
Personal Reflection Quotes

There are 3788 quotes

"I think about being alone... and I don't want people to feel the way that I felt."
"Your future self is going to look back at you and he's either going to look back at you with pride or with resentments."
"I went undercover as Darman for 24 hours. This video didn't do super well, but I still look back on this video as the turning point for my channel."
"The way that people treat you is not a reflection of you; it's a reflection of them."
"Brian Wilson himself has topped this notion on several occasions, even stating in 1998, 'That's when it all happened for me. That's where my heart lies. Love You, Jesus, that's the best album we ever made.'"
"I'm just so incredibly grateful for the life that I have now."
"Your life is merely reflections of your thoughts and perspective."
"What controls me is this: I am a man imprisoned by what, the love of Christ for me."
"I didn't understand the love of God until I had a child."
"I feel so lucky. I have such a weird, fun life."
"There is nothing that matters more than how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"You may have had something that started fast and ended fast."
"It's hard to describe; I'm just so thrilled."
"Tattoos really reflect the artists that are doing 'em."
"Self-awareness is key right? We have our moments, we have our norms, we have our trends."
"For me to squander any moment, any second of my life, is something that definitely haunts me. It haunts me every day, and I won't let it happen."
"I guess I can just talk to people right now. I'm on stage; it's like I'm famous."
"Most days I feel like I'm going nowhere... but every time I take the time to look back, I'm always further than where I had been."
"We should make something that, if we look back and see, at least in our minds and our hearts, it must look good, isn't it, what we have done?"
"The whole Evangelical industrial complex be baffling my brain sometimes."
"I sometimes think to myself how lucky I am to be sitting here today."
"You have your finger on something that I am haunted by, which is that people are lost; they're scared in life."
"The tough part about being a minority in anything is that so many people are counting on you to reflect their experience. The best you can do is reflect your own."
"The last three weeks have been atrocious and magnificent at the same time."
"I'm not a perfect person, and I don't want to be."
"Your external world is a reflection of your inner world. This is what you teach."
"The true question is not 'Is there life after death?' but 'Is there life before death?'"
"It's hard to find the right words to express it though, but when things aren't going so well, I take a look at the sky and there's not really a reason for it, but it just feels like everything's going to work out."
"I challenge people to describe who they are without mentioning their occupation or family terms. It's a good exercise to stand on your own."
"It was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because I finally understood all the things that I'd struggled with for my entire life."
"An open letter to my 15-year-old self would be a way to share the crucial life lessons I've learned, hopefully helping others."
"This has been a kind of a cathartic experience for me... reflecting on each object in turn and describing to you guys what they mean to me has been very therapeutic."
"I feel like I'll be working for the rest of my life, absolutely, for the rest of my life."
"It's amazing when you lose weight and you finally look back, it makes you realize how overweight you were."
"As you get older, you start to realize not a whole lot of people think very deeply about other people's experiences."
"For the first time in my life, I said, 'I'm getting tired about the future.'"
"To me, it's the equivalent of a diary book in the form of a TV show, just overall wholesome while exploring everything that life has to offer."
"In crisis, get alone with God. In victory, get alone with God."
"For whatever reason, if there is a reason, if there is destiny—I am a fortunate man."
"At the end of the day, I can sit down on my couch, lay back, and say, 'Hey, I'm not perfect yet, but today I made a step closer to this perfect version of myself.'"
"Take a moment to close your eyes, and think about why you started learning a language on Duolingo."
"I think people should think about [mortality] more."
"Yes, we live in a society, but also, society lives in you."
"I think I might have missed my calling in the snack food category."
"No matter how you feel about a certain woman, you should be respectful as a man. That's wrong with me; I'm disgusted by it."
"I'm just so thankful right now, like I really, really am."
"Make yourself a better person. Become the person that looks in the mirror and smiles, knowing that they tried, knowing they made the effort."
"I've been on a hiatus. I recently left the internet for a month. I thought to myself, 'Hmm, maybe leaving the internet for a month, maybe things would improve.'"
"I feel incredibly lucky and incredibly grateful."
"It feels like being a prisoner in your own mind."
"I killed a mother holding her child, and I regret it. I resent myself for it."
"So now I'm sad and happy at the same time. It's much more rich, you know?"
"Honestly, the memories are just pouring in right now."
"There's something about the color [green] that calms me."
"What was it like to be free like that? My life has become so rigid. Really, time for pleasure, I can't even remember what freedom feels like."
"Life has been beautiful. I can't complain. There's nothing for me to complain about."
"Forgive me for now, but it deals with a subject that I think hits home for all of us: the subject of grief."
"I literally think I have one of the best jobs on the Earth."
"First and foremost, I'm Spider-Man, like how awesome is that?"
"Music has a way, I think everybody can come to their own, and everyone so, and that's sort of what it reflects for me."
"2021 was one of the most eventful years of my life. In many ways, it was the best year of my life, in more obvious ways to me, one of the worst years of my life."
"Chances are, when you're looking on your last year, you're not remembering the in-between stuff, the average stuff that filled your days. You're remembering the moments, the flashes of memorable things that happened."
"Every astronaut has felt that way at one time or another."
"We are hurt a lot more by things that we don't expect to happen."
"To others, I may seem like I've done a lot of stuff, but to me, I seem like a child who picked up a particularly elegant seashell on the beach."
"I'm not what I think I am, I'm not what you think I am, I'm what I think you think I am."
"There's so many people that could be there right now and if they hear Gemma's story then maybe they will identify the red flags in their own life."
"Our life now is so immensely different, but we're so blessed."
"I would have taken a broke dad over no dad any day of the week."
"Gender isn't really something that I think about a lot; it's not really something I think of as defining me."
"Went in there the other day, boy, that was a beautiful experience."
"2013 was my worst year and my best year all wrapped in one."
"It's pretty nostalgic to be honest, in a weird way, and that's kind of embarrassing to say, honestly."
"This was a range of emotions, let me just tell you."
"My father was buried there for many years. He really felt that it was something that he didn't deserve."
"I always wanted to be somebody who journaled because I thought it would be so cool to have a record of my life to look back on."
"I felt that I had been happy and was happy again."
"Finding it so much like myself — so like a brother, really — I felt that I had been happy and that I was happy again."
"I had lived my life one way and I could just as well have lived it another."
"What's the theme of this chapter of your life? What do you want to have accomplished at the end of it?"
"Let me tell you, I get so excited when I get the opportunity to just sit before God, to sit with Jesus, and to think about you."
"It's time for you to get yourself right with God."
"All my life's happiest moments just played in my head."
"I know 2019 was the year of exposure and drama and people getting divorced and relationship breakups, but my 2019, especially the second half of 2019, was nothing but a blessing."
"98 was a great year, by the way. Probably one of my favorite years."
"I could have never dreamed this. If you told me six years ago, I'd be like, 'That's a good joke. Very funny.'"
"Just because you're married doesn't mean that the person is necessarily adding value to your life."
"Thank God for Shabbat, for a variety of reasons, including the fact that I spend an enormous amount of time both with my kids and reading on Shabbat."
"There's a time and a place for that, but now I find myself more often thinking, like, how can I...have more time that I could just hang out with my kid?"
"Therefore, you will reflect someone back to you who will love you just as much as you love yourself."
"In the end, Rook, isn't that the only thing that really matters? Happiness."
"I had a text message from Bill Parcells... His response was, 'Don’t chase this thing too long. You can contribute in other ways.'"
"Divorcing her was one of my biggest mistakes in my life."
"I remember in 2016, I used to be so absorbed in Twitter nonsense and drama, and it's just such a useless use of time."
"Is anyone really beyond redemption? I don't know. I don't think so. But we'll see in time."
"I grew up in Naples, Florida, where the average age is, you know, nursing home... but it, the Cadillac, to me, this is the mast of the truly great Cadillacs."
"When I saw the nativity scene, I felt like Mary. Alone, hungry, desperate, and then I saw the light from the manger. It was like God was giving me a sign to help my daughter."
"Job is the most lived scripture...you have walked in every verse of this book."
"Piranesi is a study in solitude, and one of the best things I read in 2021."
"I've learned to value life more and know that it's very fragile, very frail."
"If life was really as valuable as you make it out to be, then why do you waste it the way that you do?"
"Enabling Eco Mode has a very minuscule hit to performance while significantly reducing the power consumption."
"I've lived about a decade in the last 12 months."
"You're on the verge of greatness, you were this close, and you threw it all away."
"It's rare that a game has made me reflect on war to the degree that three houses did."
"It was pretty idyllic, you know, we were very lucky."
"I'm sorry. I was never a child. I was born a man." - Theodore
"The truth is that parses I think do more harm than good for the game and I think it's by a large margin how do I know that because I was one person who cared about parses and I ruined my whole raid think about this I was a best in slot 99 parsing Fury Warrior and arms Warrior depending on the fight I had the best gear and whenever I stopped raiding nobody was mad nobody said come back asmon nobody they were all relieved like thank God his reign of terror is over."
"I do feel like we made a difference out there even if it was just a little."
"I've reached 13 years of YouTube... which is really wild to think about."
"So to all the youngans and even the older people who I influenced with my jokes and my perverted thoughts I'm sorry."
"The ability to be alone is actually extremely important life skill...you can be alone and you can actually think about yourself."
"Someone's saying something awful to you or about you says a lot more about them and what they're going through than it does about you."
"I think our niceties are much more about us."
"I probably need to do a new one, that one's so old."
"Ever since I was a kid my dream was to become a professional footballer, but since I had no Talent my dream was crushed."
"What does it mean to me, God? How are you trying to show yourself to me?"
"Every day I think about James Houston... it just leaves me thinking about the afterlife and what comes next."
"Sublime moments like this can give us a newfound appreciation of life."
"I feel so much better than yesterday I feel like I was just in such a stressed out mood yesterday but honestly I did this like whole rant to myself where I literally just ranted out loud to myself and I felt a lot better so yeah."
"If a human being takes the time out of their day to consume your piece of content, consume it, and then spend time to leave a negative comment to you after consuming your content, think about how shitty that person's life is."
"I can honestly say that I've never felt more understood than when I read the description for the social line in the book 'The Complete Enneagram.' It put towards what I felt on a very personal level."
"But this has just been the best series ever from the dinosaurs to all of Stacy's wolves in the mod to the hippocamps and the unicorns and the pegasus I've just had the most amazing what five years it's it's it's overwhelming."
"Surrounding yourself with people is very good but also surrounding yourself with people too much is also bad because you need to feel those emotions at the same time."
"You're better than that. You're better than how you've been thinking and how you've been living."
"No regrets about that, zero regrets... I shouldn't have fought in Chicago."
"What motivates me to work is thinking about you guys and trying to help other human beings."
"Every single film is like I have those moments of just like, I have to pinch myself."
"This project was honestly so difficult for me, but I think I'm finally gonna build up this Little Pond area and just reflect on my journey."
"Jesus did so much for me. I really need to think about what I'm doing, where I'm going, am I glorifying Him?"
"This was never meant to happen to me. This whole life that I now have was never meant to happen to me."
"I almost felt like this message was taking me down a peg so I took a deep breath and I went back into the message and I realized this person was really really sweet."
"Enjoy the journey. These are the years you're going to look back at with fondness."
"Of all the weddings, this one touches my heart the most."
"And I realized that it's not having the world's biggest YouTube channel, it's being proud of the projects that I put out and having full say in how I spend my time."
"John must have been very aware that he was getting close to the end of his life."
"The echos make it sound more ethereal and like I'm actually atop a mountain peak."
"It's like a bad dream that you really don't want to tell anyone happen to you, because I look back now and think you silly girl, how did you not see it earlier?"
"Living in luxury, it's better than I thought."
"Being single isn't the worst thing in the world."
"Designed to be more reflective, more reserved."
"I feel like I didn't go out much, obviously I stream every day for like eight hours, I think one day off a week, but for me, you know, streaming and gaming, it is my job, so it's not necessarily my escape."
"If you look back at stuff from six months ago and you're proud of it, you're not improving."
"So, I can't be trusted. The problem is, I'm not sure the people of Earth can't be either."
"It just cuts you to the center, man, it just cuts you to the core."
"Guys, I hope I'm inspiring somebody that's been thinking about this shit."
"We're asking the question we're asking you to go within to the seventh Direction and make up your own mind make up your own heart."
"You did everything right. Why did you not just believe in yourself?"
"Transphobia is probably the only form of bigotry I haven't been accused of yet."
"Back then they didn't want you, now you're hot, they all on you."
"I love the game and that's my biggest takeaway."
"David had such a willingness and a desire to say 'Search me O God and know my heart.'"
"Childhood's pretty good. There's a couple of cracks in the foundation, but who don't have that?"
"He does. And I know that because he loves even me, sinner that I am."
"I found his philosophy extremely interesting."
"That is such crap. What was different about your marriage for you guys to be able to last as long as you guys did?"
"I'm entering my last year of my 20s which is crazy."
"It's really a free gift the more I actually really internalized that and thought about it that's when everything in my life seemed to change."
"Life is so short and I know it's the most generic thing to say but it really is."
"Everybody's got regrets. If you're breathing in and out as you watch this video, you've got regrets. Every human does."
"I don't think I'm this giant controversial character that people are portraying us to be."
"I just started looking forward. So here I am 2016 still stinging from the 2016 fight, it's 2017 now we're looking towards 18 that the midterms to 1920 and time is passing."
"They made it personal, they made people face and look in the mirror and listen to women."
"How the hell did you come up with me, then? Scraping the barrel."
"It's kind of the best summary I could do to help express my emotions."
"I still have my crazy low days but I mean today was a good fair day."
"It was the best set of parents that I ever could have had."
"You see all this, then you see it against your time and you're like man look at all that I did."
"I think about the people that have been in my life and I always say that sometimes people are lessons for their blessing."
"Give yourself a chance to see the world differently and see how that feels to you in this moment in time."
"It was during that project that I sort of began to question that this is how it's always been."
"This aquarius full moon is really going to magnify that for you."
"They made a decision and they're starting to feel like it wasn't the right decision."
"Everybody that's in your reality, everybody that's in your waking life is a reflection of you, and they were put in your life for a reason."
"Write down 10 things that you love about yourself."
"Has your life panned out exactly as you always dreamed that it would? And if not, where are the gaps?"
"They have never felt that kind of fear like that in their lives."
"Why can't we just enjoy what we have while we always looking at what somebody else has?"
"Knowing what I'm gonna do and when I'm gonna do it makes you hyper aware of the amount of time you actually have on this planet."
"Blue is a little antisocial... I feel like your dog is just a reflection of you."
"I just want to come back to the States, to be honest. I miss it a lot."
"Hey, it's 360 million people in America and if you can't find nobody out of 360 million you might need to look yourself."
"Reflect on your childhood, your sensations, your words, your emotions. Time, it will not wait, no matter how hard you hold on, it escapes you."
"I feel like this full moon really wrapped up a really long cycle."
"The more layers you peel away, the more you want to cry."
"Kind of a dad like my dad was. Yeah but um I would say that yeah I don't know but I was I did."
"Not only are my possessions not making me happy, but they were actually distracting me from the very thing that did bring me happiness."
"The reason every product should have its own batch code is because let's say the shade nude af was grainy af."
"I always felt guilty, like what is the survivor's guilt or like just making it here and I'm on the other side."
"Think about the people and things you feel grateful for."
"Working on such historic items is a blessing just to be able to preserve them for the future."
"I remember standing by the signpost and just feeling... a lovely morning."
"Every choice you have made has led you to this moment."
"Maybe I got overconfident, maybe I can't platform like I used to, maybe I'm getting old."
"I love the world I lived in. Just the fact that I can think that makes me very happy."
"It's hard. I think birthdays, holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, they are fundamental to probably every family who celebrate holidays."
"I think about those days a lot, and we're getting there."
"It's important to look at your face as a forest and to observe the forest and not hyperfocus on a tree."
"Sometimes when I pray for people, I feel my prayers coming back at me."
"I am. I feel like there is a bunch of stuff."