
Philanthropy Quotes

There are 5649 quotes

"They've given away over 400,000 wheelchairs to kids around the world."
"If you create a million millionaires to give away a million dollars, you're talking about a trillion dollars in philanthropy in the world."
"We're to give half our wealth to making the world a better place to live."
"I drove my Rolls Royce to Ukraine, I bought hundreds of coats and shoes for women and children fleeing the conflict."
"Listen, don't get me wrong, money ain't bad. Money is really good. In fact, I often talk about making a lot of money and doing a lot of good with it. But money alone does not make you successful."
"If I was a billionaire, I wouldn't need a billion dollars. I would be pumping it into everywhere I can."
"More money just amplifies who you are...if you're a good person and you have more money, you have a tool to do more good."
"With your abundance, you can create love and compassion, using your wealth to help others strengthen themselves."
"Jared already committed 100 million dollars of his own money and the team has raised about 30 million dollars so far but we still have a ways to go."
"He didn't need to do any of the stuff he's doing, and he's adopting the biggest problems in the world."
"We've raised $1.3 million for all of the nonprofits that we supported on each Sunday."
"If I go to a place and they're asking to donate to a certain charity, every single time, I do it."
"Being broke has never helped anyone. Period. You can help more people if you have money. Money is just fuel; it amplifies what you do."
"A couple of years ago, a salve emerged in the form of a movement called effective altruism."
"Philanthropy can be this lever of using money for humanism, even in the undesirable moments when our governments do not have that in their core interests."
"The best way to change the world is get rich and use your money to change it."
"Leslie was so well known. They were both very active in the philanthropic community. He's delivered thousands of babies, so if you just multiply that out, there's literally tens of thousands of people that have some connection to Dr. Newlander."
"Leslie and Bob gave generously, both their time and money. They were well known for their philanthropy."
"Kiva is where you can go to lend out to someone who needs a hand."
"I got plenty of money, so I'm not working for money. I'm giving away plenty of money because it helps."
"If our resources are finite, we give our money to causes which are going to help the most amount of people as quickly as possible."
"All the money this video makes from monetization will go to Safe From Online Sexual Exploitation organization."
"Bill Gates did more for the world by creating Microsoft than he has in giving away his billions of dollars to charity."
"Bill Gates creates Microsoft and if the standard is helping others and making other people happy and healthy and all that, Microsoft brought the world to a new level of comfort and happiness and access to information."
"Philanthropists are putting record sums into tackling the world's most pressing problems."
"If one's goal in life is to be a force for good in the world, the best way to accomplish that goal is by making as much money as possible for the purpose of giving it away to others, specifically the poor."
"Is it time for us to reevaluate Bruce Wayne's benevolent billionaire status?"
"After buying the entire solar system and having more money than God and activating more money than God per click, it is now time to give it all back."
"I've given away over a hundred thousand dollars of scholarships to help make this next generation better."
"That money is lined up for a charity, and it's going to assist good causes."
"I use money to better my life and the lives of others."
"I use money to improve my life and the lives of others."
"You'll perform a lot of good deeds; you'll be extravagant, can be devoted to peace, but you will be acquiring a name and fame."
"His I Promise school is something that I didn't see a lot of other athletes ever do. That's incredible."
"I already donated $500 to her scholarship fund."
"His philanthropy, its legacy—wow, it's incredible."
"Help somebody. Please, help somebody... Most of you have more money than you need; you've been blessed so you can be a blessing."
"100% of the AdSense revenue from this video will be donated to multiple black lives matter non-profit organizations."
"For a billion dollars, you could save a million kids' lives every year. Why the hell is that not one of our top priorities?"
"At the end of the day, if I was a billionaire, multi-millionaire, hell, even if I was a millionaire, and I gave a [expletive] about the environment and people and water specifically, I would do everything I could to try to figure out a way to give people who don't have access to clean water, access to that water."
"Blockchain technology can transform philanthropy and economics by providing hundreds of thousands of use cases for accountability and transparency."
"In my videos, we've consistently been able to find good projects that have helped millions of people from all around the world make tremendous amounts of money."
"I'm happy to share with you that starting in August this year, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine will be tuition-free."
"I have everything I've ever wanted. I don't need anything else. All that's left for me to do is have a positive impact on the world."
"He used more of his cash to help his town in all sorts of generous ways."
"They founded the Legacy of Angels Foundation in honor of their late grandchild, Michaela."
"The person who is truly wealthy is the one who gives."
"The only thing standing in the way between education and thousands of kids in Africa is a simple pair of shoes."
"Kingdom Royale will be a luxury, state-of-the-art home for foster boys."
"Through her tireless work with the Robert Urich Foundation, she had touched countless lives, offering hope, support, and solace to those grappling with the shadows of cancer."
"If you just hoard your money and die without doing anything, you are missing out on the most fun because you could have had an impact on other people."
"The Nobel Prize opens doors and it gives you the opportunity to do good that you just didn't have before."
"At the end of the day, what good is a person's wealth if it doesn't touch people's lives?"
"The gospel of wealth...wealthy individuals owe it to society to spread their money around."
"There's more outrage at Mr. Beast for helping to cure blind people than outrage over this train derailment."
"This will help feed, I don't know, tens of thousands of people I guess. Well, that's fantastic."
"Mr. Beast's video where he paid for cataract surgery for a thousand people... implies that people that can't see are handicapped."
"My end goal in life is to open like a thousand homeless shelters, maybe ten thousand. We'll see how it goes."
"I'm very proud of what we've done in philanthropy, very proud of the work of the foundation."
"Philanthropy is an ancient Greek word that means loving humanity; it doesn't mean rich people writing checks."
"For people that are involved in philanthropy, you're likely to live a longer life and you're likely to have a special place in heaven reserved for you when your time does come."
"Philanthropy is a hard topic; how do you think about that? If you care about the reality of goodness instead of the perception of it, philanthropy is extremely difficult."
"The Boring Company is trying to solve traffic, which is hell for most people, and that also is, like, I think, a lot of people, including myself, think of philanthropy as donations or charity, but it is much broader than that, basically goodwill promotion of human welfare."
"Mr. Beast is using his money and his ridiculously huge influence to make a difference in real people's lives."
"There are a lot of bitter people in the world who apparently hate that, who think that he is like the worst person on the planet for using his money that he has earned to help people."
"Philanthropy is not inherently bad; it's just dangerous and it potentially normalizes a lot of really destructive social tendencies."
"Billionaire wealth has increased by 95%... They pledged to give away half; instead, their wealth has almost doubled."
"Mr. Beast has his own 501c3 charity and philanthropy. He has given over a million free meals to people in need, he has planted 20 million trees... he is currently raising 30 million dollars in order to remove 3 million pounds of trash from the ocean."
"When Mr. Beast makes millions, he spends it on others ingeniously. He figures out how to make more money from spending it so he can do it again."
"Charities and philanthropies should be seen as signifiers of a failing in a society."
"If you are a giver, continue giving; if you are not a giver, then jump on the bandwagon of giving."
"Private philanthropy is no substitution for hard-fought battles over labor laws and social security."
"Philanthropy is difficult; it usually comes at a cost in time, effort, and money."
"Philanthropy serves to legitimize capitalism as well as to extend it further and further into all domains of social, cultural, and political activity."
"American philanthropy is now $410 billion a year being given away, which is starting to approach the level of nonmilitary discretionary spending by the federal government."
"I have the much greater admiration, frankly, for the person who drops five dollars or one dollar in a collection plate on Sunday...they are actually giving up something that has utility to them."
"Philanthropy produces moral dignity because it produces kindness to work miracles and to move mountains."
"Great work done by many hands is better than just philanthropy by one individual."
"There's not much you can do to make you more self-actualized than save millions of lives through a foundation."
"This is really special to my wife and I... starting our own foundation was something we've always wanted to do."
"The founder of Patagonia has given away his three billion dollar company... to fight climate change."
"A billionaire could give away his money to help the planet instead of trying to escape it in a penis rocket."
"The goal was, if I was a billionaire right now, what would I want to do with my life? And my answer was: I want to solve dyslexia."
"The goal of the Sounds True Foundation is to provide access and eliminate financial barriers to transformational education and resources."
"There's a big thing is the fact that he funds a woman's shelter in Romania."
"From my family not being able to eat to feeding 100 million people is a pretty amazing sense of gratitude and a sense of grace."
"Give back. Be a giving man who gives back to the community, who helps people, who is somewhat like charitable, who wants to make a positive impact on the world."
"What would happen if there were like a hundred thousand benevolent spiritual millionaires using their wealth to make massive and beautiful changes in the world?"
"What would you do with a million dollars? For me, it's about putting those resources to use, benefiting humanity in some way."
"Swift's philanthropic journey began in 2012 when she bestowed a generous gift of $4 million upon the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum."
"Thomas Wayne, a doctor, a philanthropist and would-be mayor, was a man with great compassion, one who sought to lift the less fortunate denizens of Gotham City out of the quagmire they’d been slowly sinking into over the course of its history."
"It's not about the money, it's about impact. If I can do it successfully, then everybody can do it."
"I'm not gonna make a dime tomorrow. It's all going to help kids."
"Money is a tool for building abundance not just in your life but even in much bigger ways in the world."
"What you give will come back to you, and I didn't buy that, so I'll just test it. So I gave away my first million-dollar project."
"This is the final gift I donate publicly where I want credit. I've grown."
"The greatest positive impact on the greatest number of people."
"I've always felt this responsibility to sort of give back. I mean, I uploaded a video today of donating to smaller streamers because I was like, 'I'm having a shitty day. I can help somebody else.'"
"More than anything, I am so excited for all the people around the world who will have access to clean drinking water, because you purchased this product."
"I donate 10% of my income every single year to cost-effective charities."
"A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world."
"I promised myself if I ever did well enough, I'd feed other people."
"Money's a tool, money extends the good you can do far beyond your own presence."
"Think of the good you want to do, keep earning money, keep doing good, it's an instrument that's all it is."
"Money is a tool. If you are a good person, money will give you the tool to do more good."
"The more money this channel makes, the more I can do for other people."
"If you're successful and you talk to wealthy people, you'll always find that there's something that motivates them to be philanthropic, to give money to something that matters to them."
"I was able to star in a major success...became an ambassador for several nonprofits that I deeply care about."
"My dream has been to literally adopt as many kids as possible... and just you know help as many kids as possible because it just it makes me so sad that like there are so many kids who don't have a home."
"Nine-time Grammy award-winning artist, producer, founder and CEO of Aftermath Entertainment and Beats Electronics, entrepreneur and philanthropist."
"Dr. Dre donated $10 million to Compton High School for the school's new Performing Arts Center."
"When you accumulate that amount of wealth, you have to share some of it; you can't hoard it all."
"The main point of LeBron's interview was to unveil the new public elementary school that he opened in his hometown."
"Disney is donating all profits from face mask sales, up to 1 million, to MedShare."
"I want to be able to give back and help other young African-American kids and really just kids of all races and colors."
"I would much rather buy a much more affordable product and donate the rest to charity and make a positive impact that way."
"You could have used that money and put it towards medical research, feeding the homeless, you could probably have just donated it straight to Kentucky instead of taking their tax."
"My mother had this concept of karma that she said, 'If you're successful at some point you have to give back.' And I agree with that."
"Please, if you're fortunate enough, find a school, donate to a school, or sponsor a school."
"Our motto is the more we make, the more we give."
"Promising to give away nearly all of his wealth to those in need."
"All that money and just to have it and give it to my family? No. My family be taken care of, uh, and then I'm going do something what fin literacy, stem cell, something, some program that's going to aid the black community."
"Tesla Model Y is going to be the best-selling electric vehicle, then the best-selling vehicle in Europe indefinitely."
"If you have an ability to generate wealth far above and beyond what you need... you should do so and when you are financially abundant, use that to do good in the world."
"Last year, we as a community on this channel raised almost half a million dollars for mental health awareness, specifically the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)."
"As an influencer, I, with any sort of power and influence (I don't like the word 'influencer', by the way), will always use whatever power I have to continue to give back to the community, to give back to the world."
"I'm doing this for a good cause. I don't get anything out of this, not the money's going to me or anything, so it's just, it, I guess selfishly, it does make me feel really, really good."
"You only donate if you are able to, but sharing this video and sharing the donation page, those are ways that cost nothing to do and it helps out."
"I really hope that all of y'all, no matter if you are a creator or just somebody, anyone that can help, you know, share or help out with us, please, please, as always, I couldn't do this without y'all."
"Now Pablo is a billionaire, thought of as a Robin Hood to the poor communities he helps in Colombia."
"If we make enough money, how can we have a bigger impact on just making things better?"
"He subscribes to this idea of effective altruism and basically like, make as much money as you can to do as much good in the world as you can."
"I believe firmly that we should always give something back anytime you give us money."
"I remain proud of what we have accomplished in the past decade and will continue to support Thorne's work."
"The land is already preserved, he insists, and to me that's kind of the same thing as saying you shouldn't donate to an animal rescue because animals are already being rescued."
"We also provide millions upon millions of dollars per year to charities, schools, libraries, widows' homes."
"We've given a million dollars of scholarships over the past seven-eight years. I love that work."
"You can't help the poor if you're one of them, so I got rich and gave back. To me, that's the win-win."
"I'd rather see every penny of that go to people who actually fucking need it."
"When I hit that 100 million, I'm gonna put it on the ground, because nobody never showed me what that looked like when I was poorest."
"You did that, you did that, everybody here did that. Every single dollar going to Doctors Without Borders. Thank you so much, this is incredible."
"We're happy to announce that with this donation, we've hit $130,000 total raised for MSF."
"With every order, the Shady Ray's IMPACT program works with nonprofits worldwide to make an impact on the lives of children and young adults."
"It's important for me to give back more than anything because this is where I come from."
"I will be donating 100% of the proceeds of this video to multiple bail funds."
"For every stuffed doll that is purchased through here, ten meals are donated to kids in need."
"For every pair of socks that is purchased, they donate one to the homeless."
"Stealing a million dollars from people who desperately need it, and donating a hundred dollars to those same desperate people is not an act of generosity."
"I've been a big advocate of giving time, and you know, I do agree with that."
"To coincide with the beginning of summer, we kicked off an initiative we've called 100 Days of Giving. Each day, we'll pick one person at random within the app to help us give away ten thousand dollars to any one of ten extremely effective charities."
"In the face of widespread poverty and hunger, it's good to see philanthropy."
"As a community... we were all able to help raise over three hundred thousand dollars for Saint Jude's Children's Hospital."
"My wife and I wanted to make an offering that was the best use of us toward altering the global conversation to facilitate the transition to a world where not just a few, or not even the majority, but everybody can thrive."
"Philanthropy strengthens your standing in the community and will ultimately draw in more business."
"Success is not about saying, 'Hey, we donated, here's a check, here's a chance for us, pat on our back.' It's about creating generational change."
"The most gratifying thing to be able to do is to make a difference, to do something good with it."
"I will donate my time to put on any show to raise money to make this stop."
"Part of Hunter Killer's proceeds also go to the Cold Case Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping solve real cold cases."
"If you wanna donate to a worthy cause, your best bet is to actually look up the organization and donate to them directly."
"You should give before you ask someone else to give."
"Philanthropy is not a logical thing; it's an emotional transaction."
"A portion of my proceeds are gonna go to actually helping girls all around the world get free and sustainable hygiene care products."
"The greatest joy comes from my customers who love us and from being able to make extra money where I could give back and change the world."
"Andrew Yang has partnered with Jack Dorsey to donate $250 to twenty thousand dollars to individuals and families in need."
"The income from this channel is tithed to organizations that address the issues of housing and food insecurity."
"GivePower is a non-profit that is helping to bring safe drinking water to over 2 billion people around the world who need it."
"Winning another championship for Albuquerque... donating half your endorsement money to charities a month or and doing that type of stuff is like I feel alive right now."
"I got to be a billionaire. I'm putting kids through college, I'm buying computers, I'm sending kids study abroad."
"Bill Gates doing more for the hood than I'm doing. He got a millennial scholarship. So any kid from the hood, you want to go to college, he paying for it."
"John Cena has granted over 650 wishes for the Make-A-Wish Foundation."
"Money alone does not make you happy. Giving away a lot of money, being generous with money, being able to serve humanity makes me happy."
"You can buy happiness with money, yes, and anyone that says money doesn't buy you happiness hasn't given away enough money."
"Americans give a lot... in last year they gave over $300 billion to charity."
"Money is not going to help these girls. Money is not it. It's a Band-Aid for a wound that you cannot heal."
"Do your giving while you're living so you're knowing where it's going."
"I donate to causes that mean a lot to me. I never talk about it, I don't advertise it."
"If you care about the reality of doing good and not the perception of doing good, then it is very hard to give away money effectively."
"Each of our four teams is playing for a charitable cause that's near and dear to their hearts."
"State Farm will be donating $100,000 to the winner's charity on their behalf."
"CEO Bobby Kartik announced yesterday his $1 million donation to support the United Negro College Fund, the Equal Justice Initiative, and Management Leadership for Tomorrow."
"When we donate to a cause, it's behind the scenes. It's just something that's personal to us."
"Billionaire philanthropy works on a similar principle. They are selling solutions to the problems they cause, and the solution they're selling is themselves."
"PewDiePie and the bro army of his raised more than six hundred and thirty thousand dollars for Save the Children."
"We as a company, or an individual, we fed 1.1 million people during the pandemic in the UK."
"I literally spend 25 million dollars a year feeding children in Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq."
"In the end, you're going to make a lot of money; you're going to do a lot of good."
"A lot of the money being connected with these flights is also going to worthy causes."
"I've been very lucky, made a lot of money and I'm giving it all away to make this country better."
"He was perhaps one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived, the friend of humanity wishing for money only that he might give to the poor, a friend to animals, his heart was concerned only with the happiness of others."
"That's why I'm determined that our operation here does some good. Wow, leave some part of the world in a better state than we found it."
"Our hedge fund uses economic cycle indicators with a quant overlay... We're going to pour profits back into projects like the Humanity Project."
"I want to save enough money to build schools in poorer places and then I wanted to etch subscribers' names along with mine onto them. It's just a dream I've had on my bucket list."
"His philanthropy is investment in his future purchase, hidden as philanthropy."
"I want to do better than making enough. I want to be able to have some sort of sustainable foundation beneath me so I can start being a giver instead of a beggar all the time."
"Go make your money whatever way you can, set the money aside for yourself, set the money aside for your husband, your wife, your kids, and then figure out a way to give back to public service, whether it's going to be through charity or politics."
"I'm actually hoping to redefine giving and redefine how wealth is used."
"Thank you to everyone who has donated. It's been absolutely amazing."
"The only thing he would talk about is how to give back what one has gained, and ever since that moment, I was like, look, the expression of even giving back doesn't make sense to me because it assumes that one took in the first place."
"We have a goal for revenue; we also have a goal for giving."
"If you're going to donate to somebody's cause, it should be unconditional."