
Personal Loss Quotes

There are 649 quotes

"Smoking literally killed both my parents... it was the cigarettes that took him out."
"It felt like everything I worked up to this point in my life has been swept away."
"Whenever we do something Allah has prohibited, it's not Allah who loses; it is us who lose."
"You have faced so many challenges in your 36 years; never would I imagine we would lose you to a pandemic."
"Melinda is a great person, and that partnership we had coming to an end is a source of great personal sadness."
"Been touched by this disease have hopefully not but maybe even lost loved ones. I know that I lost my grandmother a few years back to cancer, and it's one of those things where I never want anyone else to have to go through that experience. Your donations are what are making a difference. Every single dollar helps, so thank you, thank you so much for keeping those coming."
"She was an incredible person, an incredible mother, and she was robbed of the life that she was supposed to have."
"What is the most humbling life event you've experienced? Oh, the most humbling, um, I think it was, um, when my ex-husband died."
"For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses himself?"
"I'm so patriotic. I always loved my country. I just wanted to serve my country honorably, and OCD took that from me."
"Judson was a child who was failed by the system, more importantly, he was a son, brother, godson, grandson, nephew, cousin, and friend who was deeply loved and will be forever missed."
"If you've had somebody pass in your life and you feel like you didn't spend enough time with them... trust me, I really think that all of us feel that way, no matter how much time we get with the people that we love."
"We set out to save the Shire, Sam. And it has been saved... But not for me."
"What have you lost as a result of Miss Heard making these allegations against you? Nothing less than everything."
"When this nightmare happened, it killed me inside. My heart's been broken; it will never mend. All that's left is a big empty hole."
"Life hit me hard. I was grappling with a painful breakup, the loss of two family members, and the passing of one of my closest friends."
"I'm sick of War. My last friend from enlisting post 9/11 died yesterday. We were all so eager for revenge."
"I'm sorry I'm such a mess. I just lost a patient and a dear friend."
"The loss of a parent is dramatically superior to the loss of a pet. Everybody handles loss differently."
"I was so joyful that I had that last experience with her, but so saddened and horrified."
"It just breaks your heart when you think about how this man had his whole life ahead of him."
"She will be dearly missed by her mother, her three children, kind of break here, although sentencing in Russia is dreadful."
"Prayers up for Fetty Wap too, he lost his four-year-old daughter."
"I couldn't save Mara, but I wasn't going to let it take my daughter."
"Why am I crying? I'm crying because I'm mad, I'm crying because he died, he's dead."
"Shoes no no not yet yes no yes there we go today is a sad day I just need a fresh pair."
"Feel that you're being guided, see what spirit's guiding you towards, and allow your heart to speak."
"I was raised very, very strict, and they always had me work incredibly hard to understand the value of the dollar, the value of work, and the value of making something of yourself because no one else is going to do it."
"Why would I save a world I no longer have, and he's taken my red?"
"I prefer to be a Survivor than a victim. She not only took away my dad and brother but she took away my lifestyle, my livelihood, and my independence."
"When God appoints you as a chosen one, you gotta expect to lose family and friends."
"I might never actually see my mom again. This random guy wasn't just stealing my mom's car, he was stealing me too."
"You know, and that's the thing that I try to talk to my young homies who are still in here. It's like you're watching your kids just grow up without you, you know what I'm saying?"
"Christina was more than my sister, she was a partner in life, superstar, a goofball, introverted, and a friend to everyone genuinely."
"One who chooses to close his door will only cut himself off from the rest and lose his direction."
"Will that proposal make sure that nobody loses their mom again because they didn't have a choice?"
"20 million coins, 800,000 training, 6,800 Madden cash, and three girlfriends that left me for the pack and play finale."
"This is just accountability; it can never be justice because I can never get George back."
"The drawn out erosion of what makes you who you are. It's the chipping away of what makes you spectacular."
"I could not meet the love of my life because of that."
"Even when my family's house got foreclosed on in East Oakland and they auctioned it off to an Asian man."
"You took everything from me. I don't even know who you are."
"That devastating loss to Bobby Lee, yeah, reminds me of the tragic loss of my sister."
"I literally watched my house disappear with everything in it."
"Success is all those things but you can lose yourself in the limelight and the riches and you become very alone."
"You know when I came out against Trump yeah I say this all the time I did lose my home I did lose my job I did lose relationships I did lose my life savings I was on unemployment for months."
"A man died because of it. Not just a man. A man I was being paid to protect."
"You don't have to go through that. You don't have to lose eight friends."
"The pain in his voice is so present, you can tell he's devastated. This must have been so awful."
"Sinatra's mother was planning on coming to see one of his shows but sadly she never made it."
"He also took the washer and dryer out of here."
"You want to gain the world and lose your soul."
"There is an ending, a passing of a situation, and it could be the death of someone you were very close to."
"Pop Smoke... he was a sweetheart... he was a good kid... a tragedy... pure human cruelty... not giving a [__] about other people..."
"I miss his words... I miss his love... I miss his laugh... I miss his energy... I miss the fun times."
"I still miss him. He just stopped talking to me."
"Juan was released, compensated, but he lost 20 years of his life."
"I want to express our profound condolences to the family of Harrison Deal, a young and brilliant campaign staffer for Senator Loeffler."
"We now ask for time and space to process what has happened to us over the past few months and most importantly grieve for our Olivia who was so cruelly stolen from us."
"I'm conscious of the fact that I lost a lot of time last time."
"It still hurts dearly, to this day, to know that I left Bunny there in Singapore."
"It's sad, like, I've lost so many friends, I can't... I don't have enough fingers and toes to count them."
"I just had a haircut, just became president because of that, and now my mom passes away."
"As for the former warlock player boyfriend, lost D and D, lost respect at work, lost friends and colleagues..."
"This movie taught me to confront something that I didn't want to confront, which is losing my grandma."
"They were so easy to love, they were so full of joy and adventure. God knew they couldn't be on this Earth without each other. He had to bring them home to have them together." - Vanessa Bryant
"I am in deep shock. I have lost a beloved friend, the kindest, most generous soul, and a brilliant artist. Our life, I love life very much indeed." - Elton John
"Thank you for this year it was the year that I lost my father but a year where I gained a son."
"When someone loses their life needlessly, it's tragic for family, friends, and the community."
"I want to send my prayers and condolences to his entire family, his loved ones, his fans."
"Charles and Joey put their life into that house they built their house Brick by Brick and someone just burnt it down."
"It's political reprisals that cost someone the most, you know, arguably one of the most important things in their lives."
"Chris is recounting finding his home completely empty with his wife and kids missing."
"Every battle is a tragedy, death, it's someone's life future, future of their families. Ukraine will prevail."
"I'm not going to lose my son at the end of 2020 and lose my country and my republic in 2021. It's not going to happen."
"It's like a consolation party. He lost everything."
"Remember, when people choose to leave you, you aren't losing them, they are losing you. Maybe they left because of something you did, maybe they were right, you messed up, you were toxic, or you made a mistake."
"There is no greater loss than the loss of one's own child."
"I wish that Daria Dugan were still alive today and her family and those who loved her did not have to be suffering right now."
"I held this belief that... to get over the death of my father... I needed to lose every single pound of body fat I had gained because of his death."
"You're not supposed to outlive your kids, you know? And that's like one of the worst things that you... I could even think of feeling in my heart."
"You don't just lose your money, you lose your peace of mind that's the other thing they don't talk about."
"Man, if I had to give up YouTubing it would be a pretty big bummer for me."
"Thanks for everything and know we all miss you, old friend."
"I definitely understand where all the King Vaughn's family, friends, and fans are coming from. This is a hard one."
"Clayton Carmine pays tribute to his fallen literal brothers with a tattoo on his arm featuring their names and helmets."
"For every single time I went back... I lost a piece of myself."
"It's extremely sad to think that Jimmy was only two months away from his 28th birthday."
"Anybody who has trusted the president has been lied to, has been misled, and many people like my dad have paid with their life."
"Realizing that your emotions are now processing all the things you had to let go of."
"Mommy's angels taken from me so soon. You will never be forgotten. RIP."
"Kenny DeForest's passing is a significant loss to the comedy World, leaving behind a legacy of laughter, kindness, and a poignant reminder of the impact one person can have."
"To talk about my best friend in past tense feels so weird for me."
"Letting go of what I didn't like, grieving what I loved."
"It's clear that Kanye West was never the same after the loss of his mother."
"He has to give up the love of his life, his best friend, everything."
"I gotta watch my wife grow old through these bars."
"The love of my life died. I don't think you understand, do you? Understand what you have when you have everything but you have no one. It's like multiplying by zero, you have nothing."
"A tribute to a player who lost a pet rabbit with the same name."
"Despite the death of my son, I still love people."
"There's no greater tragedy than the death of the Prophet (saw), it is a worse tragedy than us losing our loved ones."
"You have no idea what loss is everybody I've cared for has either died or left me everyone except for you."
"I never thought I'd see myself at a pawn shop unless I was buying something, not realizing that those deals were other people's dreams there I was selling my dreams."
"To feel like because of her was taken away it's been hard."
"A whole family lost a woman that meant a lot to them that night."
"I'm so sorry from one mother to another for the death of your two sons."
"I can feel you missing from my life and you changed my life forever."
"The Great Depression hit in 1929, and his wife unexpectedly passed away in 1932."
"I lost virtually everything I had earned as a direct result of Trump." - Michael Cohen
"The toughest thing? My friend passed away due to gun violence."
"Imagine if you're someone in Wisconsin, you have your business burned down - it's just horrible."
"Personally I don't have an opinion on that I just want my Bitcoin back."
"And like Daniel brought that up, that he lost his mom's super early, lost his grandmother super early."
"My daughter is my life, they stole her from me."
"Definitely stings a little bit that he's not here."
"You know what I love about My Bookie is like December of 2019 they took about 20 grand off of me. Yeah, it was a rough month and now you got them as an advertiser so now they're like on your way back."
"You're experiencing a little bit of a loss. So you being upset is normal."
"There was no balance in my life. I became this machine, and I lost me."
"The loss of Morris was the hardest blow to the family. Barry kind of sunk into what I call a black hole, and yeah, he didn't really want to do anything."
"The coroner revealing that his beautiful daughter was sadly strangled to death."
"It's just I never imagined she'd go like this, you know?"
"Vasari was inconsolable at the death of his idol."
"This is somebody that is literally taking it down, they're throwing it away, everything that they built, it's like it's coming down."
"I want to make this for anybody that has lost a loved one... I hope hearing my story... you feel like you have a friend."
"I wouldn't be crying unless he was awesome, he was the best."
"I lost my best friend to cancer almost 11 years ago."
"I want justice for my baby because I only had six months."
"My deepest condolences to Sheldon and Kimberly Lawrence on the loss of their son King Khalif. There are no words for a tragic loss such as this and I pray for their family during this time. May he rest in Eternal peace." - Mark Golden
"She's your little girl... when you tell me she's not mine, it feels like you're taking my mother away from me again."
"The loss of Grant Thompson for me is the loss of a friend, an inspiration, and the hardest-working person I've ever known."
"Imagine having to tell a five-year-old that their mama's not coming home."
"You just don't get much sadder than this, rest in peace Jacqueline Avon 81 years old"
"The loss of C Knight is felt deeply across the music industry and by all those he inspired." - Tribute to C Knight
"Beth is overcome with emotions, crying 'I miss you so much'."
"I swear on my grandfather's life who just passed away that I didn't text my Twitch rep."
"My child was taken away for nothing. He was my pride and joy."
"My father died in a car accident when I was my daughter's age, that's why I don't remember anything about my father."
"Being home without Duke sucks and I keep almost crying."
"Some of them that stopped taking the placebo... they lose their job... they lose their mother... they lose their life."
"A person's life is the most important asset that person has. If a person loses his life, he has nothing."
"This folk-hero total bard lost his eye at some point or perhaps was born with just one."
"Frieza was Goku's ultimate enemy, the one responsible for killing his father and his entire race among others."
"She lost her husband, she lost her child on the same day in the same accident."
"I will miss Drew dearly, but she'll be in my heart forever."
"The day you realize that, this is the day they lost you."
"Everything you lose is something that was in the way of your full experience of what you are."
"Who am I to judge, right? Needless to say, I was sad that I had already lost my first dragon."
"I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose one of my daughters."
"I wasn't willing to accept a world devoid of my boy."
"He's dead you know 24 year Sarah's 24 24 young throwing up flu-like symptoms dad's only 50 something years old."
"They took my brothers from me over jealousy. I know y'all watching over me." - YNW Melly
"Imagine losing your mom, imagine how that affected him."
"It was quiet now, no kids running up and down the halls. He was too late. They were gone."
"We never wanted closure, even if there was such a thing. We only wanted Christina."
"We really miss her very much. She was the love of our life. Sure, she's what made our world go around."
"I realized that if I lost everything that day."
"She was buried in her wedding dress, having married her partner just one month before she died at the age of 27."
"I believe my granddaughter, and I miss them. Our family has been torn apart, but it was never like people think."
"My wish from my heart is that all of us who have been so terribly wounded by this murder, including you, Ivan Christopher Simpson, is that God would grant us peace." - Hector Black
"He had to lose everything but he couldn't allow history to repeat itself."
"They didn't know about it, they've heard some inklings about it but Maggie's sister today absolutely said it shot in the head."
"Those 270,000 mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, husbands and wives, they ain't coming back."
"When I was 18 years old I lost my brother, and it was a really pivotal point. It was a very terrible time for my family. You know, it's been 10 years and I miss him every day."
"This is a big deal... your whole platform, your whole career and lifeblood just stripped away from you."
"I remember our conversation very much and I know how much you were hurting for your loss."
"The tragic 21st-century crime that robbed Joanna of her loving boyfriend and Matthew's family of their beloved son, brother, and uncle could clearly happen to anyone anywhere."
"In terms of withstanding the Tokarev, the Ops-Core absolutely takes the lead in the field."
"I miss you so much. This whole world misses you so much."
"Sacrifice means once you give up something, you don't get it back."
"I've been to almost 20 funerals in the last two years. Everybody that was in my close inner circle is now gone."
"I'm so grateful he was mine. I'm so grateful I got to love him. I'm so grateful I made it in time to hold him and say goodbye."
"Friendships come and go... it almost feels like a breakup."
"He was quite wonderful and my heart has broken into 400 million pieces." - Helen Tabor on Gregory Sierra
"Behind each one is a name, a loss, and a family that'll never be the same again."
"Before you know it, you've missed out on your marriage, on the love of your life, on your man, financial stability, and security."
"Losing friends is the worst breakup in the world... honestly, this felt worse than any breakup I've ever had."
"I only wish that I could have held your hand one last time."
"Tony Stark was gone. His funeral was held at the Stark residence."
"Sometimes when I'm at home alone and I think about everything that I've had to lose in order to actually live again, I get very emotional."
"Every time I come back to Skiathos, I head off to a remote spot to see Rocky. Losing him broke my heart."
"If you make your partner your life, that's not gonna work because if you lose them, you don't have a life."
"My mother loved this spiritual called 'His Eye is on the Sparrow,' which is a very wonderful song. When my mother passed away, one of my singers sang it at her funeral."
"I'm so sorry. I'm not losing another partner."
"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose." - James Bolden
"I've lost friends... that was our people that f***** died that day."
"Heaven forbid if she would have died, I would have been destroyed."
"Apparently her friends were like killed in like a car bombing and she was crying about it."
"Everything comes with a cost, and sometimes in victory, you can lose something in yourself."
"But me saying that now won't bring Mark back, but it might stop things happening in the future."
"The real Alice may have left his life but the fictional Alice lived on."
"That's the only car that I've sold as it went away on the truck. I cried as it left."
"I sacrificed too much of my creative integrity."
"His father died at the age of 45 in November of 2018."
"Honestly the fact that he thought he had something and then lost it really makes me feel for him a lot H."
"After devoting his life to healing others, it appeared the doctor had killed himself. His wife of little more than a year was now a widow."
"I wouldn't be where I am right now if she hadn't died and it's been hard to process but I want to honor her by doing you know a great job and be as kind as I can to the people that are there."
"It's the hardest thing I've endured in my life, losing my little dog named Sugar."
"God forgive us all... [sigh] Farewell, my friend."
"The queen's heartbreaking tribute to her husband of 73 years." - Daily Mail