
Human History Quotes

There are 505 quotes

"We are all, every one of the six billion people on this planet, sons and daughters of a small band of hunter-gatherers that arose in Africa about 70,000 years ago and conquered the world."
"Everything is so good and for me, the big theme of human history is becoming more and more specialized as in the things we produce and more and more diversified in the things we consume."
"Human history typically shows that we dominate any other people of lower technological scales or less advanced societies."
"The next 10 years could prove to be some of the most confusing and problematic years in human history."
"This is the greatest time in human history ever to have been alive."
"For more than a hundred thousand years, humans left their original spawn point on the African continent and set out on the greatest odyssey of exploration ever known."
"This decade, the 2020s, will become the greatest and the most influential decade in the entire history of human exploration."
"In the history of our species, the blink of an eye that is the last half-century has brought us to a point where we will likely determine the fate of our planet for all time to come."
"This period of heightened risk... will be one of the most famous times in the whole of human history."
"Storytelling is one of the very few constants across all of human history."
"That was the perpetuation of this very idea of freedom, which is the exception to the rule in human history, in all of human history, even today."
"We thrive being in communities, being with others and throughout history, our survivalist depended on participation of others."
"Experts say we're alarmingly close to the biggest event in human history."
"Most of human history was marked by privation and danger thanks to the environment, and it's only technology that has allowed us to surpass that."
"For the vast majority of human life on Earth, we have been hunter-gatherers."
"One of the contributory factors is undoubtedly climate."
"Police abolitionism isn't some fanciful idea that exists in a black hole of dense theory. Besides, humanity has existed before without the police. We will exist afterwards without the police."
"Throughout the entirety of human history, people in all times and in all cultures have looked up at the night sky and wondered about their universe and how it came to be."
"Cell phones and the internet are probably two of the biggest inventions of human history."
"Human history begins in a garden and ends in a city like a paradise."
"It was just our luck that we weren't here yet, and this event, in fact, certainly paved the way for our own evolution."
"There were two interbreeding events... mixing with Neanderthals... and Denisovans."
"Never at one point in any part of human history has the government having a monopoly on our currency and our economy ever been a good thing for humanity."
"Throughout the course of human history, various emancipatory movements and reactionary movements have provided greater egalitarianism and hierarchism, respectively."
"The exploration of these ruins is not just an archaeological journey but a reevaluation of human history and our place within it."
"There's this entire other side of human history, these secrets of ancient civilizations that were far more sophisticated than we've been told."
"The first ceramic items made by humans were probably not pots or vessels...I think the first ceramic items made by humans were probably little mud figures of people or animals."
"Jesus of Nazareth was a man who walked the Earth over two thousand years ago and has left a profound and enduring impact on human history."
"For over twelve thousand years humankind has strived to create the perfect civilization."
"I read, and when you read, you get to march around in other people's heads. You get to march around in different times and different periods. And what you learn is, humanity's done a lot of dumb stuff."
"Human experience in deep time... is to understand how brief our period on the planet is and how long the human experience has been."
"When you look at human remains in a museum, I don't want you to think of them as just old bones. You are looking at somebody's complex, beautiful, and dirty life."
"Art history is human history. It's a beautiful example of how we as ourselves change and how history changes us."
"We're not going to stop migration...migration is a fact of human history."
"The creation of farming, the domestication of animals, the invention of the wheel, the harnessing of electricity, and the splitting of the atom... the 60-year development of computers, the internet, and this new technology will be looked upon as a single event, a turning point that will change the course of human history."
"The First World War is fought on a scale never before seen in the whole of human history."
"The archaeological record just tells a much more mundane story, but a story that is as old as time."
"Most scientists today would say the first humans like us, Homo sapiens sapiens, appeared less than 200,000 years ago, but the Piranhas say that humans have existed for more than 200,000 years, going back perhaps hundreds of millions of years."
"Nuclear war means the end of the current human history."
"Ancient DNA has transformed our understanding of human history over the past decade."
"Humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans have mixed multiple times likely in multiple places."
"The instant that humans became advanced enough that we were able to strip just a tiny bit of free time from each punishing day, we started making games of chance and skill."
"Neanderthals actually had bigger brains than us and they knew how to use fire and made some pretty sick cave paintings."
"The 21st century is an incredibly pivotal point in the history of humanity. We are facing crises in water, soil, energy, the atmosphere."
"Throughout human history, we've always had the frontier... Mars are going to bring back... it's going to be this constant exploration."
"What if everything we knew about human history was wrong?"
"Join me in awakening from a long amnesia species with amnesia our forgotten history."
"One of the great achievements in human history."
"If the dating of this site is legitimate and as I hope I explained I think there are very good reasons to say that it is it proves that humans were in the Americas during the lgm."
"For those who have been paying close attention to the archaeological news, there's been a lot of very important discoveries that have changed our understanding of human migration into the Americas."
"The himba lifestyle holds a key to our human past, a culture shaped by geography, climate, and necessity."
"Each force discovered in the past has had a profound impact on human history."
"Pets are traditional companion pets that have been with the human species for a very long time."
"For 50 thousand years, the only thing on TV was the night sky."
"There is no single correct way to look at human history."
"We are the first human beings to create all dynasties and societies all over the world."
"We went from rodents to humans in 65 million years."
"Human history is also the story of other species."
"When we say alien invasion, this is normally the type of scenario we tend to conjure up in our minds but as human history has shown, an invasion can take on many forms."
"Life spans were eight hundred nine hundred a thousand years... it's our misunderstanding... we are a fallen race."
"The history of humanity is not evolution but cycle after cycle."
"It is a lie to say that there was never any cavemen."
"If that happens, everything that we thought we knew about human history has to be rewritten."
"One fateful day, an inconceivable amount of time ago, a group of humans would slay a beast of clan Fang with a sharp piece of wood. It is fascinating to know that history is made of individuals."
"Real food that humans have been eating for two hundred thousand years are now bad for me?"
"How could this be possible? Long before humans had the architectural capacity to construct what had been found."
"It is therefore certain that not only the first contact between humans and extraterrestrials has already taken place but that the gods have been a fundamental part in our evolution as a species."
"Human history is replete with unanswered questions."
"We are part of another planet. That's why when you dig into this planet millions of years in the past, layers down, you discover anomalies that shouldn't be there."
"Gobekli Tepe could profoundly change the understanding that we have of the crucial stages in the early development period of human society."
"For most of human history, if you wanted to know what you looked like, you had to get your friend to smash up some blueberry and rub it on a cave wall."
"Humanity's only existed for a very, very fraction of the time."
"These little creatures might not be pretty but scientists are just now discovering how much lice can reveal about our past."
"Perhaps for the first time in human history, we will harmonize not just with each other but with life inside of us, the microbiome around us, and we will become part of this whole life system."
"Adam was the first white man and yet Adam body came from the dirt of Africa."
"Humanity at one point appears to have decreased to around 2000 in our past."
"This is the greatest opportunity in human history."
"Much of human history is tainted by perspective and bias."
"The message is consistent throughout human history."
"Humans have built upon the most unique natural formations since the beginning of time."
"Did humans really exist on Earth 100 million years ago and were they really walking alongside predatory dinosaurs?"
"Human beings have been eating lots of meat and eggs for millions and millions of years."
"Human beings have spent thousands of years trying to get out of the elements."
"Archaeologists accidentally discovered 85 well-preserved ancient human footprints on a Moroccan beach dating back 990,000 years."
"The more awareness of these contradictions and of these mysteries, I think the more people are going to wake up to the fact that our history is both more complex and far longer than we've been told."
"Most archaeologists dream of finding something that will change our notions about human history."
"The first civilization rose seventy eight thousand years ago on the giant continent known as MU or Lemuria and lasted for an astonishing 52 thousand years."
"It gives amazing insight into what life was like for humans and mammoths."
"These discoveries are taking us closer to the past than we ever imagined and revealing to us long unconcealed information about who lived on the earth long before we came."
"Humanity is incredibly resilient. Look at the things that we've done throughout history."
"Psychedelics have been part of human evolution for a very long time."
"It is believed that our ancient ancestors found large somewhat rounded boulders."
"Imagine this is one of the most fundamental discoveries in humans in our history of humans who wouldn't be interested in this."
"This piece that we're doing in its entirety is one of the greatest human achievements in the history of art."
"Watches are just a part of Neurology. The story of her ology goes all the way back to the beginning of human civilization."
"This fantastic idea, like the replay button on the universal iPod, could reset the cosmic concerto of human history back to the beginning."
"Mankind has always survived, even through destruction."
"For the first time in human history, we have a glimmering little hope of living in balance with nature."
"On the way to a greater understanding of the history of humankind, researchers end up finding places they never expected."
"Human beings have this definite idea of self-improvement that goes beyond becoming a better worker and then when you mention the slave situation slavery is apparently as old as Mankind..."
"It literally shifts everything we think we knew about our human origins and what the world looked like in ancient times."
"My book argues that the book of Genesis holds ancestral memory of at least three resets in human history."
"The history of Istanbul shares a lot with the history of humanity."
"We diverged from chimpanzees about 6 million years ago."
"It has long been speculated that the two air bases were in fact being used by the U.S. Air Force to stockpile nuclear weaponry... the British servicemen who have spoken out."
"The walls of the universe are Universal all right so there have been errors in human history where these Technologies did exist."
"That's kind of the story of the human species."
"Population movement has been happening forever."
"We are living at one of the most pivotal hours in the history of humanity, not just of America but in the history of humanity."
"Every one of your ancestors reproduced, in an unbroken chain, all the way back to the first life on this planet, over three and a half billion years ago."
"The UFO phenomena has been present in human history for millennium... accounts of unidentified aerial phenomena reach as far back in antiquity as our first discovered human writings."
"It is fascinating to think what else is hidden in humanity's prehistory, what other branches and peoples existed back then with their stories no longer visible in our modern world."
"Evidence obtained from this cave shows that there was a clean break between Neanderthal and modern humans."
"Humans have been around the world for an inconceivable amount of time."
"What we should be asking, what is interesting to ask, if we really want to understand the evolutionary history of humans isn't the labels again, it's the processes what are that evolutionary processes that are shaping us, right?"
"The DNA of the Denisovans has been found in a large number of human populations."
"They found hunter-gatherer tools... Then right next to it, boom Agriculture comes out of nowhere."
"Our myths, legends, all of these archetypes were somehow transferred over the course of human history."
"May change how we understand the history of humankind."
"The effect of the Kairos Alliance is that ancient aliens were actually human beings who achieved quantum mechanics, advanced space travel, and time travel."
"It would push back the arrival date of humans in North America by over 100,000 years."
"Antarctica harbors secrets that challenge the very essence of human history."
"This is what would go on to make us the species that we are today."
"It's bigger than any opportunity we've ever seen in human history."
"Disclosure is probably the biggest story of human history, frankly."
"The Hassanlu lovers: a heartwarming embrace preserved in time."
"The UFO phenomenon is occurring, it's the most important event in human history."
"Humanity is just not as old as we think it is and the advancements that have happened have actually happened in an alarmingly short period."
"Humanity's complex past: a narrative of hybridization and cultural exchange beyond the linear Out of Africa theory."
"Ghosts have been with humanity since the dawn of civilization."
"The ancient sculpture: The Lion Man, carved from mammoth ivory 40,000 years ago... Proof that people were capable of complex thought and art long before civilization."
"The Lion Man: Sculpted 40,000 years ago... This should change the understanding of human history."
"A million years is an eye blink in astronomical terms, but it's a near eternity in human terms."
"Perhaps dance is the universal language because it's essentially what we all did as a human civilization before we were to evolve into what we are now."
"Human history is packed full of uncertainty."
"The mysterious artifacts confirm ancient legends and stories which describe human history not as linear but cyclic."
"The UAP phenomena will trigger the greatest paradigm shift in the history of our kind."
"Life is about survival and you're only here because your ancestors were survivors." - Benny Johnson
"The most common cause of death with our early ancestors was childbirth or early life accidents. If we made it to our adolescence, we would live a life full of robustness into our 80s or 90s with vibrancy."
"Stone tools discovered in a cave in Mexico suggest that humans inhabited North America much earlier than we previously thought."
"The search for secret knowledge through supernatural means is undoubtedly a practice as old as mankind itself."
"We are on the verge of the most stunning events in human history."
"We didn't evolve physically, but all the pathogens around us did."
"Agriculture was a technology that arrived before humans were ready for it."
"Surprisingly old stone points discovered in a Mexican cave are the latest in a long line of fascinating discoveries that have raised doubts about when people first arrived in the Americas."
"Our history is the story of people on the planet, so let’s try to learn something today."
"Human beings and the cannabis plant have been closely associated through all of known history."
"Superstitions have influenced humanity since the dawn of our species."
"I guess what was found while digging up the ground for laying the foundation: a human skeleton."
"Even the Bible talks about all life originated in Africa."
"God gave a total of five generations, and then he decided to exterminate the human race and start all over."
"Our society has been crafted by the thousands of generations who came before us. To discover their history is to realize the foundation of our civilization."
"The world is cursed, James, and there have been whole chapters lived and closed before the dawn of our organic life."
"Indeed, an ancient and hidden extraterrestrial code in human DNA would be the most astonishing out-of-place artifact of all time."
"Mankind had certain abilities, certain powers, certain ways of being able to manipulate the world that didn't require the scientific technology that we have today."
"It's a sickness that's really made a mark on human history, decimating populations all over Europe in pandemics back in the 6th and 14th centuries."
"I mean before there was civilization and we were just cavemen right."
"Every person living today, including you, can trace their haplogroups back even further."
"Pushing back the timeline of the first human habitations of North America far beyond the Clovis."
"We're in the most intense battle for the hearts and souls of mankind in human history."
"Worship goes back as far as humans, seen in creation."
"Our planet has many astounding relics from the past that we still don't understand."
"Human history is far more interesting than you've been led to believe but be warned Paradigm destruction can often be distressing."
"In a groundbreaking discovery in 2022, researchers have Unearthed the fossilized remains of a colossal otter species in Ethiopia, shedding new light on the fascinating coexistence of early humans and unique creatures of the past."
"Sea level got to the present level about 5,000 or 6,000 years ago. That's pretty much recorded human civilization."
"It turns out that anthropologically speaking it seems that our planet has had a far more diverse history than many of us previously believed."
"Göbekli Tepe is a site that truly boggles the mind, taking us back over 11,000 years to a time when prehistoric peoples demonstrated remarkable capabilities that challenge our understanding of early human civilization."
"These archaeological discoveries are not just remnants of a bygone era; they're pieces of a puzzle that help us piece together the story of human existence and evolution."
"What we know about human history is a tiny fraction compared to the time we have been on Earth."
"Are we closer to the beginning or the end of human existence?"
"There's no inscription on this tombstone. 'Here lies all of mankind's folly.'"
"Archaeologists say they have found the earliest human home in history located in Vanderberg Cave."
"The acknowledgment of the ET presence will be the most profound event in human history."
"The history of mankind was by and large about fighting nature... it's suicidal."
"Gobekli Tepe completely disrupts our conventional understanding of the storyline of Homo sapiens."
"This could be one of the biggest events in all of human history."
"The history of the human species and our closest relatives is confusing at best."
"Both us and the Stone Age people-- we are the same, absolutely. And we have the same intelligence."
"You're not alone and you have never been alone." - You have had, as I have learned over the years, an intimate interrelationship with advanced extraterrestrial intelligence from the beginning of human history.
"This is the most dangerous moment in human history."
"This is the greatest time in all of human history to be alive."
"Many scientific textbooks will lead you to believe that humans are hundreds of thousands of years old."
"We have inhabited Earth for millions of years, but until today we still don't know everything about it."
"Best discovery of the year for sure, maybe best discovery in all of human history if it gets confirmed."
"Humans survived this way for millennia, you can too."
"Trial and error went on throughout human history and that produced some pretty good stuff."
"Did we fabricate belief constructs? Or did they evolve from actual events shared over generations?"
"The next time you knock on wood, know that you're not just partaking in a quaint ritual but echoing a melody of human resilience and hope."
"Modern humans in terms of anatomy and behavior have been around for at least 50 000 years."
"The human story is a lot deeper, a lot richer, and a lot more complicated and complex than it previously assumed."
"Archaeology, linguistics, and genetics converge to illuminate the mysteries of human history."
"Our Stone Age predecessors were proficient at hunting and capturing animals."
"These modern discoveries and research have told us just how complex our human history is and how remarkable that of all the possible variations and combinations centuries even millenniums of reproduction have accumulated to form today's humans."
"We often assume that we're the first intelligent species to inhabit this planet, but that may turn out to be false."
"Epidemics and pandemics are things that have been a part of human nature, human history since the beginning of time."
"Genealogically speaking... almost everyone across the globe at 6,000 years ago is really an ancestor of everyone."
"The human timeline is quite a bit longer than people would imagine."
"It's always valuable to see longer human history firsthand."
"The tale of the Silver Shields is just one small chapter from one book in the vast library that is all of human history."
"The human being of the planet Earth went through a very long process of evolution and metamorphosis."