
Wildlife Conservation Quotes

There are 623 quotes

"An image like this, the king of the jungle hugging the human that saved him, is incredibly powerful."
"Yellowstone wolves are the symbol of wilderness, a testament to Nature's Untamed Spirit."
"Wolves are friends, not food. Remember that."
"Hey listen, I grew up in Africa, and the poaching thing, elephants and rhinos and stuff, was happening in my backyard, and I tell you what, it's a big issue and it makes me mad."
"You're wiping out these species for some stupid thing that you think's going to make your dick hard or something. It just doesn't, it just, it's not correct."
"Non-lethal predator control is critically important if we want to protect the lives of our little birds here."
"He was a man who knew exactly what it takes to make landscapes, habitats, and wildlife flourish."
"Here in Costa Rica, there's a rivalry on the beach that goes back over 50 years between conservationists patrolling to protect endangered sea turtle eggs and poachers who aim to eat the eggs or sell them on the local black market."
"People in the West tend to see wildlife conservation as an unambiguous good, but it's controversial in Africa itself."
"It's sad to see them go, but it's for the best. Out in the wild, they can contribute to the population and the ecosystem."
"We are approaching a critical point where we need to start taking these steps to conserve wildlife movement through this valley for the long term."
"He's the epitome of cute, but his life so far is far from it. His mother was killed, poached for her horn, which would sell for up to a quarter of a million dollars on the black market."
"Rhinos in Africa are killed for horns like this, the poachers getting up to a quarter of a million dollars on the black market."
"If we can't do something about that, then what's the point of us being here? It's a zoo. We need to be out there working with the animals and people on the ground, not just being here in our safe cushy little zoos back in Melbourne."
"We want to make sure that there's an abundance of wildlife for a beautiful world for the generations."
"We are wildlife warriors; we're standing up and speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves."
"Most of the babies that they have come in were orphaned at some point in the wild because their mother was either hunted for food or killed by a boat strike or entangled in fishing net."
"Kiss a Shark Week is meant to show you how misunderstood sharks are and in fact that they are wonderful animals."
"We set about a mission of... rebuilding wildlife infrastructure, encourage biodiversity, rebuild parts of the rainforest."
"Ellie Warren was a kind, energetic, and adventurous girl who was dedicating all her energy to protecting wildlife and saving the planet."
"The Kenya Wildlife Service is trying to work with the community as the lions lose their habitat."
"It's estimated that up to half a billion plants and animals are believed to have perished in the fires."
"Save the world one little creature at a time."
"The Javanese tiger, once declared extinct, was accidentally rediscovered in 1995, sparking ongoing sightings and hope for its survival."
"The night parrot, thought extinct for about 100 years, was rediscovered in 2013 in Australia, sparking conservation efforts to protect its habitat."
"It's a nice story to hear about, moving and releasing back into their native range."
"Supporting our giraffes and hopefully soon enough we will welcome a third giraffe to the park."
"When it comes to the final solution for ground owls, the worst idea."
"For Nadia, life is about rescuing animals in trouble and seeing his new friend fly strong and free made him the happiest rescuer on the beach."
"Striking a balance between appreciation for wildlife and ensuring the safety of humans is Paramount."
"There it is. That's for all the great whites you guys have killed. Beautiful."
"Everyone is at the park for one reason: to see dinosaurs. This is the only place in the world they can, and they want to. That's why you need to increase our dinosaur visibility."
"It would be impossible to just turn all these whales out into the wild captive and captive-born killer whales would simply die in the wild."
"Since opening the rescue center, Joe and his team have saved countless big cats from all around the country."
"The Florida panther population was down to a mere 20-30 individuals."
"The whale is becoming well known as a symbol of conservation and a symbol of protection of Wildlife and the environment."
"The first time I rescued a tiger, and I still have her. She's 27 years old. That was my first real connection."
"Over the past 50 years, two-thirds of the world's wildlife has been lost. 40% of the plant species are threatened to extinction."
"Steve Irwin, on the other hand, inspired a generation of nature enthusiasts."
"Killing sharks is not the solution. The system we've trialled could save lives, theirs and ours."
"Whilst there are awful evil people out there that are still killing them for their tusks, there are so many more people that are trying to save them."
"I care passionately about the wildlife. I'm passionate about the natural world."
"So maybe in our lifetime, we will see the ancient aurochs return to Europe."
"We're a non-profit exotic animal sanctuary... hopefully you go back and make good decisions in your life and you help save animals in the wild."
"Seeing these animals in their native environment... makes all the difference for their well-being."
"If you're going to make progress for hunters and for turkeys, you have to have the research, you have to have the science."
"The future is looking up though, and people are spotting the Yangtze finless porpoise more often."
"The New Guinea singing dog, once thought to be extinct in the wild, has been discovered living in remote areas of New Guinea."
"Some animals just aren't meant to live in captivity. If you want to see a gorilla, visit one in the wild."
"Shoebill: a huge, terrifying bird facing habitat destruction."
"Panthers and jaguars are actually going extinct due to illegal hunting and deforestation."
"The first ever pair of panda twins raised in captivity."
"These same scales meant to protect the pangolin expose it to the highest kind of risk."
"You always want to break these plastic rings holding bottles together to prevent animals from getting stuck."
"The Amazon dolphins are not the only river dolphins in the world, but they are one of the few types that are thriving."
"Keep your cats inside, folks, it's better for them and for wildlife."
"Tragically, the great auk was hunted to extinction by humans."
"I hope that helps. Big thank you to all the donations. We have a large number of Australian viewers, and we had a lot of suggestions of people saying, 'Hey, can you please sponsor some koalas?'"
"That million dollars and then invest some of it into the wildlife so that way I saved a lot. I'm gonna call [ __ ] on that."
"You have to give those animals a place to live."
"Bison are making a comeback, and now we're finally able to put things right again."
"Efforts to improve the eel population include regulating fishing and releasing adult eels back into the water."
"The significance of this sighting cannot be overstated."
"Zero Indian rhinos were poached in 2022 for the first time in 45 years."
"We need to sustain the efforts to ensure that the elephants survive for generations to come."
"No wonder, considering the bad roads. The Rangers quickly solve the problem."
"The important message to the world is that these elephants are important to this area, and the people who live here coexist with the elephants."
"There is absolutely no reason why there should be more tigers in captivity than in the wild."
"Wildlife conservation is very important to me, but it's really exciting when a company like Walmart makes it a priority too!"
"This is an animal which is on the brink of extinction in this area."
"The world's last surviving mountain gorillas are confined to just two small pockets."
"There are benefits to having habituated gorillas but there are also risks."
"It was Martha's own study that showed that the habituated population is growing faster than the unhabituated one."
"When people have real experiences with animals they fall in love."
"I think if it wasn't for the first hand exposure that people can have with animals in general, people wouldn't care about them in captivity or the wild."
"This creates a white list... de facto bans everything except for the animals that you can convince the lawmakers to allow."
"Sometimes in life, we are just too self-aware, too scared to really give something a shot."
"Straws aren't the reason turtles are dying." - "Straws aren't the reason turtles are dying."
"Wildlife, flora, and fauna - essential components of our ecosystems."
"Habitat destruction, degradation, that is the biggest threat to these animals."
"The wall wouldn't just divide land, it could sever vital migration routes, isolate populations, and force inbreeding, leading to a catastrophic decline in biodiversity."
"Through a long and complicated struggle they finally managed to free the exhausted animal and transported back far into the wilderness."
"Alba: A Wildlife Adventure is an environmental quest to bring the wildlife back to the island."
"Raptors have been our greatest challenge to bring back from extinction, ferocious and intelligent, they are a marvel of Cretaceous evolution."
"Whales maintain a crucial position in the aquatic food chain and yet have been hunted close to extinction."
"I cannot understate how thankful I am and how blessed I feel to be able to work with these animals."
"His heroic actions led him to become one of the youngest men ever to receive the Medal of Honor, and while he battled PTSD after his service, today he continues his good deeds by advocating for fellow veterans and for wildlife conservation."
"Conservationist Olivier Sengimana wants to save the iconic gray crowned crane bird from extinction."
"If we want to see more lions thrive, we need to give them more space."
"In one of the last wild places on earth, is it possible that here and only here, wolves still live the way wolves once everywhere did?"
"Perhaps you've never heard of the hawksbill sea turtle meanwhile it's one of the most unusual turtle species on the planet."
"Our goal was to create a lot of beautiful but also functional space for wildlife to have habitat."
"Polar bear numbers are now the highest they've been in 50 to 60 years."
"They have been the highlight of my years working with Brave Wilderness."
"The predominantly white moose, also known as the spirit moose, was protected due to their cultural and spiritual importance."
"Wolves are essential to the ecosystem. They help keep populations healthy, fact." - Pitchforks Dragon
"Michael Rutzen, or Shark Man, is trying to change the perception of sharks as dangerous killer machines."
"It is the last species of wild horses left on the planet."
"Job ain't easy, but then it's not supposed to be. We are reshaping the world one exhibit and feeding time show at a time."
"Large animal populations increased dramatically in Gorongosa."
"Continuing to promote catch and release is crucial for sustainable fishing."
"Tigers have been an endangered species for a long time now. Recently, remote camera traps have captured three young Indo-Chinese tigers roaming around free in the forest."
"This is camp Kennedy, my life has been all about action which still holds true but now I pour all that time and energy is a wildlife conservation education and the pursuit of knowledge."
"Hotel with a designated Turtle Hospital: saving and rehabilitating almost 2,000 turtles over 15 years, addressing injuries caused by marine hazards."
"If you go to a park and ask, 'Can I pet the tiger?' The answer should always be a resounding no."
"Florida woman keeps Bengal tigers in her garden."
"I'm inspired by the bald wakari monkey, they're in danger so they're a part of the conservation."
"That's the biggest hippo I've ever seen at the closest range I've ever seen. I've got just the photograph I wanted and live to tell the tale."
"On this assignment, I feel as though I've stepped back in time. Zambia is the only country in Africa where hippos still thrive."
"A baby elephant was seen acting so adorable at an elephant sanctuary in northern Thailand."
"Elephants are one of the most iconic animals to currently inhabit our world."
"It's been an absolute delight to work at the Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital."
"My heart and soul is in my photography and trying to show the world the issues that are most important to saving these big cats and the ecosystems and they."
"Habitat loss is number one the next one is poaching of the tiger."
"Sometimes vulnerable wild animals could use a helping hand."
"Koala rescued from deadly Australian bushfires."
"I feel a duty to black-footed ferrets because as humans, we were one of the causes of their near extinction, and I think we owe it to the species to try and recover them if we can."
"I think if you told people about hey you know do you want the bald eagles to be extinct you'd be like hell no."
"In the name of green energy, we're sacrificing Wildlife species."
"Giraffe with papala warts grabs attention, highlighting the challenges of wildlife conservation."
"Authorities seized over seven tons of ivory smuggled from Angola, the largest seizure of wildlife products in years."
"I think it's time to save The Smiling Critters."
"Polar bears are truly amazing, and I just hope that there are still enough of them in the future for the coming generations to see."
"It'd be a dream job... wildlife management someday."
"Marine biologist swims with great white sharks to promote conservation and dispel myths."
"Maintaining healthy body weight is number one as far as prevention of type 2 diabetes."
"The sandhill crane is considered one of the most incredible living fossils in the world."
"The aardvark is considered one of the most incredible living fossils on earth."
"Every year trophy hunters are responsible for the deaths of thousands of exotic wild animals in Africa."
"Snow leopards have become pretty much a byword for rarity."
"It’s almost as if those turkeys were flopping their wings and clapping and saying, 'Way to go boys, a few more poults are gonna survive this year'."
"The last two northern white rhinos on the planet are both female."
"Nearly every state is impacted by toxic algae blooms which threaten wildlife, vital economic resources, and public health."
"Sharks should be added to Minecraft as passive mobs because they rarely attack people in real life and it could bring attention to how humans kill so many sharks, kinda like with axolotls."
"The wildlife that shows up in systems like this is phenomenal."
"Mount Roraima is home to unique wildlife, including numerous species found nowhere else on Earth."
"There's nothing more humbling and awe-inspiring than seeing animals in their natural environment."
"He shone a spotlight on man’s mismanagement of our natural resources and championed the plight of the planet’s most vulnerable inhabitants - the animals."
"The freshwater matamata turtle draws attention for its peculiar appearance."
"Releasing a captive animal into the wild is almost always a bad idea, especially if it has not been around others of its own species."
"For the first time in over 18 years, conservationists made a sighting of these rare glass frogs."
"Rhinos are going extinct and without help from the world, these amazing animals will not be around much longer."
"Bless their hearts for saving that sea turtle. Good stuff."
"Our goal has always been based off of education and conservation awareness."
"The plane can go from playing to possession, so it's really important that we read this animal's behavior."
"USDA is now scattering rabies vaccines for wildlife in 13 states."
"Gotta save the baby birds, I didn't think that I would be on the bird's side but God damn."
"Falconers and falconry are the greatest advocate that raptors can have."
"From feeding cranes to hosting fairs, communities in the Thar find ways to thrive."
"Another huge example of why we should protect the game animals."
"The partnership between the Chad government and organization African Parks saw Zakouma transformed into a thriving elephant sanctuary despite the initial tragic killing of the rangers."
"Have you ever heard of the kangaroo harvesting program? It's a unique program implemented in Australia that allows for the sustainable and managed harvesting of eastern and western gray kangaroos."
"Tasmanian Tigers are an extinct carnivorous marsupial however there have been over 7 000 reported sightings in recent years." - Narrator
"Hopefully, we'll be able to find even more exotic animals added to the gallery soon."
"Exotic animals are very dangerous and should not be kept as pets."
"Here's hoping the thylacine gets a second chance."
"Proving everyone wrong, the river dolphin has recently reappeared."
"You're driving the Trans-Canadian Highway and find out that there's bridges that are built so animals can cross safely, bridges for animals to cross the road, oh well, that's very nice."
"Habitat's very important to conserve. And as our population grows, we need to learn how to co-exist with these beautiful animals."
"The Formosan clouded leopard believed to be extinct has made a remarkable reappearance."
"This vaccine is actually hopefully going to rid those adorable koalas of all their rampant bouts of chlamydia."
"I would like my children to see a polar bear someday as well."
"See him right here, get him, look we'll put him back out to sea, get him."
"The species is the most critically endangered out of the whole family of tinosaur which are the spiny till iguanas and I know what you're thinking."
"Not to kill them, but to capture them. It's part of a three to five year effort to capture and move 20 to 30 wolves to a new home on Isle Royale National Park in Michigan."
"Beavers have weave their way back up our rivers and into our locks where they belong."
"Each box of EnviroKids cereal you buy helps to save gorillas in their habitat."
"This soldier is taking on his most important mission ever. Thanks to his efforts, this stork will bring many more babies into the world."
"The iucn labeled the golden-headed tamarin as endangered in 1982."
"Rosie the two-ton great white shark that was abandoned in this eerie wildlife park has finally been re-homed."
"Orangutan czar very smart and very gentle nature of creatures but the World Wildlife Fund has class them as critically endangered and this is because of poor chin and because of them losing so much of the habitat from deforestation."
"Steve Irwin was just such a like intensely weird man but in that way that you kind of have to respect and he was just hyper focused on protecting Australia's wildlife."
"I love working with wildlife, I've always envisioned myself raising up an owl, Eurasian eagle owl, after working with them for years."
"Rare tigers are making a comeback for the first time in four years."
"Nor is it just people, if you dismantle your solar system you can use a tiny fraction of that mass to build wildlife-focused habitation cylinders and still have thousands of times the wildlife environments and ecosystems that a pristine Earth had."
"One less black rhino in the world. They're an endangered species."
"Strive for ethical hunting—earn high hunt ratings for better rewards."
"India's leopard population grows 60 percent since 2014."
"Onward baby turtles, onward to the safety of the ocean, may your lives be prosperous and full of wonder."
"The affected birds build their nests from grass twigs and feathers, so the scientists decided to give them chicken feathers pre-treated for parasites, and it worked."
"I'm really happy to see our breeding program for the pandas is working well."
"Think about it, we'll be talking about Tigers long after the last one is gone."
"Through the dedication of one man and his extraordinary relationship and understanding of his birds, the white-tailed eagle could soon once again be flying free in the French Alps."
"It's estimated that about 1 million pilot whales live in the wild today, far fewer than one percent of that population ever swim near this tiny archipelago in a given year."
"So if you want to help quokkas go volunteer for the Rottnest Island Foundation and you can do this in numerous ways."
"Effectively Steve Irwin now... I would like to make a video on YouTube."
"This turtle may not be crazy pretty with colors but this is one of the most endangered turtles in the world."
"All the proceeds from this tour go back to Elephant conservation."
"I want them to have a natural environment like they would in the wild."
"This bobcat was caught in the trap and was asking for help."
"I have my own new non-profit, so I'm doing exotic animal sanctuary and conservation education on my channel."
"The Man of Steel's walk among the bears shows humanity's intimate connection to Minnesota's untamed wilds."
"My goal is just to teach as many people as possible about conservation and about these animals."
"The feeling of liberating an animal into the wild, I tell you, it is extremely exhilarating."
"Before you jump to conclusions about SeaWorld, they do have a wildlife conservation program."
"Poachers to me are the people that are going in and annihilating Wildlife for profit without any."
"This 60 lb Pacific octopus has been studied at the Seattle Aquarium since it was the size of a grain of rice, but now it's time for it to go on out and live a full life."
"Feeling pretty good about my first day of raccoon trapping and thinking about all the turkeys I'm saving."
"How do we stop this in places where it's going to have a huge impact on wildlife and how do we do it responsibly? And we can have both."