
Perspective Shift Quotes

There are 517 quotes

"Gratitude as a pathway to contentment... shifts our focus from what we lack to the abundance we already possess."
"When we can shift our focus towards what we do want, that's a complete 180 turn, and all of a sudden, we're going to be seeing doors and opportunities that we couldn't see before."
"It will challenge what we know about the Jedi and the Sith by making the Sith the good guys."
"The greatest gift that any challenge will ever give you is a perspective shift and the realization that you can face hard things."
"Practice compassion. See things from a fresh perspective."
"Understanding how to shift from survival mode to a state of empowerment can transform your perspective on life."
"It's like a psychological jujitsu move, automatically switching your perspective and allowing you to start engaging with yourself, advising yourself like someone else."
"People who have an afterlife experience tend to have a shift in perspective that focuses on their humanity."
"If you can really take the perspective shift that you're not changing anything out there, you're becoming the change."
"My whole mission is just to open your mind, to present you information so that you can think about things in a different way."
"Therapy can help you shift your perspective, find tools to cope in difficult times, and be a guiding light."
"There's a big shift in perception for many people. It's a big shift in viewpoint."
"History is not as solid as we were led to believe. Every day, incredible new discoveries are found that threaten to turn our entire understanding of the past upside down."
"Whatever storm she was facing has long since passed, and there are beautiful sunny skies above her that she'd see if she only let that umbrella go."
"When you feel like you're running out of time, you just need to meet somebody who can turn your world upside down."
"We're inviting you into a world you already know, but we're giving you a different lens with which to view it."
"If we all thought outside the box a little bit more, we would be in a lot better opened our eyes a little bit wider and took a look at the world a little bit differently."
"Change the questions you're asking, change the way you look at things."
"Your insecurities, your limiting beliefs on the other side of that with a shift in perspective may lay your greatest gift."
"You're seeing things in a different light around you and you're starting to see yourself as very blessed."
"The situation shifts that we find ourselves in have the power to cause us to shift our perspective, either for good or for bad."
"Don't think of migrants as a drain, think of migrants as a resource."
"It's trading the expectations for appreciation. It's like that's when suffering stops, you know?"
"When uncertainty happens, opposition happens, adversity happens, I can put my mind, my perspective, in a space and place to extract some good."
"Stories are about change. Changes in characters, changes in the world, or they could be used to show why certain viewpoints might need to be changed."
"So you have to really kind of like change perspectives."
"If you're hurting that much that you're doing what you're doing, then it's gonna take some work. But if you look at things differently, it will come around."
"I came in looking for trash and I somehow ended up finding gold."
"I never thought that I would see a character that would make me look at Homelander and say, 'Homelander, you're not so bad.'"
"The ride has changed completely. I'm gonna tuck the Vlog camera in his jacket, switch to GoPro. It's go time!"
"Stop viewing relapse as failure, focus on progress instead."
"People are not representative... need a complete mindset shift."
"Seeing things differently... ready to make new memories."
"To the anti-Gunners out there who have kind of had a change of heart about their outlook on the Second Amendment and gun owners as a whole, you know, thanks for coming over to the side of common sense more or less."
"Your dreams are trying to help you appreciate this situation from a different perspective."
"Trade your expectation for appreciation. Your whole life changes."
"When you are nearing the end of life, your perspective tends to shift from yourself to your loved ones and the ones around you."
"When I opened the hatch, I mean I had the whole universe in front of me."
"It's a refreshing gear change in how we see the world of 40k."
"The Invisible Man flips the perspective on the classic story."
"I hope that people pick up this book and they laugh and they smile and really think differently about the world."
"It's completely frame-shifting and I think that it, I feel the same way. Like, let's get that guy a steak, let's get that guy some liver."
"They tried to bring you confusion but they actually brought you clarity."
"Perspective is a big thing here, allowing you to break out of negative frames."
"Shift your perspective to look at whatever it is that you're going through right now as something that is strengthening you."
"Once these things stop mattering to you, that's when they will start to click."
"It's more interesting than I thought. That's how I look at it."
"Where there is mass destruction, there is also life. The humans may just need to shift our focus to clearly see."
"The path of thinking from is both simple and profound. It invites you to shift your perspective to see the world not as it is but as it could be through the lens of your desired fulfilled."
"The moment the child came out, everyone's perspective changes."
"It's rewarding when mysteries subvert our line of thinking."
"Fresh eyes is an opportunity for you to just show or demonstrate or say or identify how your mind has been sparked."
"People literally are in different realities, and a lot of us can make the choice to step into another reality for a hot minute."
"That's right, we've been in the shallow end this whole time."
"Recontextualization offers us a mechanism for radically changing our understanding."
"This really kind of flipped everything on its head for me."
"He was not God's proof that you're doing it wrong, he was God's gift."
"You're going to go from being the meal to sitting down at the table eating the meal."
"As kids we love the heroes and as adults we understand the villains."
"What has come out of this for me is a fundamental shift in how I look at every single thing."
"Turn curses into blessings. Turn that curse into a blessing."
"Only when lions have historians will the hunters cease to be heroes."
"It kind of just takes your entire reality and flips it upside down."
"The question isn't why do bad things happen to good people, the question should be asked why do good things happen to bad people."
"Shift your perception when it comes to love and when it comes to life."
"As soon as I lost control, as soon as the choice was taken away from me... every option opened up."
"Magic suggests looking at things from a different view or approach."
"Get out of the smallness of what this is, get out of the temporal way of thinking."
"Agile introduces a new way of looking at things... Let's relook at the situation that we currently have and find new opportunities."
"Seeing Destiny for what it is has allowed me to enjoy it a lot more."
"Retrogrades can be blessings... here to help us see things again from a different perspective."
"It's rather ironic that gets turned on its head."
"Flips everything we've seen so far on its head."
"Make an attempt to think globally rather than locally."
"Getting away from high-level narratives about wars and getting more into the ground-eye view of everything."
"Shift the focus from 'I' to 'you', experience personal freedom."
"We've been fed a narrative, but when you find the truth, it will make you rethink your stance."
"How can we be living in a world that is 2/3 people of color yet we degrade ourselves to think that we somehow other minority in a world where we are the majority?"
"It shakes up what we know about our present and our future."
"I realized that things have no longer happened to me, they have happened for me."
"Flipping perspective this week is one of the main tools that will make things a little easier."
"It's time to take a step back, see things from a different perspective."
"It's about releasing negative energy, getting out of your head, and seeing things from a positive perspective."
"We are being forced to see things through another perspective."
"If something is so negative, then there must be a positive side."
"You need to shift focus from this isolating, I don't care, I don't want to deal with people, to seeing the opportunity within the situation."
"Think about them like a puzzle to solve rather than a person to fight."
"I realized all this negative, it's actually a positive. It's a sign that I'm doing something different."
"It's a life changer, it's something that really shifts your perspective."
"Suddenly your problems become strengths and your scarcity becomes plenty."
"We need to believe it's possible and shift our perspective."
"You can only see it when you reverse your vision."
"I'm gonna go for a walk it can do that tiny tiny shift to change the way you look at things."
"Switch off and tune in to the greater perspective."
"Reframe trauma as something that happened for you."
"It's about rotating your viewpoints so you can see the world from other angles."
"Bonnie needs Forky. No, you need Bonnie. Open your eyes, Woody. There's plenty of kids out there. You can't be just about the one you're still clinging to."
"Your values shift, the things that you thought were important in life actually don't quite seem so important."
"Before we can truly grasp the gravity of the threats as well as the beauty that surrounds our planet, we must first realize just how small our planet is."
"Even when we believe we need to succeed in the world, that actually when things start to fall apart, that is the greatest blessing because then our perception can be reordered by Jesus."
"By August through November, maybe even the question you were asking last year does not even have a place in your life right now anymore."
"See every problem as an opportunity to add value."
"Hopefully this is an eye-opener for you, maybe you should probably think about dating someone else."
"But it also clearly not a catastrophe and we need to stop this catastrophic conversation because it really hampers the way we think about climate."
"That blew my mind like watching an entire movie where the white man was villain."
"His fee for signing on was more than Tiger's ever won on the golf course: 125 million."
"How you look at going to work changes, how you look at cars and homes changes because you know you can literally print money to pay for that car, pay for that home."
"Suddenly there's like an epiphany moment and suddenly you see something in a new light."
"An unexpected opportunity may require a worldview change."
"Enjoy your life instead of focusing on your body."
"Remember, when things seem to fall apart, it's just an opportunity for something new."
"Mercury retrogrades are not bad; they're valuable and important."
"We just got to take a step back and and appreciate turn our expectations into appreciations and appreciate what marvel just gave us"
"Perhaps this fixation on the negative is misplaced. After all, the tale of Timmy and Tulo isn't a tragedy; it's a triumph."
"Dropping the focus on the test or a math problem that you're doing wrong is a lot easier than taking the focus off of money or a specific person or a job."
"It's not about seeing something new; it's about seeing something familiar from a new perspective."
"House of the Dragon has unexpectedly been able to change my perspective on how good of a king Viserys actually was."
"Even if they seem basic to you, I come at things from such a completely different angle that an answer I give to even the most basic questions might just be integral in changing your forex trading around forever."
"You need a paradigm shift, your paradigm is your way of looking at things, the lens through which you look at the world, your worldview."
"Take that negative and turn it to an actual positive."
"Sometimes all you need is a little perspective change."
"When you change your aperture, you don't just zoom in on something, you literally see different things."
"Protesting strategy makes you change your policies, but partnership should change your perspectives." - John Hope Bryant
"Luffy sees the beauty of it and says, 'This monster is awesome. This monster's cool. This is our monster. This monster is interesting. I want.'"
"If you can learn just to see things differently, think about things differently, then you can have more freedom."
"This video will completely change how you think about onions."
"I hope you all enjoy today's video... make us question reality, just change our way of thinking in general."
"The end of this movie makes the five-story house seem super [ __ ] small."
"Most of our problems cannot be solved on the same plane in the same dimension that we've been trying to solve them at..."
"If you could learn to see the world that way you will end up having more success in all of your business ventures."
"It feels unreal in a way... it really puts an int into perspective."
"Holiday is really a holy day isn't it? It gets us out of our routine and you see things that were for the first time."
"It just makes everything a little more fun and all my problems seem a little less so."
"I want to see a reverse, where the treasure and the monsters only serve to make me realize how awesome the other players are."
"It allows you to see yourself from a new perspective."
"My goal here is just to float some ideas in a different way to get you thinking about things a little bit differently."
"Stop being so damn pessimistic and materialistic; focus on emotional abundance."
"We all go through these dark places, not so the universe can slap us all the time, but so we can see a situation from a different perspective."
"By practicing being in the lucid zone... integrating information... you see things differently."
"And all of a sudden you're entirely everything he earned that palace those shoes that the car that the limo that probably took wherever it is or his private helicopter pad means absolutely nothing at that moment."
"Rogan's tough because if you look at what he was saying four years ago versus what he's saying now my opinion has shifted dramatically."
"I hope it blesses you to look at religion spirituality in a different angle."
"A good documentary takes you from a completely black and white thing to a more nuanced thinker."
"All we have to do to really understand the power of choosing favor over fear, favor over facts, is to put whatever limits us right there"
"Everything is gonna shift in your life and the tail is gonna become the head and the head is gonna become the tail."
"Everything about this just mind-bending, literally mind-bending."
"Gratitude has the power to shift our perspective, to open our eyes to the blessings that surround us."
"If we stopped pining for the things that we think we don't have and look at what we do have and what we can do, it's a much better place to come from."
"Let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture."
"It's a systematic way to provide a shift in perspective where hard problems can sometimes look easier."
"Her priorities would shift and her world grew wider."
"My advice to you and to every guy is that it is time better spent looking for new perspective women than it is trying to repair a relationship with somebody who already knows everything about you."
"Sometimes it can be the greatest gift in the world."
"When you set your mind on God, problems get littler and God gets bigger."
"Sometimes if you tackle what bugs you first, everything else doesn't seem so bad."
"Nothing matters to anybody until it matters to everybody."
"Certain people coming into your reality that are going to be activating you, getting you to shift your perspective."
"You weren't abandoned, okay? You didn't lose somebody. They lost you. This didn't happen to you, this happened for you."
"There's another way, baby. Whatever way you think is going to happen, there is another way."
"Your emotions are trying to show you a different perspective."
"If I can change my response, if I can change what's in my power, the whole situation changes."
"Stop seeing yourself as a lost cause, start seeing what you've previously thought of as a flaw as a gift."
"How can we reshape our lives? How can we reshape the way we see things? How do we shift our perception? I think that we have to start as a society."
"I shifted my focus to a more curious outlook."
"You are wealthy in a poor situation; change your perspective."
"Everything sounds dumb until you see it differently."
"They say that emotions cloud the mind, but I think that to see the extraordinary in the ordinary... it's a different kind of seeing."
"Doesn't mean it still isn't a dumpster fire, it just means there are ways to turn a glass half empty into a glass half full."
"Neku's character arc is learning that the world is only as big or as small as he allows it to be."
"A fresh perspective can help you feel better."
"Insights into people, they force you to think about the world in a really different and really important way."
"Sometimes the way we think things are can be a red herring... And that we should allow ourselves to gain A New Perspective."
"Don't think of it as a punishment, but that you're gaining more wisdom."
"When people go to space and they look back down at our planet as this interconnected fragile beautiful finite Planet it changes a person's perspective forever."
"This revelation will change how you view things."
"When you can't change your circumstance, change your perspective."
"Once you've made that shift it's really hard to unsee it."
"Don't underestimate how powerful it could be to just step away from something for a moment."
"Shift any aspect of perspectives that you were left with about yourself. Celebrate who you are—literally on a daily basis."
"My very first step is always a shift in my own perspective... I choose the highest truth which is I know for some reason this is happening for me."
"Our problems and our issues, when you see the greatness of Allah, they start to shrink back to real size."
"It's not just a car, it's a perspective changer."
"The same amount of time it would take to write down everything terrible, I could think about everything he's done right." - Email testimonial
"I respect that anybody could respect a change in opinion or perspective given a changing data set."
"Seeing things differently is not going to make your problems disappear, but it will allow you to see different solutions, different opportunities, and different possibilities that you haven't seen before."
"I think if we looked at stuff like that the world would be a better place."
"Remove your ego and look at it from a basic standpoint."
"If you want to improve your ability to look at things from this perspective..."
"The minute you start to stop fixating on your problem and start focusing on what you want to do about it or what other things are opening up, the more you notice that that problem goes away."
"Stand back and see the bigger picture, you know, sometimes particularly during times of accelerated growth we can feel confused and overwhelmed unable to see the woods for the trees."
"Thinking they're having a bad day removes The Sting from the comment."
"Looking at it from a different perspective can change the way you think about the game."
"It helps to have that attitude... you've got to come at it from a fresh perspective."
"Flipping envy and jealousy into inspiration."
"Just when you thought you knew, they flipped you."
"Everything you're seeing now is gonna get turned 180 degrees."
"We need to change our view on this great powers battle."
"Rather than continuing to be like a dog chasing his tail, we simply need to step back and look outside of the box."
"Some doors close, other doors open. Very important to understand that in the context of evaluating ideas."
"Set the events in a perspective you never knew."