
Global Impact Quotes

There are 3821 quotes

"They've given away over 400,000 wheelchairs to kids around the world."
"Crypto is this secret hiding in plain sight that can create economic freedom for people all over the world."
"You are providing inspiration and advancing science and exploration for not only the United States but for the world."
"Most economists agree that a world embroiled in various forms of trade protection is a world that is worse off."
"Crypto has made me more optimistic about the world as well."
"You're called upon to be everything you can be. Why? Because the world depends on it."
"It's unbelievable what a disaster to have an extraordinarily powerful agency maybe the most powerful agency in the US government operating secretly to stir up trouble all over the world."
"Bitcoin is good money; Bitcoin is good for the world; Bitcoin is global freedom."
"America's economy is tied directly to Europe's economy. Our grocery prices responded to the disruption of Ukrainian grain; gas prices are affected by energy disruption."
"Your ambition is going to drive other people to be more ambitious, which will lead this generation not just the country but also the world to a better place."
"Effective altruism is basically asking yourself the fundamental question: how can I do the most good for the world?"
"What we do in a few short years matters enormously, if anything in this universe matters."
"I believe that by working with people and guiding them to this sense of oneness, we change the whole world completely."
"I'm absolutely convinced the world is a better place if we get more entrepreneurs around the world that are self-sustaining."
"Through prayer and meditation, I create a ripple effect of peace in the world."
"Let's raise the frequency of the planet with our good news."
"Until everybody on Earth can enjoy very basic human rights, it deeply affects the whole of us."
"What this is, is the visible manifestation of a flawed mentality, which, if you imagine it extrapolated to a global scale, would be a huge problem."
"This monumental landmark, carved over millennia, has become a theater of an electrifying discovery, one that is sending shockwaves around the globe."
"Global cybercrime costs are expected to reach $6 trillion by the end of this year."
"I never imagined my public healing would inspire others to heal across the world."
"You are garnering a lot of attention from a lot of different people all around the world."
"A fan over in Mexico, a fan in India, a fan in America, a fan in Australia, a fan in China can make a real dent on this ownership even if they can't go to a protest."
"We want to empower people and organizations all over the planet to achieve more."
"China-U.S. confrontation would definitely spell disaster for not only the two countries but also humanity as a whole."
"I do not believe this is good for the world."
"Electricity is the key to a better life for everyone, everywhere on the planet."
"If this technology is going to be any good, it should be the financial operating system for the world."
"You are a channel through which healing energies reach the world."
"Anything that starts in one place affects the whole world. We cannot live in our nation-state boundaries. We can't."
"America has been a force for good in the world. That doesn't mean we haven't had our dark chapters, of course that's true, but overall, it's been a great history of accomplishment."
"When you create a better life for yourself, for your family, for our country, and ultimately the world, that's what it comes down to."
"Whatever Google is doing with AI has significant implications for everybody on the planet."
"The impulse of evolution is not small, and when it's in everybody who's waking up and linking up and daring to speak up, the scheme for global domination is being exposed."
"Nobody thought a thing like this was possible, a pandemic that affected every single person on the planet."
"Khan Academy is creating these very opportunities for students around the globe."
"More than anything, I am so excited for all the people around the world who will have access to clean drinking water, because you purchased this product."
"We face possibly the most consequential election in modern history, not just for America but the world."
"We're watching the greats, just like Tyler Perry...we're going to end up changing the whole entire world."
"The Catholic Church has had more influence on the world for the kingdom of God than any other institution."
"We don't just want revival for us; we want this same revival we feel we have, we want it around the world for everybody."
"This video has taught tens of thousands of people all over the world the basics of skateboarding."
"Existential risk is something different. It's not just that there is a massive number of people who are killed, but it's also that the entire future is destroyed."
"Bitcoin is re-instituting skin in the game for everyone in the world."
"Her legacy will loom large in the pages of British history and in the story of our world."
"We can change not only this country but we can change the world."
"I've always felt a pandemic would happen at some time... it's going to interrupt the progress of not only this country but the world."
"Toriyama created a story that connected with a global audience."
"It's all about raising funds awareness for proper causes that are not just near and dear... but actually making a true difference not just in the community but the entire world."
"England is a key point on the map of our time; what would be embodied in it now, over the years, will sprout all over the world."
"This shows the ramifications of what's happening in Ukraine; it's not just isolated to Eastern Europe or Europe. This is Africa and the Middle East that's being affected."
"The British Empire, the largest empire the world has ever known."
"The reaction from people globally has been incredible."
"This industry has created essentially a new financial foundation for the whole world."
"This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe actually."
"Resilient individuals create resilient families, which in turn lead to resilient communities, then resilient towns & cities, then states and whole countries, and eventually a more resilient planet."
"This patent heist won't end well for the US or the world."
"This is a disease that is spreading very rapidly across the globe, with the number of cases doubling every three to four days, and it has sewn fear and unpredictability across the globe."
"Transforming ourselves so we can transform the world. How far can we go?"
"A contraction of the Turkish economy is bad news because it will speed up the global contraction."
"The scream that will affect the whole world came in the middle of the series, not at its conclusion."
"Income inequality, particularly on this level, is objectively ruining the world."
"We are entering a period of financial crisis that is the greatest the world has ever known."
"Data is the most valuable resource in today's day and age, not one data point, but millions of data points around the world."
"We have to hold them accountable for unleashing hell on the world."
"The conflict in Ukraine continues to be the main focus of global attention, much to the frustration of countries around the world that are not directly involved in the conflict but which nonetheless continue to be affected by it."
"We spend billions of dollars promoting a completely insular media space where we are utterly removed from the consequences of our economy to the rest of the world."
"Whatever America hopes to bring to pass in the world must first come to pass in the heart of America."
"A global shift towards a plant-based diet... could effectively wipe out hunger."
"Everyone needs to be in the grip of sustainable values and at a minimum the Golden Rule, because you now live in a world where more people can do unto you farther, faster, deeper, cheaper than ever before, and you can do unto others farther, faster, deeper, cheaper than ever before."
"Most people don't think that change in Antarctica matters to them, but when we look at New York City and we look at its in front of the ocean, it matters."
"It's going to be one of the greatest strategic challenges the planet has ever seen."
"Collectively, if the whole world could make smaller changes or cut their consumption of animal products in half, that would overall be a lot more effective and impactful."
"GivePower is a non-profit that is helping to bring safe drinking water to over 2 billion people around the world who need it."
"There are 100 cities across the planet now that are currently run on 70% or more renewable energy."
"If we go over that debt cliff, it's going to be catastrophic not just for the U.S. but for the world."
"Our future will be impacted, will be shaped by events all over the world, not just in one country."
"Roger might have had to decide upon, like, 'Oh man, do I push the button? If I push the button, it ends the world government's reign, but it could very well destroy the entire world as we know it.'"
"Viruses don't just influence organisms; they're incredibly important on a planetary scale, perhaps an interplanetary scale."
"The open source models really allow people to do that--allows any developer in the world anywhere--who's connected to the internet--they can make an improvement to an open source project, like Chrome, and that can really make the world a lot better."
"Two million global content creators are now making six figures."
"The industrialization of Africa could be one of the most important events of the 21st century."
"Tesla's domination worldwide is growing too."
"He's changed the whole game of basketball globally."
"Let us awaken the light within us and acknowledge that within ourselves we can make changes that will contribute to global and systemic change, if only we'll commit to it."
"It is a gift to the entire world. It represents the sixth greatest innovation in money, the most ancient technology of our civilization."
"I never imagined my journey would inspire people all over the world."
"If America is not strong, the world will be at the mercy of tyrants."
"How cool, he says this election will affect the world. Let's hope the truth comes out, the whole truth, without any bloodshed."
"This is not a job, this is like a change, a paradigm shift that the world will not be the same after this."
"We really can't afford a trade war, especially in a number of the poorest countries in the world."
"The power of youth is the commonwealth for the entire world."
"I think positively of wokeness... I want to see it become a global force for good where everybody is more understanding and such."
"The scientists are telling us that if we don't act incredibly boldly within the next six, seven years, there will be irreparable damage done not just to Nevada, not just to Vermont or Massachusetts, but to the entire world."
"One of the most important developments in modern history is the economic rise of China. It has already had a massive impact on our world today, and in the 21st century, it is only going to have an even greater impact."
"If you change yourself, you can change the world."
"Oil and gas prop up terrible governments around the world and weaken democratic, accountable governance everywhere they operate."
"It's the entire world was Elizabethan, and suddenly, 70 years later, it's not."
"When they dropped, the world is gonna change in a fundamental way, and we never go back to the way it was."
"Unions that, if I may be so bold, have made the entire world much better for literally everyone."
"The silence on our part has been devastating for people around the world. All it does is encourage thugs and dictators."
"Local politics could immensely contribute to a new politics approach that will save the world from the authoritarian populism."
"We're going to have a food crisis by the fourth quarter because the world's largest wheat exporter just invaded the fifth largest one."
"It's really important that we don't end up in a hot war because it would have a huge toll on the world."
"Trade tensions between the US and China had been growing for at least a decade and were accelerated by the pandemic and the global supply chain disruptions that ensued."
"If China had taken measures to address the virus earlier, they could have prevented about 95% of the infections throughout the world."
"The methods in the book are being used all over the world and that's very exciting to see."
"It competes against Harry Potter and so on, but then more importantly the methods in the book are being used all over the world."
"The war in Ukraine is quickly escalating into a wider horror."
"It is sobering to think that this virus...was only discovered in December...we've gone from an obscure scientific curiosity to a major world pandemic."
"The EU has its problems, sure, but it's also been a great stabilizing force within Europe and around the world."
"Bitcoin is going to change the world more for the two billion people who don't have bank accounts."
"What happens halfway across the world can have a direct impact on global politics and ultimately on our own economy and security."
"Now, open-source has, essentially, taken over the world."
"This is a vision he had of how Thorium reactors could be used to desalinate water, grow crops in desert areas and to some of us like caught terraforming the earth, but to really truly change the economic balance of the world."
"A treasure trove that fuels our modern world."
"God have to assign you a work. The reason why we get these results from all around the world was a heaven-given assignment."
"Black lives matter is really fighting for the dignity and humanity of Black communities all over the world."
"Millions of jobs are gonna be lost across the world... in the United States, hundreds of thousands of jobs are gonna be lost."
"Over 300 million tons of plastic waste is generated globally every year."
"We've lifted more people out of abject poverty in the last 15 years than in the entire course of human history."
"This isn't even a condemnation of individuals...but this is an issue that affects hundreds of thousands, well, in the case of this, billions of lives, and it was totally corruptible and totally corrupted."
"The pandemic was probably the worst and most beautiful thing that I think's happened to the world."
"The Chinese government is responsible for this. They're responsible for this at every level."
"The entire world economy is now stopped dead, all because China would not shut down the practice of people eating fricking bats at the local markets."
"The best thing we can do to make the world a better place is to become more spiritual ourselves."
"An economic collapse is not confined to a small area; it is a global crisis."
"It is clear that this singular event will result in a prolonged financial crisis for many countries, notably least developed and small island-developing states."
"It's truly incredible because I feel like this is an opportunity for all of us to come together at the same time and collectively raise our own vibration and then hopefully raise the vibration of our entire world."
"The full participation of all people, including women and girls across all aspects of our society, is essential to the economic well-being, health, and security of our nation and of the world."
"I want to have a good impact on mental health [__] around the world."
"Capitalism would not have made lives better for the poorest people around the world, radically better."
"Financialization has changed capitalism and the world we live in so profoundly."
"For the first time since Adam alayhis-salam set foot on earth, there is a lockdown all over the world. This is an absolutely unique situation in human history."
"One of the legends says that some powerful artifact lays beneath the Sphinx. Its technology can change the whole world, but the locals are hiding it because it can damage the planet."
"Once we are in this thing, this regional war does have the potential to go global and spread. And that's the problem."
"I really want to impact more people globally."
"Climate change is likely to alter the world forever."
"It's magical to me that something that started inside my head that I feel is very personal to me most of the time resonates with the woman who told me that she watches it in India with her grandmother and her daughter."
"The report generated widespread debate and influenced environmental policymaking around the world."
"The moment you normalize the use of these non-conventional assets, the world will never be the same. You've just opened Pandora's Box."
"What a glorious thing it is to be responsible for saving the world."
"The US leads the world in military spending, in waging wars that destroy lives and destroy economies, whereas China leads the world in economic production, in manufacturing of goods that people around the world need to have a better life."
"China alone represents nearly 3/4 of the entire world's extreme poverty reduction since 1981."
"You would have to have a heart of stone not to be glad that hundreds of millions of people have come out of poverty."
"We are going into, or may already be in, a global recession now. That's rare."
"Fighting for someone who was not known at all was an inspiration to many people, gave hope to many people around the world."
"This is still the biggest game. I don't care the rivalry with Manchester City in football terms, but these two teams, Liverpool and Manchester United, globally, this is huge."
"Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more."
"What happens in China has ramifications elsewhere."
"If the current Greek debt crisis plunges the entire world into economic chaos, I would still not be mad at them based on this recipe alone."
"The mass is the Eternal sacrifice of the Lamb of God for your sins, for my sins, that saves the whole entire world."
"Hundreds of millions of people are dragged out of extreme poverty in this period."
"World War II would transform America's global presence forever."
"Imagine if the world wasn't syncing their clocks to the same time. How disruptive that might be and how challenging everything becomes."
"I think about the COVID situation where, for a year or two, the whole world was run by fear."
"We believe that it's a tyrannical dictatorship that really damages the future of the world and the Chinese people."
"God told Abraham, 'I'm going to bless you, and through you all the nations of the earth will be blessed.'"
"The death of the Sultan sent shockwaves throughout not just the desert but the whole world."
"You've got the whole world in your hand... something to be celebrated."
"If we didn't have the central banks, it would be an entirely different world today."
"The culture of black men is the only thing that has genuinely conquered the world and that has become his greatest weapon for preserving his idea of human."
"This is the most consequential thing that's happened in the world in terms of war and peace since World War II."
"This is not a crisis that is escapable... No matter where you live, you will face some of these impacts sometime soon." - David Wallace-Wells
"The natural systems are out of balance and that's a real challenge not just for us but actually for most living things on the planet."
"How do we want this community to interact with the larger world at this particular moment in history?"
"It's not a story about one person, it's not a story about one company, it's not a story about even one country."
"All of this technology is potentially miraculous, like any tool, it has the potential for great benevolent utility but also to become a persecutory tool of powerful globalist elites."
"Never before in history has Mother Earth been under such stress."
"Bitcoin is slowly taking over the world." - Unknown speaker
"The Global Goals app is an invitation for every citizen on this planet to feel that they can make a difference."
"The payoff is 'how can everything it's trying to do matter in the rest of the world?'"
"Ultimately, we are working to build a happier and healthier world."
"The world is changing; today we stand on the brink of a fourth Industrial Revolution."
"A virus a thousand times smaller than a dust mote has humbled and humiliated the planet's most powerful nation."
"We have a limited amount of time to drive this virus extinct and that if we don't it's going to become a permanent fellow traveler of humans and that will be an unmeasurable tragedy."
"The next several years in my opinion, we actually are already feeling it in different ways."
"It can never be a total victory because too many people have died all over the world people have died in our country in every country."
"The risk of the global spread and impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus is now very high."
"Putin is a gangster and a despot who has been trying to undermine and subvert democracy across the world for years..."
"We must do everything we can to end the tyranny of Putin..."
"It's an innovation that could transform the outcome for heart surgery patients across the world."
"The way the West responds to this aggression will have repercussions not just for Russia and Ukraine but for other bullies like China as well."
"The consequences of Putin's actions will be felt throughout the world for years and I fear for decades to come."
"God only knows what the impact will be as all four of the horsemen of the apocalypse are on the march again."
"Angelina Jolie is truly making the world a better place for all."
"We have stumbled into this new era of mutually assured digital destruction."
"There's never been a full-blown Global Revival of Deliverance until now."
"Sure, inflation has hit a 40-year high in the US, but inflation has happened globally."
"More than just a musician, Michael was a cultural landmark influencing the global music scene more than any other artist in history and advancing important social causes with his music."
"The Chinese Communist Party is the existential risk of humanity."
"Your speech was perfect. It was the 21 minutes that would change the world."
"Shopify is the Commerce platform revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide."
"Surely then such a discovery as this, the finding of a lost and mighty achievement of the ancient world, should have echoed around the globe."
"Fair and reciprocal trade with China will boost long-term economic growth, not only in the United States but globally."
"Books are all over the world helping people heal around the globe, powerful information got my celery juice right here."
"Chinese training has often been described as some of the least realistic and applicable of any major player on the world stage."
"It's a fight for Russia, it's a defensive War... but it's also a war of liberation not just for the Russian people but arguably for the whole world."
"The world is going to need all of you right now."
"To give hope to the millions around the globe who've been told that there's nothing more that can be done."