
Alcoholism Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"The phrase 'think through the drink' is beyond valuable."
"If we can correct the brain metabolic defects from chronic alcohol use, we might be able to help people be sober and give them a fighting chance."
"Chronic alcoholics have this chronic deprivation of energy in these cells."
"The best thing about me, bar none, is if somebody comes up to me and says, 'I can't stop drinking, can you help me?' I can say, 'Yes.'"
"Alcoholism is never right. It's never right."
"It was one of those things, my dad deals with alcoholism. I had to see myself in that light."
"If you're a chronic alcoholic, stopping alcohol is going to be your first step in saving you from chronic alcoholism."
"I'm sorry to tell you but dude, you're an alcoholic."
"When we became alcoholics, crushed by a self-imposed crisis, we had to fearlessly face the proposition that God is either everything or else He is nothing."
"Nobody tells an alcoholic what they should drink, but we love to tell other humans what they should eat."
"You cannot connect to an alcoholic the way you can connect to someone who is not an alcoholic but you don't have to kick them to the curb."
"Alcohol had done for us what we could not do for ourselves."
"What I've come to understand about the disease of alcoholism is that this is the only disease when treated that leaves the sufferer in a better position than if they never had the disease."
"I love it when people say, 'Wait, booze was your drug of choice?' Alcohol is my drug of no choice."
"Tommy's anima represents the part of him that feels shameful over his feelings towards men and his alcoholism."
"You don't give an alcoholic more alcohol if you want to reduce their alcoholism."
"Alcoholics are a segment of the population with the highest incidence of hypothermia."
"Alcoholism is the source of infinite wealth and money."
"Famously, alcoholism is the source of infinite wealth and money."
"One of the first rules is if somebody thinks you have a problem with alcohol, you probably do."
"Alcoholism isn't the answer. It's just not funny."
"The goal of an alcoholic is to get him to where he can be at the bar and still not have a drink."
"There's nothing conservative about alcoholism."
"Alcohol abuse is not a funny situation, it is a very, very deadly disease."
"I am his daughter and I love him, and I truly want the best for him. I just want him to, you know, just choose me over the alcohol just once."
"My dad inebriated in his underwear and stained shirt... drinking mustard out of the bottle."
"It's a matter of life and death. If I hadn't stopped drinking, I don't think I'd be alive today." - Keith Whitley
"My mom's drinking is so bad that she has been in the emergency room over 40 times in the last several years."
"Psychotherapy has a low success rate for alcoholics."
"The disease of alcoholism centered in the mind, and it's just like, yeah, your mind terrorizes you with just the same."
"In 2022 namir opened up about his struggles with alcoholism detailing how he'd been struggling for 3 years and how it's changed him to the point that he'd lost so many loved ones."
"Chris was Chris until alcohol got involved."
"Please, if you think you have a problem with alcohol, seek help. You're not alone."
"My biggest fear is falling back into alcohol and becoming what she is."
"Alcohol kills more people than homicides and anything in the world."
"I'm not picking up another drink if I'm in a mask the way that I feel because I'm too because I don't have the strength right now to face my issue."
"Alcohol abuse is a serious matter, killing more than 140,000 people each year in the United States alone."
"You don't have to be a stereotypical alcoholic to have a desire to stop drinking."
"What I've learned is that you don't have to be a stereotypical alcoholic to have a desire to stop drinking."
"Stopping drinking is hard. Really hard."
"I've always had my demons just like anyone else, and just like everyone else, I've had to find ways to cope with my problems. Some people work out, some people get counseling, some people narrate scary stories on YouTube. My crutch was alcohol."
"He was drunk every night literally."
"If I'm using alcohol as a means to escape, it's just not good, it's bad for you."
"...even though his setup of dealing with depression and alcoholism on the surface might seem like really heavy lifting something in the archetypal level has risen up and offered yes very explicit help."
"Joe started to heavily abuse alcohol."
"The first thing you should do is quit alcohol your life will completely change on so many levels physically but then socially."
"At some point, I was drinking close to one bottle of whiskey a day."
"Struggling with negative emotions, Gun vented out by drinking alone until she became intoxicated and fell asleep at the bar."
"If you are an alcoholic... don't go looking for people who are alcoholics to get advice."
"I was very young she said Jimmy began to drink heavily soon after we were married and so I left him."
"I don't want to portray that this is like a magic pill that's going to fix everything all at once. I do want to keep it real about how much changing our relationship with alcohol is also really a healing journey."
"It's far better for a kid to have to be dragged to meetings a few hours a week than to have a mum drunk all the time."
"It must be so awful to have to get up every day, and the only way you can face reality is to drink."
"Drinking myself to death," the whiskers told him. "Good thing alcoholism keeps colds away."
"Alcohol is hiding in the background of many historical downfalls."
"Anyone who likes alcohol and knows that drinking too much is bad for the body, after all drinking too much for many years can cause damage to the organs, leaving them completely deteriorated."
"Empty Jack Daniels bottom bottles in my bed with just like a little bit of You Know Jack Daniels left in it and just like my apartment a complete mess not knowing what day it was things like that."
"i love how i am when i drink which of course sometimes you are a more palatable version the idea is whatever pain i'm living in sober i don't want to live this way so anything that takes me out of that is what feels like the cure"
"I'm not an alcoholic. I'm just like... I'm just like, and their thing was always like but whenever you're at an event you have to have a drink."
"...some writers take to drink, others take to audiences."
"Depression and alcohol took a hold of me the same way drugs did."
"I love when people have that line, it's like yo bro listen if you have a problem the solution is not at the bar at the bottom of a bottle."
"Entering a primary relationship with an alcoholic... what you expect from a spouse is very different than what you expect from a parent."
"You can't cold plunge yourself out of a half a bottle of Jack Daniels...like that's a great quote you can't cold plunge yourself out of a bottle of Jack Daniels can't like it's not it's not possible."
"I've never seen not drinking hurt anybody but I've seen drinking hurt a whole lot of people."
"Her story serves as a grim reminder of the destructive power of alcohol."
"Drowning sorrows in alcohol wouldn't solve the underlying problems."
"My granddaughter coming down to where I live isn't an option right now because my daughter is concerned and I don't blame her about me drinking. I usually watch my granddaughter for about a week every month or so."
"Speck started drinking alcohol at the age of 12, and by the age of 15, he was getting drunk almost every day."
"Our first date he got pretty smashed and I kind of figured out right then he probably had a problem with that."
"She can be an abrasive person. I know a lot of people I dealt with her in the past. I know she can be an abrasive person and she's a mean drunk."
"She was drinking heavily at her house."
"Alcoholism is seen as a joke because everyone drinks, but people don't realize the seriousness of it."
"You can't just go, 'You know what? I'm gonna drink what I've got and that's it.' Because you will have a seizure and die."
"I had suicide plans mapped out towards the end of my alcoholism."
"I guess we are coming up on a million subscribers I can't be that surprised dude these things are disgusting buzz ball biggies oh my God the little buzz balls is always enough for me to make me want to not drink anymore now they got big ones come on."
"Drinking's [ __ ] him up more than he knows."
"You couldn't stop yourself, you didn't just have a drink at the party, you drank until you were crippled."
"LSD therapy for alcoholism has an effect size which is greater or equal to any current therapy."
"Alcohol withdrawal is not a big deal because now I'm not a drug addict, I'm not shooting up over on the corner. You know the alcoholics, they die too."
"I've been drinking since I was, like, 15, and it's just... a vicious circle, you know?"
"I called Matt and said, 'Okay Matt, we've talked about alcoholic tendencies, we've talked about alcoholic behavior, we've talked about alcoholic patterns. Am I dealing with active alcoholism?'"
"A drunk elegant woman is an oxymoron that is hard to picture but it's not just about Elegance alcoholism won't stop at undermining your elegance but it destroys your health and can lead to disastrous incidences."
"My name's Eric and I'm an alcoholic and I don't know how to do this at all really."
"Alcoholism is a disease that has three distinct phases to it."
"Alcoholism is drinking as a coping mechanism... it rots away all the shine on things."
"...substance use disorders are highly heritable so 50 to 60 percent of your risk for developing an alcohol use disorder comes from your genetics."
"'First, the man takes the drink, then the drink takes the man' - sculpture created based on an old Irish saying."
"My friends think when we just saw 'October,' Rogan asked me, he goes, 'Is this going to be, can you stop drinking?'"
"No one who has two drinks a week is not... listen, if you're that person, you're lying to yourself."
"I was always looking for a reason to drink and just like you I'd wake up the next morning hating myself for getting drunk...again."
"I'm a blackout drunk. So I would drink until you pass out. Well, not, no, not passing out, no memory, all right? Okay. Yeah. So, and that's the difference, blackout drunk and passing out drunk is two different things."
"This is the most in-depth training that has ever been created on quitting alcohol."
"I can't be in this place anymore, I'm getting drunk."
"If you're a victim of alcoholism and don't have a revolutionary spiritual experience, you're going to drink and you're going to die."
"Support from friends and family members is important in overcoming alcohol problems."
"Alcohol use disorder is not seen as a belief or lack of willpower but rather as a disease."
"Julian refused his behavior always worsened when alcohol was involved."
"I don't want to go down that slippery slope of being dependent on alcohol."
"He followed in Dad's footsteps, drinking heavily by his early teens, which would ultimately cause irreversible brain damage."
"Her battle with alcoholism was a poorly kept secret in Hollywood circles, friends and family spoke of her generous spirit and kindness but also of the mood swings and erratic behavior that accompanied her drinking."
"If I have the genes for alcoholism and I become an alcoholic and I recover that's very very good because that's an adaptation and biology loves adaptations."
"Alcohol became her escape from the chaos."
"Peter O'Toole, the legendary actor known for his brilliant performances and piercing blue eyes, had a reputation as one of Hollywood's prominent alcoholics."
"Is that what it become? It just becomes that, right? And you gotta go do it, and that's the life that you have, and you have no... There's no way... Like, your life is kind of miserable until you can get it pounded away with enough alcohol to kind of then move on."
"Alcoholism is the only disease I know that's stopped by the will."
"The scariest moment for me was admitting that I had a problem with alcohol and that I needed help."
"If the medication can help you get to a place where you can control your drinking, then you're in a position to work on yourself."
"I had been slowly making the transition from social drinker to sloppy drunk for the past several years."
"The suggestion that my client has any issues with alcohol... is devoid of basis in fact."
"You've killed a relationship because you're drinking too much."
"'He vowed to stop drinking the stronger spirits. When he was younger, it seemed he could recover, but in the last year, things had been different.'"
"Alcoholism and the trap of alcoholism and how easy it can get sucked into a situation."
"This generation is full of functioning alcoholics."
"When people start saying 'it's not that deep, I can handle my liquor,' it's deep. You have an alcohol addiction problem."
"But the last two or three years of my drinking Joey saw what it was like and I had no idea that I wasn't sober. I thought I was sober when you saw me falling all over myself, not able to walk. [ __ ] was that we were at a comedy club and you were performing."
"I lost the power to decide how much I was going to drink and also I lost power over how I behaved really and that's why it brought me a blessing they brought me to my knees."
"My drinking career, my football career was going side by side, so every kind of holiday period I was getting smashed and my drinking wasn't two glasses of wine, you know, it was getting smashed, it was going side by side, my football career."
"Alcoholism is a family disease, and those who live with it get as sick or sicker than the alcoholic, and they need treatment."
"Alcoholics drink because they are alcoholics."
"I started realizing that alcohol was really affecting my mental health."
"The alcohol is helping, but it's really not."
"Alcoholism is when you have to put something in you. Addiction is when something changes you that you put inside of you."
"What happens when a under the influence maniac shows up on a school campus."
"If I can't drink two to five beers during a Monday Night Football game, then I don't think that I want to live anymore."
"Alcoholism is a two-prong disease. It has an obsession of your mind and an allergy to your body."
"This course is going to help you, and it's completely free. I've just put this together because I know that it's going to help people around the world enable themselves to break free from the tight grip that alcohol has over them."
"My beautiful loving smart daughter had become a hardcore alcoholic at 19."
"It is just so insane to me how many people struggle on all different levels with alcohol abuse."
"It's not just the calories from the alcohol, it was the kind of sodded attitude as soon as I'd had a couple of drinks all willpower would go."
"LSD has been repeatedly shown to be an effective therapy for the treatment of alcoholism, even after a single dose."
"I never knew my mother; my father was the town drunk. Lovable man, but he had the sickness."
"Giving up alcohol was not easy for McGregor, but he managed."
"You're not alone. Alcohol is a very addictive drug, it's probably one of the most addictive drugs."
"I think the saddest part of Jack's life at that particular time was that he used to drink occasionally, maybe sometimes more than occasionally."
"Alcohol will make you think that it can solve the problems. All that's going to do is keep you stuck."
"The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking."
"We show up in the hospital all the time because we're having a heart attack, and what it is, it's an anxiety, it's an alcoholic anxiety attack."
"I was following those footsteps hard...I woke up one day and it was 9 A.M and I was already drunk and I was like I can't keep doing this."
"She went from being drunk I would probably say seven days a week I would call her a sloppy mess of a human being to fixing her [ __ ] she lost weight she stopped drinking."
"I view alcoholism as the enemy because once you understand how alcoholism works, then you can gather the tools and the strategies to defeat it."
"People that are really committed and disciplined about their alcohol use can get to coming out called alcoholic very quickly."
"Recovery from alcoholism is possible."
"A patient who abuses alcohol is usually deficient in thiamine. If left untreated, a thiamine deficiency may lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome."
"Alcoholics are more liable to get vitamin B1 deficiency."
"It's very hard to define alcoholism, it's very hard to define where it comes from."
"I just hope that the last year of his life, when he was free of alcoholism, when he was fighting against the disease, that this part of his life can be an inspiration to young people."
"It is one of the best studies of alcoholism and its effect on the family and everybody around them that I have ever read."
"You're in love with a liar, you're in love with a drunk."
"Her work went far beyond fighting alcoholism."
"Alcoholism is genetic. My dad was an alcoholic, now he's sober. Big up, Keith."
"There was no trace of love between us any longer. I could see that she hated me and feared me and when the thought of it drove me to drink then she despised me as well."
"Alcohol doesn't have to be your master anymore."
"People who become alcoholics are using alcohol to deal with unresolved trauma."
"I kept drinking despite negative consequences in my life."
"I drank to escape because there was no better solution."
"I liked drinking, I liked the way it made me feel."
"Both Terry and I drank despite negative consequences."
"Alcohol doesn't care who you are."
"By the time you're an alcoholic, you're drinking to get rid of the effects alcohol gave you."
"Alcohol causes problems in your life when it's used to excess."
"We started to drink to get back to what we started to drink over in the first place."
"You are doubly conditioned through thousands of repetitions that drinking makes you feel good and not drinking makes you feel bad."
"There is no sight to be seen in the streets of London more pathetic than this oft-repeated story: the little child leading home a drunken parent."
"This is the great news this book carries to those who suffer from alcoholism."
"Alcohol freed me from the bondage of self."
"Alcohol was the most immediate and the most effective medicine for the real crap that's wrong with me that I ever found."
"Alcohol is not my drug of choice; it's my drug of no choice."
"I think the question is not if you're going to drink again, I think it's when."
"I reached what my book calls the jumping off place where I could no longer imagine life with or without alcohol."
"Our membership ought to include all who suffer from alcoholism."
"I don't struggle with the powerfulness of alcoholism; I know it's cunning and I know it's baffling."
"I'm recovered. I no longer suffer from the disease of alcoholism."
"He was a man that was sufficiently armed with facts about himself that was willing to carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic."
"We ought to include all those who suffer from alcoholism."
"I struggled with severe alcoholism that could have killed me or someone else for about three years."
"You start to take the power back that alcohol took from you; you start to get your own power back, and that's really a beautiful process."
"Each Al-Anon family group has but one purpose: to help families of alcoholics."
"It's easier to spot alcoholics because they're drunk."
"Jack admits his alcoholism has gotten out of hand."
"We have a solution and this book tells us about a planned action that has helped us to recover from alcoholism."
"Here is the number of Alcoholics Anonymous. Will you call them?"
"This book carries that message if you are an alcoholic and have alcoholism."
"I need to become willing to make amends to the people and institutions that I've harmed during my alcoholism."
"Practical experience shows that nothing will so much ensure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics."
"It's this really beautiful story about this woman who's an alcoholic."
"If I was an alcoholic, would you test to see if I'm an alcoholic by giving me alcohol?"
"I am not an alcoholic. I am not now, and I never was."
"I decided to go out there as a way to recover from my alcoholism and move forward with my life."
"I'm an everyday member of Alcoholics Anonymous because I suffer from alcoholism."
"My name's Jonathan, and I'm an alcoholic."
"While the end of communist rule has led to many positive political and economic changes in people's lives, it's also led to family breakdown, growing poverty, and an increase in alcoholism."
"No man should be fired just because he is alcoholic. If he wants to stop, he should be afforded a real chance."
"How tragic is this disease of alcoholism, we're the lucky ones, so many of my friends are dead today from this disease."
"Our primary purpose is to stay sober and to help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety."
"In the middle of all of this yelling, I suddenly stopped and I admitted... there was at least the possibility that I drank too much sometimes."
"I was crying really hard because I didn't want to be there and I didn't want to be an alcoholic."
"I believe alcoholism is an illness."
"The phenomenon of craving... is limited to this class and never occurs in the average temperate drinker."
"We alcoholics do not have a monopoly on spirituality."