
Common Knowledge Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Everybody knows smoking is bad for you. That's like common knowledge."
"It's interesting that you need everyone to have an insight about one thing. It's like if everyone, well I guess this is one of the reasons why COVID and masks and vaccines and stuff was such a popular talking point because you know that everyone knows what you're talking about."
"When somebody says, 'I got a new puppy,' we all already know that dogs are real and puppies are real, and people keep them as pets."
"Most people already know what they're doing wrong."
"Every child knows that houses of brick are safer than houses of wood or straw."
"Let's make these safety guidelines common knowledge."
"Yes, Canada is in North America... pretty hard to miss."
"This seems very obvious what happened here and it feels like everybody knows."
"The path to success are well known, it's not some undiscovered land, it's just really hard."
"This is not some ancient knowledge that has been held from people for thousands of years. This is not some secret conspiracy. This is something that has been well known for a very long time."
"Everybody knew it already that this was a disease that could go into reverse."
"Be good, psychology just validates what we already know."
"Saying things people already know out loud is tight."
"I think everybody is aware of lining your lips."
"Everything I'm saying to you now, everything we're speaking about is already known to everyone here."
"Literally anybody who's ever used a keyboard before knows that you're not special."
"Drinking alcohol will make you drunk, did you know?"
"Understanding where we're going, this common knowledge game is actually really critically important."
"Every single person knows the Hubble Space Telescope."
"Things aren't as obvious as they suddenly seem to us common folk."
"Docker is kind of like the word 'kleenex' and 'tissue'... everybody knows who kleenex is."
"Everybody knew the whole time exactly how it goes."
"Ponytails are one of the most common hairstyles and they can be super damaging."
"I think this video will help a tremendous amount of people who've been going to the gym spinning their wheels and not seeing any results."
"It's every single person out there almost every single adult out there understands at least the core premise of this."
"You don't need to touch the sun to know it's hot and you don't need to see oxygen to know it's there to breathe."
"Common knowledge has long been appreciated in just about every field other than psychology."
"Common knowledge has long been appreciated in game theory."
"Economists have long been familiar with the concept of common knowledge."
"Common knowledge is a crucial but largely neglected concept in social psychology."
"Common knowledge can be ascertained perceptually in a situation in which there is more than one perceiver."
"Do you remember a major event in the present century which is commonly referred to as 9/11?"
"It's always gonna be a leak. You ain't gonna do one thing and 30 people know and don't nobody say nothing. Everybody gotta ask the ground with you."
"Everybody knows this diet, the question is why?"
"Blockchain technology should be as common knowledge as tying your shoe."
"Frequencies aren't scary or it's not something you don't understand because guess what everybody knows how to use your cell phone right."
"The fact is this is the lowest hanging fruit on the tree, and everybody who's looked into it knows that."
"Honestly does that surprise any of us absolutely not"
"Let me just underscore, you don't need to be a scientist to know that the earth is round."
"That short also got like 15 million views 'cause everyone's like, 'Of course you got nerves in your arm.' And then I love everyone, you know, they're like, 'You idiot, of course, you know, everyone knows you got nerves there.'"
"Okay, you probably know you have a flashlight. Almost everyone knows that the iPhone has a flashlight."
"I don't need to be from Atlanta to know what a highway is."
"Classical music is good for babies, everyone knows that."
"it's a universally acknowledged truth"
"How is this even news? Like, everybody knows this. Do you not even think about the pyramids or Stonehenge? The Kardashians?"
"In weighing the evidence you may take into account matters of your common knowledge and your observations and experience in the Affairs of life."
"It's just like dad jokes really are a thing."
"Most people, even people who aren't, who've never read a comic book in their life, they know the basic story of Superman."
"Got it. You can only cross on green. No, like, even really little kids know that."
"All of us understand what faith normally means."
"You always hear about that in the car community."
"Everybody knows what these are. If you don't, you will at some point in your life."
"Everyone knows it's a magic train, duh. Everyone knows that."
"It's pretty mainstream news at this point..."
"The ones you get wrong are the ones that everybody knows about and gets all the attention."
"Name a kind of soup: tomato soup."
"Water flows downhill, everybody says that. This ain't complicated."
"What are we starting with? What we're starting with is what everybody knows."
"I mean, everybody knows what confidence is, right?"
"It's one of the few things on earth that practically everyone knows."
"I think the vast majority of people already know this."
"Everybody knows the gunpowder and alcohol don't mix."
"Just lefty loosey, righty tighty, and you should be good to go."
"Common sense ain't always so common."
"I appreciate that 98% of you will probably already know all about this."
"Sodium chloride is commonly known as table salt."
"That's one of the biggest questions people mess up."
"Everyone knows that IVF is expensive."
"Everyone knows the name of a Venus flytrap."
"Most Americans instinctively understand a developing human organ which beats rhythmically and pumps blood throughout the body is in fact a heart."
"You shouldn't swear, that's a common fact."
"Everyone literally knows you can put chips in a sandwich."
"A secret that everyone knows isn't much of a secret."
"Ducks go in cups, you know that. Everyone knows that."
"The stuff you're saying is just like stuff that people have known for a long time."
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away, is anyone in the world not know that saying? It's legit true."
"Sleeping is important, I bet we all knew that."
"Everybody knows what a traffic light is, and there are only three states the traffic lights can be in: red, amber, or green."
"Glass is made out of sand, everybody's heard that, right?"
"The whole world knows that meditation and breath go together."
"What vegetable's commonly used for the nose of a snowman? Carrot, correct."
"Oh, that's not a secret, everybody knows."
"It's just stating the obvious fact that the sun rises from the East and sets in the west."
"Everyone knows this, yeah, absolutely, that's how it works."
"We all know that you need to be kind to yourself."
"It's pointing out something that a lot of people know but they don't think about it too much."