
Existential Thoughts Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"When you're happy, you don't mind the thought that everything has no purpose."
"We have to be willing to feel the fear of death in order to actually live."
"Many of us work jobs that feel completely devoid of meaning, that seem to help no one, and we still can't spend our time in more meaningful ways because we too need a steady wage to keep a roof over our head and food on our table."
"There is no point to anything... What would you wanna do to just make this enjoyable?"
"We're all just a bunch of stupid, inconsequential freaks. We don't have to be happy, we don't have to be normal, we don't even have to be alive, not if we don't want to. We can do whatever we want, as long as we don't hurt other people."
"To have children is the most basic...meaning of life."
"Ideas have you, modes of being have you, and that recognition means the first level of attention looks something like worship."
"Meaning is the balance between order and chaos... If order and chaos are like rule then where's the meaning?"
"The second you reach maturity, you exit adolescence and become an adult. You start dying."
"We all have a reason for being here, we all planned out our life."
"Jebel in his own words he can do anything just like the endless power of imagination and mindset that really molds your life into something that physically maybe it is arbitrary."
"How much longer do you think this thing is going to go? Just pick someone you like hanging out with and ride out the last couple of years."
"The past, present, and future maybe are all equally real."
"There is this part that is beautiful and mystical."
"It's just an arbitrary number. I almost kind of wish I stopped counting."
"The anticipation of death is far worse than the reality."
"Either we are alone in the universe or not, but both possibilities are equally terrifying."
"Nature doesn't really like anything that's unique... if we were alone, because we would be a one-off and nature really doesn't seem to like that sort of thing."
"I believe that here there can be no confidence and ultimate confidence, but I see that we've seen some glimpse of this confidence."
"Regret, I just don't see what the point of talking about regret is."
"It's almost like dying. There's no borders. It's just all there. It's delicate. There's just the thinnest layer of atmosphere keeping us protected from the vacuum of space."
"People are imperfect, imperfectly living in a world."
"Feeling truly alive, and I guess that's all I really want from my time on earth."
"The world that we live in is sometimes a stranger place than we can ever imagine."
"It's almost like you feel left out of the universe, but the universe is going to give you a surprise."
"What are stars? What are galaxies? None of that is real."
"It's not likely there's anything you think about after you're dead."
"Beliefs are broken because they are made of the same thing as you."
"So much fun. I love the diversity of games we have here."
"Life is worth living, you know. And if I have to be terrified, you know..."
"The purpose of the world is not to be an insipid fool's paradise, rather it is to be a tragedy in which the will to life recognizes itself and turns away from itself." - Schopenhauer
"Time is of course our best friend and our worst enemy."
"Death is boring now, it's just dull, people living their lives."
"It really does freak me out sometimes when I think of how much of our life you can boil down to these tiny moments of decision."
"What's worse than being afraid of dying is having a fear of fully living."
"Everyone's weak and so they cling to dreams and other people."
"You can't. They go by fast. It goes by quick, and then it's gone."
"You don't want to live your life so that at the last breath you have, you're thinking, 'I've wasted my life.'"
"Formula One is so fast that when you lose control the first thing your mind comes did is it the life is over."
"Life is so complex... sometimes it's just everything."
"It's kind of insane to think like, we are so close to just straight up giving up at all moments down here, you know?"
"We're all just trying to make sense of this ridiculous, crazy world by whatever means necessary."
"God exists and he's laughing uncontrollably."
"Nothing really exists, and my fear of that known existence."
"Dreaming is every bit as good of an existence as wakefulness." - Enjoying altered states of consciousness
"It's wild to think... life's already been written."
"It's that nagging idea that life could be magical, it could be special."
"If the wolf runs at you ready to attack, then you should not have any regrets about your life because you will most."
"When you die, you remember a song, a line from a movie, a play, a book, a poem."
"As long as you live, you can never escape them. To feel sadness is to live, and as long as you're alive, the future is a blank page."
"Life is mad, like I'm a weird thinker, I can look up at the stars and I just think what the [ __ ] is going on out there."
"Humans desire to predict and imagine our future, whether that be the prospect of heaven or the demise of our entire planet."
"If you had quit, the world wouldn't have you."
"Life is infinite, it's crazy how many different paths we can take."
"It's not about me and my temporal power on this planet, I'm a dead man and like everybody else, and I'm just moving forward."
"Fear is not real... Everything is by Design, it's all mapped out little do we know."
"Modern societies tend to see time as a ticking time bomb until they die, a clockwork of standardized gears cranking until they get older, rusty, useless, and stop turning."
"The possibility question has to be dropped itself."
"I feel like there's no necessity driving me."
"You're looking at life and thinking, why is it so complicated?"
"Reality is often disappointing, rather the majority of us, we're just not fixate Felix why do I fix everything?"
"I'm a true believer that something is always out there watching."
"I feel like there's a purpose, and I hadn't fulfilled it yet."
"Life is often a very scary thing no matter how much we don't like to admit it."
"Life, death... and the world around us all follow a set of laws..."
"It makes you feel very small and vulnerable."
"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience."
"If there's a sense of meaningless or a sense of haplessness that is not really how things are."
"But what if the actual level of reality is like way way way up there and we're just not there yet."
"It's very simple it's very accepting of the fact that we're here very briefly and we matter not much but we matter in the chain of kindness that we can create for others."
"I feel like I got gifted the opportunity because if that's not what life is about, then what is it about?"
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."
"You had an endlessly flowing supply line of food you can brood over humanity and the meals of our hope..."
"Life is a pile of snow, the sun is dissipating."
"Honestly legendary—there are few moments in one's life where you know it's like... is it even worth it?"
"Plus, this could be a simulation so who knows."
"In a strange way, I feel relieved. Can't believe there is another world after death."
"For the first time in their life, they're not... 'Oh, you know, I'll be dead in a decade and no one will care.' Oh. Certainly not me."
"You never truly know when we're gonna die. It could be a day like any other, it could be a very important day, or it could be very, very far in the future. No one really knows."
"Life is boring, and here's the uncomfortable truth."
"Life is that awesome that here I am and I'm talking to you."
"Things are us things incorporated we can't both be things but you've managed it."
"Maybe we're actually living our second life right now."
"Sometimes you do keep living, and that's all life can really ask of you."
"Maybe there's a light or something, maybe you go into that and it doesn't hurt so bad anymore."
"There is a nervous restlessness, a hunger, a thirst, a yearning for something unknown."
"Fear of dying is one of those fundamental things hardwired in every human."
"I'm thinking I don't want to waste any more time."
"The nightmare is to reach our deathbed and talk about everything we should have done."
"Perfect is not perfect. Perfect doesn't necessarily exist or need to exist."
"Loss is all about just surviving long enough to not die yet."
"It's bad to have no reason to live, but it's also bad to have too many reasons to live."
"It's time for you to die, it's like a subtle sign you know."
"I think about that sometimes, I go, how many times I could have died or should have died."
"I'm not afraid to die. I don't want to, but I'm not certainly not worried about it at all because I think it's worth saying what you think. And if that gets you taken out, okay. But doesn't make it any less worth it."
"We're terrified of what might happen after we're dead which I wish we could, I think we do a lot better if we just realize nothing's gonna happen after you're dead."
"I never really figured out why the existential question 'why.'"
"It's so weird how I can feel so disconnected from my external appearance... It's literally just a vessel that takes us through this life."
"There's more to life than just existing right now."
"Life is finite, but you can't really feel it unless you're in it."
"If we go down, we're all dying. It's totally fine."
"Infinite time and infinite space — that to me is the 'ultimate.'"
"The feeling I have right now, I don't want to die. I want to live forever."
"I wonder if the reason people don't have babies is for the same reason we know internally we're not doing anything to better our society. It would be a drain on society to reproduce in a world where there's no purpose anymore."
"Machines have no soul, and humans lost theirs a long time ago."
"Obscurity, a fate worse than death for a hero such as myself."
"As we start to think about this future where we are experiencing death as a species and a planet."
"Death in space is one of the least dignified ways of leaving life."
"I know it's scary thinking about life without God, but atheism gives you perspective."
"I wish that this wouldn't one day come to an end."
"I'm not afraid of death. I'm just pissed off about it."
"The time that we have on this earth is precious."
"In the fundamental pain and meaninglessness of life, we must not find ourselves lethargic and paralyzed."
"New beginnings for everything, there's no end."
"Who truly knows how many times you were minutes from death?"
"Humans will be secured in their existence forever just like the cow with the best evolutionary strategy."
"Someday when time no more shall be and I say death where is your stain."
"Life is inherently not like life. Life is inherently not complete."
"Space-time is doomed; there is no fundamental space time."
"You go to bed with the woman you love and you don't wake up, and you don't know anything. That's been a comfort."
"My ambition is fueled from possibility. I'm giving you all this []. I'm giving you all the [] when I'm doing my dying, take you with me."
"He was not interested in what things were. He was interested in what things were doing."
"Life has never looked so uncertain as it does right now."
"I fully understand why somebody would want to end this existence a lot of people are going through a lot of pain and a lot of suffering I get it."
"The great truth is that there isn't one and it only gets worse since that conclusion."
"I'm not even saved, but salvation aside just for a second."
"I'm not even afraid of death because I know at a certain point everybody is going to die, but how we die is very important."
"I exist as every single human being who ever lived, both past, present, and future."
"The miracle of life, so an experience I'll say that much."
"I never wanted to hurt anybody... but I'm not gonna go to hell for anybody. I will never have that feeling of hopelessness that I felt when I died."
"I have seen everything that is done under the Sun and behold, all is vanity."
"I can't wrap my head around the fact that I will never understand everything that's happening around me."
"The end is not the end where everything disappears."
"Humans thinking about what happens to them after they die, despite how it feels, it's a normal thought."
"Humans want to find meaning in life, to feel less alone, to distract ourselves."
"Fascinated by death because it is this unknown to us."
"It would be a boring world to live in if we had the explanation for all of it, wouldn't it?"
"Principles much higher than techniques. They produced techniques instantly. Yeah, so movement is not to be captured. You try to hug it, it disappears."
"Why would I waste time not doing those, worrying about dying? It's pointless."
"If you did not have sound; you would not be, you would not exist."
"We won't be there when we are dead, and this itself can be frightening."
"Dying need not be something we fear, it's the status of being dead that can be scary."
"Life became about salvation from death and mortality."
"People imagine themselves into the future, and it can be terrifying."
"There's more to life than just working hard so you can die and be forgotten."
"Time is just a f*cking... It's a human construct."
"The mushroom said to me once it said this is what it's like when a species prepares to depart for the stars."
"There's no tragedy if there's no comedy. There's no life if there's no dark. If there's no life, there's no tragedy. If there's no comedy."
"Perhaps it'll become a future where I never existed. But it's okay if it does. There's too much sadness in my world."
"We're all just out here struggling and trying to find our way, and that's okay."
"All of life is an illusion, but you still have a purpose."
"Either we're alone in the universe or we're not. Both are equally terrifying."
"We're all going to die anyway, so let's go out and try."
"Death is psychologically just as important as birth."
"It's weird to have moments in your life where you're like, 'How many of these do I get? What, five, ten?'"
"I flipped between believing Humanity can be saved and just being like, 'Man, it's just not possible.'"
"The idea that we might not die knowing on the day we die that we didn't really do what we came here to do is actually scarier to us than the thought that they might kill us if we do."
"The universe isn't asking you to be good or do certain things."
"Life is terrifying... we construct distractions to not think about death and to find a way to transcend it."
"I don't really know what the mission is, but the only worthwhile thing in life is to ride it to the end, try to find out the meaning of it all."
"Surrounded by the biggest discovery. That buried discoveries only count if other people know it existed. If I die here, no one discovered it, and I died. You become the discovery. It's amazing."
"I hope there's just something uniquely human about us that we always hold on to and that cannot be replicated." - Unapologetic
"It's not about how long you live; it's about how you live."
"Another quote by Nietzsche: 'The thought of suicide is a great consolation, by means of it one gets successfully through many a bad night.'"
"I think what happens is when people get everything they've ever wanted and they're not happy still, they start to realize that we're just on a rock hurtling through space."
"We kind of owe our existence to these sorts of explosions."
"The existence of matter in the universe means that galaxies must not only be moving, they must be accelerating."
"The man that knows something knows nothing knows that he knows me that's how I want to know, yeah."
"Some things in life, I never thought the end of the world would be one of them."
"Our Earthly existence is temporary, our true home is not of this world."
"Every day for the past week, I wake up thinking, 'What are we actually in this moment right now?'"
"I have missed pretty much everything. I feel like it's... I'm the glue that holds the world together."
"You can't run nowhere. You can't call nobody. It's no time. Sometimes you take life for granted and you start thinking about what you wanna do on your last breath. Sometimes, ain't no time."
"Life is incredibly confusing and really doesn't make any sense if you stop and think about it."
"I'm not worried about dying at all. What I want to know is that I'm going to die with some sort of dignity."
"We are so transient, and yet our impact is not."
"It is precisely in being an 'I' and being separate from the whole and experiencing the illusions that go with it that you can discover what is not."
"Death is inevitable, Baby knows that. Baby just didn't think that she would be thinking about it so soon."
"Time will say nothing but I told you so. Time only knows the price we have to pay. If I could tell you, I would let you know."
"I'm celebrating but having an existential crisis at the same time."
"Everything that we were told and conditioned to do was with the notion of getting out. But then I asked myself, where the [ __ ] are we really going?"
"Have you ever felt like your words and thoughts vanish Into Thin Air leaving you wondering if the universe really listens?"
"The universe has really just begun. It's wild when you think like that."
"The thing about Islam is it kind of, by prioritizing the afterlife so much, it really takes away the importance of this life."
"It's a feeling... the acknowledgment that evil exists."
"In order to leave here you aren't going to leave upwards you're going to go downwards."
"This is the stuff of myth and legend. We want to live forever, and part of the human condition is coming to grips with this apparent tragedy that we will die."
"Plato gets it: 'We live in a world filled with sadness.'"
"Life is such a crazy thing that these moments in time, you're here right now, and how close it was that we are not having this conversation."
"It's strange to think of it, but even without bringing multiverses and eternity into play, there is a good chance you will be back again one day."
"Life has meanings that can't be infinitely malleable."
"It's a very terrifying food for thought that one day your kamiyoshi the V shiver you love so much will one day be forgotten themselves."
"Life is something that almost feels like it has to be made by some type of more intelligent being."
"I don't know what the future holds, none of us know, no one knows what is going to happen."
"Nothing's real. Love what happens to these butterflies in the cocoon. Nothing matters. Why is the sky blue? I think what happened to Wi-Fi. Let me just finish this."
"Reflect on how temporary all these moments are."
"I've contemplated suicide... or literally leave this planet."
"Perhaps we only exist in the memory of a person now gone. Then that's kind of deep bro."
"Nothing is really certain; even the most fundamental stuff. You have to at least recognize that nothing is really certain."
"Life and death, I feel, you know, we worry too much that we have control over it, we don't."