
Life Creation Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"You literally have to give up all blaming and take 100% responsibility for your life that you're creating it the way it is."
"We all have the power to create the life and circumstances in our lives which we desire."
"Manifesting is consciously creating a life you love."
"Mastering your mind is the key to creating the kind of life you've dreamed of having."
"Childbirth should be this beautiful thing, right? It's so incredible that our bodies can create life."
"Knowing your core desired feelings is really about you becoming an intentional creator of your life."
"The real secret to longevity isn't the secret; it's about what we're creating here and now."
"The moment you start seeing feedback in your life, you're going to believe more that you're the creator of your life and less of the victim of your life."
"When you change the way you think and feel, and it starts to produce effects in your outer world, now you start to realize you're the creator of your life."
"The final piece of the puzzle today is what are the three to five choices you must make in order to create the life you want right now."
"I think it's so important for people to remember that they're the creators of their lives instead of the victim of their lives."
"The life we experience is not a coincidence or an accident, but we are participating and creating it."
"You're actually creating it; every time you get feedback, a breadcrumb from the universe, it's convincing you that you are the creator of your life."
"Our lives are a product of our imagination. We can create the life that we want if we believe in it, if we visualize it."
"Harness the power of your subconscious mind and use the law of attraction to create the life you desire."
"Beliefs are one of the most powerful components to creating the life we want because they dictate our thoughts, feelings, and behavior from a subconscious level."
"We create our own life, and we can recreate it."
"Women are born with their value. They innately have value; they can create life."
"The very processes that created life on your planet created life on many. Life is created naturally from the processes from the elements that you all enjoy."
"We truly can create the kind of life we want."
"You're awakening to the fact that you can, in fact, manifest the life that you want."
"I seriously think the world would be better off if it was run by women...we create life out of our bodies."
"Manifestation is the conscious creation of the circumstances and outcomes that come from a fulfilling life."
"I believe that each and every one of us has the power within ourselves to create the life that we really want."
"So when you surrender to this greater part of yourself, or the connection to the All-that-Is, what happens is that you allow this universal energy to flow through you and the life that it creates is something far greater than what you could create, if you were in this state of controlling."
"We may be able to create life in the lab within the next 20 years."
"Not only can you create your life, you can recreate it."
"Don't be afraid to follow your passions and enjoy the freedom that you have now to create the life that you want."
"The measurements we've recorded prove without a doubt that people are beginning to understand what it is to be the creator of their lives."
"You're more likely to create your own life if you tap into what you find fulfilling."
"You are capable of creating the life you want; you've got magic within you."
"You are the only one who could create the life you want and you may have to break some rules to do that."
"You're creating a wonderful life of abundance for yourself."
"You have the ability to create this life for yourself. It is literally beautiful."
"Your consciousness is creating this life experience."
"Women can create life. It's pretty amazing, actually a miracle from God."
"Live authentically, create your life, and be present."
"Your thoughts and feelings create your life, so ensure they align with your desires."
"Women are God logically because they make life."
"Imagination, communication, unification, and implementation - these are the keys to creating the crown of our life."
"Your mind plays a very important part in what you're creating in your life."
"Reality is your masterpiece, frame by frame."
"Just create your own life... do it yourself."
"Your beliefs and perceptions are responsible for creating your life experiences."
"Changing your future is about creating the life you want to live."
"You can become free from your environment and actually be the conscious creator of your life."
"Having a baby, bringing a new life into the world, is like an ultimate act of faith."
"Know that you are the creator of your life... circumstances don't make a man, they reveal him."
"This is the creation of life, and I think it's an experiment that shows that life is not a mystery."
"You are an equal participant creator in your life."
"Thank you so much for creating life and bringing life into this world. Without you, we would be nothing."
"You're gonna feel like you have the appropriate habits to support you in creating the life that you desire."
"It's about creating our life in the most magical, beautiful way that we can."
"Gender literally means your biological role in coming together and creating new flesh, creating life."
"You are an independent agent, you are not powerless. You are the most powerful creator of your life."
"I'm not reacting to life, I'm not reacting to what everyone else has planned for me, I'm creating the life that I want."
"This is not just another day to sit on your couch and watch. You need to create the most beautiful life you can."
"Our brain is an exceptionally powerful tool in the way we create our life."
"You are the powerful one, the creator of your life, your intuition holds the compass to that map."
"It's not my responsibility to convince anyone of anything. Making decisions about what you want and setting out to create the life experiences that you choose."
"The Celestials are technically the oldest beings in existence and are responsible for all the life everywhere."
"We are all creators, whatever is happening in your life, you did create it."
"Know yourself better to create your life in pleasing ways."
"When we say yes, we're creating our lives in accordance with our own desires."
"Prophecy is designed to create a life that can attract prophetic fulfillment."
"We're actually masters, but we have to know that we have to really come from an understanding that we are creating our lives."
"You have all the time in the world to co-create the life you desire. Miracles are here right now and always show up when you need them."
"Because sex comes with the possibility of together producing a new life, it warrants the highest emotional commitment."
"There are different types of love and the love between a man and a woman is unique because it can create life."
"There's nothing more beautiful than the radiant glow of a woman conceiving a life."
"It's just a reminder that you grew life in your body and birthed a child which is so cool."
"We are here to consciously create the lives we want to live."
"Life isn't happening to you, you are co-creating it. You have the power to determine what you want."
"You're not a victim but the creator of life through you and for you."
"The coolest thing to me is... we can make another life."
"Each new day is a precious gift from God, a blank canvas upon which we can paint the story of Our Lives."
"Men don't get enough credit for creating life."
"Believe in your ability to create the life you desire by speaking it into existence."
"The scriptures are God-breathed, the very breath that gave us life."
"What will determine more likely whether or not you create the life you want is whether you stick to it."
"Your life is whatever you make of it, you can create whatever you want."
"You can create whatever you want out of life."
"You have complete Free Will... you can make it absolutely magnificent."
"You can create what you really, really, really, really, really want in life."
"Everyone has the ability to create a life of joy. It is our birthright to manifest our desires, our hopes, and our dreams."
"Creating the life of your dreams comes down to the quality of your thoughts."
"When you give birth you're not giving birth to just like a baby or just like flesh it's like a conscious being and like there's nothing else that can create that than a woman."
"Learn the blueprint of your mind to manifest and create the life you desire."
"You can create your life the way you want, your life to be. You can create your world the way you want your world to be."
"Write your reality story, you create the life you want to create."
"Have the courage to create your life around what you feel is important."
"Patience is key as you create the life you want."
"Creating life... that's a really cool part of the hobby."
"Having a baby is a wonderful amazing thing like you created a tiny human."
"The woman's body is highly sacred. We create life. So, a feminine woman is highly attuned to her body."
"You are the one who creates your life, so what do you want to create going from here?"
"Becoming a mother has been the greatest joy of my life. Being able to bring life into this world is a miracle that every mother and child deserves."
"The universe was literally designed to create life."
"You are life. You make it the way you want it."
"You have the power to create the life that you want."
"Your masterpiece is your life, and your life is your choice."
"It is always up to us to create our own lives so we can change our personal story anytime we want, and that's super empowering and exciting."
"More people tap into their power, create the lives they want, and the more people who create the lives they want, the better the world will be."
"Preparation, prayer, and sacred ritual - you are the creator standing at the altar of your own life."
"Create the life you've been envisioning for yourself."
"Meaning is not something you find, but it's ultimately something you create."
"My dreams show me that I am the co-creator of my life and my destiny."
"Life is something that almost feels like it has to be made by some type of more intelligent being."
"Create your life, don't follow a set path, create it."
"Wisdom is one of the best blessings you can receive because with wisdom and knowledge, you can create anything in life that you want."
"It's a beautiful thing to be able to create, you know? It's just a beautiful thing to be able to envision these things and put our hands to them and just see these beautiful things come to life."
"Sex has the ability to bring forth new life or destroy."
"The force creates life. Midi-chlorians are responsible for inducing and sustaining life in almost all species. Jedi and Sith have a high count at birth." - Darth Plagueis's Research
"She truly gave us the ultimate gift of life."
"In every moment of your life, you are creating the direction and content."
"Appreciate your body, it's creating life right now."
"You're supported, your angels are on standby."
"Our thoughts create our experiences. It's that simple."
"We are all responsible for everything in our lives. Every thought we think and every word we speak is creating our experiences."
"Being a mother is the most amazing thing you can be. You are bringing life into the world."
"Really setting your intentions intentions really is like is really the most underrated power in the universe it really really is into creating the life that you want."
"You're the magician, and you could create your life."
"You are not a toy of destiny, everyone is free to create their own conditions of life."
"We have to start creating our life on our terms."
"Create your own life. Use your mental powers to manifest desires."
"Creativity is human nature, it is good, and there's no better way to embrace our creative nature than to create life itself."
"You didn't wait around for life to happen, you're creating it as you go."
"You've created the life that you want to live and now you get to share that with the next generation."
"This is your year of finding more answers, of how to create the life that you really want."
"When you think about you bringing life into the world, that's two individuals who come together giving your body to each other then created life and given life."
"Your subconscious mind is a powerful ally in creating the life you desire."
"You're all about creating the life that you want."
"A supernova is responsible for the creation of life as they spread the elements essential for life throughout the universe."
"The best thing you can ever do for yourself is to say, 'This is mine to own, and I'm going to create life.'"
"It all starts with that. That's just the best life when we have so much self-love and when we're like the main character in our life creating our best life."
"Life happens, yes, but you can create the life that you want."
"Create a life that is fulfilling."
"Your word isn't merely a written sign or a sound, but rather a force that allows you to communicate, express, think, and create different life circumstances."
"I've been present for the birth of every little creature on this island."
"You have to accept your position in life in order for it to be. If you don't accept what your position in life, then go create the one you want."
"Create a life that we want to live longer for."
"The most important thing that we can do at this time is to create a life that we love."
"The creation of life is the most complex thing in the world."
"On this intergalactic scale, gravity and motion are no longer destructive forces; now they trigger the creation of life itself."
"Our lives are nothing else but what we make of them."
"Your belief systems dictate and create your life and your reality."
"We need a revolution of positive, powerful people taking action to create the life that we truly want."
"The laws of physics... have conspired to make... collisions of atoms... to produce things like us."
"It's something about the process of giving life that I think is magnificent and intangible."
"Finally, make some new life in defiance of death."
"Do things you enjoy, soothe yourself, and create a life you want, period."
"You are the conscious Free Will creator of your life, you are writing this story."
"Create your own life with your own joys and your own hard stuff."
"Being able to have a life that's come from me, you know, to have a kid, to have a daughter."
"You are essentially the visionary of your life."
"Create a life for yourself that is about as deep as can be."
"Women are the official gate through which we all come into this existence."
"You love the life that you're creating."
"I'm thankful that we have the freedom to travel in our home and create our own life."
"That is why you create the life you want to live no matter what country you're in."
"You get to create the life that you truly love."
"The creation of a life is the most single important thing in the world."
"Communication between the two parties that create that life has been attacked and undervalued."
"Women are the portal of life, never forget that."
"There's just no rules... you create the life, you create the rules."
"I am creating the life that I want."
"We're basically creating every aspect of our life, positive and negative."
"With your dreams plus confidence, you create the life you're meant to live."
"Our attention... is our greatest asset when it comes to us creating lives of meaning and flourishing."
"We use this key of thought and consciousness and clarity and intention and creation to manifest our lives in great and wonderful ways."
"Create your own life, because that's really what I've been focused on doing since I was 16 years old."
"If God was anything, it would be a gift, in order for you to use and create the life you want."
"Women give birth to you and create life."
"If you're coming from a higher vibrational state, then you can create that higher vibrational life."
"This is fertile energy, this is birthing your new life, this is that divine passion coming through."
"Your life will be on whatever you focus on; that's what creates your life."
"I think settler colonial thought is wrong on that. It seems like a ridiculous notion that queer people wouldn't be involved in bringing forth more life to the world."
"What if you created your life as this joyful energy?"
"Man is capable enough of creating his own life, creating meaning out of the life provided him."
"They're creating the best version of their life."
"Without fertility, plenty, peace, and all that encompasses life and the creation of new life, all other aspects have no real meaning."
"I have created life. I am the greatest man the world has ever known."
"You can make your life, and Ramanujan is a shining example of that. It's a real possibility."
"Start telling the story of how you are the conscious creator of your own reality and you are going to make an amazing life for yourself."
"I love the fact that I pretty much can create the life that I want by helping other people."
"You can invent a new life of your choosing; you can live from your vision now and not wait for the future."
"Create your life as the whole damn vibe."
"You're creating the life that you want right now by taking control of your own life and being responsible for the choices that you make."
"To consciously create the life that we want, there are three aspects that are helpful to keep into consideration."
"Your body has just made a life, and that's not cringe, that's beautiful and epic."
"Maybe as a society, we need to stop fearing and putting down people who are going through something that is one of the biggest things anyone could possibly do, which is literally creating life."
"You're not responsible for keeping other people happy, you're responsible for your happiness and for creating the life that really lights you up."
"You are the leader of your own life, and you can create whatever you want."
"We have the ability to create our lives in a certain way where now we have that knowledge and information."
"If you're engaging in heterosexual sex, you have to be aware that one of the very biological outcomes of that behavior is creating unique, whole, living human life."
"We're going to carve out whatever life we can make out of it."
"Two blue lines on the pregnancy test, a symbol of their love manifested into life."
"Your thoughts and feelings are creating your life."
"You're responsible for your happiness and for creating the life that really lights you up."
"What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind." - Buddha