
Dietary Advice Quotes

There are 580 quotes

"Lower your consumption of simple carbohydrates. Eat more healthful fat. Eat more dietary fiber. Exercise. Make sure that your sleep is restorative."
"If there's one thing that I could say to everybody, it would be to eat less often."
"Consuming two to four servings of low sugar fermented foods per day is among the best ways to promote health of the gut microbiome."
"Maybe we should reconsider the near-universal supplementation of calcium in our diet."
"Liver, nature's multivitamin, has a significant amount of vitamin A, copper, vitamin D, and is like the most broad spectrum thing you could be adding into your diet."
"SOS is that international symbol of danger, or it also stands for salt, oil, and sugar."
"It is dietary excess, particularly refined foods, whether it's refined carbohydrates, the sugars, the oils, the salt, or refined meat foods, animal foods that have been highly refined."
"Try to eat less processed food and eat more food that's under-processed and has a good array of these protectors in it."
"Confused about what you should be eating? According to some expert influencers, you should be a vegetarian, pescatarian, insect-eating, meat-eating vegan who avoids seed oils, sugar, acid, dairy, and fun. Confusing, isn't it?"
"Don't take probiotic pills... get it naturally through real food."
"The best diet is the diet that makes you feel the best and gives you the most health."
"If you're looking to start intermittent fasting, I would recommend starting slowly and gradually by reducing the portions of your meal size."
"What is the issue here? Is it really calories in versus calories out? Is fat the enemy? Sneak preview: no, it's not."
"Don't leave your carbs naked. Always put some clothing on your carbs so protein, fat, or fiber."
"Nobody tells an alcoholic what they should drink, but we love to tell other humans what they should eat."
"Get enough protein throughout the entire day, and you're going to be fine."
"Cheat days don't do it, cheat meals yes, but time and a place."
"You need the chlorides from salt...people on a low-salt diet normally have low stomach acids."
"The kind of message that people with diabetes need to be getting from the American Diabetes Association is: don't eat anything that Kellogg's makes because it's going to make your diabetes worse."
"Coconut oil is terrible you shouldn't be using it; it's causing all these issues... eight out of 11 of the studies have demonstrated that coconut oil is extremely beneficial."
"As we gather our notifications out there, we're going to talk today about the healing power of olive oil."
"We should be eating a one-to-one omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. You know what we generally consume here in the U.S.? Usually about an 18-1, sometimes even worse."
"Omega-6 fatty acids are much, much worse than the sugars."
"The best thing would be grass-fed beef liver, as well as red meat, for those needing more nutrients, especially B vitamins to help enzymes detoxify better."
"We certainly want to be giving people... those tools about the foods that they consume to get out of harm's way early on before there is any harm."
"Always read the reviews; the website rug photos be trifling."
"It's really hard for us to get the truth out because of all the money."
"Predominantly it's a low carbohydrate type that is the key."
"When we eat fiber first... it helps your body not absorb too much of the glucose and fructose molecules."
"The best time to eat something sweet is as dessert at the end of a meal, not first thing in the morning when you're fasted."
"It's all to do with this vicious cycle between insulin and insulin resistance."
"Having one egg yolk per day is not a bad thing at all."
"Most people experience better sleep quality with the protein fat meal before bedtime."
"Instead of using the word sugar, what I like to tell people is no fruit contains whole sugar or whole carbohydrates."
"We're the detectives, and you have the lineup. You know, you have six criminals, and we're sitting. It's you and me and like five other doctors, and the other doctors are all pointing at red meat and saturated fat as the criminal."
"There's no benign food, so it's very much about drilling down and listening to your body."
"Calories in, calories out. It's still calories and calories out."
"Control your carbohydrates, prioritize protein, and don't fear fat."
"You need to be consuming 30% more protein than you normally would."
"No oil, no fish, fowl, meat, or dairy. The key would be the initial meeting with the patient and the spouse." - Dr. Esselstyn
"Grains, sugar, vegetable oils, and liquid dairy. When those four things help almost any inflammatory arthritis condition, skin condition, or gut condition, start to get immediately better."
"Break your fast with fat first to avoid blood sugar spikes."
"Eating more salt can improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance."
"Eat a proper human diet consisting mainly of fatty red meat, if you want some eggs throw some eggs in there, if you want some chicken or pork within reason it's probably fine."
"It doesn't make a whole sense to me that they would say you need carotenoids when you can get preformed vitamin A in animal foods."
"Eat when you're hungry, not when you're told."
"Insulin resistance is a form of carbohydrate intolerance. So that's a no-brainer."
"So, yes, we should lower our reliance on animal products."
"Vitamin B12 is the one that should send you off to the grocery store or the health food store or the drugstore to get a small B12 supplement and take it every day."
"I would encourage you not to do that because the weight loss is as good or better with a healthy low-fat plant-based diet."
"There are far more effective and proven strategies than simply avoiding all fiber."
"Lowering the sodium in the diet can help substantially."
"Moderate saturated fat to under 10% of calories, replace it with unsaturated fats and quality carbohydrates."
"Replacing saturated fat with different foods mattered. Replacing with whole grains, so oats, whole wheat bread, quinoa, the risk came down."
"Saturated fat is an important factor but it's not the only one, and in fact focusing more on the whole food and even the whole dietary pattern is generally a very good idea."
"Healthy fat, which does not include canola oil, should be half your calories."
"If you're hungry all the time, you're probably doing it wrong."
"Increasing the proportion of protein in your diet might naturally lead to a subtractive solution."
"The right answer is always going to be green vegetables."
"As the benefits of fiber are really context dependent, there's a lot of people promoting that because there's a lot of people that like to sell you fiber."
"So consuming eggs is an excellent idea and the next time you hear some bad news about eggs take a look at the study."
"Don't fear salt, it is the natural substance your body controls its intake, it's an essential mineral."
"Water and fiber, a little tip for anyone who's unhealthy like me."
"Incorporate more of these veggies in your diet, you're going to be able to control your diabetes a lot more easily."
"The data suggests that a plant-based diet is better for you."
"Successful self-management of diabetes is the simple difference between choosing a healthy complex carb with a low glycemic index and low glycemic load and avoiding refined sugary stuff."
"Increase your water intake, eat more beans and legumes, and have a decent amount of fiber-rich veggies and fruits with every meal to improve your intake of healthy carbs."
"If you want more oil to feel full try flax seeds and walnuts."
"The only solution is a whole food plant-based diet, is that clear?"
"I posted a video today about all the evidence showing that a ketogenic diet is very useful."
"Your diet has to be super low carb if you want to experience the wonderful benefits of keto."
"Trans fats are undesirable for our body they lead to tons of health issues and if you can avoid those things I suggest avoiding them."
"You can actually help people improve their health with good nutrition advice." - Dr. Ken Berry
"Eat fatty meat until he is stuffed and that is that's the way he's going to continue to grow without continuing to grow."
"Consume sufficient carbohydrate and usually that amount for somebody involved in weight training is about 2.7 to 4.5 grams per pound of body weight."
"Sugar is the only molecule on the planet where you just can't do moderation. Unfortunately, sugar is the only thing on the planet where we cannot do moderation with it."
"Eat unprocessed foods, eat healthy, but don't worry about the little stuff."
"It's difficult to be healthier than the foods that we are supposed to be eating right, which is natural foods."
"It's completely frame-shifting and I think that it, I feel the same way. Like, let's get that guy a steak, let's get that guy some liver."
"Food is medicine and quality matters, and then it's not just calories, it's information, and it literally can upgrade or downgrade your biology with every bite."
"We're not talking about removing entire food groups from your diet, it's really additive stuff which is what I love so much about this philosophy."
"Less is more typically in food. The more odd it seems, the more I want to pause and get more information."
"Just the ending with you know Steve being able to go back and live out his life and all the messages this movie were very brilliantly III."
"If you're a healthcare provider and you recommend a low-fat diet, you're endangering people's lives."
"Supplements can help during your fat loss phase, but they don't cause fat loss."
"Eat your food in the right order... reduce the glucose spike of the meal by 75%. Vegetables first, protein and fats second, starches and sugars last."
"Eating enough protein should be the centerpiece of almost any diet plan that's designed to help you burn fat."
"She was literally saying these things like she knew her death was right around the corner."
"Fat makes you lean, strong, and healthy. It is one of the most important things that you can have in your diet."
"The advice to eat everything in moderation is horrible in the modern world... foods are designed by scientists... to create insatiable overconsumption and addiction."
"Eat the vegetable, eat the frozen vegetable, eat the canned vegetable." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"Be sure you include a green vegetable in every single one of these meals."
"Eat less meat; it's statistically more expensive than plant proteins."
"Dieting rarely promotes good health, and diets often do more harm than good."
"Making sure that either in your diet or in a supplement you're getting an excellent source of all the B vitamins."
"The most important lifestyle decision you make every day is what goes into your mouth, what's on the end of your fork." - Dr. David Harper
"If you want to fix 90% of the problem, it's the food you're putting in your face." - Dr. Ken Berry
"Eat what you like... just avoid processed foods and avoid sugar and carbohydrate."
"People thought... sugar... it's not bad for you... now we know it's really bad for you."
"The key to losing weight is low insulin right not necessarily blood sugar but low insulin because insulin locks the calories and the fat in your fat cells."
"Don't overfeed your face, make sure you eat high-quality calories."
"Dietary changes... low sodium diet is instructive."
"Calories do matter, but they're not created equal."
"Rule number one: skip the animal products completely. What does that leave you with? Grains, beans, vegetables, fruits—healthy things."
"Food is the problem, but it's also the solution."
"You can't go from 60 percent carbohydrate to 30 percent and call that low carb."
"You have to cut the carbohydrates low enough to dramatically reduce insulin."
"Stick with grass-fed, pasture-raised, wild-caught animal products."
"It's simply eating Whole Foods unprocessed it's easier that type of stuff right there y'all be asking me to diet and stuff my diet is easier to do these things when you keep it simple."
"It's good when it already naturally aligns with your natural hunger cues but it's bad when it doesn't."
"The more fat you eat, the less sugar you're going to have in your body no matter what your body tries to do."
"G-BOMBS: greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds."
"There's a lot wrong with diets that are based on starvation... but a diet based on healthy vegetables and fruits and whole grains and beans is the fuel your body works on and that allows you to succeed automatically."
"Thyroid boosting foods include selenium in fish and Brazil nuts, zinc in pumpkin seeds and oysters, omega-3 fats in fatty fish, and vitamin D in herring and mushrooms."
"Get sugar out of your diet because half of that is fructose, a toxic chemical we shouldn't be eating."
"Carbohydrate out of the model is really effective at reducing obesity, insulin resistance, and inflammation."
"So, what I'm telling you today, what the science says, is just stop beating it down. Just take that carbohydrate, take that sugar out of your diet."
"At the end of the meal I like to add some additional fat... help you to fast longer."
"Something is better than nothing... just do low carb."
"This is just like telling people they shouldn't eat bacon with every meal. Joe Biden's not trying to ban bacon."
"Villainizing particular kinds of nutrients doesn't help."
"If you eliminated also poultry and eggs and so on, you get to a vegan diet, which is the best diet for the planet."
"Eat things that make your body feel good and ignore all of the stupid noise."
"Eat seafood, it's the best thing about seafood is that when you eat it you don't feel bloated."
"It's okay to eat junk food but it's not okay to eat it all the time specifically because you're my dad."
"Salt is not bad for you, salt is actually good for your body."
"Supporting gut bacteria with the right foods is crucial."
"The consensus is clear. Every vegan needs to supplement for B12."
"Take your B12. Please, take your B12. It is so, so, so important."
"Moderation is key in both vegan/vegetarian and omnivorous diets."
"Following your healthy eating advice has lost 70 pounds. Wow."
"The first thing you do is you absolutely, positively stay away from simple carbohydrates."
"So we don't advocate a high sugar high fat diet..."
"If you really like coconuts, try not to eat too many."
"Eggs are fine, but they could stress the liver."
"Number three, reduce carbs. Number four, start doing fasting."
"Probably the most solid recommendation... low in high glycemic foods."
"Reducing sugar doesn’t mean reducing happiness."
"And I think the best recommendation is if you can avoid anything in packages and bottles and cans, good idea."
"The only way you're going to lose weight is to be on a caloric deficit."
"Make sure you're getting it one way or another."
"Take creatine, maintain a calorie surplus, and consume a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight."
"Cereal and starch for breakfast is a huge no-no. If you can do one thing to change your biology quickly, it's get rid of any starch or sugar for breakfast."
"Protein fat and fiber are your friends for regulating your blood sugar that's the bottom line here absolutely absolutely."
"I think people should eat as much meat as possible, all different cuts of meat. I think your body should be fat adapted because that's how we were."
"One diet to prevent nearly all of the top 15 reasons Americans die."
"Diet does matter. In fact, it may be one of the larger effects that we can have in determining our health."
"You should only eat six fries per serving. Harvard professor says, 'Shut the freak up, nerd.'"
"Liquid calories, fast food, junk food. You cut those out, and I promise you, you will see results."
"Vinegar has several Health advantages including reducing blood sugar levels and enhancing digestion."
"Personalized nutrition... is the way we're going to address this."
"Let your immune system be just focused on what's floating around that bloodstream and keep the fats out."
"Stop filtering your nutrients through somebody else's body. It's illogical and irrational."
"Eat more plants... that to me is the starting point."
"Eating a wide variety of foods including grains and pulses is really important for our overall health."
"Just add in more vegetables and fruit and eat less [expletive]. It's over and over the same message here folks, it's simple."
"Stop eating fast food and high-fat crappy meat that you know is bad for you and eat the healthier stuff. Simple."
"Be very careful what you eat during this transit."
"Calories in calories out always works, can't break the laws of thermodynamics."
"A plant-based diet still shines out very, very convincingly." - Dr. Neil Barnard
"If you're ever like you know curious or confused as to what the best diet is for you a great way to start is to go with it you know what they would call ancestral or traditional type of diet."
"Just eat real food; if we just ate real food, the chance of developing type 2 diabetes would be very low indeed."
"Eliminate all of the vegetable oils... it's garbage."
"Stop putting synthetic foods into your body. Your body doesn't recognize them."
"No human on the planet is going to benefit from eating more than 100 total grams of carbs a day."
"Just lower your carbohydrate intake to 20 or less total grams of carbs a day and then try to fast 16 hours a day."
"Simplify your healthy diet, eat just like us."
"Keep the red meat in, particularly for women: the iron and the B12 and the zinc."
"Start consuming foods like ginger, garlic, onions, mushroom, pears."
"If you're on a diet and pound for pound you're getting weaker rather than stronger, you're not eating enough calories."
"Give high fat, specifically eating more butter a try."
"And start using Himalayan salt, both as a lamp in your house every single day and, again, sprinkling a little bit of sea salt or Himalayan salt on your food every day."
"Eat fat and protein to help keep you full longer."
"For diet, you know, diet is very individual, there's no one diet for everyone, that's just a fallacy."
"Most of your fats should come from olive oil, avocado oil, and natural saturated fats."
"But if you get folks to just eat less junk food and put less added fats into their food, all of a sudden they can still have the foods, a little drier for sure, it's not as great but it's still super healthy."
"One gram of protein per pound of body weight is optimal for everyone, not just bodybuilders."
"First thing in the morning, starchy complex carbohydrates."
"The vast majority of people, if they eliminate grains, sugars, and vegetable seed oils, they'll reverse their metabolic disease."
"A level of one egg a day is perfectly healthy and it's actually a good component of your diet."
"Sugar is pretty much the devil...be careful with eating too much sugar."
"Increase your fiber content without increasing your waistline."
"Swap out saturated fats for polyunsaturated fats for improved insulin sensitivity."
"Food sequencing is so important... Protein, fat, veggies, fiber are all basically antidotes to sugar and starch."
"Eat the elements of this meal in a particular order to reduce the glucose spike by 75%."
"Lean pork is a natural source of vitamin B12 which can contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue."
"Fresh fruit, leafy greens, vegetation, things with seed, and herbs."
"I hope this video inspires you to eat more vegetables because no matter what diet you eat more vegetables is always a good idea."
"Don't fear carbohydrates but eliminate the processed sugars which do appear to have very clear negative effects in humans."
"You've got to eat the whole food. Eat the olive, eat the coconut, but not the oil."
"Including a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet will help with your overall balance."
"Moderation is key when consuming soy products and cruciferous vegetables."
"Avoid stress-eating traps, focus on keto and fasting."
"So I found a good number to go below as 75 gram maybe 60 to 75 grams if you cut it down right around there you're gonna find your weight loss will kick in."
"Berries, berries, berries... if you want to heal any neurological diseases, go on a berry diet. Berries will change your life."
"Fat is a necessary part of any diet; eliminating it completely will never be healthy."
"All carbohydrates are the same... it's all sugar... and you need to be careful about how much sugar and carbohydrate you're taking in."
"One of the best foods on Earth to stimulate melatonin is pineapple."
"Given these clear findings were published 55 years ago, it's quite amazing we persisted with the misguided notion that seed oils could ever be healthy."
"By focusing on the minimum effort growth acceleration, you don't need to eat a ton of calories to progress in your workouts and build solid muscle."