
Extremism Quotes

There are 1150 quotes

"Most people are reasonable wherever you go, but in the social media age, it's no longer about what most people are like; it's about how much power do the extremists have."
"The biggest threat, in my judgment, to extremism, is an empowered woman."
"Any community, when taken to extremes, can be dangerous."
"It's far too easy to live crunchy and then, without even realizing it, fall into a cycle or loop that's all too cult-like."
"The only way to deal with all this is by facing up to the reality of extremism on both sides."
"When somebody calls somebody a fascist or a Nazi... that doesn't make you a Nazi."
"Countering extremism in games and gaming communities require a unique approach that considers the specific sociological, psychological, and cultural aspects of games."
"The American Revolutionary ideals are not moderate ideals; they are radical ideals, they are extreme ideals. That is what makes America itself."
"When we think about extremism, we think about extremist ideas. What we don't consider too often is that people can adopt non-extremist ideologies through extremist measures."
"People don't traditionally think of exercise as extremism, but it can be. There are some people that get into it and it takes over their lives."
"Integrity and fairness and getting away from extremism."
"Pumping out hatred of Muslims thinly disguised as hatred of extremism."
"The forces of bigotry, hatred, and violent extremism must be stopped for the sake of our democracy."
"Doing that will make you stronger; you'll see how ridiculous the opinions are on the extremes."
"Humanity First is the same but more extreme, wanting to purge the aliens from the solar system, human supremacy only."
"Research shows that far from suppressing right-wing and extremist speech, social media has elevated them."
"Anyone that is caping hard for radical Caucasian terrorists and doesn't want to see it end or your liberation, that's on male and female."
"Every economy is mixed to some extent. Everybody argues for a mixed economy except for absolute extremists."
"A lot of this climate of hate might be coming from these extreme groups on both sides, and we have to be cognizant of that so that we don't fall prey to it."
"I think you said the corporate tax rate should be 100%, that's probably too extreme."
"Just a kernel of doubt is all you need. If you don't have any doubt, you're an extremist."
"This religion is so balanced that anyone who tries to take it to extreme will lose."
"Extreme ideology, on both sides, by the way, left and right, is what gets a nation to be divided."
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
"The answers to problems do not lie in the extremes."
"My goal at the end of the day is to pull people away from extremism. I want people to be rational centrists."
"Nobody wants extremism, nobody wants division."
"Every facet of every ideology has a form of extremism, and extremism is bad always."
"The more fundamentalist they get, the more 'us versus them' they are. That's a trademark of fundamentalism."
"Racism is evil because its ultimate logic is genocide."
"America's gun free-for-all is a symptom of the takeover of our nation by a radical extremist minority."
"On one hand, I appreciate the circulation of the message. On the other hand, I think sometimes they go too far to where they're trivializing a very serious message."
"Discussing ideas in this manner by pulling them to the extremes in a combative context is especially damaging."
"We are trying to fight against extremism and the dangers extremism poses to our democracy, to women on questions of reproductive care and abortion, extremism on guns."
"You're gonna force a 10 year old to have their rapist baby? Are you doubly insane?"
"We've created this binary world of sound bites where everyone's immediately thrown into an extreme category."
"Right-wing extremism is the most vital threat that we face at the moment in the Federal Republic of Germany."
"We need to be on guard against radicalization; it really doesn't matter what direction."
"Violence has no place in our societies, and extremists will not succeed in overruling the will of the people."
"What is or is not extremism is incredibly subjective and incredibly contextual."
"People with extremist attitudes tended to think about the world in black and white terms and struggled with complex tasks that required intricate mental steps."
"Social media changed dramatically between 2009 and 2011 and once we created this outrage machine, the visibility of the moderate majority shrinks and the extremes grow."
"Most of the experts who have looked at ISIS... suggest that religion is not the motivating factor. What motivates these guys tends to be a search for identity, for purpose, for a sense of adventure, a sense of belonging."
"If we don't understand the way it self-conceives, the way that it justifies itself, the rhetoric that it uses, and the fact ultimately that it's a group with religious motivations as well as other motivations, we will not be able to understand the group itself."
"The Islamic State is Islamic. It is rejected by nearly all Muslims. It has an interpretation that I would actually agree is a fringe interpretation and is a death cult."
"Undoubtedly, we are living through extraordinary times today; violent extremism, anti-globalization sentiment, and xenophobia is on the rise."
"I'm against extremism in all its forms. I'm one of those radical centrists who actually thinks that we should work within our democratic system and vote for the things that we want."
"The very first of its kind, this strategy aims to confront the long-standing drivers of homegrown extremism: racism and bigotry."
"Understanding our own history is essential to confront the distortions that enable extremism."
"I believe as a global society against the extremists, we will win at the end of the day."
"Loneliness is... the starting point for a lot of extremist politics."
"Trump is a fascist. If you support him, you support fascism."
"It's fun to poke fun at the extremes of both sides, but the minute you start believing that represents the entirety is when you become one of them."
"We must reject hatred and extreme ideologies that seek to divide Americans wherever we find it in society. It is antithetical to who we are as a country."
"You have just compared Boris Johnson's government to a form of extremist government."
"Having been there during the height of the Yugoslav War was quite searing in the sense that I saw how a country like Yugoslavia, which wasn't really all that bad, got torn apart by the voices of extremism: extreme left, extreme right, and of course, the radical Islamists."
"Society wants religion, and if we don't actually embark upon the creation of religion in a reasonable way, we're going to end up with complete batshit madness."
"The establishment parties are shrinking and becoming weaker and the parties on the fringes are growing and becoming stronger."
"Life is fleeting, and I like taking it to the edge. I'm fanatical, I'm extreme."
"Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization."
"The only way to stop communism is nuclear warfare."
"It becomes almost like a badge of honor sometimes to hold increasingly extreme and absurd beliefs. It's not about what's true, it's about how does this make me look to my tribal in-group and out-group."
"Both sides are guilty of this they use the most extreme case of whatever it is to justify whatever point it is that they're trying to make"
"You're either with our democracy you're with the facts you're with reality or you're with this dystopian fascist American Carnage nightmare that's represented by Maga."
"I'm a pretty moderate dude, but one of my favorite things is watching the extreme left cannibalize themselves with wokeness."
"I think the fever has broken. People are realizing systemic racism exists, but we can't let extremists run the world."
"I don't want any far-right group to survive because those are the people that create the conflicts that end up killing more people down the line."
"Extremists are getting more and more radicalized as time goes on, we're seeing like a polarization type of thing taking place."
"Will the extremism and the conspiracy theories go away? Eventually they always do, it just takes time."
"Trump calls them great patriots, his convention glorified vigilantes who took up arms against protesters, disgraceful anarchists and thugs."
"I think this will be the one that makes people turn away from the Labor Party and make them a fringe party on the extreme left."
"Any doctrine, any principle, any law, any teaching that is placed beside the gospel are given more infancies than the gospel, no matter how harmless it may be in itself, immediately turns into a doctrine of demons."
"They're willing to burn the entire house down just for the sake of their ideology."
"Marjorie Taylor Greene is among the most extreme Republicans on Capitol Hill. One of the most powerful fundraisers."
"Does it warrant this fervor, the zealotry, the psychotic behavior? It doesn't."
"We cannot for one second act like we have equality anymore when it's gone too far the other way."
"If we do not believe in freedom of speech for our enemies, we do not believe in it at all."
"I don't think that the crazy people who've gone off the deep end can be reached."
"For as bad as January 6th is, I believe that the former president would not have qualms about going further."
"This is not your standard partisan policy disagreement; this is a conspiracy theory fueled by a belligerent death cult."
"Ideas have consequences and the idea that you can get to paradise by dying in defense of the faith... is a mainstream notion." - Sam Harris
"It's such an absurd environment on the right."
"Once you demonize people, all bets are off... anything is possible."
"I hate when the other team scores, so if I'm on the court I'm going to do whatever I can to keep them from scoring."
"The spectrum is basically from center to extreme right, so the Republican Party about 20 years ago basically abandoned any pretense of being a normal political party."
"Do you think they're gonna be the same as it is now and they're gonna go down bombing? I mean, given that they're kind of run by religious fanatics, probably."
"The left has gone completely, utterly bat bleep insane."
"The left has to silence everybody because they've moved so far to the left."
"White supremacist extremists are the deadliest domestic terror threat to the country."
"Militia movements, white supremacists, that are violent have certainly been with our country for decades."
"Violence from right-wing extremist groups are the most significant."
"E) Playing a speech by Peterson is basically like playing a speech by Hitler."
"The elites have all basically given their life over to Satan."
"Extreme Protestantism, along with extreme enlightenment belief and extreme a lot of things, is part of the problem."
"How did we get here? How is this Fringe idea suddenly mainstream?"
"I think the white power movement today is larger than it was when I started writing about this."
"It’s extremism and a dismissal of those different from us is the true enemy here."
"Convincing five-year-olds to chop off their genitals does not rank among our nation's cherished values."
"It's sick, it's downright demonic, and the vast majority of Americans know it."
"I feel like it's different... you're starting to see more and more vocal support for what I would argue or like movements that go too far or at least protest to go too far."
"Threatening to burn someone's house down is just confrontation? I call that terrorism."
"Leftism will not be the answer... left has gone full-blown commie in so many of their policies and their language."
"The answer to one extreme is hardly ever the opposite extreme."
"Both sides need to leave their extremists... and actually try to talk to each other."
"Extremism never wins, and centrism is the value maximizing function."
"The remainers are fighting for the opposite team, willing to see the country burn if they get their way."
"Any appeal to democracy from the remain camp has no more legitimacy than an appeal to human rights from Hitler."
"There's not enough nukes, there's not enough violence, there's not enough drugs. We need more killing."
"Is MAGA or Trumpism, just a group of incredibly loyal followers, or is it something much scarier?"
"The people who stormed the capitol building were fascists...without qualification."
"American citizens have a right to keep and bear nuclear and biological weapons, anti-matter weapons, railguns, you name it."
"How should we react to the deaths of the backsliders, reactionaries, cool acts or ideological enemies? Oh yes, well it's like the Nazis saying how should we react to the deaths of Jews and gypsies."
"A social justice warrior is someone who takes social justice too far and into the realm of social revenge."
"Their goal is to annihilate 90% of the population of the Earth."
"Creationism is a clear demonstration of that because it's a form of religious extremism, because it requires a degree of reality denial, and believers readily admit that."
"This so-called America First Caucus is one of the nuttiest things I've ever seen."
"If you give people money, get involved in their lives. Don't let them get lost into the poltergeist attic of internet extremism."
"The left will tell you outright that if you oppose them... you're wrong, you're genocidal, you're violent."
"For every move that the left has gone more bananas with everything... the right has actually moderated."
"Unless you're murdered for what you believe in, what's the point?"
"Alright, you know Marjorie Taylor Greene is down for somebody bombing the White House, maybe the Capitol."
"The Holocaust is the most extreme form of a universal human disease."
"Domestic extremism remains a threat priority."
"By saying that there was violence on many sides, or that anti-Nazi violence is the same as Nazi violence, you're just making excuses for Nazis."
"Small pockets of anti-fascist violence are in no way comparable to an ideology that promotes the eradication of entire groups of people."
"Maybe Ron DeSantis's actions emboldened fascists to think that they have more broader popular support than they actually do."
"The majority is on that side, so I believe it seems a lot more hardcore because that is where the majority of your listeners are too."
"If we catch these arsonists who are uh you know these climate activists doing this these people should be put to death yeah like they should be given the death penalty."
"The Democrats are gone, they're so far left I can't even see them anymore."
"As your lawyer, I'm advising you to keep doing this [__] nothing polarizes people against the far right quite as much as seeing Nazis marching down Main Street."
"Choose your path: sensible governance led by a democratic majority or larpy Nazis in gay uniforms."
"Wisconsin's Governor is calling a march by neo-Nazis through downtown Madison truly revolting."
"I genuinely think believes in her mind that she's the real progressive and everyone else has just gone overboard you know"
"Right-wing extremism is the fastest-growing terror threat."
"It's really quite the American ideology of very individualistic and it's becoming very extreme."
"The movement we see today is starting to go too far and lines are being crossed to which any student of history and free thinker will know should not be crossed."
"This party now houses far-right members who have extremist views."
"Does the affiliation with conservative or Christian beliefs make someone a Nazi or a domestic terrorist? Of course not."
"I genuinely believe it's disassociation, it is a dejected society where individuals don't know or care about each other and they seek validation or they seek to push some extremist ideology."
"The Republican Party is now the party of the Proud Boys, the party of neo-Nazis."
"The tragedy of Heaven's Gate cult is a haunting reminder of how dangerous extremist ideologies can be."
"The alt-right is a rapidly mutating virus, and the web is the perfect incubator."
"Philosophically, there's actually a lot in common here with Thanos - another MCU villain with a religious zeal to cull all of life by half."
"Aum Shinrikyo: from yoga and meditation to manufacturing nerve gas and terrorist attacks."
"The more extremist someone becomes, the less self-aware they become."
"There is no place in New Zealand for such acts of extreme and unprecedented violence."
"It is sheer absolute Sikh garbage to suggest that if a Muslim lives in your neighborhood, that Muslim deserves to die."
"This president has radicalized so many more people than Isis ever did."
"It's not good so long as it involves you know genocide against a population or so long as it involves socialism and communism and destruction of the rights of the individual."
"Kelly's opponent, Raphael Warnock, is a dangerous extremist."
"That's what I like about the incel stuff—all of the related political points touch on real issues, but then the people pick up on them with absolutely batshit advocacy."
"Rejecting Nazis isn't controversial. If you condemn Nazis you're too woke for the Republican party."
"If you're not dealing with the baptism of Christ, I don't care how many people in your group, you are an antichrist."
"It’s only extremists who are afraid of losing their power."
"I think that's a good point but I think media in general tends to call it the extreme right."
"64% of the extremist groups that people joined were due to Facebook's own recommendation systems."
"For every 30 minutes that someone watches Tik Tok every day they become 177% more anti-semitic."
"If you jumped on Tik Tok for 3 hours you would go from a who loved your Jewish friends to Adolf Hitler in just a couple of hours."
"Many people on the left are in a cult. They believe insane things."
"I hate cancel culture. It's been taken to the extreme, the judgmentalism of people. It has become quite hysterical and there's a kind of a Witch Hunt and a lack of understanding."
"There are certainly worse ways than others to handle a problem of domestic extremism."
"We need to invest in rehabilitation and de-radicalization for far-right extremists."
"One of our political parties is out of its mind."
"It's the first time where you can have such a platform for such an extreme opinion."
"Fascism, white supremacy, Nazism, cults completely detached from reality - these are all objectively bad. Limiting their recruiting power is a net good."
"Apparently, this piece of crap has espoused extremist views for years. And what they mean by this is that he's an actual neo-nazi." - Commentary on Coast Guard lieutenant arrest
"The response to Communism is almost always fascism."
"Woke supremacy is just as dangerous as white supremacy."
"I don't believe in any form of unjustified extremism but I believe that when a man is exercising extremism in defense of Liberty for human beings is no vice."
"Tyranny does not extinguish extremism; tyranny creates extremism."
"Extremism in the pursuit of Liberty is novice; moderation in the defense of Liberty is no virtue."
"This is actually about democracy itself, so it's not just these people are bonkers, it's these people are bonkers and could destroy the whole damn thing."
"That's what happens when the far-right extremists meet the real world... they get booed, they get a dose of reality."
"It's a total horseshoe Theory situation where the Republicans went so far right that they ended up back on the left."
"Musk intends to steamroll those safeguards and provide a megaphone to extremists who traffic in disinformation, hate, and harassment under the guise of free speech."
"Any virtue carried to extremes becomes a vice."
"Suddenly, the person who's proposing the most extreme measures is like, 'Oh, that's too much.' So, that was like a very simple technique."
"This is literal Madness this is fascism call it out folks."
"They cannot actually go and have a reasonable debate on legislation because they are co-opted by the extremists in their party who threatened to primary them and have this just disgusting extremist strain and hold them hostage."
"Unfortunately, it seems like the politics and the extremism on both sides... have been bleeding into real-world life."
"Yeah, it's been happening for a while right? The party has slowly but surely been seeding power to what used to be considered the 'fringe' of the right wing."
"This fascism, this hate, this bizarreness on the GOP."
"Scientology is always, has been, and always will be a domestic terrorist organization."
"No matter where you are on the political scale, we don't want Nazis. Can we agree on that?"
"Trump helped take extremist views from the fringes of society to a mob attacking the Capitol."
"In itself is a horrible religion and has very many similarities to Nazism in the way it executed things in society."
"If you impose on the rights of one white man, you're gonna start imposing on the rights of all of us. What's the purpose of living if I can't be a free white supremacist?"
"I want to commit an act of domestic terrorism, do you understand? So I'm looking for someone to help build a terrorist network around my passions."
"I think she's lying about how extreme her views used to be."
"If you're for censorship, you're actually a right-wing extremist."
"He went to Dany first, warned her. I would have murdered every man, woman, and child in Riverrun for Cersei."
"Extremism is only extremism if you take the position of having a moral compass and of being a moderate person." - Anthony
"It's like it was scripted by this far-right terror of horror movies."
"It's not conservative, it sure isn't normal. It's radical."
"In a mindset of religious extremists, whether you believe it matters more than whether it is true."
"This cult and the fact that they use torture and human sacrifices and all of that is just beyond like [expletive] up."
"They said well, we can't let Nazis, right? We can't let Nazis be out there."
"These people are already many of them committed to the concept of overthrowing American democracy and inciting civil war."
"Communism, the worst form of systematized evil in human history."
"Antifa is an extremist left-wing group and it is very real and it is violent and they very much do want people who don't agree with their way of thinking to be punished with violence."