
Adult Responsibility Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"You're an adult. And you're responsible for letting you learn."
"Ho ho, you're right. It just goes to show that nobody is above the law and even grown-ups get told off."
"I didn't mind explaining photosynthesis to you when you were 12 but you're adults now and this is an actual crisis."
"Kids are not the problem, it's the adults we need more scientifically literate adults."
"Camille was let down by the adults in her life."
"I had never imagined sort of adults in a room having so patently self-serving a notion of how the world works."
"The truth of the matter is this is really important. We should have access to this data. We're adults, we're grown-ups, we should be able to make our own minds up about this stuff."
"I think we could both agree that we need to get some adults back in the room."
"The kids are the ones that are the priority in this entire thing. Right now, it looks like all the adults are just running around looking stupid, idiotic, and everybody's like, 'We don't care about any of you guys.' We only care about the kids."
"If you say something dumb as an adult you should be ready to be criticized for it."
"Being an adult actually means having responsibility, not doing whatever you want."
"I'm a grown man, I'm not going to do that just because you said so."
"If nothing's done, children are going to lose years of their lives to something that could have been avoided with very basic adult guidance and support."
"If something that happens to a child, who can be that one adult and can we have every person have the integrity to be that one adult?"
"All we need is one adult to stand between a child and their abuser."
"Stick to your values, and just like part of being an adult and a human being is delaying gratification and making good choices that are in accordance with your values."
"We should all as adults be trying to create environments for kids where they are safe to explore."
"I'm angry at this generation of adults for scaring you about this stuff the way they have."
"We trust people to be grown-ups with alcohol; why not with NOS?"
"We're allowing you to decide as an adult with sovereignty over your own mind and body that you can take information and do something crazy which is form your own decision."
"The statement 'You can't abandon an adult' is a form of pulling all pressure and responsibility off the person doing the abandoning and making the person being abandoned or neglected the problem instead."
"We witnessed was traumatic for us but it was the trauma response of three girls who realized that the adults around them do not give a about them."
"Absolutely, their policy should be changed: zero policy unless the adult is doing it to the child."
"You're not a child... you're an adult... there's so much shame around that... it just kind of shows where our culture has gone."
"21 is an adult... he should be facing the consequences that adults face." - Ethan Klein on James Charles facing consequences.
"Children really don't have rights. A child only has as many rights as the adults who are willing to fight for them."
"Your job as an adult in a young person's life is to protect them. Job as an adult is to protect young people. That's what it is."
"Honestly, adults should work really hard to preserve the innocence and youth of young people."
"There are things that kids can do that you give them a pass for that adults can't do because they should know better."
"Your mother can only tell you what to do until you're 18 years old. After that, it's all on you."
"People are adults and they want free speech."
"Stop putting me in a pigeon hole and telling me what to do. I'm an adult."
"All adults in the US really should get vaccinated."
"The most ardent disruption these days often comes from the supposed adults who should know better."
"I believe that adults need to be vigilant and actually look for signs in children."
"These children are part of the solution to these problems that they face that have been generated by adults."
"It is our job as adults to help these adolescents navigate their emotional world."
"Children must not, must not be affected by the decisions of adults."
"Good adults don't blame their parents."
"My initial reaction was 'Hell no, not today Satan,' and then I realized I was the adult here."
"The most important thing that adults can do is to pay attention and to ask good questions."
"As an adult, you're responsible for your own mental health."
"Those kids are desperate for some adult in their life to reach in and say, 'I'm here,' because their mom's not doing it."
"Now as an adult, I want to do everything I can to repay her kindness."
"Saving Larry and boys and girls like him from making a wrong start is about one of the most important things that we grown-ups can do."
"No adult should ever ask you to keep a secret."
"It is a massive failure on behalf of the adults of America."