
Disruption Quotes

There are 2072 quotes

"To be the outlier and to be disruptive is really a good thing these days because the status quo is not where we want it to be."
"Disruption and possibility are two sides of the same coin."
"I really care about the outcome in this story, but now I have to tell you, it's time to focus on and deal with what's coming next. As disruptive as COVID has been, I honestly think there are much bigger disruptions coming."
"Our bet is...the benchmarks are what's going to be disrupted by this massive convergence of innovation platforms."
"These are not concepts; they are innovation platforms that are going to disrupt the traditional world order."
"Generative AI is going to disrupt massively. It is a massive disruption that is on."
"The distributed idea suppression complex...great ideas got buried no matter where they occurred because great ideas were likely to be highly disruptive to an institutional order."
"Introduce a little passion, upset the established order."
"Blockchain may not be better than what they're doing, but blockchain might be the tool of a disruptor to get someplace that the incumbents are too invested in their current legacy system to get there."
"AI will undoubtedly be the most disruptive technology of the next decade."
"All the people I've written about who are disruptors, they tend to have had demons driving them."
"This platform is extremely disruptive in my opinion, as far as the services and features they are offering."
"People's faith in democracy has been rattled to the foundations."
"You want to break things a little bit to- to make progress."
"Approximately out of 6.7 million black workers, 42 percent of the workers currently hold jobs that could be subject to disruption by 2030."
"Technology is inevitable, and disruptions are inevitable."
"Bitcoin is not the bubble, Tim. It's the pin."
"Activism disrupts the present to change the future."
"The TV and movie business as we've known it for our entire lives is fundamentally broken."
"Moves of the Holy Spirit upset the religious and the comfortable."
"Blockchain technology is truly disruptive, but at the moment only a handful of use cases really require it."
"The journalists, the donors, and the parties got so used to being able to almost completely control who got to be the nominee, that when someone came along and disrupted the whole pattern, they didn't know how to respond to it except with total rage and incomprehension."
"I think that we need a fundamental pattern disruption of the economic, social, and political status quo in this country...I think we need a genuine nonviolent revolution of consciousness."
"God said, 'When you pray for growth, I will answer with disruption.'"
"In every disruption, I have hidden an opportunity."
"For every person who is living through a disruption right now, somewhere in that disruption is an opportunity."
"Their roster allows them to be incredibly disruptive to enemy armies, which will help you with your endurance as well as protecting and buying time for your ranged firepower."
"Disruption is always the gateway to opportunity."
"When you pray for growth, I will always answer with disruption."
"Do not allow the disruption to become a distraction."
"Whenever you ask for change, you've got to be prepared for disruption. There's no way you can have growth without disruption."
"Many scale disruptors hypocritically argue that they're upending industries for the benefit of humanity, when their endeavors leave a pile of human roadkill in their wake."
"I don't want to rock the boat; I want to sink it."
"I think it's fair to say we disrupted all the calculus the day I got in."
"A hundred people can build a machine; one person can throw a wrench in the gears and break the whole thing."
"I'm a teacher first. I love to write, and I'm in finance. And the way I described it, I'm in three businesses that are all begging to be disrupted, three really big, badly-run businesses, all of which need to be taken to the cleaners."
"All of these things are going to create ripple effects and obviously disruption, but there's also going to be a lot of opportunity."
"There's also this feeling as though you really stand for yourself, even if it is disruptive, even if it doesn't fit with the status quo or the norm."
"What this is really about is tearing everything down."
"We fail to disrupt it fundamentally...it's not necessarily that we don't have the levers but we very quickly walk ourselves back from what was quite a clear purpose."
"The rise of AI is going to disrupt the world system; there'll be new haves and have-nots."
"This decade, the one we're in right now, is going to be an amazing time of technological disruption."
"What was Trump? He just sort of broke through all of this."
"If it is crazy and better, it will probably win, despite the installed base and despite all the arguments of legacy."
"Order when it's too rigid, yeah, and breaks it apart and recasts."
"Disruption leads to new systems with new properties."
"What happened to all those horses that were disrupted? We ate them."
"Phase change disruptions are happening at all levels, even at the product level."
"Disruptions almost never happen from within, they're almost always from somebody on the edge."
"Disruptions may have taken decades in the past, but now they're taking place in years, maybe even months."
"Are you looking to cause some chaos in the boxing world on Friday? I hope so."
"Banks today will be unbundled by this new technology."
"Bitcoin: the most disruptive force in the energy industry."
"The pace of technology is faster now than we have ever seen in human history, so the potential for disruption is deeper and broader than we've ever seen before."
"I think the next five or ten years are going to be the first time transportation has ever had a disruption."
"Intensity breeds disruption. Intensity is what creates greatness."
"This is what we need: someone who isn't just part of the Washington machinery but is willing to call it out, shake it up, and put it back on course."
"TYT is all about challenging and disrupting the status quo."
"Move fast and break things, their entire ethos from the beginning."
"This is gonna be off the hook, something that is gonna rattle our society."
"You threw off my groove! I'm sorry, but you've thrown off the Emperor's groove."
"Everything he was doing was turning this whole system on its head."
"Donald Trump was a human Molotov cocktail. He got thrown in the room, he was a bull in a china shop."
"Global trade halted: Suez Canal blockage costing millions."
"Changes to the game: should we change everything and destroy it all? Yes, we'll talk about that."
"Someone has to come along and break that spell."
"The economic and even political disruption such an act would cause would again distract a population and even have them pointing fingers of blame at foreign powers thus sowing the seeds of discontent."
"Vegetation still followed perfectly along the lines of the grid even after it was screwed up."
"Griefers are gamers who cause havoc just to annoy people."
"Free thinkers thinking outside the box, they're disruptors."
"The current global crisis has disrupted every aspect of our lives but has also presented us with an extraordinary opportunity."
"The disruptors...are pushing us forward in these new ways."
"Disruption is the order of the day, but it leads to new opportunities and jobs."
"Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things."
"We just rattle the cages and reset the game board."
"Dismantle these big nations in any way you can."
"Software is eating the world all businesses are being rebuilt as software firms."
"It's extremely difficult to build a complex machine, it is extremely easy to disrupt one."
"Humor is such a great disruptor, the ultimate disrupter."
"Artificial intelligence is set to be one of the most disruptive human-made creations in history."
"There's a part of me that really is excited about the idea that I was able to single-handedly topple a multi-billion dollar industry."
"Agatha slowly disrupts and subverts the illusion that Wanda has created."
"We're about to enter a period of hyper disruption and growth and hyper opportunity creation."
"An exceptional investor and a leader... getting absolutely [expletive] owned by a bunch of [expletive] random dudes."
"Any change in command and control especially at the very highest level is always disruptive to a force."
"They must cause disruption." - "That's how successful movements of social change happen."
"He wants to rip the whole thing up and redo it."
"I guess sometimes you need to make a mess in order to make things a little better."
"It'll disrupt it'll be a huge industry disrupter... StarLink will be so disruptive and in so many ways that it'll just be nuts."
"He's not of the political establishment. And so he's willing to be a disrupter."
"He puts his crystals down everything goes to hell."
"It sought to disrupt the union, justice, domestic tranquility, the general welfare, and most importantly, the blessings of liberty."
"Change always causes disruption but also allows us to grow."
"Elon Musk is like a nuclear bomb striking through its heart."
"Ukrainians quickly realized that just one small drone could disrupt entire Russian military operations."
"The audacious rise of Elon Musk's SpaceX has totally disrupted the industry."
"One word I love is disruptive and this is that."
"The certification of his defeat interrupted."
"Quantum technologies are a fundamental area which will change the world, it is a disruptor of disruptors."
"Americans should prepare for their lives to be disrupted."
"They'll tear down to make the toys just completely a mess."
"An EMP has the potential to disrupt the grid and damage technology."
"Psychedelic therapeutics will completely disrupt the pharmaceutical industry in one of the biggest disruptions in history."
"We're thinking too small and disruption is coming our way."
"If you can never get comfortable and you can always continue to have ideas and aspirations and ambitions, then you'll always be disruptive."
"Streaming services have disrupted the entertainment industry."
"If you ignore the power of the collaborative commons, you're ignoring one of the most dynamic and disruptive parts of the modern economy."
"What does disruptive mean to me? It means somebody that doesn't conform."
"These are cards that basically are saying, hey, you know what if I can't win there's something I can do to disrupt their plan."
"We're not destroying the industry, we're just shaking it up."
"2020 has thrown every standard out the window."
"It's about innovating, not doing business as usual."
"Blockchain technology is disrupting every single industry in the world, spreading faster than anything else."
"Tesla has been the instigator in the great auto disruption we're currently watching play out."
"The mindset behind ECW was the business needed a disruption, and every disruption needs a disrupter."
"Elon might be the only person in history to be disrupting this much."
"Trump alone had the instincts and energy to pursue an opening to victory, dismantle a corrupt old order, and bring long overdue policy changes at home and abroad."
"I think perhaps the best words to describe YG would be disruptive... they really like to break the rules."
"You need something that would shake up the formula, what people expect."
"We do nothing but disruptive innovation because we have never seen as much disruptive innovation evolving at the same time ever."
"An amalgamation of all that is Karen, just trying to cause as many problems as possible."
"Systems reliant on perfection are those most vulnerable to disruption."
"Wood keeps investing based on her mantra of disruptive innovation that creates new economies or changes old ones."
"Intuition is completely worthless when understanding disruption."
"VR could disrupt the current gaming industry rut."
"There's no doubt people came here on January 6 to cause trouble."
"I want to see the facade ripped apart. I want to see the foundation crumble."
"For me, an artist date is a very rebellious disruption of commuter mind."
"Gray creates an Ice-Make, which causes Vijeeter, Nab and many others to lose their balance and fall down."
"It's like your train of thought and then someone takes like a sledgehammer just smacks like the railroad tracks."
"They need to be out there making a mess of things."
"In 2008, the world saw the emergence of a disruptive startup named Airbnb founded by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk."
"It's weird when there's such a clear line between good and evil, anything that's even slightly out of where you would expect it throws your entire system out of whack."
"I find these times fascinating. I like disruption."
"When technologies converge, that’s when you get industry disruptions."
"Every single industry where technology can be applied is about to be disrupted in a big way."
"I love companies like this who come in and disrupt."
"Tesla is entering the backyard and will ultimately completely annihilate...Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, and Volkswagen."
"This phone is a really interesting product, not just because of the technology but because of the components of disruption."
"According to W vines... it is to shake something to a point that it affects the security that people feel when they have trusted in that thing."
"People have to adjust and adjusting and change requires disruption."
"Well-managed companies that focus on meeting the needs of their customers may lose market leadership when new unexpected market disruption arises."
"Decentralized Finance is going to usurp the role of most financial services companies today."
"Elon Musk is very clearly a system disrupter."
"Natural disasters bring havoc by devastating communities, interrupting supplies, and causing psychological and social implications."
"I love chaos, and if there isn't chaos, I create it."
"You need to be a little bit disruptive but...can't alienate people."
"The breaking of a lot of things that took 250 years to put together."
"Crud was a pain in the ass who detracted from the game for everyone else."
"There's a reward in disruption, positive or negative."
"The court of owls turning lives upside down."
"Dude, you pick the worst day to pull this shit like the worst day possible where you're gonna try to crash you as cultural fest and pull something and you know what you yourself are not that big of a threat okay."
"You gotta be disruptive you have to create in order to change anything."
"Our goal is to completely own the space, completely disrupt the way it's being done."
"Here's the difference... they didn't try to stop the regular order of business."
"Blockchain has completely disrupted how financial transactions are managed."
"My plan was not to join Hollywood, it was to destroy it."
"It shatters our religious systems literally in one second."
"Things are falling apart to make way for something new."
"I see something that could kill everything we talk about on the show. Crypto, the future, the hope, the American dream."
"The best way to disrupt is to disrupt yourself before someone else does."
"It shakes up what we know about our present and our future."
"This is a disruption the scale of which we have never seen before."
"Ripple is actually scaring some of the tier one banks but it cannot be stopped at this point."
"It really sucks at the original shutdown because I had so many messages on the pin board between me and my friends."
"Every disruption in your life is a call to a new dimension."
"The enemy uses spirits to disrupt children, knowing that disrupting the children means disrupting the future generations."
"I was doing muskrat. That's what I was trying to do but I got interrupted."
"This is exactly what we need: a real shock to the system."
"Hybrid Warfare: undermining Democratic functions, disrupting normal life, sowing chaos and uncertainty."
"I love seeing new business models that are truly disruptive, they're popping up literally everywhere."
"He's shaking things up in terms of these entertainment industry lawsuits."
"Almost no work is being done on World of Warcraft right now."
"There's more opportunity in chaos and disruption than there's ever been."
"The disruption is for your highest good, a transformative change."
"An unlikely new challenger had arrived in the midst of billion-dollar teams."
"Eclipses tend to shake up our world like a snow globe."
"Reframing encounters with disruptive energies as opportunities for growth and understanding reveals the richness of spiritual exploration."
"It's like glitching, yo! He's breaking the game!"
"AI is probably the most disruptive technology ever."
"I pull the tower, which is a dramatic happening event, baby. There's a halt in progress, really bad ideas, and influence reverse, embarrassment, you know, public humiliation, issues with direction, issues with destiny, issues with everything."
"Being a disrupter is allowing your kids to be disrupters."
"Being a disrupter is about allowing your children to discover who they are."
"Now he can't control his body and his magic is completely disrupted."
"It's exciting because like the early days of the internet, it's disruptive."
"There's nothing more irritating than having something important to do and then having cramps."
"In any moment of disruption is tremendous opportunity."
"The power of this innovation is a threat to the powers that be."
"If I believe what I am saying is right or what I'm doing is right I am all too eager to ruffle feathers in the name of doing that thing that I think is right."
"We've disrupted this 2,000-year-old tradition."
"Many long-standing denominations are going to end up being brought down."
"It didn't disrupt a formal nomination proceeding for three hours, it disrupted a presidency for three years."
"Disruption is the name of the game for North Korea."
"We were all on track, everything was going okay, we were doing a good job, and then this unexpected pandemic hit."
"Everybody wants to be disruptive. Well, listen, there are 4 C letter words you need to go through to be considered a disruptor in your marketplace."
"Disrupting is not enough they need to make the bank's institutions capital controllers and third-party intermediaries obsolete."
"The reason why I like it is because it's a disruptive innovator."
"Think about the potential damage they can create for the existing ecosystem."
"Disrupt and dismantle is the precursor to reimagine and rebuild."
"Tesla is rewriting the Auto industry Playbook."