
Medical Intervention Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"C-sections are amazing; they can really save lives. But that's meant to be as a backup, not the main way."
"The biggest gains we've made in life expectancy have usually had to do with infant mortality rates, which require unnatural medical interventions."
"I saw a runner collapse...I started CPR right away...it was a fatal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation...delivered a shock, his heartbeat came back."
"Three of my kids wouldn't have made it without medical intervention. It's a stark reminder of the preciousness of life and the importance of gratitude for the help we receive."
"We are interfering in a way in which the pathogen is too far from looking like you."
"The vast majority of these children will grow out of these feelings if only we allow them to... Instead, we intervene with these medical drugs and procedures."
"By having a specific intervention there was some resetting of the system which we don't understand very well."
"Puberty blockers if applied at an appropriate time would negate essentially every advantage there is to speak."
"The earlier you catch it, the less likely you are to have these complications."
"Now, try to hold still. This might sting a little."
"You've just saved the life of everyone my age."
"Effective with a goddamn antidote I'm not gonna let her die, friend."
"It can save lives because now we know a lot about this disease if we intervene at the right time we can prevent a cytokine storm from coming where the patients will crash and then we cannot do much."
"The primary intervention of healthcare is going to be mostly prevention."
"Social transition is a really major psychomedical psychosocial medical intervention in a child's life that concretizes a cross-sex identity."
"It's been incredible to see the changes that one intervention can have on people."
"Exercise actually makes those interventions more effective."
"As long as there is a chance to save her life."
"He goes up into her and while Amanda's having a contraction he rotates the baby's head takes what three or four fingers and rotates the baby's head hold that put her in a different position so that she can be birth naturally."
"Thankfully his kids and family were like, 'No dad, plea no, don't do that, that's not gonna work, that's not a thing,' and thankfully convinced him to get the surgery he needed to survive."
"If I didn't get the monoclonal antibodies, I probably would have had to go in the ER."
"I think the reason that I'm not sick today nearly 20 years later is because this guy cleaned my system out with a drug early on."
"So, it seems that by understanding the molecular mechanism that drives obesity in this distinct state, one could intervene through the microbiome and reverse this tendency and therefore treat obesity or ameliorate obesity at least in this context."
"Sometimes the best thing that we can do...is to lead them to a medical professional who can really help them."
"In blocking LDL production, we've short-circuited the body's repair process within the endothelial system."
"Houdini's life was saved thanks to a surgeon in 2006."
"There is something obviously synthetic about using medical means hormonal and surgical means to try to pass as the sex that you're not."
"Pill ideology is literally avoid family creation and get a surgery."
"A lot of things require medical interventions, and I encourage you to seek some help."
"For LaShanta White, her life would likely be very different had it not been for the reality TV doctors of 'My 600 Pound Life.'"
"Labor was 28 hours of pure pain. Now, I was terrible. Well, I did 16 hours without any medicine and then at that point, I started literally shaking and I had nothing else to give and I said give me some drugs and I got an epidural."
"As we use vaccines, what we're effectively doing is taming the virus."
"Thankfully Nikki listened to her own body and was able to get the surgery and subsequent treatment she badly needed."
"The doctors started pushing meds and doing blood draws on this guy to see what was in the system."
"If early intervention with these kinds of treatments had been more common, how much life-saving potential could have been realized?"
"Early intervention was helping, at least the studies show that."
"Hip replacement surgery is one of the most predictable and successful medical interventions of any medical specialist."
"If they're significantly impacted by their incontinence despite trying everything we just mentioned sometimes it's worth a try to help their quality of life."
"Imagine you would not have gone to the doctor when you did, you wouldn't be able to see anymore."
"80% of women at most hospitals will get an epidural, so you get an epidural and suddenly you're not in pain anymore."
"We can reproduce the electrical pattern, put them into a computer which can then allow us to understand how these areas are behaving and then target those zones which may end up restoring you to normal rhythm."
"Until we can frame it as a medical intervention, we're not going to make as much inroads into the medical community."
"When have you ever heard an 80-year-old's hearing improved without medical intervention?"
"I think the final question, do all visual fields improve completely after lowering the CSF pressure after earlier intervention? No, because it depends again early intervention."
"It was 40 years ago when we first started putting patients in our Medical Clinic on a low carb structure in order for them to lose weight and to solve their weight related health problems."
"Within 4.5 hours of symptoms, we give TPA such as alteplase to greatly reduce morbidity and mortality in cases of ischemic stroke."
"Thymine reduced interleukin 17 and rescued their interleukin 22 levels."
"If thiamine works out, thiamine would also help reduce the neurological and cardiovascular effects as well."
"A simple straightforward intervention helped people get through the procedure quicker, more safely, and with less pain and anxiety."
"There are still choices to be made about how the fertilization will actually be achieved and how much medical intervention you'll actually need."
"Compartment syndrome from circumferential burns can lead to irreversible damage without early intervention."
"The really important thing for us is to give the necessary life-saving interventions as quickly as we can."
"It's very dangerous for a pregnancy to go beyond about 41 or 42 weeks, and therefore intervention should be undertaken to prevent a pregnancy going beyond 42 weeks."
"Early glomerular changes can be reversed with careful control of blood glucose levels."
"If we don't reverse thymic aging, all other interventions will ultimately be futile because we'll die of immunosenescence."
"In one operation, the surgeon was able to kickstart my grandma's journey to recovery, ease the worries that lingered in the household."
"Market hypoxia, hypercapnia, or inadequate breathing are all indications for mechanical intubation."
"The rapid recognition and diagnosis of pediatric stroke can enable the delivery of time-sensitive therapies and can minimize complications."
"Fibrolytic therapy and methods of mechanically removing the blood clot may reverse stroke symptoms and even stop the stroke if given within three hours."
"It may be a way to save a mother's life or to save her fertility."
"Once preeclampsia happens, we want to make sure we at least save the mother and so we go ahead and induce labor to prevent eclampsia from forming."
"If we don't do something now, the heart would deteriorate to the point where the blood flow would back up into the lungs and he would go into heart failure."
"The typical course of treatment for Tourette's, the most common intervention, is nothing, to be quite honest with you."
"Time is tissue, and those patients that have rest pain or tissue loss really need to be seen soon and intervened upon as soon as possible."
"I'm so grateful that we got his tongue tie cut because it made a huge difference to the way that he has fed."
"As EMS providers, there's actually a fair amount that we can do to prevent or sometimes even reverse the trauma triad of death before it's too late."