
Trials Quotes

There are 1326 quotes

"Gratitude as an anchor in trials... helps us maintain our balance and perspective."
"Character is made in trial and displayed in triumph."
"God had to put me through the fire to be who He has called me to be."
"Your current trials are not the end of your story."
"Remember everything is a trial and a test and you are in the right place and Allah knows."
"They embrace their shared determination, knowing that with Raftalia's unwavering support, they can conquer whatever trials lie ahead."
"Allah said He would try and test us with fear, hunger, loss of life, wealth, the fruit of our labors, but give glad tidings to those who are patient."
"Don't ever question God. Whether you're going through hurt, trials, tribulation, you lost a loved one. God makes no mistakes."
"Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience."
"Look at people below you when it comes to this world and to thank Allah that you are not tested like them."
"Either God will deliver you from your trials, or He will transform you through the trial."
"Here we go. Here we go. Trial time. Trial time. I'm so nervous."
"So what you're going through may not be designed to destroy you but instead to build you."
"When Allah loves the slave, he sends tests in that direction."
"The prophets were tested the most, showing that hardship is not a sign of Allah's displeasure."
"Through trials, believers are purified and brought closer to Allah."
"No individual is pricked by a thorn except that Allah purifies him with it."
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds."
"So be truly glad. There is a wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while."
"In Christianity, we're to expect suffering because we're not promised to have good lives or anything like that, the only thing we’re promised in the scriptures after becoming Christians, is that we’re going to have trials and tribulations."
"The church, the true church, will be refined by fire, not destroyed by it."
"You've got the peace to understand that even though we are living through a crushing season... God has not taken by surprise."
"God is up to something in your life and in mine; He is using our setbacks to advance our spiritual maturity to a place where we could never go without them."
"If you find in a little trial you get upset or you get terribly anxious and fearful about what's going to happen, that's like a little shaking God is doing in your life."
"There's an end to what you're going through right now."
"Be encouraged today and know that there are other people going through the same trials, the same pain as you."
"There's not a storm in this room that God is not in it with you."
"Trials are adverse circumstances... designed to develop you spiritually... a trial is a negative event that God causes or allows but every trial is only for one purpose and that is to grow you spiritually."
"Job was put to the test and suffered and tempted by the devil and, in spite of all of it, Job never turned away from God."
"The Allies chose to take the moral high ground by providing fair trials. 22 high-ranking Nazi leaders were put on trial for crimes against humanity and crimes against the peace."
"God uses trials to turn our dependence fully on Him. He wants us to cling to Him and find peace in Him alone."
"The proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
"Count it all joy when you fall into various trials. Those trials have a perfecting work."
"It's a given that trials are necessary to become strong and the harsher the trial, the stronger you become."
"Allah says that we will certainly try you with something of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient ones."
"A lack of knowledge can also be in the area of bad things happening. God allowed the devil to touch Job, and in the end, it was all for His glory."
"God is going to give you a gift out of this very difficult season."
"True friendship withstands any trial, even death."
"Faith, I must tell Jesus all of my trials, I cannot bear these burdens alone. In my distress, he kindly will help me, he ever loves and cares for his own."
"Well you know what this is really about is how strong our friendship is and I think we passed"
"You're going to enter Jannah when we haven't yet tested you in the same way we tested those before you, even the prophets of Allah said that. Allah, when is your test going to come?"
"The character of a nation is difficult to discern until its people are put to the test."
"Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds."
"The victory of faith is evident when we choose to praise God in the midst of our trials knowing that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."
"When this is over, you shall come forth as pure gold."
"In the middle of the most severe trials, there is an inexpressible and glorious joy for those who know you."
"One thing that I've learned is when you have trials, pressures in your life, you don't run away."
"Everything's starting to be shaken right now, and people who are on the edge, they're gonna have to decide if their faith is real or not."
"He knows the way that I take and when he has tested me I shall come forth as gold."
"If God lets Judas put you in the grave, it's because God plans on bringing you out."
"Knowing what happens on one trial gives some information about the probabilities on other trials."
"You understand every trial, a life is on the line in some way or another. It's tense, it's emotional, and there's a lot that goes into it from a mental standpoint."
"Trust in God, and you'll be delivered in your trials and troubles."
"Living through the end times means facing trials and tribulations, but our focus should be on how we live and worship Allah."
"There is an ability to choose to trust God in the midst of trials."
"Lest we come to trials that we're not equipped to handle because of our lack of prayer."
"We also celebrate in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance."
"Often when placed in a trying situation, we doubt that the Spirit of God has been leading us. But it was the Spirit's leading that brought Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan."
"Everything that starts happening wrong with you, you thought that you was doing something wrong, but it really was God was testing you for a bigger blessing."
"Though you may be walking through the fire, I will be with you."
"We would not know God's faithfulness if we don't go through trials."
"He started out as Detroit Red, went through his trials and tribulations."
"You can't feel this like listen Europe mate all she's sad because cheating at the trials over he's actually insane."
"Be strong, hang in there, your trials will come to an end."
"Trials and tribulations often lead you to great success."
"If we can make it through this, then I know she's the one."
"A trial is a test that reveals something for a specific purpose."
"Margaret's life was to be marked by trials, tribulations, and glorious triumphs."
"Mothering and homemaking are huge and glorious jobs."
"This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it."
"These bad circumstances, like the blind man's, were not the result of sin. They were intended to honor Jesus."
"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial."
"Fear not the trials, for through them you are being prepared for a life of purpose, blessings, and fulfillment." - Unknown
"Every trial is better a preparation for the blessings yet to unfold." - Unknown
"Cruise comes alive as a character that grows not only physically but emotionally as well throughout all the trials in his life."
"Our initial trials have shown a lot of success."
"I think I've done my time covering the most interesting part of that trial."
"The world is in good hands no matter what you see out there of trial and tribulation."
"If you and I have put on the Lord Jesus Christ for the right motive to escape from the wrath that's to come then when tribulation strikes when the flight gets bumpy we're not gonna lose."
"Trusting God in trying times is an act of faith." - "It's saying, 'God, I believe you can care for me. I place my life in your hands.'"
"God loved me enough to allow me to be stripped, to allow me to be reduced to Christ."
"Troubles can be a blessing to us as believers because through the trouble you often find that God is faithful to empower you to stand strong and victorious."
"God may actually be protecting you from a greater trial."
"Trials wean us from the world, and surely that is a most blessed thing."
"Political powers... going through tribunal now."
"It seems like Lana’s Trial is to calm whatever Pokémon this may be."
"I cried every single time... because it's Catherine O'Hara singing to you."
"God is allowing difficulties to hone your faith."
"We know that all things work together for good for them that love God and are the called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28
"Against all odds, you can overcome whatever trial, whatever difficulty you are facing right now."
"The heroes of the Popol Vuh were subjected to several ordeals of tests of courage, fortitude, and skill."
"When we pray not to face the trials, we miss out on the treasures inside us."
"Remember that God is with you in all your trials; that should give you peace in times of need."
"No road of trials was longer or more arduous than that faced by the hero of the ancient Greek epic, the Odyssey."
"Once a hero, such as Odysseus, has negotiated the trials, seen off temptations, and survived it all, he is ready for one final ordeal."
"Count it all joy... for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."
"Challenges and trials are inevitable parts of life in this Fallen World."
"Trials are preparing me for the Abundant Blessings that you have in store."
"Trials are not meant to break us but to build us they are the Chisel in the hands of the Divine Divine sculptor shaping us into vessels fit for his purpose."
"It's all part of the test, these are trials."
"Always remember the other side of pain; on the other side of trial is your promise."
"God will allow the things we trust in to be shaken... to get our attention."
"If it was as easy as pontificating on the internet, there wouldn't be any need for months-long field trials with the troops."
"In the midst of your trial... God is saying I still called you, I still marked you."
"God will allow negative things to happen to us so that His purpose can be manifested in our lives."
"You have trials and tribulations in order to achieve these rites of passage."
"Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations."
"Life isn't beautiful despite our trials like life is beautiful because of our trials because of all the hard things we have to go through."
"Witness first hand the awe-inspiring power of God as he transforms your difficulties into miraculous trials."
"Your faith is being refined like gold in the fire."
"Trust in the Lord to deliver you from certain things and if he wants you to go through some type of trial have no fear and trust in him to go through it."
"Your goal should never be to have a happy marriage... through the trials, you should be together and you should be there for one another."
"Sometimes it's only when we go into the fire that those who are ungodly around us are able to see the presence of God in our lives."
"The troubles to come will be an exercise in total reliance and obedience on God."
"Our trials are meant to refine us and our hardships are meant to change our character."
"Remember, the trials that do not break you only serve to strengthen your spirit."
"God will allow the worst things to bring out the best in you."
"Life is complex no matter the illusion, no one is exempt from the trials and tribulations of this great journey."
"Remember, no matter the trials, salvation and a path to Heaven are always within reach through Jesus Christ."
"Count it all joy when you fall into various trials."
"Trials shape us, refine us, and bring unexpected blessings."
"The greater the trial, the greater the blessing."
"Prosecutors want to start just before the Iowa caucus in January, plus a March 25th trial over hush money payments in Manhattan and a May 20th trial in Florida on the classified documents case."
"Tammy Faye truly seemed to weather far more trial than she deserved."
"God never wastes a trial but he always has the end of it."
"The trials of this life, the storms in this life, not even worthy to be on the same scale to be compared with the glory that awaits."
"The word of the Lord will test you, purify you, and you will come out as pure as gold."
"In the trial time you rarely will have energetic faith. You will have passive trust and that pleases the Holy Spirit."
"Unexpected trials often precede big blessings."
"God always wins... even in the midst of these great trials."
"Don't give up hope. If you're going through some intense trials, things are going to come out better on the other side."
"Sometimes blessings are overwhelming, other times you have trials."
"Those trials are tools God is using to mature you and I. So think and thank."
"No cross, no crown: Trials exercise our faith and prove our worship."
"Let us be like Job and keep the faith, be strong in our trials."
"Tests purify your faith and increase your fruitfulness. It is only fire that will refine gold."
"Consider all joy when you encounter various trials."
"So one of his primary purposes one of the things he does he sends a storm into our life God allows storms to get our attention."
"Trials refine our character and define our calling."
"Count it all joy when you face trials of many kinds."
"Why would God call me all the way down here and then allow me to get sick? Blessed be the God of all comfort who allows us to go through things that we might be able to comfort others."
"Your trials and tribulations come to reveal that you lack nothing."
"I trust and believe that you will never allow a test to come through my way unless it is for my good."
"Considered pure joy when you face trials of various kinds because I knew that it was producing something."
"Trials produce faith; trials increase faith because when you are going through a trial God is processing you and removing impurities."
"As painful as trials are, just know this: trials are sent to refine our faith."
"Count it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face Trials of many kind."
"You only know if you truly love something if you stick with it even in times of trial."
"Trials help us to focus on eternity." - "Trials help us focus on eternity."
"Trials don't create anointings, trials reveal anointings."
"The crown of life: for those who endure testing and persecution."
"It's actually easier to be a saint in a time of trial than it is in a time of comfort."
"Count it all joy when you fall into diverse Temptation." - James 1:2
"Let the winds blow, let the storms come, I'm walking with Jesus."
"God allows us to go through difficult times because there's something inside of us that he's trying to develop."
"Trials are not obstacles to our peace and happiness but divine instruments shaping us into the image of Christ."
"Everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that which cannot be shaken will remain."
"Consider it all joy my brothers when you meet with various trials."
"God's not taking you through tests to mock you or hurt you."
"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial." - James 1:12
"Even when trials test your faith, be assured that my promises remain unbroken."
"When God allows you to go through a storm it is not to destroy you it's to show you who he is on another dimension and level that you've never seen him move before."
"Promising, but we need bigger clinical trials for definitive information."
"When the tests come, don't forget to bless it."
"Your patience gonna be tried, you got to be patient and have faith before you get into Kingdom."
"Well done! You've conquered the three trials of power, wisdom, and courage."
"Out of the greatest crushing has come a greater anointing."
"So for a lot of you if you're going through difficult or trying situations in this time you could get a lot of clarity as to why it's happening or why it's going down"
"The things that you're going through right now are going to be one of your biggest blessings yet in your entire life."
"Through all of the tribulations, Job never denounced God."
"I learned that trials are a part of life; it comes in different ways, but if we don't give up, we will overcome it and come out even stronger."
"Everything that happens to you actually is a test from God and your angels."
"When you go through trials and tribulations, in fact, rejoice, because that is what's going to make you look more like Christ."
"You've truly come so far, you've been through the fire, you've fought the fight."
"My trials come to only make me strong."
"We entered into a world of randomized control trials and evidence-based medicine."
"We can rejoice too when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance."
"The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials."
"Consider it all happiness, my brothers, when you encounter various trials and tribulations in your lives."
"Our trust in God does not grow in good times. We learn to trust God in the trials."
"Trials build perseverance, which builds character, which builds hope."
"You will be victorious over those trials, those tribulations, those heart lessons."
"It can happen to saints and sinners alike and it can happen to those who love God with all of their heart and those who don't love Him at all."
"The emotional state of the participants has been shown to be the single most consistently relevant factor within such trials."
"Act bravely, my brethren; take courage and trust in the Lord. The time is fast approaching in which there will be great trials and afflictions."
"Don't look at my trials and tribulations as something to feel bad for me about; it made me who I am right now."
"Good tidings to those who are patient in these trials. Allah will test you with hunger, with fear, with loss of wealth, lives, and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient."
"Sometimes these dark things that you fall into are a means by which God causes you to realize the blessings of being in a state of obedience."
"And in the final major set of trials, Balashnikov's rifles ended up being the best ones, they came out the winner of the trials."
"The only way you know how much faith you have is when it's tested and tried through storms in your life."
"Whatever combination of trials and blessings are necessary for you to be fully formed in me, I'm ready"
"Count it all joy, brethren, when you face diverse temptations."
"Are you ready for the trials set forth before you today? I'm so ready for the trials."
"If you're avoiding bad times, you're avoiding joy. Pain, trials, tribulations, is your opportunity for joy."
"A Christian without trials is like a soldier on parade. You look good, but you ain't worth nothing."
"I thank God for my story, for my testimony, for the trials that I've come through because it made me the Christian that I am right now."
"Trials teach us patience. Job's patience was evident even when his wife urged him to curse God and die. He didn't give in to impatience or despair but maintained his trust in God."
The only way to learn patience is through trials. James 1:2-3 says, "Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience."
"Trials not only teach us to be patient, but they teach us perspective."