
Bullying Quotes

There are 1145 quotes

"It probably would be an overall net positive if people did not want to engage in bullying, did not want to engage in violence."
"Empathy is everything...it's the core of why kids bully, all the problems we have with kids. It has to be about empathy."
"The bullying didn't go further... I became friends with the bullies because of it."
"You became the class clown to protect yourself from the bullies... Maybe not class clown, but, actually, yes, though."
"You should be bullied for 11 years and see if you're still sane."
"The only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to a bully."
"Please check on your mental health; some of the actual things we're talking about today involve really serious topics like bullying."
"Watching her get bullied by those girls and give in to peer pressure... it really did make me think, 'Oh wow, are people in my family also going through this?'"
"Children can be so cruel because Nico had eyes that were a different color than everybody else, it didn't take long for her to become the target of the class bullying."
"Don't let anyone ever laugh at your expense."
"Cancel culture... We've normalized bullying a little too much."
"Being bullied for being different is a harsh reality, but standing tall against adversity defines our true strength."
"Girls can be completely vicious to each other, just ask any high school teacher about the way that girls bully each other."
"The workplace bullying Institute found that women bully other women up to 80 percent of the time."
"Female bullying can be unbelievably vicious and usually takes the shape of reputation destruction, innuendo, and gossip."
"If your friends are bullying someone, you should tell them to stop. Do not pick on anyone."
"Internet bullying and harassment are the worst possible things a person can do."
"There's a bullying epidemic in Japanese schools... it's a real topic and it's an important topic."
"WWE is known for being racist, WWE is known for bullying in its own ways with its own tactics."
"A study shows that playground bullies grow up to earn more in middle age."
"Bullies often think they can get away with everything by being aggressive, but what happens when these bullies finally pick on someone their own size?"
"Joking stops when you ask it to; bullying doesn't."
"Bullying is like air being injected into a balloon, and it doesn't matter how strong the balloon is, it will eventually pop."
"School shootings have been associated with bullying, so many violent outbursts of aggression have been associated with the balloon getting too full without any kind of defusing opportunity."
"It's critical then, later, when he's 11 years old, if ever he gets bullied, he can come to me and say, 'Dad, this kid's saying this mean thing to me,' and he knows that it will not be minimized."
"Most people that hurt other people are hurt themselves, and that's what's so important about understanding bullying."
"Women like me can't be bullied out of resistance."
"I like to think that the bullying I experienced really shaped me for the better and made me into a person that I am more proud to be today."
"It's about growing up, it's about learning your place, it's about things that come with high school and being bullied and finding confidence in yourself."
"Adam...was bullied a lot and eventually developed social anxiety."
"I hope this is bringing a lot of lights to this school bullying situation."
"Honestly, I wouldn't want anybody bullying anybody else in a classroom."
"Bullied for having facial features, especially at 13 when your face isn't even done turning into a face."
"The idea that in order to stop being bullied and finally be happy with yourself all you have to do is lose weight is not only blatantly incorrect, But it's also pretty harmful to young people struggling with their body image."
"The bullying never really ends" - there's always going to be a bully in your world
"The harassment is not okay. The people who were bullying her are not absolved of guilt."
"It's okay to be a weirdo, if you get picked on for that, that's cool."
"If you're being picked on, sometimes punching back is the way to go."
"Bullies look for people they perceive to be weak."
"And it crushes me when people are broken or hurting or being bullied yes and which was my whole purpose of speaking out um you know in 2020 was just the weakest bullied the most as always."
"If we're teaching kids to stand up to bullies, we gotta stand up to the bullies too."
"He's known to bully all his staff. Prince Andrew was a bully."
"Many times people will bully you for the exact skills, talents, and gifts that they wish they had."
"All you have to do is stand up to this clown but nobody nobody wants to. It's that classic high school bully syndrome."
"They're just bullies, that's all they are. Somebody needs to really, really sort this out and charge them for this," says one of the victims.
"There's something wrong with that kid... they're as broken as the person they're bullying."
"How do you stop a bully? You ignore them." - Jay
"Yeah, your boy snapped, all right? It's just, like, dude, I'm not-- I'm not gonna go through this, alright? I had enough in my lifetime of being bullied where I'm not gonna relive-- relive this."
"Eliza intimidates the bully by introducing herself and declaring that she will be a great magician someday."
"Appeasing bullies and wrongdoers only encourages more the same."
"The bullying really is, for me, I know a bully when I see and heal from one."
"There's no point at which the nerdy kid walks to the bully and says, 'Let's be friends.'"
"Make sure that when you're bullied, they remember never to bully you again."
"I don't think either of these people deserve to be bullied or harassed for this."
"If you don't stand up to the bully, the bully will come back."
"You can get bullied for being rich in high school. That's a genuine thing."
"Some people are scared to go to school because they don't want to be picked on; that shouldn't happen."
"Bullying people you're going to want to be an ally. They're going to probably radicalize in an opposite direction."
"I grew up with acne, I was bullied for it, I was teased for it."
"Being different is cool, being weird is cool, but being called a freak is just mean."
"Finding people who are bullied, yeah, that's a terrible way to approach people. I mean, it's people who are looking for a purpose and people who are driven you want to approach them and say, 'Your mission awaits. There are people who need you.'"
"I think I get some negative engagement, Mr. Natalie, all berated her with the same message that she's wrong with the intent of bullying her into changing her mind."
"Bullying never ends; it just turns into different ways of bullying."
"Those who can get you to believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
"Anyone who bullies you knows it will be a cost, they'll get a punch in the nose."
"You just get weaker and when you get weaker, the bully takes your lunch money."
"The Nerds made it, so next time you're out and about and you see a nerd make sure that you look him in the eye shove him in a locker and take his lunch money."
"Kids are not harmed by being teased. Kids are not bullied into committing suicide because people are making fun of who they are."
"To play with us you're not playing with him, you're bullying him."
"Bullying and intimidation actually produces worse results."
"What transpired from that video was more bullying and transphobia than I could have ever imagined."
"I was bullied she was bullied you go down today everything will be okay so I'm gonna shout out that it does get easier and if you need help there's always help available to you."
"Remember when people used to get bullied out of being weird?" - Reflecting on societal attitudes towards eccentricity
"Bullying is on a decline, but it doesn't mean it's gone away completely."
"You shouldn't let people who try and shame you or try and bully you into using what they want you to use or not use what they don't want you to use."
"Tired of bullies using their large platform to manipulate stories." - Mancher
"You know for a group of guys who claim they spent most of their lives being bullied, you can be real jerks. Shame on all of you."
"He could just bully these nerds into a corner and then throw them in the [__] garbage can and then roll it down the stairs and see if you're like, 'Look guys, he's not that great after all, huh?' That's all there was to it."
"James Bond books edited to remove racist references."
"Taylor gets it from the school bully, her best friend, even her 10-year-old brother tries to destroy her reputation."
"Bullies always pretend that they're the ones who are being bullied."
"Amber's memory is encouraging classmates to speak up about bullying."
"A lot of the times when I see typical school bullying in TV shows or movies I'm kind of like, 'That would never happen.'"
"I'm just so sick of Ayla and Ashley and their whole bullying stick."
"It destroyed me because not only was the bullying happening at school, it followed me home."
"Bullies help you face reality a whole lot quicker."
"We must protect these children from being bullied."
"I was bullied over my old Sonic the Hedgehog fan character... and I was also bullied over shipping Elizabeth with random characters I liked."
"Victimizing yourself is a form of bullying sometimes."
"The only way to stop a bully is to say that's it, that's enough."
"Sometimes it is the appropriate decision to fight back against a bully."
"We live in fear and intimidation and it's like we are bullied in a way."
"That's fucking awful that is just fucking awful and that is tantamount to the teacher bullying those children because the teacher has a different ideological position to them this is unacceptable."
"I wish all these rumors would stop and I wish you guys would just leave Welven alone, stop bullying him on these streets, just let him live the life that he wants to live."
"The fact that she got half a million subscribers in one week is insane."
"At the end of the day, if you are in a situation where you feel that you are bullied, that you are being intimidated, that you are not being respected, then it is a situation that you should be allowed to leave in a neutral fashion."
"If the Son sets you free, you shall be free forever free."
"There is a difference between valuable criticism versus just bashing and bullying."
"Nobody deserves to be dogpiled like that on the internet."
"Bullies are always told one thing... you're going to hit the wrong person."
"Stand up to this bully; he's a [ __ ] bully."
"Teach kids to stand up for themselves because then the bully will move on and then he'll find the more weaker guy to keep going through but you can these kids have no."
"Bullying sucks, stop trying to bully people into thinking how you think."
"If you take some risks, step up on the time through the toughest faced down the bullies, lift up the downtrodden, and never ever give up."
"It's so sad but that is literally the truth you just have to [sit there and] take it for a little while avoid it and."
"She said she had to get rid of him because he was bullying her."
"It's like a group of people who are doing this, several people ganging up on one person."
"Utterly incomprehensible for a five-year-old boy who's done nothing but inspire, that these cowards and most of them would be anonymous, these cowards would do something like that."
"Hey, it's just a joke. It's not a get out from everything. No one is obliged to find something funny just because you do, and to insist that they should is bullying no more no less."
"If anyone is online, you're going to get it, and you just have to think if it's talking behind your back, bullying to your face, doing it behind a computer screen—all of that, those people have their own issues."
"You cure my sadness after school for mean people, I'm grateful you exist."
"The only way to take down a bully is to hit the bully square in the nose, hit him right in the teeth. You gotta bully the bully."
"It's about bullying... it's about selling and twisting kids up when they're young."
"Life goes on and eventually the bullies move on to be doing crappy crappy jobs living crappy crappy lives and you're gonna move on and be doing something amazing so just stay focused on you."
"Forgive yourself for feeling that way, you know, get the bully off your back."
"If you don't stand up to the bully, they just keep coming."
"English when you're bullied it's a domino effect it's like it messes up your brain."
"If there's a bully in school, I would at least have an ounce of respect for them if they fought people their own size."
"People are scared to speak up. They've been bullied into silence."
"I bullied a kid when I was a senior in high school and it has haunted me."
"I know who they are, and I'm not going to get bullied by them any longer."
"I hate hearing all this craziness all over social media: people bullying other people, ships hating other ships. Let's promote the show."
"We've become very accustomed to bullying people, either by the use of the financial system or with the use of American military power."
"People went through the hardship of bullying and it made them better it made them stronger mentally and then they succeeded in life."
"Being a bully gives you a little bit of that sense of urgency... it's part of human nature."
"Why would she go back to being bullied? Why would she go back to this crap?"
"So how do we stop this intimidation? First, learn to recognize the left's bully tactics. They're not subtle."
"Jesse's bullying a child, I mean Scrub's picture is in fact himself."
"Bullying is a slow boil, reputation usually comes first."
"Bullying is wrong and sometimes people need support and friendship."
"This bullying culture is absolutely disgusting."
"These people are not educators, they are cowards and bullies."
"Stop bullying and patronizing the silent majority or they will rise in terrible revolts."
"I think bullying definitely is a factor... It's a weird situation because we have a very anti-bullying culture right now."
"It wasn't my physical appearance that scared the bully away, it was my confidence. You know what? Just the fact that I believe in myself. That's why I truly tell people that bodybuilding really changed my life."
"It was bad... I got bullied a lot... I struggled... I felt like I never fit in..."
"There's bullying too, people with low skills and knowledge have been in positions for many years."
"It's not any different than bullying when you were in high school."
"Gabby is clearly going through a mental health crisis, and they are bullying the ever-living [__] out of her."
"Don't let bullies get to you, write poems instead."
"Flash’s slow change from typical bully to a shockingly well-rounded character is fantastic."
"Bullying teaches you to stand up for yourself."
"I think it's great that they want to stand up for their friend and they clearly genuinely think that their friend is being bullied and they want to report it to the principal for bullying."
"Bullying stuff has really gotten out of hand."
"When you see a bully, you stop them. You tell them it is wrong. But when you decide to stay silent, to act like nothing is going on because it doesn't directly affect you, you are the bully too for letting it happen."
"If I beat up bullies, I am making the world a better place."
"How you gonna get the bully to stop bullying if their victims don't stand up, bro?"
"Every day there are children being shot and are fighting over bullying."
"You're actually bullying if somebody takes their life because of the words that you're uttering."
"There is never a good reason to bully a person."
"Changed the course of my life. See kids, bullying does have its benefits."
"Swing first, and they'll respect it. Don't let bullies embolden."
"He said that the kids often made fun of his broken English and, he was self-conscious for years of the way he spoke."
"Bullying is usually never okay, but in this case, a touch of tough love did just the trick."
"Billions of people around the world are mocked, ridiculed, laughed at, and embarrassed by their friends, family, and even strangers."
"Bullying is real, there's a real hazard to it, but the way that our schoolyards have responded to it is ridiculous."
"It has nothing to do with that necklace, it has everything to do with organized bullying."
"Nothing better than when the bully gets bullied."
"Bullying is that it needs to be spoken to someone you can confide in."
"You put a dress on this little boy, you're literally sending him to school with a target on his back."
"People bully other people because there's something seriously wrong with them on the inside."
"I think that it's okay to hate things and I think it's okay to make fun of things but at what point does it become just like incessant bullying."
"Being a nice person was definitely the thing that got me bullied it was definitely a thing that people didn't like about me."
"Most studies show that when you tell somebody you're being bullied... bullying stops and it tends to stop immediately."
"When you're faced with a bully, you stand up to them."
"I just hate cowards. I do hate bullies, and I hate [ __ ] cowards."
"What Ken Rex put the people of Skidmore through could frankly be described as hellish. He was violent volatile and he preyed on children."
"Children who would be bullies didn't know what to do with me, so they just let me be pretty much."
"Kids shouldn't treat other kids bad to the point that they want to drop out of school and commit suicide."
"Bullying is obviously wrong... but when we were kids... it was 'who gives a [__] what they say.'"
"When you punch a bully in the face the bully thinks twice before they pick on you the next time."
"That's what we are doing to our young men because I was abused. I was chased home every day, bullied. And Jordan's next play is about suicide."
"I got referral for being pushed down a flight of stairs by a bully."
"You don't confront the Mean Girls at school unless you think what they're doing to your friend is wrong."
"Bullies are everywhere and they come in all shapes and sizes." - Kim
"Real life bullying can do some pretty bad things to kids."
"We don't attack people for their identity. We don't attack people for what they do in their spare time. None of those things justify bullying or harassment of any sort."
"Wow. Look at Mike's systematic takedown, verbally dismantling the (beep) bully."
"You're the lowest of the low, bullying people weaker than you knowing they can't fight back."
"Like every bully he’s trying to make himself seem stronger by picking on the most vulnerable among us."
"I've gotten bullied more for talking about God did I I did not expect to have people straight up cussing me smooth out for doing these videos about God."
"Fat shaming you're not an athlete you're a bully that's what you are shame on you."
"Eight-year-old girls are some of the most savage bullies on the planet."
"If you're getting bullied in school, don't worry because eventually, you're gonna get out of school."
"Everybody's like, 'Why is Olivia like this in games?' Because I'm bullied. Relentless, yeah."
"The people who most talk about how terrible it is to be a bully are becoming the biggest bully of all times."
"She's bullying, she's stalking, she's harassing."
"For all the bullying he's done to Martin, he's shown to have principles and stand for what he thinks is right."
"If you're in school and you see a situation where there is bullying please step in."
"Bullying is a difficult thing when it comes to social media, man. Everybody goes through it. I've gone through it, everybody that I know in the community has gone through it."
"Kids, please help people who are being bullied because if you don't, they're going to become supervillains."
"Jake Lloyd quit acting due to bullying after the movie's release."
"The real issue is that bullies tend to back off when they see determination and resolve against them."
"Silence just allows the aggressor to write the narrative, you know? It's allowing the bully to basically explain what's happening and we cannot allow it."
"It sounds so dumb but when I was like a kid like people made fun of my hair all the time."
"This that little rebellion bullying is [__] obscene."
"You do not give in to a bully. Stand up to bullies."
"Bullying is also a problem that's prevalent in all societies. It's something that should also be addressed appropriately."
"He kept holding me, bullied me. Don't act like you didn't like it."
"Just stare, just ignore bullies, that's the best way I think to deal with bullies."