
Perspective On Life Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
"Stop viewing the unexpected as negative. Normally the things that we think are negative are just the unexpected."
"Either we see all the cracks, or we see the light that comes through the cracks."
"Release your ideas of what happiness, success, enlightenment, spirituality look like. Darkness and chaos does not mean evil."
"The more time that you spend focusing on how depressing it is and how seemingly unfair life is, the less time you're going to spend actually ensuring that it becomes fair."
"If somebody always got it worse and better than you, what's the point?"
"People from my country might look at Miss Yui's life and feel bad for her, but she might feel the same when she looks at you."
"If you only look at the world as you want it to be, you will be endlessly miserable."
"Everything that happens to us happens for us and nothing thing to us."
"The bad days make the good days even better."
"It's cool because this is again why don't die matters is if you take this longer arc and you say really where are we at right now, that's what the future whispers."
"We laugh and joke about ice creams and stuff like that but it just makes us realize that we're fortunate enough to have these conversations."
"Everything is a surprise. And everything is a gift."
"As long as you didn't die, it's a pretty good day."
"Every blessing isn't always in silver packages."
"You're not trapped in this moment, it's a film strip, the story's going to continue to unfold."
"Remember always that your true home is here and not beneath in the realm of shadows, a veil of illusion where things are viewed out of perspective."
"When things are falling apart, they're actually coming together."
"Poverty is just a state of mind and certainly not permanent."
"The world is a comedy to those that think and a tragedy to those that feel."
"It's so funny when I see people caught up on all this small stuff. And yeah, there are some good issues, there's some serious issues."
"There's so many wrong things out there but there are so many right things."
"Try to think of your own life in the same way that you would view somebody else blogging that or even a movie character going through it."
"Why did this happen to me instead of why is this happening for me?"
"Sometimes the stuff that happens to us on a temporary basis feels like it's big, feels like it's gonna last forever, but it's just a couple of moments."
"Just be happy because it happened, not sad because it's over."
"Accept all the evil that will befall us in this life as coming from the good loving hand of God."
"Be thankful for what you have, there are people living in way worse situations."
"Endings are not always endings, sometimes they're beginnings."
"You really have two ways to look at it... be a Creator in their life."
"Don't be so quick to label the meaning to things as being good or bad, things just are."
"There are no problems in this world, only situations."
"When things are really bad for you it's a great time when things are really good for you it's also a great time."
"But I think that too many people are thinking it's the end when I believe it's the beginning."
"If you start looking at all these [__] as entertainment, life is so much fun."
"There's more to life. This isn't the only thing. It's a game."
"That's not wrong, that is quite beautiful actually."
"I think it's important to kind of look at the bad stuff so you can get a better appreciation for the good stuff."
"Don't take everything too seriously... it's just a game."
"Every circumstance, every situation is an assignment from the universe."
"If you see these times as offering realization, it can be claimed. If you see these times as terrifying, you'll be terrified."
"It's not a terrifying subject, it's a humbling subject."
"Happiness isn't a destination you don't get there you don't arrive you are there this is it."
"Everything doesn't have to be taken back to the point of being awful."
"Your situation can be a lot worse, it really could."
"You can always look at the glass as being half empty, but at some point you have to admit the glass is half full."
"Thank God for everything that you have, because I'm telling you, there are people out there way worse off than you."
"Sometimes I forget how big the little things are."
"Things don't have to be taken as seriously; you can have fun and have this lightness of spirit."
"Someday you'll see that the things you worry about didn't matter at all."
"Focus on what you do have and not on what you don't have."
"There's nothing like sitting up all night by a fire worried about tigers to get you to put your life in perspective."
"There are two ways you can live: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle."
"If you look at life from a physical perspective you must have that it may be an object it may be a mountain it may be a human being I want that this is enhancement."
"Stop stressing out about temporary things that are not going to matter in eternity."
"It can be beautiful, it's not always bad."
"I have the choice to be angry at God for what I don't have, or be thankful for what I do have."
"We are so blessed and sometimes we don't realize how blessed we are because we just focus on what we don't have."