
Social Observation Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"Even in saying that, once you start seeing the world through this lens, you're gonna see an entire society of people doing this, and it's one of the funniest things in the world."
"Everyone knows a Tammy. If you don't know a Tammy, then you are the Tammy."
"More and more, though, it seems like we're feeling even lonelier, feeling less connected, feeling less together."
"You know, when things like this happen, you tend to see people for who they are."
"The crazy you can see is not the crazy you have to worry about."
"We're all richer than somebody and we're all less rich than somebody else."
"Drama, as much as many people want to say they hate it, view speak for themselves."
"As I sit observing the horde of inebriated young Hollywood socialites, driven by temptation and bad intentions, I take pleasure in knowing that while a part of me flourishes in such an environment, my personal aspirations will not often lead me to such crassness." - Logan Paul
"They are made up overwhelmingly of the middle class... They were very nice to me... It just seemed like a nice kind of hippy festival."
"Boy--boy howdy, people treat women much differently than men."
"When you are dead, you do not know you're dead. All the pain is felt by others. The same thing happens when you're stupid."
"I was very much impressed by the unity of the Hong Kong people."
"Most people are really, really nice. We wouldn't have murders on the front page if people murdered all the time."
"I never realized it, but this past weekend when we went to Newport, dude, maybe it was because I was sober this entire time, but like I really saw everyone just looking."
"I'm glad to just finally see someone happy. They're so happy."
"It's kind of funny how you're like 'No, there'd still be religious conflict and people would fight over it.' And you're right. They would. We love conflict as humanity. Isn't that sad?"
"Everyone knows living alone does things to your mind."
"Isn't it wild how everybody wears different shoes?"
"I think there's a tremendous pent-up demand... I see it in Texas where they have lines going into stores and a couple of restaurants."
"I don't know if you know it but those crowds are going all the way back into whatever the hell Street you have back there. Whatever that street is, they've passed it."
"It's been really nice seeing your evolution."
"It felt as if everyone just decided to not and leave that area."
"How people are acting around you, how they treat other people is another big one, how do they treat their relationships, their friendships, their connections, how are they treating them? That's what you need to focus on this month."
"In moments of stillness in the crowd... be filled with delight at the spectacle of the forms of humanity."
"It's everything you've heard: neat architecture, expensive restaurants, wild outfits, sex, booze, and a bunch of people trying to look like they have more money than they really do."
"Just sit on the sidelines, grab a marshmallow, and watch it all burn."
"It's like a lot of people have very similar accounts. It just blows my mind."
"I haven't once been here and been like, 'man, it's just all white dudes, isn't it?'"
"Nobody likes other kids except for their own."
"It's been very insane to watch happen in real-time."
"We live in a country where basically everyone has main character syndrome right now."
"People who scored relatively high on racial prejudice mentioned the race of the suspects more often than did people low in racial prejudice."
"I think we're seeing people for who they really are and it's been a fascinating revelatory time."
"One of them's going to the loo... do you suppose he or she is going to change her wig?"
"They're here, they're Among Us, and they're shopping!"
"I've always had empathy for fast food workers, especially if they're older in their 50s."
"Sometimes you hear a normal conversation, and you're like, 'Ah, that's the way people think about it.'"
"He is no less than a cult leader. We are experiencing and observing nothing less than a cult of personality."
"Every one of these human red Solo cups is dressed wrong in their own unique way."
"Sometimes we might still see a drunken dwarf in some areas, and that's a good example."
"Women are the gatekeepers to men for other women."
"We should all carefully watch what is going on in Russian Society right now."
"We've actually got people living around here which of course you don't have now."
"I've personally been working on my health of late, losing 60 pounds over the last year, and I have to say I've simply have never felt better in years."
"It seems like we've all become very distorted."
"The loudest in the room are literally the most boring ones in real life."
"It's quite like a stark difference between the UK side and the American side."
"It's a love story actually it's like a tragedy it's about the process that a lot of people just stand on the corner."
"A lot of times the quiet people have some of the most interesting things to say."
"Men and women look for different things in the opposite gender."
"There was something that was so painfully real about this very drunk woman who's trying to act sober."
"People literally will watch you do practically anything."
"You got to love the people, their narcissism on display."
"Common sense is not a gift, it is a curse because you have to deal with all the people who don't have it."
"Women would rather share a very high-quality man than to have a lower-quality guy all to themselves."
"Hope, coming all across Canada, was the number one word I heard."
"It's really just honestly quite amazing how men function."
"Good comedy, what does everybody always say? Like, 'That joke is so true,' you know? And that's because you're writing something that's true yourself."
"I'm gonna be like wow he's up nice and early today or it's like okay he hasn't gone to bed yet and I won't see him for three days."
"Aquarians know how to observe a goddamn crowd."
"In times of real crisis, you see people for what they value."
"White women are extremely obsessed with black women and it's kind of weird in a lot of ways."
"It's the best place in town for people-watching and a great place to strike up a conversation."
"I look at how people are acting and thinking and talking."
"The only group that gendered marketing works on is men because we all have caveman brains."
"It's amazing to me how quickly the world changes sometimes."
"Usually when you see something so attacked that usually proves its authenticity."
"They're patiently waiting for you to notice them because they have definitely noticed you, and that is why they are checking you out on social media."
"What happens when we no longer share the same values? I think we're all watching the answer play out right in front of our very eyes."
"Men are just interested in things women are interested in people."
"I just know some of the gentlemen from there and how they are."
"I figured out that like yo women are completely different than us."
"Nobody phoned them, not one person's phoned an ambulance."
"Humans really think a lot about other people."
"There are two types of people in this world: one, people who go 'ooh Big Stretch' when a dog stretches; two, sociopaths."
"They watch families argue and people hurt each other, they don't have much respect for us."
"Mick Jagger simply stood at an empty table alone and drank a beer or two."
"Thank God he's black because the world don't listen to black people."
"Some people are complaining about starving I think there were probably the new people that showed up and hadn't eaten the meal yet because obviously we've got tons of food."
"I came away from there probably the most devastated and depressed I've been in a while because these men and women, they're devastated as well."
"I think it's something that's fascinating for a lot of us who watch this, that aren't susceptible to that, and we look as outsiders and just cannot fathom how people so many people get wrapped up in something."
"It's just so sad to think that so many people are being buried with no friends or relatives to commemorate their passing."
"When two people are fighting, they both look like idiots from a distance."
"This is momentum I think a lot of folks have been looking to see for a long time."
"People are weird. People have too much time on their hands."
"Talking about how they want a man who knows how to treat a lady or checking out other guys with their eyes while still actually talking to you."
"Men look at women, women watch themselves being looked at."
"The only people that take the time to criticize you are the ones that have less going on than you."
"They just seemed so happy and free to be themselves."
"Not everybody goes to college, but everybody knows someone that either has or hasn't."
"You ever seen a hater doing better than you? You ever been outdone by somebody doing better? You know the funny part about haters, man, they want to be you so bad, bro."
"Out of all my friends that pronounce things wrong, I'd say 99.9% of them pronounce all of these brands wrong incorrectly."
"I think that stupid is expanding and I think that the capacity for stupid is increasing."
"I loved the sketch you put out today but also even just with that cuz I mean people have heard us [ __ ] about how LA has been during quarantined um not anything specific by being in a populated area."
"It is remarkable to see that it has maintained a level of peace because there is such a volume of people out there right now."
"99% of hate in this world is jealousy wearing a mask."
"You get to take a look at your followed citizens, so you can follow these people for their entire life."
"It's so easy. I have a really good friend who said, 'you know those people in the back of the class that never used to say anything? Now they have a megaphone.'"
"Everybody's talking to somebody. Damn, that's tough."
"It's like you you can watch it happen we can see it happen you can comment on it happening saying it's wrong and then be like but it wouldn't happen to me I don't get it."
"One of those guys like how Seinfeld sees a show where everybody else sees just hanging out."
"Time for a bad ad: have you ever seen a beautiful, well-dressed woman dancing and getting down on the dance floor? Amazing, isn't it?"
"It's just wild like sometimes just reading other people's fights it's just so interesting."
"We've all seen someone who's in an abusive relationship and we've all seen the abuse."
"The suspect always, always just really thinking about themselves."
"People are freaking out... the reaction is way off the charts."
"It's like what people think inside, but no one says it."
"Listen to the actual words that are being said and how they're different from how sometimes other people talk."
"Oh my god, mad world. Okay, wow, they're heaving. When did this happen?"
"Now we're serious is everyone in Monaco just so rich that they don't care if like they'll just give you stuff because they're like well yeah I'll just buy another one is it really like that."
"It's always important to know what people really think. Period."
"It's amazing how people just don't know how to spell common names."
"It's not even that they're all white, you know, they will have the kind of same skin complexion, they will look the kind of same. It's odd, it's odd."
"The low latency ring bus really is king for games."
"It's kind of difficult to imagine that someone lives this kind of life in this day and age, but it is very, very fascinating."
"It's funny that we went from high-waisted mom jeans... now we're back at like low-rise."
"They're just chilling, they're not bothering anybody."
"If one thing has been proven, it's that a lot of people do like to tell others to take accountability but aren't particularly great at it themselves."
"It's like normal feet normal hands and you're exactly right Siobhan since lipedema is now on my radar every time we're at the mall the restaurant any social Gathering where there's a bunch of people I'm like she has she has liida."
"Unfortunately, there's a whole new crop of out here again."
"You are turning heads... people admiring you from afar."
"People at a certain point they're just going to care less."
"This has definitely been a trend over the last few years."
"It's 2023... Women in general and men for that matter, they see that kind of behavior... and they don't like it."
"I love Vegas for the shows, the buffets, and people watching."
"Life is like that, there's always gonna be people who have more and people who have less."
"People be thinking they're slick, they be doing weird [__], you'd be like bro, do you not know I know it's you?"
"This is not a Seattle-specific problem. This looks like what America looks like."
"The only people that you see do that are these people that are over here."
"Be any kind of a commentator on life around you you can't lose touch with that or you really have nothing to talk about anymore."
"People do some pretty weird things when they think no one's watching."
"It's tough out there right now, everyone's kind of getting off a long time off work."
"People have a problem with talking, I 1 million percent agree."
"There's a certain truth about all humans feeling like they arrived at a party armed with a club while all they have is a little q-tip."
"Lake Tahoe: A gem filled with super wealthy people."
"Large sections of our country are really looking at other sections and saying wow that looks bad but they don't have the problem. I salute the American people for following our guidelines and social distancing."
"It's a fascinating business being out in public."
"Trust me, these things are really apparent when you see them."
"Basically, to get into an Uber, you get in somebody else's car, and then you judge them."
"There it is! That's actually... there it is. Exactly cool. Yeah, she's got it. Rox knows the coolest way to walk."
"Filipinos are the funniest people you'll ever meet, really. They're loud, entertainment seems like it's part of the culture."
"It's more understandable because you see so many people who have obviously done so well out of it."
"Seeing a pair of twins in the street is often enough to make us do a double take."
"Everywhere you go, you're the one that girls break their necks for."
"I know I'm pretending I'm jealous but in reality just seeing them all sat there makes me very very happy."
"They hate how happy you are. You know, that makes me think that they watch you, probably because you seem like unbothered by the situation or somewhat happy to a degree."
"Interesting that females so much more than males."
"It's always like the biggest tell for me whenever they refer to women as females."
"Even stupid people have a nose for the truth."
"In Los Angeles, the fame topic is on everybody's mind."
"The tactic we're seeing from these people, it's the same thing in different ways."
"You can really tell who actually cares about the people and who is actually just grifting."
"Show me somebody who is worried about what other people are doing all the time and I'll show you somebody who's probably not doing much themselves."
"The 180 degree turn of drunk happy people to an incredibly angry drunk people was insane."
"People at the movies are so bizarre and wonderful and horrible at the same time, you never know what you're gonna get."
"Not only do we never need to question the target demographic of a cat sanctuary now, we also know who our prison pen pals are."
"The public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivation of sources."
"I was shocked at the number of people looking at Becca, getting all dressed up."
"Have you ever noticed that envious people tend to take unique joy in the suffering or pain of others?"
"The best way to find out a person's true character is to watch them and their interactions with others who they're not trying to impress."
"It's almost like women go on dates that they have no interest in the man at all. Crazy how that works, right?"
"Misery loves company, and a lot of different people's households that's made out of misery look different."
"It's kind of scary, it's kind of disturbing, but that's okay. There were some normal people there too."
"Everybody's friends are the most annoying people, you know, yeah, might be, I would say so."
"I see more and more that the left has gone off the rails."
"Come at me, come at me, go ahead, talk about how the lines are long after church."
"Like and subscribe if you enjoy our content and why not click join if you've got some spare money."
"There's something just about the grip both of those Sports have on American culture."
"Every woman that's super hot has men paying attention to her all the time."
"It's really wild to see someone you know do their thing and they don't know that you're there."
"No no one's looking at you differently like I said a lot of Jordanians don't a lot of jordanians now are wearing like crop tops and tank tops and I mean it's changed a lot in the last 10 years you definitely don't need to."
"To me going on these platforms early, the worth my time is getting early indications of the psychology, and the anthropology of how humans think."
"Everybody been acting funny lately but it's okay cuz I'm about to act hilarious smile."
"It's not too big of a surprise that millennials and the generation that is following it are closely connected to the Internet."
"Maybe when we notice that everyone is guzzling beer and punching each other today on Saint Patty's Day and no one's going to talk about cultural appropriation maybe we can realize the rest of it is BS too."
"It's mainly dark-skinned black women that are colorists."
"But I just don't see a country where the people are just seething and unhappy when I'm out. And that has to count for something."
"Your following is loyal oil, now you look at it right?"
"Welcome to the front of the bus. I gotta tell you, that is [__] hilarious."
"The dumbest people are always the most confident."
"They start talking real vague, there's just been an overall attitude changing you over the last couple of weeks."
"I'm more like a people Observer, you know? It's just lame if I just copied someone else's stuff."
"Everybody is loyal until the situation is no longer beneficial."
"It is a different thing when there's not a single woman around. It changes everything."
"I think it's a possibility we like looking at pretty people."
"There is no one, there are some good ones and there are some bad ones but there is no one one."
"It's hard to say, but I can say this: with these statistics, if you're not hooking up, if you're not having the fun, if you're not having any luck in dating..."
"How do your friends act around the girl you like? Pay attention."
"Have you ever seen anyone with more entitlement than these two?"
"I saw that story, just a picture of a guy drunk, 90% chance drunk."
"Every city has its negative side to it too, you know what I'm saying, and I'm sure it's the trenches and [__] out here like I've rotated through the trenches since I've been here."
"It's such a waste when you can trust someone deeply cuz there's a lot of snakes out there you know you could trust someone."
"The world really is so interconnected, even when we seem so far apart."
"The reality is that the vast majority of people are pretty f***ing reasonable."
"People just want to laugh at the same [stuff]. We all have the same kind of things we want, need, and whatever."
"How they talk about other people... you can see a lot of people's insecurities and tolerances through their opinions of others."
"The world must simply sit and watch in terror as person after person vanishes into themselves—into the mysterious holes, perfectly carved to shape."
"Atheists talk about Jesus Christ more than Christians do."
"People who are good looking but have terrible personalities are real-life click baits."
"I think I've heard I've seen lots of people."