
Self-evolution Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"That person who I was when I was younger is dead because the types of thoughts that I have, beliefs that I had, feelings in my body, and behavior is different."
"Consciousness dictates that we evolve to our highest self, that we become selfless, that we become servants."
"Your highest self is coming through right now, being like yup, you're changing to the point where you're not going to be the same again, in the best possible way."
"What if my system is the whole universe? Then there's no observer observing it; it's just evolving all by itself."
"You're going through a major transformation."
"You are gradually jumping into higher and higher expressions of self."
"We are beings of light and dark, we use that fiery power to be able to evolve even faster."
"The win is in the new, the win is in the new person."
"Step into a new version of yourself. It's time to evolve and expand."
"You have to choose who it is that you are evolving to be rather than who it is that you've been in order to unlock the full range of your magic."
"Nobody can do it the way I do it... you just gotta stay evolving."
"You're changing because you're growing and you want to grow and evolve."
"Allow your opinions to change about yourself and the environment, allow it to happen because that's the evolution of your self-image."
"To be the verb and not the noun is this constant integral evolutionary process, where you question whatever perceptions and truths you come into."
"Bring on the challenge because I know within the challenge I'm gonna grow, I'm gonna evolve."
"Prayer is the spiritual mechanism that evolves you to superior dimensions of yourself."
"When you can love the beastliness, then you can evolve the beast and find out all along it wasn't a beast at all, it was just beauty masked in disguise."
"You're attracting the right situations to you as you evolve."
"I do believe that we are ascending ourselves into a new vibrational frequency."
"It's a trajectory... you develop in the direction of what you are."
"The process is the biggest part of your evolution."
"The symbol of the adversary is that of the sultan liberator and spiritual rebel who inspires self evolution."
"The greatest key in not just surviving but truly thriving after narcissistic abuse is making evolving yourself your highest mission."
"Release anything that no longer serves you. Hold your vision."
"Your identity is not set in stone; it's always shifting and adjusting."
"We all grow and evolve as human beings, and there are time stamps in our lives where big milestones happen and it changes us for the better or for the worse."
"Let go of what no longer serves you, embrace change, and move towards your own personal evolution."
"It's never too late to grow, it's never too late to evolve."
"You have less tolerance for things that don't align with you, shedding aspects of self that don't align anymore."
"Every time I've grown, my old self has died."
"Every next level of my life will demand a different version of me."
"You can't stay in the same small sandbox and expect to grow or evolve."
"Conscious effort to evolve is what it's all about."
"Identify the beliefs that create experiences and evolve past them to align with your higher self."
"Give yourself permission to keep changing, redefine who you are."
"Change is constant and an opportunity for expansion. Consider change a gift for your soul's evolution."
"Understand this, if nothing else: spiritual freedom and Oneness with the Dao are not randomly bestowed gifts, but the rewards of conscious self-transformation and self-evolution."
"Can Consciousness go back in time and direct its own self-evolution?"
"Every day I'm one step closer to being that version of me."
"If you knew me yesterday, you don't know me today."
"Your person may be receiving information from you right now from your higher self letting them know that you are evolving spiritually that you are changing right before their eyes."
"I started out as a little W. Somehow, I became a big one."
"I'm a totally different person than I was pre that mid-20s era."
"I'd always spent my life alone in some fashion or another I was familiar with it when I began studying spiritual discipline you learn at solitude spiritual solitude is a huge component and self evolution"
"Let It Go the future is calling, get rid of the things that belong to a past iteration of you and of your life."
"Every phase of your life requires a different you."
"This is why we have to create an evolving self so we can look at that person and think that's my hero."
"I can only control my own growth, my own evolution."
"Embrace the journey, cherish the lessons, and continue to grow and evolve into the person you were meant to be."
"I'm better than I was yesterday, a month ago, a year ago, ten years ago. So I'm evolving."
"Don't expect yourself to be the person that you were an hour ago, 10 years ago, five years ago."
"A clear sign of evolving into your higher self is when you start to develop a contrarian view, thinking differently from the majority."
"You grow, and you change, and you evolve into the person that you are today."
"People can change as you get older; your interests start to change, your personality starts to change, your looks start to change."
"Staying engaged in the idea of evolving yourself is really cool."
"You are a third version of yourself, the most strongest, galvanized version of yourself known to humankind."
"I'm not obligated to be the person I was a minute ago."
"Relationships are a beautiful opportunity for us to evolve ourselves, for us to become a better version of ourselves, for us to take responsibility for ourselves."
"Who you are is a constantly evolving self."
"It's very free. Is that maybe just a byproduct of being older, mature, evolving as a human? Like you're just comfortable."
"Our past self doesn't represent who we are today."
"When you continue to grow and evolve as a person, you learn lots."
"There's a version of you that's being created, one that is no longer going to be loyal to the wrong things."
"I've become more radical in old age than I've ever been."
"Times change, you know, and so do we when it is our time to change, don't you?"
"We want to evolve our identity and our values and beliefs determine our identity."
"You must never ever be loyal to an old version of yourself."
"I've changed... I call it evolving."
"I've evolved into a different for. I'm nothing at 43 like 33 like 23."
"...as we heal and we go through these layers of who we are, we end up becoming clearer and clearer and clearer to the point where we can access very high versions of us."
"I've shed many skins of my past self."
"A time of evolution and growth of self approaches; you will feel a higher frequency of energy surrounding you."
"Evolve yourself, it's not about your ex, this should be about you, about achieving your maximum potential as a human being."
"I grew my old self and changed my new."
"I'm not the same person I was last year."
"What we're really about is self-evolving, expanding, and growing more spiritually."
"As I continue to evolve and grow, sometimes it gets much more difficult to be transparent with people."
"What truly makes us happy is by listening to our inner child, fulfilling our purpose, growing, always evolving, and moving to the next level."
"You are walking away from an old version of yourself."
"It almost feels like you are letting go of the old version of yourself."
"After this breakup occurs, in a perfect world, you're going to kind of go through an evolution of self; you're going to come out of this better than ever."
"I'm constantly learning as well and constantly trying to evolve and become better."
"I'm still who I was 10 years ago, but I'm an evolved version of who I was."
"Man can further his own evolution by breaking psychological limitations."
"We choose to remove ourselves out of those environments, out of those group settings, out of those friendships, out of those family connections and things because our mind and our life and our perception has truly evolved and changed."
"Just be you, do you, evolve yourself to the best version you can, try different things, experiment, experience, and discover and explore different things."
"Delight in life's rhythm, things going your way, and see yourself evolving."
"You've a changed person now, this is a new cycle you're in."
"If you're brave, you won't get stuck. If you're brave, you'll remember that you're not that person anymore, you've grown quite so much and you've accumulated a lot more experience and a lot more skill."
"You never want the old you, you wanna continue to grow, you wanna continue to evolve, and you wanna continue to change."
"It is not selfish for you to evolve; it's just the best word for it is to truly evolve. That is not selfish; that's honoring yourself, it's stepping into your true power."
"Everything is happening for me and my evolution. I am not a victim of the things that happen."