
Distinction Quotes

There are 4181 quotes

"Consciousness and intelligence are double dissociable."
"There is a huge difference between love and approval."
"I'm not optimistic, okay? I make a very great distinction between optimism, which is the poor cousin of hope, and hope. Hope we need to have."
"There is a huge difference between pain and suffering."
"Fairness and sameness are not the same thing."
"Profit isn't value. Value is value. Don't let them convince you they're the same thing."
"Many different communities — medical, scientific, academic — recognize the difference between gender and sex."
"The internet is not society, and how people behave on the internet is not how we behave in our homes."
"Nationalism is not a good thing. Patriotism is a good thing."
"Self-confidence is not egotism; it is knowledge."
"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism when hate for people other than your own comes first."
"They feel like you have a really colorful spirit and you stand out."
"Grief and depression, while they can feel quite similar in certain ways, are distinctly different processes."
"The most important thing that probably distinguishes humans from other species is that humans have a natural tendency to want to help other humans."
"Fault and responsibility are two different things."
"Greatness is not common. It distinguishes you from the crowd."
"Salt and pepper, they say it adds distinction."
"This person's quite noticeable; there's something that really just sticks out about them."
"Marketing is the vehicle that gives you distinction today in business."
"Pursuit of temporary joy is not the same thing as happiness."
"It's the details—detail, detail, detail—that really set you apart."
"How much is a semantic distinction worth? The answer is $3.5 billion."
"If you are the hard worker, the diligent worker, the one that is trustworthy, you will stand out in this field of mediocrity."
"Secrecy is different from privacy. We all need privacy in relationships."
"I want you to meaningfully distinguish. Tell me why obviously just not associated with the community by like doing things that are associated with the community."
"There's a difference between professionals and amateurs."
"This is not only a security crisis; this is a humanitarian crisis."
"If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous."
"That success and happiness are two different things."
"Their relationships enhance their life, not complete their lives. And there's a big difference between those two things."
"When one learns how to make the spiritual and psychological distinction between 'you are wrong on an issue' and 'you are wrong as a person', then true conversation can happen."
"Intelligence is a completely different thing from just the chemistry part of it."
"The distinction between a trained and untrained soldier makes all the difference."
"There's a pretty big difference between things that are valuable and things that are awe-inspiring and amazing."
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
"It separates you from being average to something quite special."
"Erotic and sex is not the same; it's an intelligence you cultivate."
"Machine learning is not just computational statistics."
"Being healthy and being fit are two very different things."
"The Justice League is not the Titans, the Justice League is not the Teen Titans... the Justice League is the premier team of DC Comics, the premiere protectors of the planet Earth."
"Speech is not violence. This is a fundamental distinction."
"Clinical depression is much different than just sadness."
"Favor will distinguish you in a world with a sea of people."
"This division between true Christian and cultural Christian didn't begin with this study; it's always been there."
"Don't ever confuse being great with being famous."
"Not a tank... an armored infantry support vehicle."
"Criticism is essential, but cynicism is not."
"Morality should never be confused with legislation."
"Morality and legality are two separate realms."
"The greatest trick is confidence. It comes from the work you put in, not arrogance."
"There's a difference between happiness and fulfillment."
"Despite the grave threats from the enemy and the widespread skepticism or harassment from their male comrades, women have served in the Ukrainian army with distinction."
"School and education are two different things."
"If by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace."
"When something is like raised up or is brought up to a level that's higher than whatever the norm is, that can sometimes be useful if you're trying to accomplish something where you stand out."
"Keeping God's word distinguishes true disciples from the world."
"In a world of too much information, you are able to cut through to what you need and stand out."
"I feel like you are just going to be standing out."
"What I'm looking for is a breakthrough, not a realization."
"It distinguishes itself from every other movie coming out."
"The depth of his accumulated knowledge is what sets him apart."
"It's a subtle but important distinction between how platinuses himself and how he sees the gnostics as they view this world."
"The primary emphasis tends to be more on the imagination in distinction."
"There's a difference between the statement 'Black Lives Matter' and the organization 'Black Lives Matter.'"
"This is a distinction that must be marked and celebrated especially now as our country finds itself in the grip of racial tensions that many of us thought had long ago dissipated."
"She is so special so unique nobody can do what she does."
"This isn't the Hollywood stuff, this is the real stuff."
"There's a difference between being prepared and being paranoid."
"This one truly is quite unique in many ways."
"Critical race theory is not racial sensitivity training. Critical race theory, very different."
"Revenge is not justice. This is not revenge."
"Technology is not like other tools lying around the house."
"What distinguishes the best of the best is what else they offer."
"Unrivaled to me... outstanding and it's the Deep Cuts album of the Year 2022."
"I'm regretful about the situation, I'm just not sorry."
"Do your job, but add that extra 10% that makes you stand out."
"You have the right to do it versus me not liking you or believing that, those two different things."
"I feel like we should be able to support the art from the artist and if he has been products and he has an amazing and astonishing resume accolades I think it's perfectly fine to give him his credit."
"Being desired is not the same thing as being held in high esteem."
"It's not obnoxious when you're scared by them. It's thrilling. That makes all the difference."
"To be different is what will make you stand out more."
"There's a difference between unity and uniformity."
"Virginity and chasteness aren't quite the same thing."
"Happiness comes from happenstance, but joy is abiding and pervasive."
"This is not financial advice, this is financial education."
"Tell me the difference between a great album and a classic album."
"Justin Fields stands out in a crowded field of draft prospects."
"In the world of pop music, there is Michael Jackson, and there is everyone else." - Time
"There's a difference between seeing and looking."
"You know, there is a difference between free speech and incitement."
"Books are knowledge, but life is in the acting."
"If you are a proud Russian, you don't have to be a nationalist, just proud Russian."
"There's a difference between being influential and being legendary."
"You must put difference between the holy and the unholy, the common and the clean, the typical and the accessible."
"They are not plugin hybrids they're just regular hybrids."
"Just because he won the debate doesn't mean he also won the argument."
"When you're truly the most helpful person, you just stand out head and tails above the rest."
"Not getting yourself involved in it will make you stand out."
"Nobody separates black men into groups except black men."
"It's easy to be popular. It's harder to be relevant."
"There's a difference between being lucky and deserving."
"We as human beings are the speaking beings dialogue is what differentiates us from the beasts."
"Being a fan of something and being addicted to something, they're not the same."
"Critique is not judgment; it's a detailed analysis, not divine punishment."
"Patients are experts in their own disease, but they're not experts in the disease."
"I do love my country. When it's said, 'I support patriotism,' the love of country. Not blind patriotism, not nationalism. But I think, yeah, I can love being from the United States."
"Mental illness can take on religious themes, but that doesn't mean that religion is a mental illness."
"Character is what separates the planet from the meteor."
"What separates a wolf from the sheep, whether it's a natural disposition or a set of skills and a perspective."
"What's legal and what's moral are two different things."
"There's a huge difference between letting go and giving up."
"Bill Maher: 'You can't equate the Chinese people with the Chinese Communist Party.'"
"That's what's gonna make me stand out again."
"The Sorento is not a Santa Fe with the Kia badge on the front."
"Enthusiasm determines the difference between ordinary and extraordinary."
"It's one thing to be different, it's another thing to be different and consistent."
"Be really productive and stand out from the crowd."
"This is the true leader, not the one who sits on the throne, but the one who unites the Ummah."
"The behavior and the person aren't the same."
"Squarespace: Set your website apart. Grandeur."
"Politicians make everybody happy, they play to the position. Statesmen represent and lead their constituents."
"Our issues are with the Chinese government, not the Chinese people."
"Anybody can stand out in a crowd of cars with this kind of firepower."
"He's literally a leader, a man amongst boys."
"It gives this site a unique feel that makes it stand out from the rest."
"Your survival proves that you are different from them, and that you are different from me."
"Hey, we're not thieves, but we did take that card key. We borrowed that. There's a difference."
"Finding the four percenters is so hard... the difference between people who put in some work and who've really put in the work is just so incredibly massive."
"Playing Emily or Corvo in particular feels quite a bit different."
"Leaders walk ahead of the crowd. Rulers place themselves above the crowd."
"It's cool for that same Nigerian dude to say he's not black, he's Nigerian."
"Shame says you are wrong; guilt says you did something wrong."
"Boba on the other hand doesn't. Boba's armor isn't shiny and well maintained, it's all [__] up and adorned with trophies."
"The discipline of celibacy is not a Dogma, it's a discipline."
"You just have to have probable cause, but that would be the difference between a person of interest."
"Showing up every day sets me apart from many people."
"Loneliness and Solitude, they're not the same thing."
"The beard makes you more distinguished. The beard gives you 200 plus reputation points."
"There's a subtle but important difference between a stuffed animal museum and a taxidermy museum."
"The secret to telling Smeagol apart from Gollum."
"Exterior design: Striking lines and thoughtful details make the Lexus NX stand out."
"What sets you above the rest is, are you a nice person? Are you likable?"
"Reliability is not the same thing as accuracy."
"Investing in yourself and your passions will end up being what makes you stick out the most."
"The attention to these smaller details is what separates Monster Hunter from many other games."
"Remember that our Lord said we are to be salt and light in the world, not indistinguishable from it."
"If there exists a difference between animal sapiens and Homo sapiens there can be little doubt that it must be looked for in a realm that transcends biology and chemistry."
"Being proactive sets you apart from the rest."
"These are government issues by the way. They're not business issues."
"This is truly a second official Soap Sonic plush. There are just too many differences to consider it the same plush as the original."
"Faith versus presumption: a crucial distinction."
"He's just been wowing people right now, really separating himself from the rest of the pack."
"People love the church community; they don't love Jesus."
"Rape is not sex and sexual assault is not sex."
"The role of a peacemaker is very different than a peacekeeper."
"If you are walking with God, obeying his word, and living a holy life, you will stand out."
"Understanding a risk could occur is not the same as giving consent."
"She wasn't just gonna play the love interest, no she was gonna show us that she truly stands out."
"Surviving and thriving are two very different things."
"Depression and having done something terrible are not the same thing."
"Knives and cars have other primary purposes – it’s the gun that makes it so easy."
"Our best innovations and advancements come from people who aren't afraid of being the tall poppy."
"Core values will always make you stand apart."
"Loki corrects Mobius, saying there's a distinction between illusion projection and duplication casting."
"What makes a great date is not the same as what makes a great relationship."
"Desires and what's good are often two very different things. What feels good isn't always what's good."
"Tesla the company is doing great... Tesla the stock is not the same thing."
"It's the world waterpark which makes us award the overall best attractions to West Edmonton Mall."
"Innocent people look, point, stare. Bad guys are the ones not looking up."
"The energy and concentration definitely separated you from the rest of the field."
"Considerations like this separate good criticism from bad."
"I am building a machine, I'm not the machine."
"Stand out, be classy, look elegant, and you will see a marked difference."
"Dr. Mario was originally considered a palette swap of Mario but eventually became a separate fighter."
"You're standing out from the crowd, above the competition."
"It's once every four years and you're also a professional... That's what separates professional from amateurs."
"There's difference between conspiracy theory and geopolitical facts."
"There's always been a big difference between being recognizable and being popular."
"I love, not lust. It's why I'm attached to this rifle."
"It's definitely a unique film amongst the series."
"Don't confuse data with the judgment of a supernatural god."
"Money is one thing, mismanagement is the other."
"I think unhealed and broken are very different things."
"Milwaukee definitely has the brightest light."
"Education belongs in a classroom, indoctrination belongs somewhere else."
"I don't think intense and angry are the same to some people."
"Smart doesn't always equate to common sense, true."
"It's important to keep in mind that George Miller and filthy Frank are two different people."
"Observational science and historical science are two different things."
"You don't have to support a government to support a people."
"A huge difference between a bonafide actual militia member and then some idiot who tweets something."
"I love you guys, I also love you in a very different way in a very platonic not my child sort of way."
"Despite its similarities to the American project, nuclear explosions for the national economy holds the distinction of carrying out the only truly practical peaceful nuclear explosions in history."
"What makes this contest so unique and different? Many things."
"Cooking with Crew, fam! It's not baking with Crew, fam!"
"If you can capture real emotion, you are going to stand out."
"His initiative is obviously aggressive, leadership style is distinguished."
"Both venom and poison are made up of toxins, but the difference does actually matter."
"Daggers are fighting weapons only, knives can be tools for everyday tasks."
"In short, what made Windows 7 so great was that it was similar but also distinct and its own merit."