
Public Discourse Quotes

There are 1456 quotes

"Democracy is based on the ability to debate things and find out who's right or whose ideas resonate the most."
"The public demand for... good faith conversation."
"The reason our public discourse is so impoverished is that it fails to engage with larger questions of meaning and moral purpose."
"The amplification and normalization of the agenda of the powerful, that no opinions can be allowed into that space."
"I kind of love how in all of this, like Leafy nonsense, Pokemane, who was the one targeted, is the one that's laughing it off and being like the biggest champ about all of it."
"The op-ed wasn't about my relationship with Johnny, but it alluded to him. It was unmistakable."
"It really raises this question of mental health, mental health treatment, and then awareness of mental health."
"It's interesting that you need everyone to have an insight about one thing. It's like if everyone, well I guess this is one of the reasons why COVID and masks and vaccines and stuff was such a popular talking point because you know that everyone knows what you're talking about."
"Democratic citizens are impatient with too empty of public discourse; they want politics to be about big things and also about values, about moral questions about justice and inequality and what it means to be a citizen."
"You realize actually not just for Labour but how generally the level and quality of our public discourse has declined. The extraordinary beautiful arguments they put incredibly erudite."
"It leads inexorably to an explosion of victimized outbursts all over social media."
"It's a never-ending, all-day, every-day discussion of this woman."
"Mental health expertise is critical to public discussion."
"What really moves us forward as a society is when those ideas can meet in a public square and thrash it out so that we can come to some common understanding on how we move forward."
"A true public square... you can't be the keeper of the platform and control and so you want freedom of speech."
"The only way to challenge prejudice is to confront it head-on in the public realm and destroy it with argument and reason."
"The amount of misinformation in the air, the degree to which even serious people seem to be ruled by false assumptions and non sequiturs, is just astonishing."
"The idea to index minimum wage to local rents, which is a pretty cute policy."
"The trans issue generates a hell of a lot of noise and very very little light."
"There's just a lot of misinformation out there and a lot of people saying that we're fear-mongering."
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion but allow very lively debate within that spectrum."
"This is a conversation that I feel like needs to be had more frequently and more publicly."
"What's always attracted me about the idea that two people with differing viewpoints can get together in front of a neutral audience."
"This is a civilizational type of thing we're dealing with. This is the Public Square."
"I promise you that if I were in a room with Chris Cuomo, I wouldn't be insulting him, and nor would he be insulting me."
"We have witnessed shouting matches on television, in grocery stores, and local school board meetings, and from so many political platforms that we often forget that compromise and unity are not dirty words."
"First and foremost, you can expect unregulated opinions. We want people to disagree with us. We want to have conversations."
"We can debate opinions, we can debate other things, but what I cannot tolerate is to watch television or listen to radio and hear people just flat out lie, make stuff up."
"Comedy lives between public and private discourse... Comedians are in the middle, trying to make sense of it all."
"It's creating an environment where honest conversations can't be had in public."
"A lot of people won't because the thing is, and this maybe you could argue that this is an argument against political correctness."
"I will never stop talking about this because I recognize the existential threat."
"The demographic issue... it's clear to see and yet so few people talk about it."
"Elon Musk has talked about whether or not we live in a computer simulation."
"Contrarians are being heard more than they have ever been heard in the past... The establishment is not being heard in the same way they were because they owned both parties."
"We're dealing with some very serious questions about police brutality."
"Thank you for sharing and talking so openly about anxiety and mental health."
"It's a sad day in America when the President of the United States calls a woman a horse face."
"Good on Joe Rogan and Tim Poole for exposing the insane hypocrisy and stupidity of the Twitter leadership."
"The scale of what happened, there's been so many revelations... you knew that the vaccines weren't stopping transmission, we didn't know it was safe, so what was really going on?"
"While the American people want to have serious discussions about things that actually matter to our country, whether it's the economy, Social Security, women's reproductive rights, protecting seniors, protecting veterans, real issues, Donald Trump keeps on making posts about golf."
"Tucker has become a spokesman for conservatives who feel that a lot of people are afraid to say things that they know is true."
"A good government is one that's small enough that you wouldn't have to talk about it all the time."
"In a democracy, all of the varying scientific and popular opinions can be discussed, and measures can be enacted that are a reflection of that."
"Social media changed dramatically between 2009 and 2011 and once we created this outrage machine, the visibility of the moderate majority shrinks and the extremes grow."
"But today I feel like I should comment on it because of the stigma and misconception about mental health."
"There's a huge hunger for people who know something, are willing to talk courageously in public, and won't mislead you."
"There is a crisis in our culture of lonely, disaffected young men, but anyone who speaks up for them, like Jordan Peterson, is villainized."
"In the public sphere, the lie is the harm. It does damage to our ability to communicate, to comprehend each other."
"It's all too easy to dismiss outrage over this racial insensitivity as "hoping to be offended." Well, "offense" all on its own isn't the problem. Why it bothers people and what it is conveying and influencing both matter."
"It's never a good look to idolize or say anything positive about Adolf Hitler."
"The difference is that now every crazy person has a microphone, and because every crazy person has a microphone, you have to hear all of them."
"This is bipartisan. It doesn't matter who you are. Any sane, reasonable person stands by exactly what I said."
"We are morally required to engage in talking about this."
"There's no world in which a sane rational person looks at what Tucker Carlson does and says he's making this up."
"If you're an honest person, you understand this is exactly the moment in our history when we need serious adult conversations about the world around us."
"There is a line for me and for everybody else. There are certain conversations that they have to happen in the public, they have to happen on YouTube regardless of what YouTube thinks because if it's the truth, it's the truth."
"At the end of the day, if he feels like I'm wrong, then he can get on his platform and say that I'm wrong."
"The real issue is does social media have the right to suppress true stories?"
"Freedom of speech actually means the freedom to formulate ideas badly and awkwardly in public."
"It's more important that people don't talk about this than to actually deal with the problem."
"It's good that the left is playing their hand as hard as they can, because this gets it out in the open."
"Everything always depends on context. I wouldn't say changing someone's features to another ethnicity is hostile behavior, which is such a crazy sentence to say in the first place."
"The virtue signaling is not about actual virtue, it is about the idea that you are fighting against the heretics."
"If she comes out and starts dragging and attacking me in this video, this is going to prove my point."
"We're going to show Americans how you can be outraged about an issue but still keep your dignity and discipline."
"Shamans have used psychedelic compounds throughout human history to enter spiritual domains and communicate with supernatural entities." - Unknown
"Democracy is about having this conversation and making sure we walk everyone through it."
"Everything we talk about when it comes to news is wrong."
"You can't come into the public square where we're discussing things but don't worry there's another one down the street you can go use."
"With your help, light will be shed on subjects that have been debated for years."
"People are able to speak up and say, 'I have very serious concerns about unfettered, unchecked immigration.'"
"Discipline changes over time. Why is it so difficult for that to be acknowledged on Twitter?"
"The problem is that the facts have changed and the political class keeps on trying to tell them, 'You're wrong on your facts.'"
"There needs to be a conversation about domestic violence awareness."
"The clear double standard: trendy to be socialist, but fascism must be denounced."
"It's not just the right of the person who speaks to be heard, it is the right of everyone in the audience to listen and to hear."
"Fighting anti-semitism can't be about walking on eggshells or maintaining strategic ignorance."
"Are we taking this too far? You know what, I don't think we're taking this far enough."
"The real war isn't necessarily over what's on Twitter or what's on YouTube. It's over memories."
"I think parents across this country are going to be stunned to learn... that if they show up at a local school board meeting... you are attempting to intimidate them, you are attempting to silence them."
"The real problem is Ilhan Omar's comment, not Ilhan Omar's viewpoint."
"It's not about Alex Jones, it's about censorship."
"We need to disagree with him publicly not de-platform not uh move them uh cancel the bank accounts not suspend them."
"Who appointed Mark Zuckerberg to decide when and how we're allowed to think about things?"
"When you censor conversation, you spread these crazier theories."
"It's not about science anymore. Well, it's about politics."
"We have more than a right to ridicule them; we have an obligation, a positive duty to ridicule them."
"Why would you necessarily trust us anymore? Why would you trust any alternative any more than necessarily anybody that mystery media, right?"
"Cancel culture was the diagnosis and the term became a catch-all defense for those trying to evade public criticism."
"There's a difference between cancel culture and accountability."
"Did he feature any of my actual points from any of the video? No, he took one phrase, kind of twisted it, and then was like, 'See, we're right.' The end."
"The value of someone publicly using their brain to grapple with large problems cannot be overstated."
"This is my opinion, this is not... my conclusion."
"Rogan creates a unique intellectual liminal zone."
"I would rather suffer the momentary embarrassment of having been proven wrong even in a public forum than to forever be wrong and never know it."
"No, I think Ryan Hillier was wrong for suggesting that or stating that in his tweets." - Viva Frei
"Stick to the issues of the day that are the most pressing for this country. Do not go to the gutter." - Advice to Donald Trump from a focus group participant
"Nobody's actually encouraging any self-harm, what people are talking about is this over emotional crybaby mentality."
"It means there's a lot of people now, I think, who feel we have to be able to talk about these stories."
"There's been no consultation. We are going to be in a radiation soup that we cannot opt out of."
"I think having a rational welcoming conversation to the people who are uninformed is actually the best way."
"Leftists demand privacy rights in public places but deny actual rights for those with opposing opinions."
"The enemy of free speech is not me. The enemy of free speech are the people who would rather have that I never came."
"These people deserve to be dragged before Senate committees and tried they deserve to be tried in the arena of public information."
"They've lost Center ground with Twitter because I will tell you this advertisers may want to pull off but the reality is Twitter is still digital Town Square."
"I think that's gutsy for him to publicly talk about it."
"I'll criticize Bernie's recent comments on Cuba, but I won't engage in this smear campaign."
"Trump derangement syndrome is real, he makes people crazy, man."
"Give them the microphone because overwhelmingly whatever they're saying to the American people the American people despise and detest."
"Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful."
"There's nothing more important than speaking up about injustice."
"We're spending a lot of time talking about what they want you to hear, and the real stuff is being censored."
"That's what full disclosure has to be if it's legit."
"Her goal was to engage an external audience in a conversation about our country's commitment."
"Free discussion and conversation are vitally important."
"Returning to Twitter and linking this with the coverage of the left and the disaffected Liberals that I'm always talking about."
"He shifted the Overton window. We are now debating all the topics on Donald Trump’s turf."
"If you don't want people to talk about things, don't put it on the Internet. This is not a hard concept."
"The messiness of free speech is part and parcel of the right of free speech." - Mark Zuckerberg
"Endlessly apologizing for our ancestors might make some sensitive people feel better about themselves and get them a few likes on social media."
"Does this person know anything about what they're talking about? And if the answer is no then maybe we shouldn't as a people take them particularly seriously."
"How did this become a political statement? This is common sense."
"The internet just kind of sucks right now and every platform seems to be incentivizing everyone to generate as much outrage as they can all the time."
"Everybody's entitled to their own opinion but you can't have your own facts."
"Some of these people are out there talking about...there's nothing in the Bible."
"I think the problem we have with the current dialogue on this subject is that you basically have two poles everything the cops do is right everyone the cops shoot the cop needs to go to prison neither one of those are true."
"Speaking up on stuff that you know nothing about is very, very dangerous."
"If Hank Green wants to say some [ __ ], just say it. We don't always have to frame everything around like... responding to online activism."
"Why do you betray your values Elon must ask that question on stage."
"Sky criminals waging secret war on the public." - Chuck Norris
"The mainstream media acting like this is some newfound information is utter hypocrisy."
"This case is being watched, discussed all across the country."
"Cancel culture threatens to make our public discourse coarser, falser, and crueler."
"They're comparing Ron DeSantis to Hitler... this isn't some online college weirdo with pink hair and a septum ring."
"Are you really comfortable saying that publicly?"
"People are desperate to hear somebody say that."
"There is so much in the way of what I believe to be false information out there and nobody is really out there speaking up."
"He's causing an exposure of America's original sin."
"Free Speech can't, you know, when you hear falsehood needs to be corrected with the truth and when you stop people from telling the truth then falsehood, you know the LIE runs around the world as fast." - Fraser Myers
"It's time for common sense, for logic and reason to come back into the conversation." - Dr. Chris Martenson
"We're gonna choose silence over fiction, hope over fear, and move forward."
"Yes, 100... you should no longer be able to profit off of that. You should no longer be able to have a bullhorn. Yes, that's how this works."
"This interview is just like a big virtue signal to me."
"People want to be influencers. This is why you hear so many people standing up and saying AI is the most dangerous thing that can happen to the world."
"Social media is a public proclamation extraction machine that sits there and gets this out of everybody and turns everybody into a cartoon of some [__] they never even thought that deeply about."
"This is all old news just rehashed and astroturfed."
"The whole point of free speech is that those ideas then get challenged in the marketplace."
"I think Tucker Carlson masterfully played these people because now they're gonna have to pull the source material and actually ask questions."
"It's a battle of opinion-driven narratives, not fact-based narratives."
"If enough people are exposing these ideas... bad ideas will be weeded out."
"The thing that separates the situation with Judge Moore from everything else is that what's being exposed are immoral social norms that have been neglected and ignored."
"And bickering about which propagandist network is the worst is not gonna save a single American life nor improve the life of a single American child."
"If I don't give you the counter argument, what's the point in having me here?"
"Mainstream media and social media have become safe spaces to protect far left ideology."
"I have referred to this as life versus life, not life versus the economy, not life versus liberty, but life versus life."
"Simply calling people or stories conspiratorial or conspiracies does not actually address the arguments that they make or the information that they reveal. So good for him."
"People want independent authentic voices that speak their mind. You can disagree with them, you can have different opinions. That's all fine. But they want to know, 'Hey, that's your honest opinion, not a captured opinion.'"
"People want to be led, they want to be seduced."
"It's a fascist system now because governments have been directing the FBI and other government agencies working with the social medias to punish them."
"We're gonna talk culture, we're gonna talk about Tucker Carlson's response to Media Matters hit job and why that matters to all of us."
"This is the way politics works: when left run things and they do a bad job, people swivel to the right if you give them someone who is capable of talking about the issues people actually want to hear about."
"He's taken all the hot buttons that you're not supposed to say and put them all in one place."
"That's why I think it's important to call out these hypocrisies that's why aside from just having a good time through laughing at toxicity I think it's important to address the toxicity and put it out in the public domain."
"We talk about the things that matter, real issues that affect you, your family, our country."
"That's reality, if you want to go out to the Town Square you're going to hear people screaming nasty things that they're going to be holding up really awful signs and that's reality, you can't hide from it."
"It's a fact that Trump was right or at the very least Trump called something out and he held himself to it."
"That's why the Left haisa that's why they attack me times I tell the truth not things they don't like."
"The mainstream will allow these conversations."
"It seems as soon as Donald Trump came into the picture, a lot of these people suddenly lost any ability to be reasonable."
"There's a lot of vindication coming back to asking some of these most basic questions."
"We're just not even debating the basic things that used to be like absolute truths." - Dave Rubin
"But whatever happens, people are going to be talking about 2021 for a very long time."
"A lot of these issues... are a sad reminder of a failed government."
"If people are only saying things that everybody else is already saying after they've already said, it's going to have a much more larger impact."
"I really believe the independent part of the media where we are um you know where people like Joe Rogan are where a lot of people are is absolutely the part of the media thriving and exploding."
"I hadn't noticed that there had been a lack of debates. There's plenty of debate going on in the House of Commons."
"Now is the time to speak out against anti-Semitism, extremism, and hate."
"The public interest is in free and open discussion."
"It's a sad state of affairs that Charlie or pretty much any other commentary channel has to cover this sort of thing in the first place."
"In our increasingly unrighteous world, it is essential that values based on religious belief be part of the public discourse."
"The essence of true spiritual teachings: you have a responsibility to reach a state where you are clear, open, filled with good energy, so you can do your best in any moment."
"The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory, it is very real, an agenda that has been acknowledged openly for decades."
"I mean these are literal quotes that people are saying to me these are things that people are expressing to me and um these narratives are not just being echoed in One Direction."
"When I defend someone's right to say something and I don't like what they've said, invariably I get told that I'm endorsing what they've said."
"Me, a recognizable successful actor talking about it allowed them to talk about it."
"They traffic almost exclusively in negativity, searching out the weird, the bizarre, the stupid, and the inane in celebrity culture or mainstream news reports."
"It's mind blowing that that is your issue. And not only is it your issue, it's your issue on four straight specials."
"It is disgusting... just the absolute dumpster fire that our society has become."
"Let's just call it abortion and that helps to begin to destigmatize it."
"The universe is reminding you that you are cared for always."
"Facebook is your de facto public square so we should be allowing any kind of speech. Once again, the answer to bad speech is just more speech."
"Engaging in activism and expressing values is not inherently bad... that's not the point of virtue signaling as a pejorative."
"I think it's a little reductive and a little bit trivializing to the Holocaust."
"I think it's pretty funny what he said if the looting starts the shooting or the looting starts the shooting starts."
"It's appalling that there seems to be this essentially a global consensus amongst major mainstream media organizations that only information that comes from the public health agencies should be discussed or talked about."
"The more and more we talk about this stuff, the more and more encouraged we are to keep speaking out."
"Having a robust debate is one thing, having an opinion is another, but vulgarity is the main issue."
"I want to maintain the position of operating on facts."
"We're not trying to be the bearers of bad news and I'm not saying that that's true but it's a discussion point"