
Wealth Distribution Quotes

There are 824 quotes

"If you create a million millionaires to give away a million dollars, you're talking about a trillion dollars in philanthropy in the world."
"We're to give half our wealth to making the world a better place to live."
"Systems are what make people collectively richer or poorer."
"It's amongst us, people, us, to support each other, us to make each other wealthy so we can get the money so therefore we can take care of each other."
"Studies show that anywhere between 90 and 95 percent end up with big corporations and the already affluent."
"We're going to talk about income and wealth inequality and what it means morally and economically when three people in this country own more wealth than the bottom half of America."
"On a wider level, the share of wealth owned by people under the age of 40 has shrunk from 13% to just under 7% over the past 3 decades."
"We live in a system to keep the poor poor and the rich rich."
"When the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class gets smaller."
"There's enough money on this planet for everybody."
"For $54 million, I want you to imagine how many people could be fed, how many homeless could have places to sleep."
"The gospel of wealth...wealthy individuals owe it to society to spread their money around."
"Eighty percent of the benefits [of Trump's tax cut bill] went to multi-millionaires and billionaires."
"It's not a good system for capitalists, you know, shareholders, but for the population, it created a lot of wealth, very even income and wealth distribution, very high growth, and very rapidly raised quality of life."
"The reality is the blood of the poor going into the veins of the rich."
"Capitalism, crony or not, is an economic system where a tiny unelected minority of people get the vast majority of people to work for them so they can get wealthier."
"Shifting our individual life goals away from amassing intergenerational familial wealth to centering community prosperity can allow us to begin buffering against the purposeful limitations of capitalism."
"Our economic systems are set up like that: to make a minority rich and a majority poor."
"Some of it is systemic, let's not ever overlook that. Some other systemic, some of the wealth from our communities has been intentionally pulled out."
"The noble dream of liberty and justice for all has been frustrated by how wealth and power are distributed, by how undemocratic capitalism is."
"The bottom half of the wealth distribution had doubled their wealth in the past two years than they had prior, and that was a function of things like the earned income child tax credit delivered to you by Democrats."
"There is not an inconsistency between fairness and economic growth. In fact, the rich would do better with a smaller share of a rapidly growing economy than a large share of an economy that's dead in the water."
"If 10% of the population is 40% richer doing nothing, then who's poorer? It must be everybody else."
"It's not a zero-sum game; the wealth of the super wealthy does not depend on somebody else's poverty."
"The current setup sees an enormous flow of wealth and assets from ordinary families to the rich."
"Going to space for fun while there are people dying on the streets is like, if you can give more, I think you could and you should."
"We have so much poverty in America not in spite of our wealth, but because of it."
"89% of the equities market is owned by the 1%, the rich. Only 11% is owned by the population, the regular folks."
"We now have in the United States such a disproportionate concentration of private property... it's just not a healthy way to run a society."
"When you accumulate that amount of wealth, you have to share some of it; you can't hoard it all."
"47.8% of the world's wealth is now in the hands of just 1.2% of people, who are around 62.5 million adults with a net worth of over 1 million US Dollars."
"Capitalism as we know it is a defective economic system because although it's good at creating large amounts of wealth, it distributes that wealth in an incredibly inefficient way, where efficiency is understood not as the capacity to maximize total wealth but as the capacity to maximize human happiness."
"Promising to give away nearly all of his wealth to those in need."
"Everyone can enjoy a life of leisure if the wealth created by machines is shared."
"You take all the money in the world, distribute it to everybody, eventually it will come back to the rich."
"Income inequality... today six people in the world own as much wealth as 50% of the world's population."
"I am sorry that I personally think that if a person spends a [__] ton of labor on something that you as a multi-multi-millionaire should give them some money."
"My goal...is I want to send out at least $30 million a month to investors."
"Inequality is growing... how did that happen? How did the conversation about social democracy sort of rise? Well, I think that's on the rise because the conversation on wealth inequalities is becoming more prominent as well."
"We're not trying to make everybody rich; we're trying to create a fair distribution of wealth."
"The richest 1% of the world's population controls 40% of the world's wealth."
"Wealth is far more efficiently used when it's held by workers than it is when it's held by the wealthy. The wealthy just hoard their wealth."
"If you were to take all the world's wealth and divide it amongst everybody... not long, with a matter of years, that money would end up in the exact same hands."
"From wealth accumulation to wealth distribution is as old as history."
"Millennials are the largest portion of the US workforce, but own just 5% of the nation's wealth."
"Ninety-five percent of all deposited funds for trading are lost, given enough time. These funds are transferred to the top five percent of traders."
"There is universal basic income where everybody gets 1 million rupees per month, or around 12,000 US dollars, for free to do whatever they like with."
"You really want to defend the wealth of one guy who will never do anything for you instead of putting that massive enterprise in the hands of the people who actually do all the work?"
"Sam Altman: 'If AGI does create all that wealth, he is not sure how the company will redistribute it. Money could mean something very different in this new world.'"
"We're better off putting money into people's hands so they can decide the best way to use it."
"Money is meant to be redistributed through the society."
"The rich get richer and the everyday person gets crucified. That's what's happened already."
"If you make a bigger pie, everyone gets a bigger slice."
"We have socialism for the very rich, rugged individualism for the poor."
"Record profits at the expense of the majority illustrate a systemic failure to distribute wealth equitably, underlining the need for a reevaluation of our economic model."
"The common people are doing just as well as the rich people."
"Taxes should fall more heavily on corporations and on the very wealthy."
"Putting money and creating money at the top of the pyramid and hoping some of it trickles down is not working."
"The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer."
"If you could imagine a world where everyone had equal access to the resources they needed to become rich, and being poor had no real drawbacks beyond mild inconvenience... a capitalism like that doesn't sound so bad."
"This approach would later be adapted into the early economic theory of mercantilism, which argued that there was a fixed amount of wealth in the world and the only way to get rich was to take from those who had more."
"The wealthiest 2% of adults own more than 50% of the assets. In the US, the richest own more than 90% of the population combined."
"If you want to make a country rich, you make the poor rich."
"It is often said that cash is king and that times of crisis lead to the rich getting richer."
"By some estimates, he has given away about $32 billion to various causes."
"The top 20% of wealthy people in this country were controlling more than 80% of all the money."
"Researchers at Duke University and Harvard Business School did a really large statistically sound sample... and they asked these people about the distribution of wealth in the United States."
"90.99% of British land is owned by like 0.01% of the population since the 1600s."
"There's a record increase in household wealth, and actually, it was skewed towards the bottom 25%, which saw a 900 plus percent increase in net wealth since the beginning of the pandemic."
"We're going to demand that the wealthy and the powerful start paying their fair share of taxes."
"The system is designed to make certain people very rich at the expense of a nation's citizens and taxpayers."
"Even taxing all billionaires at 100% would make only a small dent in that number."
"The best course of action in terms of wealth is to recycle back to society. I think if you're trying to give it to your gene pool in general, you do more harm than good."
"A progressive tax... the more power you have, the more power you can gain, and a progressive tax slowly starts to chip away at how much you're really gaining."
"All the wealth is accruing to those individuals who were rich to begin with and the people that get screwed in the long run are the poor and middle class."
"The top one percent owns more wealth than the bottom 92 percent."
"If we can have machines to provide most of the goods and services and we can just figure out a way of sharing this great wealth so that everybody gets better off, you could easily envision a future where you’d really get to have a lot more time living life the way you want."
"I'm not saying no one should be rich, I'm not saying taxes should be 60%, I'm just saying for the little, comparatively, that it would take just to make sure that there's no hungry kids."
"The key to a vibrant economy is widespread circulation of wealth."
"The President strongly believes that the ultra-wealthy and corporations need to finally start paying their fair share, and that our economy and tax system need to reward work, not wealth."
"Gross inequality with 44% of the UK's wealth owned by just ten percent of our population."
"Socialism means that the vast wealth produced by this country, produced by the society by so many tens of millions of hard-working families, that wealth we actually put in the hands of those people that create it."
"We're talking about trillions upon trillions of dollars that was stolen from us that was a product of our labor, that was our tax money that was handed to the richest people on the planet."
"The idea that somehow if we give things to the rich in particular... that somehow making the rich richer or letting the rich be rich will quote trickle-down and improve the lives of the poor I think that's not true either."
"There's a finite amount of money in this country; for any one person to have so much more than they need, there must—mathematically—be thousands of people with less."
"It's great for America because the wealth does need to be more evenly distributed. It can't just go to tech and finance elites in California and New York."
"I wouldn't give away billions to billionaires."
"Make all the money you want, just begin to pay your fair share at taxes."
"Let's focus on improving the economy and getting rid of these, then we'll figure out how to redistribute the wealth."
"Essentially what you're having happen is the same thing that happens when big institutions or the one percent hold on to money indefinitely."
"The stock market is not the economy... we have a scheme that takes printed money and transfers it ultimately to the wealthiest people in America."
"We should demand that the wealthy start paying their fair share of taxes."
"Taxing the rich is the way out of today's crises."
"Rockefeller donated over half of his entire net worth to various charities over his life."
"No one is kept poor because opportunity has been taken away from him because other people have monopolized the wealth and have put a fence around it."
"Top one percent, they're going to have to pay their fair share."
"Elon Musk admitted that Twitter has a left-wing bias when enforcing its content standard policy."
"The concentration of power and wealth in this country is disastrous for our society."
"For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance. But from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away, and cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping, and gnashing of teeth."
"When you make it really big, when you make the top one-tenth of 1% big, pitch in two cents so everybody else gets a chance to make it."
"Now besides the ethical problems with that... the question has to become this: wealth goes into people's accounts... what then?"
"The financial philosophy in a nutshell is pay labor less, leave the economic surplus for the owners of wealth."
"We're in New York City because we're simply following the money and demanding that those who created that wealth, the miners, get their fair share of it." - United Mine Workers Association president
"The top 1% saw their income increase a staggering 275%, while everyone else, 99%, saw their incomes increase between 65 and 18%."
"Democracy is a better system than it is to say that it's inevitable because once you say that it's inevitable you're forgetting all the things that you have to do or struggle for in order for democracy to come into being."
"It's a redistribution of wealth from people on the bottom who have to compete with poor immigrants to people at the very top who own the companies."
"We do need to be taxing the rich to properly fund our public services."
"Republicans will take taxes away from hard-working families and give them to billionaires."
"Nobody earns a billion dollars, they steal it from their workers."
"We like to bring you these interesting stories with an interesting twist."
"So the rich get richer but the poor and middle class are getting poorer, it's tragic what's happening today."
"I want to live in a world of Star Trek where money, you know, the pursuits to better ourselves is the pursuit of humanity rather than a pursuit of accumulation of wealth."
"Apparently, what the left would like is a world where you feel better about yourself because somebody else has their wealth taken away."
"Setting out to make a lot of money for the express purpose of giving most or all of it away."
"It is not your patriotic duty to live broke so everybody else can live rich."
"We're talking about sending checks. The vast majority of which will be going to people who've had no loss of income whatsoever."
"Is it possible to spread the wealth of the 100 billion a year global art market to a broader pool of artisan collectors?"
"The top one percent paid 27 of the taxes but that's still lower than their overall wealth."
"Trump presided over four years of unbelievably rapid transfer of power and wealth from the poorest to the richest."
"This bill is literally taking money from the poor and giving it to the very rich."
"The great reset, it's here. It's the largest transfer of wealth and they are enforcing it with brute force."
"The wealth went towards improving the average person's life."
"The more I make, the more I'm gonna give back to the community."
"In my view we should not be taxing work we should be taxing wealth."
"The Trumpocalypse... is really the dominance of everything that we do by the rich."
"So, while they give the five trillion to the richest people and they screw everybody else, wouldn't it help them to give everybody health care and a UBI? It wouldn't hurt."
"The ascent of billionaires is a symptom and an outcome of an immoral system that tells people affordable insulin is impossible but exploitation is fine." - Alex
"If we don't reverse that flow of wealth... living standards will decline aggressively."
"Debt is a massive mechanism for moving property from the mass of people into the hands of the rich."
"Perhaps we shouldn't be wondering how to topple this regime but rather how to make the people in it richer."
"Neoliberalism has accomplished absolutely nothing but the redistribution of income from the majority of people to the richest people."
"The simplest solution is to tax the mother effing Rich."
"We need high taxes on rich people... if we don't do it, it will mean poverty for the rest of us."
"The top 10 percent of wealthiest people control more than half of all the wealth."
"Inflation is good for you, it's bad for the one percent."
"Jeff Bezos plans to give most of his 124 billion net worth to charities that fight climate change and unify humanity."
"There needs to be some level of redistribution of wealth."
"We can afford it if the richest among us took less from the government."
"We're at a moment in society where there's a widespread great reckoning with the abuses of power and the concentrations of wealth."
"What separates civil society from uncivil society is that people who are wealthy do their share to make sure other people have basic needs met."
"The biggest lesson that Sweden has shown is people who want to redistribute a cake have to make sure someone baked it in the first place."
"The rich have all the assets, and everybody else is basically leasing from them."
"How does Elon Musk having a lot of money hurt anyone?"
"Taxation under capitalism is a method thus far used only to redistribute wealth upwards."
"It's time to reward work, not just wealth in America."
"The wealthiest colleges should prioritize building bridges that allow the most students with the least to attend."
"If we combine these two ideas and say gave every American 10 grand at birth, you could have a couple hundred thousand dollars ready for you when you turn 18, followed by another few million to retire with."
"Monetary policy has a lot to do with the growing wealth gap in developed countries."
"Every American should share in the gains. If you have Amazon, you have to give a tiny slice of every M is on sale and put it in our hands."
"If you wake up with so much money you could give every poor person in the country a thousand dollars... you're evil."
"Printing money hurts the bottom and helps the top. It's the cantillon effect. The rich get richer."
"Just because someone has financial success doesn't mean they can't support taxing the wealthy."
"By the time he died, Carnegie had given away over $350 million of his personal fortune."
"Carnegie donated almost his entire wealth to humanitarian causes."
"The economic spectrum is actually fairly gradient there are certainly people who believe that 80 percent of all of you know wealth should be controlled by the state or something like that and you still have the right to make and earn money"
"We have to properly tax the very wealthy and make investments in the country."
"That money that that he been privileged to get that money is supposed to be spread around and and and helping other people Prosper not just you you're taking that money and that money is not even good you've made that money unlean."
"We must put pressure on our billionaires to stop funding things that go against our culture."
"It's not a left-wing conspiracy. The billionaires get trillions of dollars to split among themselves as everybody else goes down."
"The Walton family, six people, own more wealth than the bottom 41.5% of our population."
"Clearly, this is unacceptable. This trend of the rich getting richer and everybody else getting poorer is not what America is about."
"Every penny of a billionaire's fortune is a penny of unpaid work that someone else did."
"If you see your people suffering, you got a billion dollars, get off your damn button do something for them."
"We should redistribute the wealth of the massive corporations and give it to everyone."
"If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious."
"Workers deserve to share in the wealth that their work creates."
"A rising tide lifts all boats... we can all live in a world where wealth Rises for everyone."
"We need to demand policies that prevent guys like him from amassing so much money to begin with."
"He donated everything ahead of his wealth in the course of those who are more in need."
"We're not going to give a 20% tax cut to millionaires and billionaires."
"I think there is a huge problem where you have such vast amounts of wealth in the US and Canada around the world that are concentrated in these families like these oligarchies."
"I don't want to be the dude in a Ferrari if everybody can't have a Ferrari."
"Part of the debate is going to be about the richer part of the world paying the poorer part of the world."
"The economic downturn has not fallen evenly on all Americans."
"If you have more money than you need, that should be given to people that are less advantaged."
"He who has the gold makes the rules. It's been the law of history."
"The rich had gotten rich by taking from the poor."
"If anybody needs to be carrying more of the load right now, it is the wealthiest and corporations."
"Create wealth so that you know you can spread it around and break the Monopoly of this Elite these mafias."
"The rich are going to get richer, the poor are going to get poorer."
"If wealth inequality becomes too severe, if wealth becomes concentrated..."
"Even after donating ten percent of your income, you would still be in the top one percent of the world's population."
"The people who own the crypto will be the wealthiest."
"The more the wealth of a nation comes from the productive citizens of the nation, the more the power gets spread out."
"We have to share the power, we have to share the wealth, and we have to uplift everybody."
"Why should he be the richest person in the world?"
"Everything comes back to wealth, everything comes back to the fact that we don't have people in every stratosphere."
"We can't have a society where one percent of the population controls 50, 60, 70 percent of the wealth."
"You don't grow the economy by uncapping Bankers bonuses, you grow the economy by getting money back into people's pockets."
"It's the three Americans who have more wealth than the bottom 50%."
"If you have a hundred million people and they all invest in the same market you know what's going to happen a tenth of one percent of them are going to make billions of dollars in that market."
"We can spread the wealth, we can spread financial security."
"This is an astonishing and pretty sickening transfer of money away from regular people and into the pockets of millionaires and billionaires."
"If guilty white people want to give up their money to these particular individuals to live wealthy lavish lives, I don't know what you say to that."
"Why didn't they teach us in school?...99% of the world struggles financially and 1% has most of the money."
"The whole system is set up to create income and wealth inequality."
"The greatest wealth transfer in American history is coming."
"The simple reality is the people on top, the billionaire class, are doing phenomenally well. Meanwhile, the middle class continues to shrink."
"America's share of global wealth is shrinking."
"Cash register cleared after 34 years of a wrongful murder conviction at the age of 53."