
Personal Accountability Quotes

There are 571 quotes

"You literally have to give up all blaming and take 100% responsibility for your life that you're creating it the way it is."
"Stop whining and blaming, and take full responsibility for everything that's happening in your life. Everything in your life needs to be your responsibility."
"The importance of personal accountability, discipline, setting reasonable expectations, and of course not being egotistical, creepy, or deplorable to others."
"Your job is to make you happy, not your brain's."
"Your heart, your life, your happiness is your responsibility and your responsibility alone."
"No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes."
"Take 100% responsibility for your life and don't blame anyone else."
"It's much easier to be offended than to take responsibility for your own actions."
"Your well-being is not anyone's responsibility. It's YOUR responsibility."
"If you stop doing everything that you know is off target, even by your own criteria, how much suffering would be alleviated?"
"Actions are my own and I must own up to them."
"There's a big difference between talking about it and being about it."
"These systems are insidious and will take decades, if not centuries, to dismantle, but we could start chipping away at the foundation by taking personal accountability."
"I never blame other people. I always take on responsibility myself."
"The problem is not credit cards. The problem and the solution is you."
"I wanted to talk about how the body positivity and the health at any size movements caused me to allow myself to stay in poor health and endanger my life."
"Your success or failure is your responsibility."
"You have to take responsibility, you have to take accountability, you have to engage in society if you want to get anything back."
"I do feel bad for wasting police resources, but the police did get something out of it."
"He lies about his whole existence... He does not have a college degree, he is not an electrician or engineer like he may say, he is a real-life bum who uses women for money and lives off of them."
"I do take 100% accountability though for dealing with someone to that extent without fully knowing them."
"Cardinal Burke once said, 'When I die, I'm going to stand in judgment before Jesus the Lord, not the USCCB.'"
"I just want to say I'm sorry for what happened. I'm so sorry."
"No more excuses, no more denial. I need you to be the big brother that you're supposed to be to this family."
"You end up actually working way more when you do stuff for yourself than if you are in a job."
"Okay, I mean seriously, you have a son, right? Yes. Would you want him to bring home a woman making the kind of excuses and reasons you're making?"
"You ain't a fool for admitting that you were wrong. That's being a man."
"I do apologize for being so nasty, like from the pill thing because I know how that feels."
"And it's not to say that we excuse other people's past or that we just say ok anything that you do is ok but it's to ensure that we take those opportunities to have conversation."
"The best part of this... is the bathing suit competition."
"You can do whatever you want to do in this world, just don't get mad when the universe dishes out the same exact thing that you dished out."
"Surround yourself with the right people and be accountable to the right people in life."
"I'm guilty of many self-inflicted wounds." - Elon Musk
"It's like, you live by the sword, you die by the sword."
"Nobody's going to judge you on it but yourself so... hold yourself accountable for your actions."
"When people live at cause, what do I mean by that? Well, you know someone is living at cause in their life when they have, and this is the word you want to write down, the results that they want."
"Having that personal connection I think is good because it holds people to account."
"For none of us lives to himself and no one dies to himself... each of us shall give account to himself to God."
"I appreciate it if you all could find a way to at least understand that I do accept accountability for what it is that I've done."
"It's not about you. Everyone should have that. 'I got called out and I was wrong.' Yes, there's a balance in being a whiny baby who's gonna apologize for things you didn't do wrong and accepting that you were factually incorrect in certain things."
"I got myself into this mess, so who's gonna get me out? Me."
"There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that what they're doing is a little bit wrong."
"People who worship themselves always blame others."
"A decent person, a decent father, a decent man would stop this. You could stop filing motions, you could stop fighting, turn over the discovery, stop seeking abusive discovery, and just knock it the [__] off."
"We are expecting anybody to be able to stand up on anything. There's no foundation."
"Kyle Rittenhouse famous only for killing a few people I mean quite literally that's the only thing that he is known for and providing medico he has launched an organization called the Media Accountability Project."
"Can't people just be honest? If I do something that's wrong, I'll just be like oops sorry."
"If we do not want the government to be authoritarian, we have to take personal responsibility and act like grown-ups."
"That's my issue with it, he's not apologetic because of the harm he's done, he's apologetic because it all came to light."
"What do you say to Kai right now? You know you did bad things too, but there's always a way out. You don't have to stay there."
"His actions are not worthy of celebration independent of that verdict."
"I owe a huge apology to anyone out there who's ever been in an abusive relationship."
"He needs to explain and show his side of the story if he cares about saving his music career and his YouTube career and just his life overall."
"You know when you're doing something right and you know when you're doing something wrong you do something wrong oh you get sued you you do something right oh the views go up I keep doing more of that right all right."
"They want to rid themselves of any sort of responsibility."
"I made a mistake, I'm responsible for these mistakes."
"Stop looking for people or things to blame for you not seeing the success you want in your life."
"Until further notice I deserve the yeah until further notice I deserve the criticism and finally and they were your criticism and finally and they were your."
"You are responsible for how you react, no matter what is said to you or done to you."
"I want you to admit that you were wrong about this, James."
"Be what you want to attract guys look inward take the accountability with yourself."
"Except that the book is basically a cover-up, except that the book basically excuses him for his own activity. Doesn't really talk about the fact that he was scoring deals to get on the board of Amtrak and scoring high-paying gigs consulting."
"No one will fire me, Alex. You failed the most important exam."
"I tweet my watch list because not only do I want to be transparent with you guys, but for me it's very important that I have some kind of accountability to myself."
"She showed all her cards and he still picked her, that's on him."
"There's two sides to every coin, at least own your part of it."
"There's never anything a victim can do where they deserve to get hit or hurt."
"I want to know if beyond a shadow of a doubt that she can turn to her daughter and say, 'I'm sorry, I'm wrong. I was wrong.'"
"It's okay to just feel like just like at the bottom of a pit man."
"They apologised for my racism. And they forgot that I was a live human being in charge of other live human beings."
"I voted for the guy and I'm speaking up every day about how we need to defend our freedom and our rights."
"Every individual who touches a firearm has a responsibility for gun safety."
"I think he is upset that he got caught. That would be my first brush, because he worked so hard to get around it and yet he made all of these mistakes that are going to come and it's going to end up nailing him to the wall."
"Lynne said she is not paying for anything that was not approved by the court."
"If you are that now and you made the mistakes in your past, you better deal with it."
"If they want an official apology I'm sorry I'm sorry I apologize for any wrongdoings or any black eyes I've brought on to the sport I love the sport."
"The world needs us to step up and start feeling."
"Every diet that was pitched in the 90s was like, 'You can have it all, just be accountable.'"
"No matter what someone did in their past... it does not justify stalking them for years and years and years."
"Everything for the last three years has been totally voluntary, there's no getting around it, you can't use a job for an excuse."
"Rarely do people come forward and say, 'you know what I f***ed up.' I was a kid, I was 28 years old at that time, I thought I had the world by the balls. I could do no wrong." - Bruce Prichard
"You're an adult. You're responsible. You're a conscious sentient being. Act like it."
"You need to hold yourself accountable for the things that you have done, also be led by the light in order for you to move forward and not be deceived again."
"Take responsibility in all situations. Always ask yourself how am I responsible for whatever just happened?"
"It doesn't matter what excuse you have. You only have one life, you only have one body, and nobody's going to be responsible for it but you."
"The accountability of simply admitting you were wrong is very important."
"There's no excuse for what I did in my body I needed to do so much better and I needed to do better now and it will never excuse the behavior."
"I have done bad things but I am not a bad man."
"I take responsibility for falling for a setup, and that's all I'm going to say on that."
"I'm terribly sorry that I didn't do it earlier."
"You don't get to thoughts and prayers your way out of this. Look inward and change."
"What's real is we still had a chance and I didn't play my best after those two plays."
"Why is it so hard? When did the willingness to acknowledge a mistake become so toxic?"
"One of the attractions of being on the inside of this is that you don't have to take responsibility."
"I think it's important that you not use your character as an excuse to just not pay attention or not retain any information from your game."
"If what you were doing was working right now, you'd be married or at least engaged to a man of value."
"I know that when I die I'll have lived my whole life shrouded by that same excuse."
"Now they got you because you've admitted that you actually were wrong and there's no coming back from it."
"Unfortunately for your sister, this is the consequence of her actions."
"Let's work out our salvation with fear and trembling."
"That's why when people come to me...they're like, 'Yeah, but I didn't know it was wrong.' And I'm like, 'Hey, you know it's wrong now.'"
"The first step towards real healing is acknowledging where you were culpable."
"We always want to equate fault and responsibility together."
"I didn't want to hurt anyone, especially Mrs. Misheard, I didn't want to break her heart."
"To the men I made uncomfortable through my messages, I am truly sorry."
"Just because you're a great guy, man, don't mean you didn't mess up."
"At the end of the day, you're just seeing me making decisions that I know I can justify later."
"Please be responsible take care of those you love and be responsible for your community be an active participant."
"What makes you a bad person is not acknowledging that what you did was wrong and refusing to change."
"By admitting that you're wrong and admitting that you made a mistake, it comes with everyone hating you online."
"I understand the main thing is the whole ambush thing. But the thing is, I'm from the mainland. I don't know, right?"
"Lies have consequences. It totally sucks that her mother hurt her and that she felt the need to hide who she is, but she can't demand people come rescue her from her own lies."
"Life is just about capitalizing. That's why I be so mad at [__] that feel entitled."
"You can't tell the Lord, 'Well, he made me do it, she made me do it, they made me do it.' No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're going to give an account to God for the deeds that's done in your body, that's right."
"Ridicule and criticism are consequences of her own actions."
"I've acknowledged what I've done, and I can promise you it will not happen again. I'm sorry to the people that I offended." - Snowy Joe
"It's people like him that betrayed the world."
"You produced it. If it's a hit, you produced it. If it's a flop, you produced it. Take ownership of it."
"Is it my fault for not explaining that she was my ex?"
"Every minute of your time should be harnessed, leveraged, and held accountable to your success."
"I want to first and foremost apologize to everyone I've hurt through this process."
"You did or you didn't, it's really that simple."
"You got to look yourself in the eyes and be able to tell the truth."
"After the Pharrell and Kanye thing is when I had to take accountability and really continue to build an even stronger relationship with God."
"If you think I did something wrong, then I'm sorry."
"You make a mistake, you come forward with that and you let people know, 'I acknowledge what I did and I acknowledge the fact that I lied as well, let me make this right.'"
"I want to hear nothing about what you didn't do."
"I'm not gonna blame you for it, I will take the mantle of shutting it down."
"Bodybuilding is such a beautiful journey because if you've been bullshitting yourself, it will show."
"Go repent to Allah, like don't ask for a consequence."
"There is no excuse for you trading years off of your life because you love food so much."
"Sometimes you just gotta keep it 100 with yourself."
"A lot of the things that happened to her... really weren't her fault."
"Don't make excuses and don't accept excuses from yourself."
"You're not entitled to health care if you don't even care about your health."
"U-turns are permitted in situations when you wronged somebody."
"This is a moment in history for all of us, this is a moment that's going to be significant on your record when you meet Allah."
"My planner isn't about documentation and looking pretty... It's more of that accountability in my life."
"Have your own back before expecting others to have it for you."
"You better make damn sure you've never made a mistake in your life when you point one finger, 3-point back."
"It's not just about me, you have to take the advice and put it to fucking action."
"It was not unusual to hear her taking responsibility for her behaviors and him not taking any responsibility for his."
"Anything I've said that is good has come from Allah; anything wrong or bad, it's come from my ego."
"It's not high school. You know what? I'll take this one on me. It's all 100% me."
"We can't control what other people think but we can take responsibility for our own information sources."
"When a guy knows that his wife is his girlfriend or whoever significant other if he knows that she doesn't put up with anything gives a little crack and oh I can get away with this."
"Your space matters to you, and if you're with people that don't respect your space then they're toxic."
"It's not your fault but it is your responsibility."
"If you get to the end and you think it was a waste of time, send all the hate mail my way."
"Evan publicly admits to his deception to the world"
"It's like saying that I'm apologizing for what may have escalated the situation for this to happen."
"It's because of the good stuff, I blamed it all on this."
"A storm is coming, and I know what I'll be doing when it claims my first patient. What will you be doing? What will you have done?"
"I love making these videos for you guys and I love the fact that you enjoy them."
"This story is not to feel sorry for us if we did something illegal, we're responsible for our actions."
"You get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate."
"John, they're not your friends. They're not going to stop you from getting in trouble with your wife. They're here to find out who killed Samantha, that's it."
"When they reject me just because of me, that's probably my fault. But when they reject me purely because I was sharing the truth of Christ, they're rejecting God."
"Not the [__]. The only person who made Mark look bad was Mark, and he should be embarrassed by his behavior." - Rachel
"But here's the thing, responsibility isn't easy. Responsibility is hard."
"Be responsible for the garbage you produce, be responsible for the food you eat, be responsible for the health of yourself."
"I know I screwed up... I'm sorry, I got in over my head and I have no excuse."
"Only God can judge me" is a way to deflect accountability and escape consequences.
"You don't take excuses and you don't make excuses."
"Sometimes you have to sit back and look at yourself for the reason why your career is where it is."
"It wasn't illegal, it was wrong, and I totally violated the spirit of what I was preaching."
"It's good to own your mistakes but not to Sean Hannity when Hannity's bringing up old stuff."
"People hate that the concept that the people that they've attracted into their life, the results they've attracted into their life, are a mirror of who they are."
"A lot has been said and done for me where it's like... you gotta stand on that."
"I am so happy to see Lou Taylor being given a taste of her own medicine."
"We all get what we tolerate in ourselves and other people."
"We have to first lead ourselves and that means delivering on the promises we make to ourselves."
"You're really serious right now? You're calling me to ask me to drop the order for your child support so you can get a job."
"If a man doesn't have men in their life who will consistently challenge them when they start to complain about their wives... It'll be real hard for us to not guard our hearts."
"Let me ask you, did you accomplish what you wanted? You can expect these kinds of repercussions."
"We often search elsewhere for people to hold us accountable but what if we could cultivate that accountability from within?"
"Accountability is the key to long-term success."
"Played my fucking self, my own fucking fault."
"Most painfully taking on the emotional consequences of their actions."
"I want to feel like if this succeeds I can look myself in the mirror and go good job I want to feel like if this fails I can look in the mirror and go that was on you."
"I blame it all on me. All me. How I responded."
"Hey, listen, I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong."
"I did feel bad for her, but this is what happens when you do what you do."
"I don't hate but I will call you on your shit."
"One of the greatest lessons that I've learned in life at 36 years of age, that a lot of women are not getting, which I learned from a man, is to be accountable for our choices and to have conviction with the things that we say."
"Hit that like button, hit the subscribe button."
"He had, he was, he married a fourteen-year-old. Come on, man."
"I didn't [__] anybody who didn't have it coming to them already."
"I feel bad if my words or actions cause someone else to feel emotional pain."
"I will never write off a person with good intentions, but I will write off their execution."
"It's not about what we do by our own moral standards. We've already established you've committed serious sins against God."
"Personal accountability: realizing you're genuinely in control of everything happening to you in life."
"Oh no, Monique was wrong, but Monique has said that 20,000 ways, Candice has not owned her wrong in the situation, and that is really what this boils down to."
"Stop blaming the algorithm for your lack of engagement or growth."
"I ought to be ready at every moment of my life to confront myself and say this is what I've done."
"No matter how much pride you have tied up in yourself, if somebody better than you beats you, you got to man up and say, 'Yeah, that's what happened.'"
"One thing about it, when she told this story, which is insane, she took accountability, and I have a lot of respect for women who are able to own the parts they played in their own story."
"Personal responsibility has to be taken also."
"When someone does something bad and they realize that it was really awful and they come clean about it and they admit that you know they can't be sorry enough for what they've done and you know I feel bad and I'm gonna be better going forward..."
"I know that I made the wrong judgment and I made the wrong decision."