
Giving Back Quotes

There are 768 quotes

"I like that I'm trying to give people something I wanted as a kid."
"Everything that's been given to me is not for my own personal gain, rather it's so that I can give back tenfold."
"Anytime you have a hobby like this, where it's not just the activity but also the community and the history of it that you love, you get to a point where you don't just want to play, you want to give back to the community."
"You got to pay it forward, you got to help other people."
"Giving back and like I said, giving these guys some really good options."
"I think we're done, so thank you all for supporting me and obviously, I'm gonna keep giving back to the community."
"The great lives are led by those who look for ways to give more, not less."
"I want to always be able to give back my time to help not just fighters, just athletes and entertainers."
"Our motto is the more we make, the more we give."
"What I'm doing is trying to give back to the community what I once took."
"It's amazing how much you can get by giving back, so find a way to give back as much as you can."
"Maybe you've been blessed by this ministry, even blessed by the teachings, you've been blessed by the services, maybe you've been blessed by the live streams. Whatever you've received from, I'm asking you to give back, pay it forward, help someone else be blessed."
"You know, I've done a lot of [stuff] in my life, you know, and now if I feel like I like to help people out, motivate them to try to make their life better, I enjoy it."
"I feel like I owe it to society to pay it forward."
"There's a duty to give back to your community in which you came from."
"We should all give back every single day. It's better than any wage packet, 100%."
"The game's given me everything. Yeah, I want to share it."
"I believe you get what you give in life, and so it's important to give everything you can to help others."
"If I'm afforded all these blessings, I have to maximize those opportunities to give other people a chance."
"Success is getting what you want. Significance is giving what you got."
"Life treated Joey Dunlop pretty well, and he tried to pay it forward as often as he could."
"Bless is a cyclical, it comes back and cycles. You put a lesson out for somebody else, and down the line in your life, everything comes back full circle."
"They give back with every purchase you make."
"Is this why black celebrities don't give back? Because when Dr. Dre met the game he had nothing... Kanye West did more for him in two weeks than Dr. Dre did in his whole career."
"I've been given so much, I've been so blessed... I just want to be able to give back some of those feelings that I've had to others."
"It's not about what we're given, but what we give back."
"Be self-focused this month. Take care of yourself so you can grow and give back."
"God has given me so much that we return a portion of that."
"We can bring things to the people who mentor us."
"I realized that cancer is much too much for one person, that it's something that I had to give back to the universe."
"I'm just truly grateful. It's time to give back to you doggies."
"It's important that those that figure it out still have the opportunity to give it back."
"You wanted to make a difference, give back to society, see what the rest of the universe looks like. I am definitely an explorer, I prefer exploring, so yes, I agree with."
"They want to pay it forward. They recognize that they were mentored or they were counseled or advised or had a positive influence somewhere along the way."
"To be able to give them this belt means the absolute world."
"Thank you to everyone sewing, giving, we appreciate you guys."
"It's just in my DNA, you know. My whole family gave, gave, and give back."
"What can we give back? I think this is what we can do."
"We're going to live like no one else so that later we can live and give like no one else."
"Yes, we're still going to do it. I still want to give back, that is part of me and that is how I feel connected to the community."
"And that's why we do this, right? You live like no one else so later you can live and give like no one else."
"You operate your business strategy with a shitload of empathy and give back."
"You learn those lessons and you can give back."
"He wanted to give kids something he never had."
"And I think as part of the mission, it's also good sometimes to take that fortune and give back."
"Acknowledging you for having a huge heart, giving back, and just loving every step along the way."
"Living like no one else so that later I can live and give like no one else."
"Once I get where I want to be, trust me, I'm going to be paying it forward."
"To be able to give back, it's in my heart, my spirit, my soul."
"This is the only little way that I can give something back to our community."
"The life triumphant is that which places what a man gives to the world in creative expression far ahead of that which he takes from it."
"I appreciate you guys so why would i not want to give back?"
"Recognize that you didn't have something that you now get to give to somebody else."
"It's something I really enjoy doing and I feel like it's a way for me to give back to all you guys."
"I want to be able to do the same thing, give back to this community."
"Give them back to the community that's given to me."
"I got out of grad school, and I was pounding the pavement in New York. I got a pair of shoes from them because I needed... So, we're happy to find ways to give back, and they've done such an incredible job."
"Let's make a difference. The more you receive, the more you give. Life gives and life takes."
"Perhaps it's time we consider helping others and giving back. It could benefit our company in ways we never expected."
"You saved them. You gave them the one thing that was stolen from them. A chance. A chance to learn, to find love, to live."
"My dad... he instilled in me the belief that I have to give back... philanthropy has been a huge part of my life."
"We decided for our 500,000 special, we are going to give back to the community."
"We're gonna try to help donate... and give a little bit back that way as well"
"I just want to produce fruit with this, you know, with the seed that I've been given, so I just want to give back and I think that's going to be the main focus right now."
"I really want to give this back to you, though. I can't take this. I can't take it."
"I really do want to just give back to you guys in some way because truly I'm so grateful for each and every one of you."
"Make sure you give back when you do receive blessings from Spirit."
"I want to help other people now I feel like I've gotten to a point where it's like I now need to pay it forward."
"Give back because when you give back you're going to create."
"I've got to give back to the people, I've got to bless the people that have blessed me."
"Trust yourself break some rules don't be afraid to fail to what the naysayers look like hell and give something back."
"Disc golf has given me so much, so how can I give back to disc golf? I love it. It feels like it's given me purpose in my life." - Paul McBeth
"You deserve more out of life and they've given so much."
"A beautiful moment showcasing the importance of helping others in need."
"It's more rewarding for me, quite often, to do something for someone else than it is to have someone do something for me."
"Someone, you are coming out from a place of receiving and you're about to step into a place of giving. You're about to step into a place of giving in the name of Jesus."
"Philanthropy is derived from an ancient Greek word that means loving humanity. It doesn't mean necessarily writing checks."
"I'm trying to give back to the community by going and giving away some free things."
"It was an incomplete feeling or incomplete circuit if you didn't give back something from what you gained in your life."
"We want to be able to give back to you guys... you guys have blessed my life so much."
"He wanted to eat from the table, give back to the community."
"I think that's the most important thing that we do. I think most of us have come from families that needed help when we were young, and we were on the receiving end. So now it's our time to give back."
"Every time you give to the poor, you are given to Me."
"Never in my life would I have thought that I would be in a situation where I can have a platform give back."
"I took inspiration from so many of these people I'm down to pay it back I'm down to pay it forward and as long as I know what I'm doing I'm willing to do that stuff."
"Hand signals might seem goofy to you, but to the guy receiving them, they might save a life."
"I wanted to give people something that I didn't have."
"It's all about giving back... When I'm done, we're gonna help people."
"It is a responsibility to give back to the community."
"It's not by chance... if you are goal-oriented, positive, and give back, good things happen for you."
"When you can give back to somebody else, give back to somebody else."
"I enjoy my current career, you know, I'm still able to give back to the military."
"That's what this channel is about, is about giving back to people."
"As a traveler, it's important to always give back."
"It's a blessing to have an additional help here and there when you need help and I feel like it's a blessing that we can pay forward."
"Give back to those who have helped you on your journey, give back to those less fortunate than you."
"I'm just in a great mood and I want to give back to the community, AKA you."
"In the midst of her busy schedule, Darcy found time to contribute to causes close to her heart."
"I was already giving back before I actually had anything really to give."
"Dave Rubin has been so sportful as you know we spoke yesterday about Devin Nunez a a member really of the Republican leadership when you are the chair of the House Intelligence Committee as he was before the Republicans lost the house."
"I love you guys so much and I really want to be able to pay it forward."
"Another way that we can give is of your time."
"More than anything, it's about giving back in the spirit of Ramadan."
"I've been looking for a way to give back to our community."
"It's about giving back... life is priceless."
"We're real excited to be able to give back to the community a little bit."
"I always sit down with people that I see potential in, I want to give back."
"It's very important to give back, you know, that's what we're doing right now, we're giving back."
"That was the first time I got to like give back."
"Savage didn't come to TNA for the money since he was loaded, but to help out the company and give back to the business."
"Do the same thing I'm doing for you to somebody else."
"It became more important to me than ever before to be somebody who gives back."
"I'm showing my homies right, I'm giving back to my community, what everybody should do."
"I want to give back to people through my work so much who've given me way beyond what I deserved."
"It was time to give something back."
"We are trained to live by the rule of reciprocation that says we are obligated to give back to others who have first given to us."
"If there's money left over at the end of the year, it goes to a charity of your choosing."
"It was a great tie-in to the community, a way of giving back to the people that supported us."
"I completely believe in this project and giving back to especially those who have been through so much."
"Giving back to the world and the kids and people that needed more than me was way more important than me playing basketball."
"I think it's important to give back."
"There's no better gift than giving."
"This is me giving back from all the stealing I've done."
"I think it's important to give back to your community."
"Now you get to give back to those who have helped you, now you get to give back to people who are hurting."
"80% of what is given to you goes back to the people who are needing the church."
"We're just giving back today, man."
"It's the same principle of life and sustainability, and how to give back to people and give back to the earth."
"You have to give back to the community and really mean it from your heart."
"I understand poverty. I remember them days where rappers came to the hood and gave away."
"When you become successful, give back to your people. Help others rise."
"I try to talk to young people, man, about it. Gotta mentorship, man, gotta give back. So I look at it, if I can give back a little bit to other people out here on the street and make a difference, I think I should. I lived through it."
"You have to give back. That's the way you give back and then when you give, you receive."
"Instead of investing all that money into wearing expensive hair and gold jewelries, they will rather put it together and give back to their community."
"It's very important to them to give back to the community or back to certain group of people who may have it worse than them."
"There's something about being able to build a bigger community so you can give that information and help and do something back for the industry that gave you everything. To me, that's important."
"All I ever want to do is represent myself in a way where I'm being good to people and giving Aloha and giving back to my community so if I can do that then I feel like I'm doing something well."
"Giving back is probably one of the best things we can do for sure."
"I saw firsthand this generosity in America as an immigrant that is being embraced with open arms that I need to go and make sure that I give something back."
"I'm doing that's you know just trying to give off jobs and give back."
"My non-profit is for that reason, you know I mean to give back."
"I'm really glad that I can do stuff like this...to kind of give back to my community a little bit and help them out."
"We've given over 700 million dollars out in 25 years in all-time giving."
"I think it's really important to give back."
"When you make it to the top, don't forget to send the elevator back down."
"They've done a lot for us, so to have the opportunity to try to give back to them a little bit with getting this car up and running possibly resurrecting some of these old memories, it just means the world to us."
"I have decided to give back to the community."
"The more you feel like you're receiving from others... the more you feel like you want to give back... and also I think the more you give to other people... the more you're going to receive back."
"100% of the proceeds are going to make a wish."
"If I can help someone at my Sportsman dinners or be motivational speaking, you know, if something that I says helps one of them, that's what I'm here for to give a little bit back."
"We gotta give back to the community."
"Birdman gives out tons of turkeys and stuffing and all the fixing to families that really need it."
"it's all about giving back man like you yourself getting up here talking in front of all these people you can see your confidence is infections and I feel the same way with mine"
"I feel like I can really finally give back in my mid-40s now, better than I ever have."
"I feel the responsibility to give back."
"I want to start giving something back."
"I volunteer at Vinnies because being here in Australia charity has helped me. So, I would like to give back what I can to the charity."
"So this month, I see you being really generous. You're receiving opportunities, gaining new money, but I also see you giving back."
"So, my way of giving back—back like I said is picking three of you at random."
"I can't think of a better way to give back and for them to learn some pretty important life skills."
"I really want to try and figure out a way that I can give more back to people."
"The city supports us so much. We want to give back. I'm in this position where I can help people, so why shouldn't I help people? It's nice to be nice."
"We sell them and then more than 80% goes back to the Charities."
"If one guy or gal out there, if it changes their trading career and keeps them in the game, then it was well worth it on my way to give back."
"Finally getting to give back just a little extra."
"I always love giving back, my favorite thing to do."
"I don't want to just consume, I also want to give back."
"Giving ain't just putting money in a bucket, giving is telling God, 'I am.'"
"His actions serve as an inspiration to others, highlighting the importance of giving back and helping those in need."
"Volunteering is like the ultimate act of empathy."
"Inspiring people is the greatest gift you can give the world and that's all we want to do."
"When you've transitioned into giving back, that's not just about anyone donating money to a charity. You want to make a meaningful impact on society."
"I felt like if I don't do something to help someone else with the like gifts that I've been given it ain't going to work well for me and I said to I want to make a difference in someone else's life"
"I want to give it back, but I have to. It's just the right thing to do."
"...one is one you can build the most fulfilling career story and be your your best but also give back and pull others forward whether that's through your act three or whether that's just helping others I mean I think that would be the most fulfilling to me."
"Real is about always remembering your community, your friends, brotherhood, the cause you talk up, and giving back."
"Joseph, I love the fact that you started out one way and then you figured out that people need help out there. You have the chance, you have the position to give back to your community or to your foundations."
"You recognize that you are blessed and you want to give back."
"Give help back, so that's why you have to ask yourself the question, okay now if everyone helped me to be where I am, how can I go out and help whom, who can I help, what can I help help them with?"
"At the end of the day, you're your own boss. You're responsible to yourself. But you know when you can, when it's given something to you, you like giving back. And that's what I love about that community."
"Learn, earn, return—these are the three phases of life."
"You're the only artist I know that gives back like this."
"My cat has eaten too much this month, so instead, every sub I get until Christmas, I'll be donating 10 cents to charity. So if you would like to help people, please subscribe to the channel. Thanks."
"I recognize that something was bestowed to you, given to people they think you deserve it. So what I'm trying to do is to give back, to share."
"If you reach a level of success, it is a responsibility to give back."
"These videos are my way of giving back."
"Everything about that was giving."
"I have some obligation over the 50 years that I've been doing this to try and give back to the world what I ingested in a certain way and that's why I'm here, no other reason."
"I'm so over myself like I just I want to do something doesn't benefit me in any way I just want to sort of give back."
"It must feel good for you as well, man, just to be giving that bit back."
"I didn't have all these opportunities growing up, so now I take pride in giving back."
"I want to get back to society. I want to get back to the community."
"I'm giving back to the community. I teach people. I'm helping."
"All this [expletive] I've been hustling my whole life... and I got to serve the people. So now I got to go give back. I got to."
"Just because you get out of here don't mean you forget the place. I mean you got to put something back."
"Forget the experience, remember the lesson, and give back."
"That's a good thing, giving back to the community."
"Anything with kids, you know, especially just when you do become a parent, it's just so different and you know, I am so blessed to be able to do what I do and I just want to give back more."
"I've been benefiting off of the currency of being Jamaican all of my life in other spaces so my dues to Jamaica my payback is to give back."
"All of these cards are gonna be put into a giveaway."