
Market Efficiency Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Markets are very good at figuring out how to do things; they are not good at all about figuring out what we should do."
"Lower prices, better service, and better efficiency benefit the customer."
"Capitalism...could be defined as an economic system in which rational private property rights and enforceable contracts provide for the efficient functioning of markets."
"Free markets only work to everyone's benefit if they're set up properly."
"AI will be the new invisible hand that will help markets in this green transition be more optim."
"The free market is the best model of the environment we can generate. It is and will remain the best model that can in principle ever be generated."
"It's entirely possible, but it is the most liquid, the most deepest, and meant to be the most efficient market on the planet."
"Hey, would you like me to come over and show you what I could do to sell your home and get you top dollar fast?"
"Markets are the engine of capitalism if you want capitalism to function you need well-functioning markets."
"This sad state of affairs persists and survives because government intervention has removed the market test for success."
"The future of all of this is to eradicate that waste and that friction and no value added FX traders are Bitcoin and Ether don't do that."
"The hunger for yield is being satisfied by a much more efficient financial ecosystem."
"Ultimately, it is benefiting the end consumer, spreads are tighter, you're operating, you're getting better execution than you would get if we sent it to the major exchanges."
"The prevailing assumption was that markets always allocate Capital productively."
"The free market will do a much better job than any individual or group of individuals trying to centrally plan an economy."
"If you're not a libertarian, you're not paying attention because the market has worked and brilliantly."
"I think at the end of this, if you're not a libertarian, you're not paying attention because the market has worked and brilliantly."
"I think we saw just evidence in Spades yesterday about how inefficient markets can be."
"ETFs are successful if they work hand in hand with market makers."
"The only way for us to live up to the promise of America is to give it our all and to give it for all of us."
"Beta O'Rourke: From punk rock band to President."
"If the market was perfectly efficient, the stock would just always be trading at the exact correct value price."
"He must have been the bargain signing of last season for sure."
"By adding liquidity to these pools, you're helping the pool become more efficient and have a lot more depth."
"Accurate price signals are crucial to the stability of an economy."
"There is no reason why the greatest financial system in the world cannot settle trades in real time."
"Hopefully, this leads to a much better and more efficient market and economy for the long term."
"No one is as smart as all of us. That's why markets work."
"Markets do move a lot on people talking which somewhat proves markets aren't really efficient."
"That's what economists mean when they say that free markets are efficient at maximizing utility."
"That's what free markets do best: take a lot of different possibilities and sift through real-world experience to come up with something that works really well."
"Government is not omniscient. It doesn't actually know what is going to be needed, whereas the market can provide."
"I refuse to believe that over the long term, a commanded control Central economy like China is going to figure this out better than the market will figure it out."
"The house sold for 100 percent of the asking price in eight days."
"Markets are perfectly capable of determining a good asset from a bad asset."
"The market is very efficient. Over time, I have realized that the market is very smart."
"We know exactly what these people are going to buy. We know exactly what these people are going to sell. We know exactly what their end holding allocation levels are going to be before they do it. How is this an efficient market? This is bananas."
"There are really only three ways to strive for high returns in a low return world: increase your risk, rely on luck, or locate inefficient markets."
"Markov chains test offers a flexible approach to analyzing market efficiency and developing trading strategies."
"The markov chains test allows for the detection of significant deviations from market efficiency, even with multiple states considered."
"The more sophisticated the players, the more liquid the market, the less volatile the market is, the more efficient the market overall is."
"Market efficiency matters for a very simple reason: if markets are in fact efficient, then there is no point to trying to go out and pick stocks."
"The higher the trading costs and the more difficult it is to trade in the market, the greater the likelihood that you will find inefficiencies in the market."
"Price redirects resources toward higher valued uses."
"The active group, the people that are professionals in aggregate, cannot do better than the aggregate of the people who just sit tight."
"With the Tanzu Application Platform, you can deliver revenue-generating applications to the market more quickly."
"A fair value gap represents an area where price is being delivered inefficiently, and as a result, the imbalance or the gap is created."
"An efficient market would be one where the share price properly reflects the real value of the company."
"The markets cannot ensure efficiency in the allocation and use of resources if prices do not reflect the true value and cost of resources."
"In a highly efficient market, it's not possible to make excess profits without taking excess risk."
"Natural monopoly is a firm where for all the relevant quantities over any relevant range, the average cost for one firm is always below the average cost of a new entrant."
"...the shipper who earns his living from using otherwise empty or half-filled journeys of steamers... performing eminently useful functions based on special knowledge of circumstances of the fleeting moment not known to others."
"Warren Buffett would tell you that stock prices are not perfectly efficient."
"How efficient the market is, how realistic or how fair share prices are, depends on how much information is available to investors."
"The market is the most effective mechanism for creating wealth and distributing resources to produce goods and services that history has ever known."
"If everyone moves to electric and wind, it's better; it'll get more efficient because the market sustains it."
"Allocative efficiency refers to a situation in which the quantity being produced in the market allows for the greatest level of total welfare."
"In the semi-strong form, people are able to digest the publicly available information and quantify its impact on the stock price."
"Arbitrage is actually very important for the market to have people doing Arbitrage because it keeps prices in sync across platforms."
"Efficient markets seem to deliver very large rewards to a very small set of people."
"If I believe markets were efficient, this class wouldn't last very long."
"In an efficient market, the market's not always right, but it's trying to incorporate all the information out there into the stock price."
"Maybe asset markets aren't as efficient as we thought, and when central banks buy certain types of assets they can affect the price."
"Total surplus is equal to the consumer surplus plus the producer surplus."
"The stock market is informationally efficient; each stock price reflects all the available information about the value of a company."
"According to the efficient markets hypothesis, financial markets are informationally efficient."
"Public policy can be used to improve efficiency when externalities are not captured by the market."
"The definition of Finance depends on financial markets being efficient and all that means is accurately pricing assets."
"Monetary and fiscal policy decisions may already be included in asset prices."
"If markets are to operate efficiently, they have to be left for the law of demand and supply to take their course."
"The SEC's mission is protecting investors, maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitating capital formation."
"Prices have to reflect all available information."
"Your job, the SEC's mandate, is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation."