
Digital Culture Quotes

There are 335 quotes

"The internet that was non-predatory is an obvious idea and many of us know that we want it."
"I actually feel like content-wise, we are headed a little bit in this direction where we were so on like short form, short form, short form."
"Streaming and V-tubing literally saved my life. It really did. I don't think I would be here if it wasn't for that."
"Family channels have been existing on YouTube for quite a long time."
"A recent article from The Atlantic summarized the website in its prime as 'not just a blogging platform but a staging ground for an array of political movements, the birthplace of all manner of digital aesthetics, and the site of freaky in-groups.'"
"Abandoned YouTube channels have always been unsettling to me. I get an uncanny feeling upon discovering a channel once full of life now forlorn and forgotten."
"The sad reality with many of YouTube's abandoned channels is that the creator didn't forsake their station by choice; they were compelled to by tragic circumstances."
"It's always unsettling when you discover an abandoned YouTube channel, finding a page that was once full of life and activity, sitting dormant and forlorn."
"The metaverse won't be a digital world that you can escape into; it'll be a digital layer that none of us can escape from."
"Virtual girls have taken over the world by storm as influencers, idols, and YouTubers, becoming some of the richest and most followed personalities in modern culture."
"We need to stop mindlessly scrolling across the endless amount of nihilistic, barren distractions that sell us filler to hollow out our lives."
"Follow medical advice from doctors, not people on Twitch chat."
"We're gonna be talking about faceless content creators today."
"VTubers act as a sub-category of faceless content."
"The interaction characteristically is one-sided, controlled by the performer, and susceptible to mutual development."
"YouTube is this wonderful platform where over the years, historically, people have built up these amazing platforms for each other where they've produced wonderful content which just in general makes my life better, makes your life better, and just makes the world a happier and more fun place to exist in."
"Everything is a bit of a scam for some weird numbers on a screen, and it means that people live their lives in ways where they don't get to properly know the people around them because everyone's always worried about short-term stuff."
"V-tubing is a relatively new form of content creation which has grown exponentially in the last few years."
"YouTube pressure is different, okay, guys, you don't understand."
"We've known for a while social media incentivizes bad behavior because it fuels engagement."
"YouTube is the second most visited website in the entire world, behind Google itself."
"Memes have undoubtedly changed the way ordinary people understand the world forever."
"I like to kind of bring back that old era of YouTube, like 2008, 2011, 2012, around then because I miss that era."
"Overall, social media has been a net negative for the American people."
"The wealthiest man on Earth using soyjack memes to convince you to pay a subscription fee for something that was previously free is like the pinnacle of cyberpunk modernity."
"The internet used to be more fun and liberating."
"And then what? I finally rest, watched the Sun Rise on a grateful universe."
"We have to completely reject this app before it's too late."
"Politics being expressed in the language of the internet."
"It's what we've been saying for a while, these are not content moderation, this is actual curation."
"Tick Tock destroys so gradually that it seems harmless but if the app is a time bomb that'll wreck a whole generation years from now then we can't wait till its effects are apparent before acting for then it will be too late."
"We suffer a similar dissolution when thinking of network states forming in crypto and digital realms."
"Generating over one and a half billion dollars a year with Twitch, making the world ever more like the Truman Show where we watch, comment, and become attached."
"There's so many little tricks and tools on TikTok that feel like things that happened on YouTube a thousand years ago and they're getting repurposed."
"Now there's no more humans no more twitch chat cured all."
"The tick-tockification of all social media is profound."
"I always grew up wanting to be a YouTuber... but I also recognize, like, 'Hey, you're probably not going to be a YouTuber.'"
"YouTube's down? Well, one brave UFO conspiracy theorist and fucks an entire website."
"H1Z1 also blew up on Twitch streaming, giving birth to many of the biggest stars still in today's streaming world."
"The world is full of hollow, mindless activities designed to keep you and your kids busy scrolling through an infinite stream of content."
"Google stats don't lie and they show that more and more people are searching for topics with the word Minecraft in them."
"TikTok used to be chewing gum for the brain and now it's like a new social media app."
"If the content creators create pointless content, the only thing left is the personality, the influencer, the transitory fame of a human billboard."
"People find the idea of embedded thought policing in the digital public square kind of funny, if not ironic."
"There's a whole group of YouTubers that have made a living on giant franchises."
"Welcome to open source news. Don't forget to like, share, subscribe, and turn on the notifications bell so you don't miss out on real news."
"A year after Webdriver Torso caught attention, a channel named Unfavorable Semicircle started posting..."
"The internet is so great though, never lose that."
"There's a special sense of fulfillment that you get that's a lot different than just pushing the next button on your phone on like 9GAG or Reddit or Imgur or whatever."
"Did you realize it? The first emoji said a woman can either be a princess or a bride?"
"People will spend an increasing percentage of their discretionary time in some kind of virtual space or experience."
"The problem here is that if you, the viewer, cannot with confidence define what an influencer is, then you're far less likely to be able to tell the difference between valuable information and marketing. And that's actually really scary."
"If we don't discipline them and disciple them, YouTube will disciple them."
"Facebook, to me personally, feels like a platform that needs to be like [ __ ] cleansed off the face of the earth every day I sign onto it."
"Every time is a great time to make some content."
"The virtualization of the world is enabling the small percentage of people...to dominate the social conversation."
"How deeply ingrained misinformation is and how organized it is and how quickly it moves through the black digital landscape."
"Let's just do it guys, smash subscribe right now."
"The check mark is a modern day digital trophy that symbolizes a form of significance many of us have spent the last 10 years of Our Lives building a brand for ourselves."
"Anyone arguing against digital collectibles and items are simply arguing against the future like someone who said the telephone will never replace face-to-face communication."
"Flash games were more than just distractions; they were the foundation of the modern indie game scene."
"If our family structure is lost in the Next Generation what do we have left or just a bunch of listless individuals living our lives out virtually behind a computer screen and following the orders of the government?"
"Likes, shares, and follows have become symbolic of power and influence."
"Driven by the same sweet blast of dopamine every other content creator strives for."
"Technology hasn't changed us. Technology's exposing us."
"Stay safe everyone, especially when you're online."
"They're going to try to shut it down online and offline."
"Join me next week when we pass the monk's trial, visit a Hollywood-style fake town, and visit the digital dumps to watch the world tearing itself apart."
"It's just a collection of ones and zeroes really...video games is love, video games is life."
"I think the perverse incentives of social media lead to a lot of these behaviors."
"Jesus Christ wants to know your 16 digits the Holy Ghost wants to know the three numbers on the back you can't forget about Jesus."
"The media takes whatever tragedy and pushes it towards whatever narrative gets more clicks and views."
"It was a great dunk on NFT bros, it was a great mic drop moment, but it was also really insightful analysis of the issues at hand."
"Coco's graduation was the end of an era, but also the start of a new chapter in VTubing history."
"There's really no excuse to just take a lot of photos and videos."
"Network spiritualists aren't just posting for the sake of posting; it's artistic expression and rebellion with deeper hyperreal meaning and significance."
"Being a part of this network spirituality gives young people a sense of fighting back in a way that only they know how."
"Isn't it inevitable that if we all gravitate towards shorter content, it becomes more meaningless?"
"Broken Reality is vaporwave, the video game for good and for ill."
"I don't like about social media is that it makes art too disposable."
"YouTube has been such a big part of how we digest content. It's not going nowhere."
"Net running samurai, rise of the net running samurai indeed."
"Turn on all notifications, smash that subscribe button."
"Bitcoin is punk. Permissionless DIY anarchy. Primal essential."
"The eggplant emoji is the digital cat call, seemingly harmless but at its core a symbolic representation of old-fashioned masculinity and dominance over women."
"I love how youtube is doing this hey we're removing dislikes for you you know we we care about your health meanwhile meanwhile you'll still see the dislikes only the viewers won't see them."
"Social media is the devil, preying on the worst of human vulnerabilities."
"We are the product, not the customer, specifically our emotions."
"This is emblematic of what it means to be a content creator on the internet."
"Social media, of course, I call anti-social media... it's been so disastrous."
"I started uploading videos to YouTube first of all I didn't know what a viral video was when I my first video went viral I thought something was wrong with my computer."
"Everybody's a content creator now, but it's viewed as this prestigious thing to go and work for a company."
"Over its lifetime YouTube has served as a place where multiple trends have sprung into popularity."
"Happy birthday to ela, the next party is the YouTube is over party. Very exciting, pack it up everybody."
"I'm sorry, but the most important thing about being an e-girl is that you monetize."
"Everybody, if you haven't already, would you kindly smash that like button?"
"Smash that like button to help others learn."
"Let's go and get those likes up... smash that like button!"
"Users spent an average of 60 Minutes on Amino every single day."
"Just like SCP in general, they form a new age of folklore."
"You don't buy a Lamborghini anymore, you buy a crypto punk or you buy whatever the generated thing people do to show their dicks bigger than someone else is on the internet."
"It's not just a tweet, it's the Mona Lisa of the digital world."
"There's just something about watching someone lean into the desire to deconstruct and explain the outrageous complexity found within a single meme."
"YouTube is a normal thing now, it's less of a weird thing to do ever."
"TikTok has quickly become one of the world's most popular social media apps."
"I never imagined that I would consider a content creator to be one of my closest homies."
"If you have not already, don't forget to click that big red Subscribe button."
"The dark web is probably the most talked about internet mysteries."
"What's the line between our digital and real-life identities?"
"You can't stop the internet now. It's too late." (Reiteration for emphasis)
"I think the greatest thing about social media and the internet is it's making everyone hyper aware of it."
"Big shout out to you guys, congrats to anyone who got in there will be more drops there will be more nft drops coming soon."
"If it doesn't go on social media we can't see it."
"Raise your hands if you've heard of NFTs. Wow, a lot of people, right? I see lots of hands going up."
"Creates a better digital space for all of us to exist in."
"The meritocracy of the internet is a very good thing."
"This truly is a holdover from a time when the internet was wild and untamed."
"I think I got reacquainted with you as a creator after me originally seeing the Frances meme when Pokemon go came out."
"People are becoming emotionally attached to JPEGs. I've never seen anything like it."
"Slender brought about a revolution in horror games."
"Twitter will mess up someone's self-esteem so fast."
"Women objectify themselves on Instagram all day every day."
"I do fear that one day a lot of us in this generation are gonna look back on these precious years of our life and be like, 'Oh my God, why did I waste so much time scrolling through shit that, for the most part, just made me feel worse?'"
"Now click right over here for something recommended by YouTube."
"YouTube is a job now, so I guess that's cool."
"We're so busy trying to record and get this moment so we can upload it somewhere along the line we are losing our human side because we're not allowed to cry and be sad and share emotions. We need to do better."
"The entire world is officially dead; they succumbed to tick-tock."
"Odd Future was able to think ahead to a time when access to music, crafting an online audience, lifestyle branding, and the world of content creation would be just as, if not more, than making music and culture itself."
"We just gotta sit back, two hands behind the head, kick it, let the YouTube views crash in on us like a wave."
"Education, whether street or book, is crucial, and public schools should serve all children better."
"The game cannot die anymore. It's impossible."
"Consumerism is suffering lots of YouTube unboxing."
"You don't have the right to go online and not get called names, period." - David
"The fourth wave selfie flattens the boundaries of time and space."
"Lore is a big key to getting on Game Theory and by extension many other youtube channels."
"Welcome to the Internet, a rollicking show tune that manages to shrink a thousand flashing screens down to four and a half minutes."
"I think it's easy to grow a cult group of people like as a YouTuber for yourself but you gotta remember the dictatorship type thing doesn't work if we're going to use this technology for good we got to do it together."
"It's the equivalent of like Keemstar retiring, he's got roasted so hard it kind of begins with videos I was making about the insane land clearing rates in New South Wales."
"Tron, the greatest digital warrior who ever lived."
"Stream sniping is part of being on the internet."
"Newgrounds was the next major scene that completely shaped art culture as we know it."
"Now, we can host birthday parties in Minecraft because you can put candles on top of a cake."
"Every creative person who's posting their work online is now just called a content creator and their work is now just called content."
"Indie gaming is huge and it wouldn't be possible without the internet."
"YouTube is now a need. If that disappears, you're gonna have no other. YouTubers gonna be us too."
"Just go live for like 12 hours, you know what I mean? Like there's no reason I couldn't just leave this thing going."
"The internet is full of people who think life is a video game, they don't read the news, they have no idea what they're talking about."
"Once every village had an idiot, now the idiots have a village. Very much true."
"Fear of missing out... There is a feeling of apprehension for individuals that feel that they have to know what other people are doing."
"Follow and subscribe to New Rockstars at new rockstars for more breakdowns of everything you love."
"It's sad you know but there's a lot of crazy content on YouTube and I do think that sometimes YouTube does pick and choose who they want to punish because again."
"There's a huge disconnect between things said online and reality."
"The first iPod had a hidden easter egg where you could actually play the game Breakout."
"The new Gold Rush is for people's attention."
"A good old wholesome showcase of digital beneficence."
"There is nothing guaranteeing this cheating PewDiePie here will follow through in his promise to retire and leave his channel to the winner."
"Would you want to become internet famous? Sound off in the comments."
"The internet destroys everything, but it also makes everything worth living."
"Ultimately, my biggest takeaway from this whole video, is that content creators are craving smaller, more intimate spaces again."
"We've had TikTok come out of nowhere... Now it's OnlyFans."
"It's only a matter of time before they get into the e-verse. Don't y'all not see the end game? They're trying to fully plug us into the matrix."
"Clearly you have underestimated the internet here."
"That moment when you realize internet culture will be remembered as a historical era for art, literature, and philosophy."
"We're all creating it and that's exactly what's happening with the advent of the internet."
"Each hand will always wash the other but I want to believe that even as the internet gets more privatized as we feel more connected yet more isolated that our ability to step back and assess our behavior and that of others will be what grounds us."
"The mobile infantry is like Patreon and the YouTube join button."
"The thing driving Epic to make their move was the hot buzzword of 2021. The metaverse. What is it? Even the people writing an unhealthy amount of articles about it don't know, but Tim Sweeney does."
"Twitch has a lot of influence right now over the live streaming industry."
"It all boils down to attention, that's their currency."
"Ecosystem and this whole faux digital reality is taking precedence over people's real reality..."
"This is the start of the through line that ends with us whipping our smartphones out to record cats being cute and planes crashing and police brutality."
"Human connection and belonging... social media is not human connection."
"The attention economy has commoditized attention and built a Marketplace that uses your attention as its currency."
"I just really believe there is value in memes, there's value in going viral, there's value in being everywhere."
"The storytime era uniquely captured something very human about YouTube and the relationships that we form online."
"Through social media, we've seen the rise and fall of countless content creators."
"Not everything needs to be a six-hour livestream."
"This is the kind of thing that threatens the very fabric under which YouTubers exist."
"Can we just smash like and subscribe right now for the best Photoshop skills?"
"I'm gonna make a digital course on how not to be weird on the internet."
"The elite who occupy the commanding heights of digital reality are suicidal nihilists."
"Engage with empathy when you're consuming, when you're creating content."
"I think by the end of this decade the latest, those of us who do not agree with any of these things... will have to leave the internet as we know it today."
"The amount of people in the entire world that want to be YouTubers and learn about it is the highest it's ever been."
"NFTs are going to eat up life the way social media did."
"The Internet is a place that allows you to make up your own identity."
"The new currency is likes, that dopamine hit, people watching, people viewing."
"Welcome to the future you guys, it's been a crazy week of live streaming. Happy Friday!"
"Not reading the cards: this is a meme for a reason."
"If you're a subscriber or sponsor, you now have a little diamond next to your name in chat."
"Welcome to Crypto Beach, where fun is the norm."
"Men are being sedated out of their status-seeking and reproductive-seeking behavior through a combination of social media, video games, and porn."
"Now we can all be on the same page again we can laugh at and all my apes gone or something."
"When innovation and nostalgia combine, it's powerful."
"The dramatic post people make about wanting to leave social media so people will validate them and beg them to stay."
"Grand Theft Auto 3 is digital anarchy, a perfect video game playground, and an exemplary execution of a formula that would change gaming history."
"No matter how ugly you look, the YouTube algorithm waits for no man."
"My sleep-deprived brain could really use the dopamine spike of seeing my sub count go up, please and thank you."
"The world of Discord culture is undeniably weird, vibrant, and dynamic."
"More than 15% of teens say they're on YouTube or TikTok 'almost constantly.'"