
Outreach Quotes

There are 2837 quotes

"You're not alone. There is hope, and the time to reach out is now."
"Reach out to someone if you're feeling disconnected; you're not alone."
"If we want to do a better job at reaching out to people, we have to be willing to meet people where they are."
"May this message reach the hearts of as many as possible in service of life."
"You frequently reach out to us in our most lonely and desperate moments, and we need more of that in the world."
"Please don't be afraid to reach out if you need anything... you're not alone... there are many people out there that are also looking for the same sense of community."
"I did this deal because not only do I believe in free speech, but I believed that this was the best possible chance for the work that I'm doing to reach the largest amount of people."
"I came for you because God loves you, He loves you and He's for you and He sees you."
"We want to be quite thoughtful about how we do outreach and engagement."
"There's help for everyone struggling with addiction; you just gotta get out there."
"You never know how far impact can go or who you're reaching."
"Nature is reaching out to you to say, let me help heal you."
"Engagement is not just about reaching out; it's about connecting."
"It's very important to reach a non-endemic audience; anything you can do to reach a non-endemic audience is gold."
"There's a depth of the need to reach people while I still can. It might sound the same as my other songs, so what. It's not the same audience. It will never be the same audience."
"The message I want to get across is that when you reach out for help, when you actually speak up, when you shout about it, when you talk about it online, when you do all those things, It's actually your way of saying, 'Hey, I need help.' 'I need support.'"
"Thank you for being a part of the family, and we praise God for technology because even with COVID and shutting things down, we can still reach the world with the undiluted Three Angels messages of Revelation Chapter 14."
"There's so many downsides, of course, with social media and the internet, but I think the ability to reach people and spread these truths is so important."
"Giving these families this information that hopefully will resonate and reach the people that needs to reach."
"We just continue helping families and reaching as many people as we can."
"If we can get the suicide rates down, if my book can get to one person that they can feel like they're not alone."
"When I took office as president, I sent a message to those governments who ruled by fear: We will extend a hand if you're willing to unclench your fist."
"It's important to us to grow seeds to be spread and sown in other communities."
"The church at work is the church being the church on the street, caring for people, being the family for the families."
"Just have compassion. Remember, this is outreach."
"Use FaceTime, do something to reach out to five people just to find out how they're doing today."
"It's been a blessing to be able to affect people in a positive way and to reach people."
"If you are feeling suicidal, then please reach out. Find someone to talk to, whether that's a professional, whether that's a friend, whether that's a family member. It can help."
"What a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel and the selfless love of Christ."
"If you're out there and you find that you don't have a community, then reach out."
"This is a massive open door to tell people about the truth of Christianity."
"You're touching lives all across the U.S. and internationally, and we can't be more thankful for what you're doing."
"Our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ."
"What if this was God's plan to get the church sequestered in home so that the Word of God would go out to the hundreds of thousands that were reaching weekly?"
"So reach out to someone if you're feeling that way and you know just talk things out, just have someone listen."
"My desire is to spread this throughout the whole entire world."
"Please share this with as many people as you can because there's a lot of people in trouble out there who don't understand the things we're talking about."
"We need to tell everybody we know about Jesus."
"I'm asking you, how do you reach out to those people, or do you just ignore them?"
"Together we can introduce Muslims to the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Ministry is about outreach. It's about saving the lost sheep, those outside of your building."
"We're all human beings. Let's find a way to reach out to one another."
"If anyone has any struggles around drinking drugs any with mental health problems don't be afraid to reach out there's lots of support for you now you can contact myself or Danny we'll be more than happy to help."
"If you are in a situation... I really truly beg of you to reach out for help to somebody that you can trust and get out of that situation."
"The opportunity to get to speak to a different kind of audience... was a beautiful gift."
"There are some who requested certain guests by name, like Professor Sacks, for example. We reached out to those individuals, okay? Some of them said they are too busy."
"I think that in a society that's so fractured... we need a way to handle put a hand out to someone else."
"Doge is that bridge between cryptocurrency world and the regular everyday person."
"We need to get this out to as many people as possible and show them that we are part of something much bigger."
"I am so, if there's one group that I want to reach and I talk about this constantly on social media and my work, it's people who are black-pilled."
"If you're feeling depressed, call the suicide hotline. Reach out to someone."
"That's a wonderful thing because when you see other people who are attempting to reach out, see something larger to them than themselves, that's a good thing."
"I'm trying to show people, look, man, we gotta expand, we gotta grow."
"The fact that you reached out to me with an interest in talking elevates you above almost any other person whose videos I've criticized..."
"The only competition we need to really be doing is with our old self to do better."
"Do everything you can to take as many people with heaven with you as you can."
"Get outside of your comfort zone, outreach and expansion."
"I want her story to inspire people to reach out for help and not be afraid or hide from their illness."
"I hope that someone out there is helped by this."
"One of Mackesy's goals is to remind unbelievers they are seen and they are loved."
"Now is the perfect time to reach out to someone you haven't seen in a while."
"There's no good way to Tish but if any of this stuff is going on with you guys please know that there is a community here if you want to join it we've got a Discord full of really beautiful lovely community members."
"We have the power to reach a whole lot of people so this week for example our subscribers sent out are shared 180 million voter engagement messages."
"We need to reach out to them and serve them."
"Instead of just lamenting it, make those reparations. Reach out, say hey look I want things to be better."
"We should always try and put our efforts in conveying the message because if we didn't do that how do you expect people to remove their misconceptions about Islam?"
"Your show is crucial in reaching out to victims."
"The point of all these lessons is not to win arguments, it's to be able to reach people for Jesus Christ."
"Abby, if you're somehow watching this, which you're not because you're probably busy posting TikToks, please consider getting help..."
"I wanted to give everyone an outlet for them to go find you though if they haven't seen the China Hustle."
"My purpose and mission is just to let as many people as possible know that."
"Consider subscribing on my Patreon page; it helps give me and Misha more time to reach more people and save more lives."
"I consider my mission to bring the bugs' beauty, however imperfectly, to places they haven't been yet."
"I hope we're appealing really to anybody. I'm not speaking just to Catholics, not even just the Christians, but I think to any spiritual seeker."
"Always reach out in love, be well informed so you can answer questions people have."
"When you reach out, there's always someone right there."
"The main reason why I would put Greg on this list is because he has such a large outreach and he calls out so much [__] in the industry."
"Come to Jesus Christ and be saved. If you are saved, why not go out and tell others?"
"I can deal with all the hate in the world to reach a few people who need to hear what I have to say."
"The hope is that we can impact the industry enough so that dealerships might contact us and ask us for best practices."
"Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and it's in my hands and my hands are extended to you so come and see come and follow come and build with me build the kingdom"
"So what we're saying is come to the right people, inshallah, and there's many people you know we have YouTube now..."
"Any chance that we can help that's how we reach out."
"The more people that press that like button, the more people this video will reach, and that's what it's all about: reaching people for the honor and the glory of Jesus Christ."
"Please share this video because you never know who might need to see it today."
"We're supposed to be giving the truth to the peoples of the world who don't know him."
"It's not only about being super talented and having something crazy, you have to be relatable to as many people as you can."
"They really are desiring to reach out to you."
"We must always keep on trying our best to worship Allah and invite others to Islam."
"There are people that reach out to us all the time publicly and privately."
"I've been trying to do more of that which is why I reach out to people... wouldn't it be cool if we did that?"
"We want a billion people to know and see the authentic Jesus."
"It's great kind of coming out of our collective shells to talk to the community."
"If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic violence, please reach out."
"Encourage people to reach outside their walls."
"Share with someone that you don't know who might be interested."
"Sharing the positive side of gaming to people, that's what I want to do."
"Let's overflow into our city and let's see our city impacted."
"Our aim is to touch the whole world, to have a global audience."
"If this can serve the kingdom of God and reach millions of people I'm going to just devote my life to it and I'm going to push it forward as much as I can."
"And you have, you were kind of saying the same thing, like that's what you're reaching toward with this, gonna give it all away, it's like diffused out into the world."
"Thank you to everyone that tune in during our run throughout the world 2022 if you watch us on YouTube or listen to us on Spotify go check us out uh thank you to harmonic Brewing Thrive City for hosting us"
"We would love to share the beauty of this culture and language with people outside the native Chinese-speaking regions."
"In reaching out to help others, you may find your true selves."
"We need to preach the gospel to every creature."
"We're in the highways and the byways and the hedges."
"Most of the stuff I do only appeals to a very Niche group of nerds who like architecture and 3D Graphics but I want to show the awesomeness of 3D to a bigger group of nerds possibly the biggest group of nerds."
"We are reaching more people through the show than you are here on the mission field."
"One of the best ways you can help is just being able to share this message and share our conversation with others."
"I'm not reaching the women, it's not doing any good for the women."
"This opportunity that we have to get the show to people who otherwise probably wouldn't consider it."
"I'm all about reaching the most amount of people, man."
"We recognize there's so many of our viewers that join us just on YouTube or people that are starting out and this video is for you, so come along with us."
"If any of you guys are going through anything any hard times I'm saying you guys could hit me up on Instagram."
"I grew up wishing there was at least one alternative to far-left entertainment."
"It's important for me to reach the unreached."
"Social networks and digital platforms are critical to reaching donors and communicating with constituents."
"When we reach out with compassion, we show the love of Jesus."
"They can support this ministry in many different ways, and two of the best ways that can support this ministry is by just sharing this book with others."
"I want us to produce something that reaches an audience that is not our general audience that everybody can connect with."
"I believe God is giving you a burden... a supernatural burden for the lost."
"The covenant commission is that you won't keep this to yourself, that you'll go out into the world and that you will take this."
"If people need me, they can speak out, reach out, say something, and I'll still be there."
"Please, if you or someone that you know is struggling, reach out to those around you or call the suicide hotline. You are not alone."
"Help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world."
"Share this program with your friends and your loved ones."
"The power of social media allows us to reach millions."
"I swear, he was out of the show, like she was like, 'You guys are such a cute couple.' She turned to him, she made it even more awkward and said, 'You better treat her right.'"
"I can't play no football but what I can do is I can bring aftv to these places I can throw a big Spotlight on the fans here I can interact with them I can show people back in the UK and around the world what you guys do."
"I do think it's just better for me to use my audience to reach out to people with the things that could benefit them rather than withholding it and keeping that information to myself."
"God is trying to reach out and pull you to your destiny."
"I just want to talk to as many people, have conversations with as many people as I can."
"There is a utility to using platforms and technology to get information out to potentially help."
"Bring the church to the unreached, reaching them where they are."
"Why were you willing to come talk to us today and share your story? To get the love out there."
"If you've been found, it's your responsibility to find others to bring back into this covenant connection with God."
"It's really quite simple: do anything on either side of the veil to help more people come to Christ by making and keeping sacred covenants."
"You don't have to be in Charlotte; our church has gone far beyond the city."
"Mental health is really important and you know there's you should there's nothing wrong with reaching out to somebody for help uh or just to say hi."
"We can help them and we can do some small good if we actually try to reach out with love."
"When you know that you know him, you want to tell everybody about him."
"Introducing folks to life outside the cable news paradigm can be non-threatening with a gentle approach."
"It's not difficult to grow food. We just have to get this message out and then go execute on doing this."
"Miracles started breaking out and led over a million Muslims to the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Maybe that was them reaching out to us to say, you know, to give us that positive message."
"Just make sure you're always reaching out to someone."
"In a serious note, man, reach out to somebody. Text somebody, call somebody. You never know what one phone call could do or change the trajectory of somebody's day or life, man. It's that real out here."
"Just go out, meet some atheists, and talk to them."
"I'm actually broadcasting this all around the world right now."
"Paul says, 'For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I might win more.'"
"The mission is to set humanity free, reaching out with love and authority."
"Just let Jesus be known to the world and just love everybody."
"Some of these people wish you would reach out to them."
"It's probably a good time to reach out to some people a bit on the fence, not in an offensive way, keep it light and loving."
"How can I help people feel that love that the Savior has for them?"
"I've pushed really, really, really hard to get my story out."
"The reason why everything in my entire life has ever happened is to know him and to make him known."
"We come to you now after you've suffered in dignity."
"Suicide is never the option. Alright, love you gents, I hope you have a good afternoon. And ladies as well, of course, be a good [__]. Peace in the Middle East."
"Once you actually figure out how much you're going to make, you can figure out who you need to reach out to, who you need to take through your sales process to actually bring in that Revenue."
"He's so real, and so with this real dialog, He just wants us to tell everybody it's for them too." - CS
"I think the Internet is cool. It shows the power that we can have, spreading our message a lot farther than it used to be able to go."
"I appreciate you so much and I wish I could get to everybody."
"They're waiting to hear from you. They're expecting you to reach out to them."
"There's no excuse, get it to 10 people, 20 people, 50 people, 100 people."
"We need to reach out to new demographic groups."
"It's not just about outreach, it's supposed to be a lifestyle."
"Just reach out to someone... you'll be all right."
"Jesus was very successful in reaching every level, class, and race of society."
"If God does not keep his promises to Israel, the Christian has no hope."
"It's not- you're not bugging them, it's just reaching out."
"You don't understand how many people reached out to me..."
"Anytime anywhere this is our mission sharing hope."
"We just had an incredible Easter celebration... we were able to reach over a hundred thousand people with a big gospel message."
"Get help if you have depression, you know, there are people wanting to help you."
"I'm trying to get the word out about my brand."
"We want this information to come out to other humans, it is time for more people to know about us."
"The more people you reach, the better chance you have of winning."
"Educating others around you, offering them information, sending them articles, sending them short videos, connecting them with the information they need to help them understand it better is your first step toward overcoming that challenge."
"I mean loving people is great, taking care of them is one thing, but thinking, 'How am I gonna reach these people?'"
"Somebody love somebody, reach out to somebody, love is love, we'll see you."
"Share this video please spread the word I would greatly appreciate it."
"But like obviously Koreans don't reach out to me to the same regards... but a Korean player in uske yes okay."
"If we will love the people nobody wants, God will always send us the people everybody wants."
"We need a burden for people on the job, a burden for people in the city, a burden for those who do not know Christ."
"Once you have a solid foundation, go all in; start working on making it known to as many people as possible."
"The fact that we could reach out to even a bigger group of people, I just don't think many people outside of us understand what AI day is."
"Suicide hotline: reaching out to fans in dark times."
"For anyone who's alone this holiday or having a bad time, feel free to reach out to me."
"He loves you and he's been knocking on the door of your heart."
"Let's focus on reaching out and being positive in a very negative situation."
"Let's start opening the lines of communication with other communities."
"Thanks for listening today, if you have a miracle that you'd like to share with me please reach out to me."
"Brace, endure, prepare, and use the time that we have to reach people who do not know Christ."
"Love like Jesus... forgive like Jesus... reach like Jesus did."
"You're a great gateway to the people we might not meet otherwise."
"My entire life shifted from wanting to reach as many people as possible to wanting to reach the right people."