit!"
"I'm probably going to need some more coffee and some of those mangoes over there."
"Here's one of the sugar apple trees I grew from actual seed. These little flowers will look like little peppers on them, and those turn into sugar apples."
"Anything with fruit in it is a good time."
"It's North America's largest native edible fruit."
"They can be very sweet and delicious, and fortunately, they are nutritious."
"There's nothing fresher than having a pineapple that's literally just been harvested."
"Oranges are great for cleansing and giving everything a freshness and a Zing of Life."
"A tomato is a fruit. It's just a savory fruit."
"I do love a good berry. Good berry is just so wonderful."
"A tree produces a delicious fruit and a new variety is born."
"Every now and then, a tree produces a delicious fruit and a new variety is born."
"If you bring fruit to 220 degrees, it's gonna gel like it, that's just how it is."
"All around the fence are passion fruits, so instead of just having things you can't eat, these are stuff you can just grab and eat."
"That's not sharing the gospel, that's not godly, I don't see the fruit there."
"There is nothing better than a tree-ripened pear, but have you ever had a tree-ripened pear? You haven't lived until you've had a tree-ripened pear."
"I mean, there's a lot of fruit here, more than you'll be able to eat, plenty to jar, you know, if you're into preserving that kind of thing."
"A ripe beautiful peach is better than a perfect apple, it really is."
"Banana is their absolute favorite."
"Pink dragon fruit... has sort of like a spa quality to it that is just really nice."
"The more fruit you eat, the lower is your risk of diabetes."
"All right so the color is beautiful but a lot of my fruit fell to the bottom."
"Fruit can be used in the diet healthfully but they have to be used with some reasonable respect for the fact that these are very sugary low fiber foods."
"The only fruit that inherently ripens after you pick it from the mother plant is a banana."
"More fresh fruit was associated with less stroke less heart disease."
"So even though you consumed the fruit, the sugar wasn't for you, it was for your microbiome. So fruit is fine."
"That's how you know it's going to be good when you see fruit like that. When he cuts the papaya open and it's full of seeds and it's not genetically modified. Beast!"
"but they are still loaded with fruit remember all the fruit."
"The most important fruit though was the grape."
"If you're not a fan of mango, you're crazy because mango's the best fruit in the world."
"If you've never tried mangoes and you want to buy a mango at the supermarket, just pick out a nice one."
"Are you a fan of this fruit in fragrances?"
"If you love passion fruit and tropical fruits... you need to get your nose on this, this is delicious."
"We want to see results. We want to see change. We want to see good fruit."
"There you go, that's Baccarat's luck-luck fruit."
"Understanding always bears fruit."
"...but what finally, you know, made me decide that I would include it in my top 10 is that it is wholly convincing. You've got all of the elements of the fruit here, so yes, there is sweetness, but it isn't just sweetness."
"Cherries are more bright uplifting and happy and I don't want the Smoky woodiness mixed in with this bright uplifting kind of Happy fruitiness from the Cherry."