
Non-violence Quotes

There are 3261 quotes

"It probably would be an overall net positive if people did not want to engage in bullying, did not want to engage in violence."
"Please, I beg you, don't hurt me. Oh goodness, I know how bad this must look to you right now, but I assure you I mean no harm."
"I was terrified to set foot on the battlefield, but today I realize that I am even more terrified of losing my friends. So while I can't fight and won't kill, I will save everyone that I can."
"The point is don't kill people because of what they identify as. That's it. We're trying to end violence."
"The answer to evil is not more evil. What you fight, you become. It's love."
"We must teach empathy and love for one another if we do not want brutality to continue any further."
"No one should face violence, live in fear, or be discriminated against simply for being themselves."
"Modern Irish republicanism does not only take the form of violence."
"Nonviolence is fundamental because we would never want to hurt ourselves truly."
"Satya (truthfulness) should always be subject to Ahimsa (non-violence)."
"Skyler was a gentle, loving, kind individual who would not hurt an insect, let alone being mean to a human being or a murder."
"She's never posted a video pretending to kill another member of Congress. She never threatened to kill the Speaker of the House of Representatives."
"You just naturally then don't want to inflict unnecessary suffering on other beings."
"The most powerful weapon we have right now to protect ourselves isn't a firearm; it's a camera and it's accountability."
"If someone is threatening violence in an argument, it is because their argument lacks substance."
"The most radical thing that you can do is to love somebody, especially somebody that would do you harm."
"The best weapons are the ones that are never fired in combat, and the best soldier is one who never has to lay his life down on the field of battle."
"In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be no violence, no lawbreaking, and no vandalism of any kind."
"Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you. That's the most transgressive message in all of human history."
"If I live the rest of my life without harming another person...then I feel like I have a connection to God."
"If you stay true to joy and astonishment and empathy, you don't have to have violence and you don't have to have action. They'll follow you."
"We're going to do Germany no army challenge. Our goal is going to be to defeat the Soviet Union without using any ground troops whatsoever."
"Jesus never killed a person, he never killed an apostate, he never waged a war."
"Karma will get them legally; I'm not here to cause violence, I'm not here to cause harm."
"The core fundamental fact, the consistency in their approaches to persuasion being non-violence."
"We want to make sure we don't hurt anybody; we're all here to have fun."
"I'd encourage all of you to really think about the impact of your words and as best as possible try to be as nonviolent with them as possible."
"Your character is more powerful than a weapon."
"No one should be putting their hands on anybody, male or female."
"Never do we condone hitting a woman, never do we condone rape."
"Non-violence was the end and it was the means."
"Mennonites are peace churches that oppose war and promote non-violence."
"The whole basis of Chad's character was that he wouldn't use his fists for fighting for his own gain."
"At first blush, always try to avoid violence."
"A true warrior breaks through fear... by training themselves in other ways other than war."
"A true king can achieve those outcomes that he wants to see in the world without fighting."
"As a dad now, I can't even imagine letting someone punish my children, let alone hit them."
"Non-violence education is so powerful; it works with the soul, it's the soul power."
"The solution for the most part is peaceful, persuasive, and non-violent resistance."
"Mahatma Gandhi, whose real first name is Mohandas, is generally seen as a good person. He’s almost a saint really, and is famous for preaching non-violence."
"The philosophy was that we must go all out to use legal and nonviolent methods to gain full citizenship rights for the Negro people of our country."
"Non-violence is as applicable and workable in the northern ghetto as it is in the South."
"Veganism is about non-violence. Veganism is about education. Veganism is about compassion for all animals, human and non-human."
"What makes non-violence so radical is its unwavering commitment to a non-violent approach, not just initially but in the face of escalating persecution by the opposing force."
"Non-violent protests for civil rights would ultimately be more effective than violence in arousing solidarity."
"So many people who make entertainment right now are like, it has to either be sexual or it has to be super violent. And actually, like what's entertaining is seeing people try hard. You know what I mean? Like with American Ninja Warrior, like Pro freeze tag, people are trying to accomplish something, and we root for people who are trying to achieve."
"Nonviolence, a nonviolent resistance, is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice."
"The aftermath of violence is bitterness... Whereas the aftermath of nonviolence is redemption and the possibility of the creation of the beloved community."
"I wish to create a safe place for people on this island, somewhere where people can be free without violence."
"Violence does not solve violence. Violence does not end the problem of violence."
"Cyberpunk... is a very violent world, but you're role-playing your character. You can choose to play the whole game without killing a single person."
"In this game, you don't even need to go to war to manage to steal the entire galaxy from everyone."
"Vault 94 was designed with the ideas of non-violence and harmony with nature in mind."
"To our most bitter opponents, we say: we shall meet your physical force with soul force."
"When you truly love yourself, you have no desire to hurt anyone."
"One of my core principles is that if you need violence to enforce your ideas, then your ideas are worthless."
"I'm not going to handle my problems with violence. I think everyone loses."
"Attacking people does not work. It has never worked."
"Don't hit your kids. Don't hit your kids. This is what it all comes down to."
"I'm looking for a ballplayer with the guts not to fight back." - Branch Rickey to Jackie Robinson
"We are a coalition formed as an alliance of students united in support of an end to wars and a non-violent methods of social change."
"It's sickening. Elliot Ludwig was a great man, and those who knew him understood that he was not capable of violence."
"The film is a celebration of nonviolent civil disobedience and what it looks like in the extreme."
"Violence is never the answer; a confrontation will get us nowhere."
"Don't punch Nazis. Empathize with the people who you think hate you the most and who you hate the most."
"Disengaging is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of maturity. The truly powerful being is not the one who takes out a sword and kills every opponent. A truly powerful being rarely unsheaths his weapon because he knows the damage that he can do."
"A person who is thriving and loving life and just thanks God for life every day, they don't go around hurting people."
"I also do not like the idea of hurting others."
"He deeply admired Mahatma Gandhi and his non-violent opposition to British rule in India and the two became correspondents."
"Speech is not violence. This is a fundamental distinction."
"Mercy is what makes us civilized. Mercy is what puts an end to violence."
"There is no winning when you use violence and oppression to achieve your goals."
"Make peace and don't fight; violence is not the answer."
"Nonviolent revolutions are the ones that actually last."
"The optimistic future of Star Trek is meant to be a future where humanity has moved past the need to use violence to further its ends."
"A fully and unconditionally loved person who learns to love themselves, who realizes that their life, their presence, is a gift, would not hurt anyone."
"Democracy is not famous for doing the right things, but democracy is famous for changing the governments that people don't like without violence."
"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind, didn't you know that?"
"I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice."
"Violence is not the answer. We must find a way to express our grief, anger, and demands in ways that reflect the world we wish to see."
"Don't let your frustration translate itself into violence. Be careful, be careful, be careful. There's a lot resting on what you do, to every single one of you."
"If you're on the side of the right, the good, the true, it will prevail if you could tolerate the intermediary heat. So don't explode prematurely and keep aiming up."
"To all of you who are afraid, there is plenty to be afraid of all the time, but we got this. We can do it. We don't have to let things deteriorate into violence and sectarian squabbling. We don't have to burn down the institutions."
"Words are instruments of liberation and speech is an alternative to harm."
"Psychologists are coming out saying like physical violence and any physical punishments aren't gonna work."
"Violence begets more violence. I'd seen what that does to society, and I didn't want my country, the country I love so dearly, to be doing that in the world."
"The president condemns violence in all forms."
"Sunni and Shia should dialogue and debate, but we should never get violent with one another because of the differences in our belief."
"You never hit a woman, you never hit a man, or anyone."
"We don't need hate, we don't need violence, we don't need vitriol and animosity. That's what Biden's voters want, and we're going to fight that with love."
"Violence of any kind has no place in Canada."
"Islam forbids the killing of innocent civilians categorically."
"We did it, we did it right. Yes, we got the silent assassin. We didn't kill nobody."
"Let's do our best. Let's make sure a killing like this never happens again."
"Our focus is not on trying to get civil power; that was not the goal of Jesus Christ. Our goal is conversion of men and women not by force but by preaching and teaching and working for people with the love of Christ."
"Sometimes it takes more strength, frankly, to walk away from a fight than engage it."
"Stop fighting each other, stop waging war against each other, stop hating each other."
"We actually reimagine a world where violence is not our response to every situation."
"Human life is sacred; you should do everything in your power never to take it."
"I visualize an organization of people committed to a purpose, and the purpose is doing no harm."
"If your message is violence and vitriol, your message is null and void."
"You can't build that by violence. You can't build that destroying things."
"I never ever agree with a man raising his hands to a woman."
"Non-violence is really the only way that we can follow."
"If you have a belief or a great revelation that you want to put out there, no matter how important you think it is to spread this idea, don't hurt people to do it."
"Most people imagine political change coming at the expense of great violence, but I don't believe that's necessary or desirable."
"We must learn non-violence so we might face non-existence."
"We should not see protest that takes the form of violence, that takes the form of vandalism."
"The worst possible thing you could ever do is physical violence is always the worst thing."
"Look, we don't want no violence, we don't want no drama, you know we don't want nobody to harm nobody."
"I condemn violence in any form, whether it's looting or whatever it is."
"Why use venom when you could just take them down by giving them a hug? A breath-restricting hug."
"Ultimately our heroine saves the day, not through violence or might, but with her compassion."
"Peace is preferable to war; that violence is not an answer."
"Defeating the Ender Dragon without killing it is about challenging yourself and sticking to your ideals."
"Violence in the future society is going to be so rare."
"Hinohara doesn't make others submit by fighting, instead he calms their desire to fight."
"You overcome evil with good and love ultimately, and not fighting back in the way that is riots and these other things."
"Our reaction is supposed to be let us help these people out of this mindset. Let us help them away from this violence."
"When people have a sense of belonging and community, they don't resort to violent acts."
"Abraham's faith was based on trust, not violence."
"In order for non-violence to work, your opponent must have a conscience."
"Instead of this peer on pure violence go and do something good with your life build a good or a product or service and people will give you their money happily."
"You spared the Froggit, it shall no longer attempt to attack you."
"We can all come together and we don't have to hate each other there is no reason."
"I mean, if you don't have to kill, why kill?"
"At protests at non-violent protests and I thought but can't they still use their guns like what are you doing so they can no longer..."
"They will happily say, 'Oh, you didn't like it? We'll give you your money back and pick it up without any physical violence.'"
"Meeting every violent act with love... That takes a lot of strength and patience."
"Animals won't block your building anymore. You don't have to kill them off, they're auto-shooed away from where you want to build."
"I focus my rage into non-violent resistance."
"Violence sings its own song, and I am desperately hoping we did not reach that point."
"I don't think fighting fire with fire is the way to execute change."
"No matter how much I disagree with someone, I don't think I have the right to hurt or to damage the normal daily life of other people."
"If you want to compel people to be a part of your cause, you need to convince them, not terrorize them." - Patrick Moore
"Every person of good conscience needs to clearly and unambiguously stand up against violence in our politics no matter what your politics are."
"The president has condemned any efforts to plan violent behavior of any kind."
"You hurt them more than you ever can with any kind of violence or anger or anything else, you delegitimize them because you don't take them seriously."
"Political power is not derived from the barrel of a gun."
"Responding to hate with love, division with unity, and violence with an unwavering resolve for justice."
"Caba daka's story was used to argue that a spiritual conquest without a military conquest was possible."
"I will take no pleasure in slaughtering the innocent in the streets of Stormwind."
"Threats are not cool. I don't threaten anybody, you shouldn't either."
"Thief was a game that allowed for physical combat but wanted both Garrett and the player to be better than that."
"As Americans, we should not be getting violent. We need to talk to each other, listen to each other."
"Violence is not the answer." - Senator Martha McSally
"Nothing justifies violence, nothing." - Senator Martha McSally
"There's no place for voter intimidation or political violence in America."
"Peaceful protests work, violent riots do the opposite."
"Nothing that is good shall ever be attained by force."
"All of us in Michigan can disagree about politics, but those disagreements should never ever amount to violence." - Detroit U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider
"What do we do... take to the streets... even if lethal force met with non-violent protests."
"It's not about supporting the rioters, it's not about Trump, it's not partisan, it's not violent."
"Answering to violence with violence is never an answer."
"Anyone who's trying to advocate for violence is trying to trick you."
"Trump and his supporters have won the moral high ground for now saying that we're not you know don't go out don't retaliate you can't have any of this street level stuff escalating and the police will take care of it."
"Change the culture; no violence necessary here."
"There's never a reason to hit a woman, there are plenty of reasons, you just don't do it."
"All elected representatives deserve to be safe and to be treated with respect. Violence and abuse against them is utterly unacceptable."
"Adams always maintained that his bat bombs could have worked and forced the Japanese to surrender just like the atom bomb but with far less tragic loss of life."
"Non-violent disobedience is the most effective way to get change."
"Don't hasten the day. Enjoy rule of law. Protect it, and don't seek violence."
"When I was in that life, I didn't get in that life to hurt people."
"I never had a heart that wanted to hurt people. That wasn't who I am today."
"We don't want to take human life, okay? We want to avoid that. We want to avoid violence, okay?"
"Not every problem needs to be solved with violence."
"As a frantifa super soldier I don't encourage violence... but all I can think is I wish a karen would."
"Although we may not agree on the desired outcomes up and down the ballot, we are united in our call for the American democratic process to proceed without violence, intimidation, or any other tactic that makes us weaker as a nation."
"Protesting is not burning or looting. Violence has cannot be tolerated and it won't. But these protesters are a cry for justice."
"An easy enough stealth fair that I got done in under seven minutes without killing a single guard."
"I believe violence, coercion, and all forms of force by one person over another can come to an end."
"I've never hated or really wanted to hurt anyone. I just want to encourage them to better themselves."
"He never got upset... he never hit his wife... he never hit his children."
"Words are not violence. They're not violence. They're a tool to avoid violence. That's sort of why we have the First Amendment."
"Martin Luther King Jr. said that my own government is the biggest purveyor of violence in the world."
"Violence can never be tolerated and people should feel safe."
"The best thing for humankind is for people to accept the idea of non-violence."
"Now is the time to be love, as my father said, hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that."
"As Mahatma Gandhi is attributed as putting it: 'an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.'"
"There is no place for violence in a world of love and kindness."
"Direct action doesn't mean force doesn't mean violence by any means but it does mean physical action."
"Violence is not acceptable, and protests should be peaceful."
"Violence and violent imagery to bully the press must be rejected."
"Don't hurt animals. Leave animals the [ __ ] alone."
"We all want the same thing: a safer, less violent future."
"We don't condone any violence against any woman, especially a black woman."
"Non-violent civil disobedience is one of the most effective tools for bringing about change."
"The more we can achieve victories through non-violence, the more possible to keep the nonviolent discipline."
"There is never a real or true reason that somebody's life should be taken by someone else. Never."
"There's never anything a victim can do where they deserve to get hit or hurt."
"Violence, threats, and intimidation have no place in political discourse."
"Heroes do not kill." - Peter Parker, Loom World
"That wasn't part of the plan. We're heroes, and heroes do not kill." - Peter Parker, Loom World
"The broader theme of the story is you should never preach hate."
"Jesus Christ himself said whoever lives by the sword dies by the sword. So we're not here to pick up the sword, we're here to save the lost. That's why we preach the gospel."
"Do not engage in violence. It's wrong, it's always been wrong."
"When the people believe that the police are on their side, they're way less likely to be violent."
"China doesn't need to drop bombs to take over in a soft way."
"Everyone is always focused on the idea that video games make people violent... I'm over here trying to choose the dialogue option that doesn't upset the NPC."
"So then, should men be allowed to hit women then? No, absolutely not."