
Self-guidance Quotes

There are 969 quotes

"Everything you need is within. Follow your heart."
"You are your own Guru; you are an eternal beautiful soul of the universe."
"You can actually create paths that feel good to you. You don't have to wait for something to align."
"Once you know what that is and say, 'I'm going to start acting and living according to my own principles,' your life starts to change."
"You're following the lead of your intuition, you're not following the lead of your ego, you're following the lead of your spiritual self, your higher self."
"Only you can live your life. Only you can feel into the truth of situations and things. You have to follow your heart, use your heart as a compass to show you where to go."
"It really depends on what does your heart want, what is the ultimate vision that you have for yourself, and then you need to follow that path."
"Your intuition has kept pulling you towards making this change."
"Follow your own interest and let that take you wherever it takes you."
"Don't accept the walkthrough that the boomer generation has given you. Create your own walkthrough."
"You guys are strong leaders, leading yourself to the best situation for you."
"Listen to the voice in your head, not the voice outside."
"Believe the signals your heart sends you. When you learn to listen to your heart, you'll begin to follow it."
"We must start the fighter training from scratch and should be guided not by someone else's but by our own understanding."
"When you don't know what you're supposed to do, staying true to yourself can open avenues you don't yet see."
"You are the expert in your life. Take what resonates, don't let the rest take from you."
"Your intuition is the best thing you could possibly do for yourself because it is your guide and your compass."
"Not everything is going to be spelled out; that's why in this lifetime we're given free will."
"Your soul is guiding you to stand in your light and speak your truth."
"You have to create your own relationship goals. You are your relationship goals."
"Take some time to be quiet enough to listen to your internal GPS, your truer self."
"When I'm guided by 'Am I being of service? Am I trying to help other people? Am I being kind? Am I being honest?' Then I start to operate in alignment with a set of values and principles that are older than me, that are more powerful than me, that are deeper than me."
"Listen to your intuition because you will kind of get the answer. You probably kind of feel this way."
"If you actually pause, stand up, check in with your field of experience, see what stands out the most now, where's the next breadcrumb trail, what indicates highest excitement for me, and then you fully trust that and you go there and take action on that exciting activity until you can take it no further and you have zero expectation as to what the outcome should be, then you'll notice it sort of exhausts itself."
"Emotional intelligence really allows you to build your relationship with your emotions and view them as a compass, helping determine what your next step should be."
"I'm proud that I've been able to guide myself into the position that I'm at right now."
"Follow your heart, make sure you're doing things you absolutely love."
"It's exhilarating when you feel like you're the only one with the answers or your intuition is The Guiding Light."
"Trust your heart, your gut instinct to guide you as to what steps to take."
"Have confidence to steer yourself in the direction, you will be met by whatever it is that you are trying to achieve."
"You are following your own passion, your own heart, your own dreams."
"It's all about the will of the people, follow your heart, religion, or faith."
"You're facing your heart and not following blindly, not just jumping into something for the sake of it."
"Do what you want because that's your standard."
"Make only those decisions that make sense to you."
"By following your own light, you're following your own intuition."
"Stay true to yourself, just those things that make sense to you."
"Follow things that only make sense to you, okay? You only do what makes sense to you."
"It's time to swim against the currents, follow your intuition."
"If you feel like something is not right, move on. If you feel like you want to do something, do it."
"Use your intuition to tell you whether or not you're on the right path."
"Listen to your intuition; it's so important."
"Just follow your own rules, that's all I want."
"The key to unlocking it all is following your heart."
"Every man's true teacher is his own higher self."
"Just follow your heart, listen to yourself, stop listening to other people."
"In Afrofuturism, there’s only one. Obey your spirit."
"Walk your own journey. It's essential to stay on your path."
"The fourth sign you're highly awake is this: you see a lot of people who are highly awake, they become their own guru. At the same time, it doesn't mean that they don't listen to other people. I still listen to other people."
"Do what resonates with you. This is how the soul moves towards your purpose."
"Just be true to your heart, the rest will follow."
"Live properly in your defiance of the crowd. Make your own course, allow yourself to be guided by your own genuine principles."
"There is so much potential for creating a guideline for how you see yourself and how you operate as a person."
"Follow your heart and don't listen to anybody."
"Follow only things that make sense to you, keep your own light."
"Practice your own discernment with all of your life in general. Just practice your own discernment."
"Continue to do what feels good and trust, if it feels good, it's probably right."
"Listen to the universe and stay out of your own way."
"It's completely up to you whether you do it or not, follow your intuition boys and girls."
"Listen to your own intuition and priorities."
"The best way to accomplish something is to follow your own nature."
"Follow your heart, follow your dreams. Go down the path that feels right for you."
"Life is very simple... the purpose of your life is to listen to your heart and soul and to follow it."
"Listen to your inner voice, listen to that quiet inner voice."
"You'll get that feeling as you probably already have watching this so remember that feeling you've got."
"Listen to your heart and follow its guidance."
"I've been following my heart, doing whatever the fuck I want to do."
"The best thing that we can do as way showers and teachers and leaders is to remind everyone that their own greatest Navigator is within them."
"I've always been the kind of person that just did what I wanted to do."
"When stuff like that happens I feel like you also needed Libra as an answer. This is actually the North Node, so it's also about following your true north."
"Trust yourself, set your compass to your true north."
"Be your own person, use your own discernment."
"Remember that the most important voice to heed is your own; it's your inner knowing bolstered by discernment that will guide you forward."
"Keep tapping into your intuition, you know what I mean?"
"There is no book or teacher to give you the answers, show you the path. It is your own way."
"You always know your own answers deep down. Listen to your Soul's guidance."
"Nobody told me when to start, nobody's gonna tell me when to stop. I'll release two more records and that'll be it."
"At the end of the day, you always gotta go with what feels right for you."
"She believes in her intuition. She believes that truth guides her from within and she can see and hear below the surface."
"Your future self is leading you to personal healing and happiness."
"Your passion is leading you to the right places."
"If there's someplace you really want to be in your life, you should draw your own map to get there."
"Trust your intuition and navigate through this month with an open heart."
"Stay close to people who make you feel like sunlight."
"A healthy society is one that allows its citizens to guide themselves to pursue a life of virtue and wisdom."
"You inherently know the answers to your questions."
"Right now, you're trying to make clear plans about your path and this is a way for you to basically keep in tune with your higher-self."
"Do not listen to my advice, listen to the voice inside you and follow that." - Gloria Steinem
"Follow your instincts, you know what's going to work for you."
"You're in control of your own life. Stick with your gut feeling."
"Seek inner guidance before proceeding... use discernment and trust your gut instincts."
"It's about following what truly makes you happy."
"You are the GPS, you're not going to tune into anybody or anything else."
"Everyone is different, you just need to follow what pleases you more."
"Destination can change, but if I'm heading in the right direction in my life, I'm not losing track."
"The Sun card is here to tell you that you are gonna be rewarded, but you need to go within and follow your own path, follow your own light."
"At the end of the day, don't make any decision just for other people. Follow your heart and what your gut's telling you to do."
"Always use your own intuition as your guide through these readings because it's truly your intuition that is the guiding Compass of your life."
"Follow your intuition before it makes sense."
"Listen to your intuition, that quiet inner voice that we all have to guide us."
"You must remember to stay on your path, no matter what."
"Listening to your own heart and intuition and allowing that to guide you in your own path."
"Your intuition is your highest and most accurate guide."
"Move with love and light, with pure intentions. Don't think of yourself as lost because you're not."
"Ignore negativity and keep following your path."
"Trust your intuition. If unsure, use your body like a pendulum."
"All paths lead home: Inner authority and intuition. Turn your gaze within."
"You're being divinely guided here, and eventually you will come into union if it's not another person, this is you just coming into union with yourself."
"Always listen to your inner guide voice. Don't just do stuff to impress people because you might literally oof for no reason."
"Stay on the right path even if you have to walk alone."
"Trust your gut feeling and do whatever is absolutely right for you."
"If somebody's misleading you or not telling you the right things to do, you gotta break away. You gotta politely or affirmatively say no, it's not for me."
"It's important to live life on your own terms. What is meant for you will not pass you by."
"Follow yourself, the real light inside of you has the answers."
"If you're willing to listen to your heart and your gut and go with what makes you happy."
"Communicating with my higher self and the Divine realm."
"We just have to do whatever we feel in our heart."
"The only best guidance and teacher you can use is yourself."
"You've got to follow your own heart and soul and realize what is right for you. What works for you may not be understood by others, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it."
"You've got to follow the beat of your own drum no matter what other people tell you. Your heart, your soul knows what's right for you."
"There's no right or wrong, there's only what's right or wrong for you."
"Play The Narrative but don't let the narrative play you."
"Life is so messy that I can't give that to you and the best I can offer you is that you've got to craft your own strategy."
"Follow your heart at this time with where you're going."
"Pay attention to the ideas and the thoughts you get in your head, that's like your intuition telling you what to do."
"You have a lifetime to do what your heart wants you to do."
"Trust your wisdom, listen to your intuition."
"Instead I'm out in Egypt, I'm just basking in the results of listening to myself."
"You see things differently because you are guided internally."
"When you start getting in this compass when you start navigating here when you start practicing this and you start feeling you are going to see the world through another lens."
"Believe in what it's trying to tell you, that your heart's trying to tell you and it's about the greatness, the change, the possibilities, the opportunities."
"On this journey, there will be many voices that call to you of the right way to go... but truly, only you know your path... trust that you are where you need to be... trust your intuition."
"Stay who you are and go where that truth leads you."
"Please do not let the rest take from you. If anything is unhelpful, do not let it stray you from your truth, from your clarity."
"Stop worrying, find your peace in knowing what you have to do."
"It's up to you to stay on your divine path, to listen to your own intuition."
"Go with what you feel, go with what you believe."
"You need to follow your own intuition, it's going to have an amazing impact."
"Trust your Divine abilities to guide your thoughts and actions."
"Follow your heart, listen to your intuition, you know what's best for you."
"Everything will point you back in that direction."
"You are finding your stability from within, from following that voice within yourself."
"Listen to your inner voice to guide assumptions towards flow."
"I don't despise Authority... I like structure but only if it's something I want to do."
"Follow your heart. Your heart will tell you something that you feel is right for you."
"Trust yourself and you will be guided on the right way."
"How can you use your heart within career? How can you manifest a career that will help you to do that in the way that you want and that you're passionate about?"
"I need to make my choices from a place of love."
"Your higher self wants you to make that decision and move forward."
"Being true to yourself and having integrity...it's really important to follow your own inner truth."
"We're not going against the current... that's where we were going."
"The lessons I learned is that you kind of have to just listen to yourself."
"Follow your bliss, follow your heart, be brave because you're going to die anyway."
"I have the best articles on the internet but you have to go find them."
"You are the line, right? The line is only wherever you go with it."
"Trust your vibes, trust your intuition, listen."
"Take in what is genuinely for you and leave the rest."
"Act on your highest Joy to the best of your ability."
"Our emotions can be wonderful signals to live our life by."
"Strength is guiding your life, rather than letting outside forces dictate it."
"Please remember that you are your own primary intuitive guide at the end of the day. Always trust your own intuition first and foremost."
"Just do what works for you, yeah exactly that. Don't try and follow mills, just do your own process."
"Follow your own spirit, then you're going to win."
"Your intuition is your castle, your intuition is your throne, your intuition is your path toward all of the abundance and the prosperity that you seek."
"If you're unhappy, use that as a compass to figure out where you need to go."
"Follow yourself, follow your passion, you won't be led astray."
"Follow your own path and really connect to the goals, dreams, or decisions that you're making."
"I'm not here to tell you your future or how to live your life. I'm here to inspire you guys to reach your goals."
"Lead the way, light your own path. It's almost like you see that light, it's like the light is coming from within."
"Focus on what you really enjoy and what you have fun doing and try to do that."
"Create a sacred space and listen to your inner voice."
"If you have this kind of deep center, this natural law, then you can look at things in your life and decide if you're living in the right way."
"Anybody can get it. So you better move the right way. Stop being emotional and just be logical."
"You have to go out and formulate your own opinions."
"If I don't feel like doing something, I don't do it."
"Maintain your integrity and let the universe decide."
"Let that notion drive your thoughts, words, and actions."
"Listen to your own voice, that voice that comes from within you."
"Your intuition is the only voice that you should be following."
"Follow your inspiration, trust that feeling."
"Follow your intuition and the call of your soul because you're like it didn't lead me wrong."
"Never let anyone tell you what to do. You are pure of heart. I'm sure you will never hurt anyone."
"Do what is right for you, make the choice that is right for you."
"I wanted to not necessarily do a review or any kind of crazy following a tutorial. I want to follow my own damn tutorial that's in my own brain."
"The most important scarce resource is legitimacy."
"The tendency of my mind and my heart is to be free from wickedness."
"Always be sure to only take what resonates with you personally."
"Trust your desires and trust that your desires are never going to lead you astray."
"You focus on what you can do every single day in your own life."
"The outcome of this week is going to be based off of you The High Priestess Pisces following your inner guidance doing what's best for you."
"Don't do anything against your spirit. Listen to yourself."
"Trust in what your heart yearns for without concern about how it will manifest."
"Follow your heart's truest desires; it's your future."
"Don't worry about what the world says, don't worry about money, don't worry about position or anything like that what the social convention is."
"Trust your heart's calling, for it resonates with the rhythm of your destiny."
"Listen to your intuition, absolutely no matter what."
"Do not be afraid to set the tone for yourself as well."
"The secret is within you, follow your own intuition and heart. This month is going to bring you an opportunity with unlimited possibilities."
"You're heading in the right direction, you are amplifying your instinctive nature to know that you're on the right path."
"No longer would anyone tell him where to go, what to do, or how to feel."