
Freedom Of Speech Quotes

There are 3053 quotes

"Creating artificial boundaries on what can and can't be discussed... instead, creating a full spectrum of exploration that can be done and trusting the intelligence of people to do the exploration."
"Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak. If anyone's not allowed to speak, then it's not freedom of speech; it's freedom to conform to certain parameters of what are acceptable."
"Once you start censoring freedom of speech...that is what the fascists do."
"I don't agree with them, I don't agree with them, I don't agree with them, I do agree with them, but I don't want to silence any of them."
"Americans have a right to know all they can about a war they're implicated in. Freedom of speech is our birthright."
"I'm very much a democracy enjoyer. It's not a democracy anymore having an opinion is great, you just got to be ready for the repercussion of those opinions. I disagree with that."
"The defining fact of the United States is freedom of speech."
"Just because you hate what somebody else thinks, you cannot force that person to be quiet because we're citizens, not slaves."
"I think personal responsibility is more important than freedom of speech."
"At the end of this, you're going to become the fundamental go-to legal team for YouTubers fighting for freedom of speech."
"For a company that has a statue outside of their office with the inscription 'Every voice matters,' it sure seemed as though Blizzard thought his voice didn't matter."
"Freedom of speech is the issue I am voting on in this election."
"The biggest thing is preserving freedom of speech and expression."
"Despite US leaders saying TikTok is a cybersecurity risk, Vice says 'Banning TikTok Is Unconstitutional, Ludicrous, and a National Embarrassment.'"
"One of their cornerstones...is freedom of speech and it's the ability for people to say whatever they want provided it's not...violent in nature."
"This was an attempt to make Russell Brand shut up because he has views that diverge from those of most western governments on big issues."
"The difference between freedom and slavery is the right to say what you actually think."
"Freedom of speech and having an opinion is a beautiful thing, but I'm talking about people that are like genuinely trying to ruin people's lives."
"Protest works. That's why they're trying to shut it down in your country and in mine."
"When you cut out a man's tongue, you're not proving him wrong, you're only showing the world that you fear what he has to say."
"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences."
"I believe in freedom of speech and one of the things that I can promise you is that on this platform you will always get well-researched, cold facts."
"We can have both cleanliness and freedom of speech. There doesn't have to be a trade-off."
"Freedom of speech, baby, it's what America's all about. It makes America a stronger place, a better place."
"The world is becoming a crazier place, but I appreciate sitting down with someone who can explain a little bit of it to me, and we just need to keep fighting for freedom of speech."
"If people aren't allowed to say what they think is true, you can't have a free society."
"If you believe in freedom of speech, you believe in freedom of speech precisely for views you despise."
"This is about attracting as many people to the movement as we possibly can. I would like everyone who believes in freedom of speech, who believes in protecting the Second Amendment, who believes in protecting all our individual liberties to come to the movement."
"When the founders crafted the constitution, the first thing they did was make sacred the rights of the individual to share ideas without limitation by their government."
"The idea that there is no First Amendment protection for this kind of theatrical depiction of a major social issue is ridiculous."
"The right to protest, that's the only part of that that is freedom."
"The ability for people to speak freely and communicate with other like-minded people has dramatically increased."
"Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is just like saying you don't care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say."
"We're building an awesome community in there, and it's also too, right, so the overlords can't tell us what to talk about."
"The government should not have the authority to determine what is true and what isn't."
"The government should not be in the space should not be in any way involved in determining what is true or false."
"You're not free if you can't say what you think."
"We live in a country where freedom of speech is a very valued freedom."
"Freedom of speech is the paramount right and also the paramount moral obligation."
"We need to find platforms where we can say homosexual. We fought for gay rights."
"Freedom of speech is desperately claiming and demanding the right to annoy people."
"It's one thing to put restrictions on what people can say... but it's a completely different thing to require people to espouse a particular political stance."
"This is an attack on free speech and political advocacy, and there's nothing that's more protected under the First Amendment than political speech."
"Freedom of speech is our birthright. We were born with the right to say what we believe."
"This is classic First Amendment retaliation. We have a First Amendment right to criticize public officials."
"A true public square... you can't be the keeper of the platform and control and so you want freedom of speech."
"We both value freedom of speech, clearly, though maybe we disagree slightly on the extent to which it's acceptable."
"Freedom of speech is the most important freedom because it's the freedom by which we defend all our other freedoms."
"One of the things you're going to hear us talk about a lot here is the value of freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of discussion."
"Don't let anyone ever silence you. You're allowed to have your opinions."
"Freedom of speech is the foundational freedom; it's the freedom that makes everything else possible."
"Freedom of speech... is a very, very, very simple idea which is that no one should ever be censored."
"I've had a fair bit of that over the last number of years. I mean, I was very unhappy with the Canadian government's language law provision, Bill C-16, and my comments about that caused a whole sequence of chain reactions, I suppose, that changed my life completely."
"The only people who can actually speak freely are those outside the institutions."
"Freedom of speech is a very important thing that we have in our country, and we should be able to use it."
"Freedom of speech is a very, very important thing that we have in our country and we should be able to use it."
"The Court's First Amendment jurisprudence does not distinguish between views we find odious and those we respect."
"I'll say what I want to say, and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it."
"Everyone should have the freedom to believe whatever their heart desires. I have no desire to limit freedom of speech or punish others for their thoughts."
"Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences."
"The benefit to allowing freedom of speech for all, even speech with which we disagree, otherwise it's not freedom of speech."
"Ministers and comedians have been authorized in a country that respects freedom of speech. You have to have strong, robust ministers and comedians who speak uncomfortable truths."
"Maria Ressa is not a soldier, but make no mistake, she is a warrior, fearless, tireless defender of democracy, a champion of transparency, government accountability, freedom of speech and the press."
"Burning books is the last resort of people who cannot argue."
"If someone's going to remove your content, they need to give you an explicit reason why."
"I believe you can say whatever you want to, to a point. So, there is a 'to a point'."
"Freedom of speech doesn't mean you have the right to hear only your opinion."
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to your death your right to say it."
"Freedom of speech should not automatically equal freedom of reach."
"This world is becoming way more... personal speech and freedoms are being clamped down in a way that we haven't seen for decades."
"As soon as the government starts actively telling them what is and isn't disinformation, then that is a violation of our First Amendment right."
"I don't want you government guardrails. I want you to have nothing to do with speech. You think the American people are so stupid they need you to tell them what the truth is?"
"If you don't challenge censorship at the very start, then it will swallow you up eventually."
"Self-censorship has skyrocketed. In the 1950s, at the height of McCarthyism, 13.4% of Americans reported that they felt less free to speak their mind than they used to. By 2019, 40% of Americans reported that they did not feel free to speak their minds."
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you're not proving him a liar; you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say."
"Freedom of speech, not freedom from consequence."
"I'm absolutely free to burn a flag in protest, and I have zero desire to do it."
"Freedom of speech is a negative right that prevents the government from infringing on your ability to express yourself or that prevents the government from being able to force you to say certain things."
"You can joke about anything; just make it funny."
"Listen, we are in America. We have a right to question things that are questionable."
"If facts offend you, tough. In a free society, you're going to have to hear them because, of course, facts don't care about your feelings."
"As I mature, I realize the freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences."
"We need to be able to speak our mind and our opinions in order to flush it out, in order to further the conversation."
"It's a tragedy that freedom of speech has become a partisan issue. Everyone suffers from a repressed and corrupted society."
"The ideals of 1776 revive the truth, meritocracy, excellence, freedom of speech, rule of law—a radical idea that the people we elect to run the government ought to at least be the ones who actually run the government."
"In short, most people want what Isaiah Berlin would call a ‘positive freedom’ of speech: one that doesn’t just protect them from censorship, but also grants them some guarantees surrounding the right to speak and be heard itself."
"You can't take my 40 million dollars and insult my religion. You have the right, but I have the right to say no, you're not going to take my 40 million dollars and insult my religion."
"Fear of cancellation is a detriment to truth being shared in good faith."
"Our rules are designed to provide the opportunity for every single person to be able to speak freely on the platform."
"I consider myself sort of a true liberal; freedom of speech is an immovable right for horrible people as well as nice people."
"You must express your thoughts to other people and they must be free to express them back."
"Freedom of speech is such a powerful motivator; it's a universal human value."
"The free exchange of ideas is something that makes us better."
"I rebel against the notion that I must live in constant fear of what I say and do on this platform."
"Everyone has a right to an opinion. We have a right to ours, and they have a right to theirs."
"The scariest part of this entire situation is that this is a way to censor people."
"If you believe in concepts like absolute freedom of speech and freedom of expression, so long as there is no harm done in society, and there are Muslims living amongst you, the moment you start saying let's have different rules for those minorities than you should have for the majority, is the moment you have become neo-fascistic."
"When you are of a free speaker, you can't say what you're going to get back from that. You can say what you want, but you can't say what you hope to receive back."
"Freedom of speech is fine, but not freedom to lie."
"Social media and all these platforms give people the illusion that you have the freedom to lie."
"To tell people how they should protest and what they should do and what's appropriate and what's not appropriate I think is out of line."
"I'm not going to say words that other people demand that I say. There isn't anything more important to me than the responsibility I have to utter the words that I believe to be true."
"It's ridiculous to suggest you can't say things that obviously are of public import."
"Censorship kills. Censorship is the worst... We're talking about censorship, but we're not talking about it enough."
"Whoever controls the internet controls and can limit what you say."
"Then again, I suppose my tenure does allow me to say whatever the [expletive] I want."
"Speech is free, but you have to pay for your lies."
"Freedom of speech means that you can have combat with words... the battleground of ideas."
"Anything that threatens freedom of speech threatens the stability of the society."
"The government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content."
"If you want to have a future where we're not oppressed or our speech is not suppressed, we have to fight very hard for that because it's such a rare thing."
"This isn't about oppression, it's about Public Safety. This isn't about censorship, it's about protecting our democracy from misinformation."
"Neither students nor teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate."
"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear."
"We have seen our friends jailed to silence their voices, while others have fled into exile to allow their voices to be heard."
"Criticism does not equal harassment. People are allowed to criticize others if they think they're behaving like jerks."
"There's a difference between freedom of speech and then freedom from consequences."
"As long as we have the trust in the American population to vote on elected leaders in the form of democracy, you kind of have to have the trust to let them hear a bunch of different ideas and decide for themselves."
"I wouldn't want them banned permanently... I would rather their opinions be right out there in the open."
"It is sad that we live in a culture where you can't speak off the cuff or offer an opinion... without it being... turned without your consent into your die-hard mantra or fundamental belief system."
"Your opinion is yours; speak your opinion as much as you damn well feel like it."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of inquiry, and all these things was to get to a truth; it wasn't a game in itself."
"I like having freedom of speech, I like having dialogue, I like private property rights, I like entrepreneurship."
"The First Amendment doesn't exist to protect popular speech; it exists to protect unpopular speech."
"Fight with information, use all your words and your freedom of speech while you have it as weapons."
"It is pretty fundamental stuff, isn't it? The ability to speak our minds, the ability to vote, and decide our futures."
"I think that you should have the ability to say anything you want about anything. That doesn't mean you get the response you want."
"You have the right to your own opinion, but please be constructive, not hateful."
"It's freedom of speech that is what people who have nothing still have."
"If we're living in a world where people cannot express commonsensical views without fear, that's a warning sign of a societal shift toward less freedom."
"Freedom of speech isn't one freedom among many. It's a necessity and it's a moral responsibility."
"It's been a massive learning curve, and I appreciate how religiously defended freedom of speech is in the United States."
"Freedom of speech is not just a right, but a foundation for a free society. We must defend it, even when we disagree with the speech."
"That is why we love fan channels and fan opinion because there isn't things that we can't say."
"We live in a very free country historically and contemporarily when it comes to our speech."
"The First Amendment protects the right to speak freely and the right to refrain from speaking at all."
"Freedom of speech includes both the right to speak freely and the right to refrain from speaking at all."
"The right to refrain from speaking is concerned with preventing government from compelling individuals to mouth support for views they find objectionable."
"In our society, under our laws, people are free not to speak."
"Tyrannies are arbitrary, they are violent, tyrants are arrogant, they do not permit free speech."
"Freedom of speech is a protected thing that protects us against the government from censoring that speech."
"I have a principled attachment to the concept of freedom of speech."
"Freedom of speech is the principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal action."
"While there is no constitutional value in false statements of fact, such erroneous statements are nevertheless inevitable in free debate."
"Political correctness may have started out with good intentions to promote equality for minority groups, but it's now increasingly used as a weapon to silence those who tell the truth."
"Freedom of speech, brother. People can say whatever they want; they can believe whatever they want."
"Everybody has freedom of speech. You have freedom of speech, I have freedom of speech. What we don't have is freedom from consequences."
"We need complete freedom of speech in the scientific domain."
"The inevitable conclusion of 'let anyone say anything' is that the worst people, having finally found a place that will let them in, start to drive out the more careful and cautious."
"You can shut down every last pro-democracy newspaper but you can't shut down the human desire for free speech and for a free press."
"Almost nobody could speak the truth, nobody even think aloud, apart from the small number of people who don't have a wobbly hierarchy above us."
"People like you, people like me have a strange disproportionate burden and indeed duty to keep speaking."
"If we're going to be free to think, we must be free to speak."
"I'm very depressed that in this country you can be told 'that's offensive' as if those two words constitute an argument or comment. Not to me they don’t, and I'm not running for anything. So, I didn't have to pretend to like people when I don’t."
"If the [expletive] I'm tweeting doesn't have a problem with it, who the [expletive] are you to tell me you can't?"
"Freedom of Association and freedom of speech...come into deep and abiding conflicts."
"The answer to bad speech is more speech, not censorship."
"The only way to defeat bad speech is just with more speech and just make sure you know what the hell you're talking about when you address it."
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
"For there to be real democracy, there has to be dissent, there has to be open communication, there has to be the ability to challenge mainstream media narratives."
"I may disapprove of what you say, but I would defend to the death your right to say it." - Evelyn Beatrice Hall, 1906, The Friends of Voltaire.
"You will find a situation where the majority of the people peacefully protesting are just looking for their own freedom of speech, freedom of choice, democracy in their way of life that they were promised by the Chinese government with the handover, which they're not getting."
"Free speech is one of the core tenets of what will help us democratize this planet."
"This article is a pretty good criticism of the hate crime laws that are being introduced because again they just go so far."
"If you speak out on social media, you'll be silenced. If you say anything at your place of work, you could be fired."
"The notion of freedom of speech is not so trivial."
"There's more speech now than ever before. It's not that you can't say; it's that when you say it, look, the internet has democratized criticism."
"Being part of an organization subliminally imposes limitations on the kind of things you feel free saying."
"Piracy IS a problem. And, if someone is pirating your work or even worse, making a profit off of it; you have the right to stop it. But not at the cost of freedom of speech, and fair use IS freedom of speech."
"Freedom of speech is very important, but at the same time, it's like this is getting into the whole freedom of speech, hate speech thing, right?"
"You can make a very strong left-wing case for freedom of speech."
"Socialism has, over hundreds of years, meant the end of free speech, free assembly, a free press, free religious belief, free elections, and a free judiciary."
"Universities are supposed to be asylums for speech and freedom of thought. If they're no longer asylums for freedom of speech or freedom of thought, they're just an asylum and what useful is that?"
"We don't know what we can say, what we can't say, what will get you banned, what won't get you banned."
"We don't need a government or an establishment to tell us how to speak; the freedom of speech is the freedom to say whatever you want."
"I always do worry when you open the floodgates of censorship."
"Freedom of speech is the bedrock of Western liberties."
"This idea that you are automatically shielded from criticism when you do something that is objectively and verifiably offensive is beyond me."
"I could discuss anything I want. That's the beauty of not working for anyone."
"There's nothing in this bill that takes away your right to freedom of speech."
"The First Amendment is one of the greatest things about this country."
"The freedom isn't that you can say whatever you want, it's that you don't have to listen to what anyone else is saying."
"Big loss, I would say, for freedom of expression, freedom of speech."
"Shouting them down actually strengthens all the bad forces out there. That's kind of the idea of a platform."
"If you answered no to any of those then you must acknowledge that the threat to free expression is real."
"One's right to speak or to be must never be based on skin color."
"Suspending the Twitter account of a major news Organization for publishing a truthful story was obviously incredibly inappropriate." - Elon Musk
"You can't come into the public square where we're discussing things but don't worry there's another one down the street you can go use."
"Consumers are allowed to push back against that very thing, such as the nature of freedom of speech."
"It's weird, you know, to grow up in America with the adage of 'I don't have to agree with what you say but I'll defend to my death your right to say it.'" - Joseph Arthur
"Listen to everything, even the views that tell you some ideas are too dangerous to say out loud."
"Academic freedom is a special concern of the First Amendment."
"The left basically uses its newfound power to call for crackdowns on everybody they disagree with."
"Free speech is an extension of freedom of speech and really freedom of the press is sort of a community aggregate people communicating with each other."
"I may say things that are wrong but if I couldn't say things that are wrong I would feel like I couldn't say anything at all." - Elon Musk
"Censorship is infantilizing. I want to know what these countries are saying so I can make up my own mind."
"Stand up for the freedom of speech. Stand up for the First Amendment."
"It's not just the right of the person who speaks to be heard, it is the right of everyone in the audience to listen and to hear."
"So hopefully, and I know I will be in a position where I will always be able to say what the [__] I want and not be scared of losing a bag because I believe in creating my own opportunities and not looking for them."
"Taking down the ability of people to talk about stock in ways that you don't like is deeply violative of basic first amendment concepts."