
Game Development Quotes

There are 6810 quotes

"Now I finally can make my own game just because I've been streaming for a long time and can fund it."
"You're not making the game for some faceless kid out there; you're saying I'm making the game for a kid like me."
"Big potential. Yeah, like if he continues developing that map and does the upstairs area and everything, that would be amazing."
"Hello, I'm [name], the developer of Tunneler. Thank you so much for voting on Tunneler for an award. It's always been my dream to create an award-worthy game."
"It's both hardware and design related that we don't see it as often as we might like because it does take a certain level of care to implement that into your game in a way that's actually meaningful and interesting."
"As for everybody else, well, having played a bunch myself, I think it's pretty obvious why it's appealing. It's pretty savvy on the part of the developers."
"The devs love games, and they want to make more of them, and all we dream about is having a hit game that lots of people love so we can make more dope [__] for it."
"None of the developers were happy with how it launched... they wanted it to be better."
"If there's anything wrong with our game, you can roast it because we want to make a good game, not just make a lot of money."
"I want to be a game developer who interacts with his audience."
"I look at Yandere Simulator like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle."
"At the end of the day, as long as a game does enough to set itself apart from the games that inspired it, we really shouldn’t be upset about clones or rip-off."
"In the case of Live A Live, this was a bold game to remake and release in this way, and I very much appreciate that."
"Suspension of a player's disbelief is a difficult job, one that's bolstered heavily by a game's presentation."
"The more feedback we get from our playtests, the better the game will be!"
"Great strides were taken to improve upon the core mechanics in subsequent outings, which Avalanche realized rested squarely on the back of the havoc players could unleash."
"Avalanche had taken the simplicity of the original Just Cause and dialed it up to 11, yet saving space for the growth of Rico and its world design."
"It's important everyone is passionate about what they're doing; that's why we choose to work on games that we are passionate about."
"There are those who stay not for the money but for the passion of making games."
"The simple ability to change a game after it has been released has made the meaning of the word 'finished' become utterly meaningless."
"The world is changing. The future is unknown. But honestly, I hope it contains more Deus Ex games."
"We're really more so focused on helping these kids learn how to become content creators, learn how to code their own video games."
"I am consistently blown away by everything the team has created."
"Beautiful graphics that dazzle and impress and great engine optimization."
"The way that this messes up the funding ecosystem then is... it's going to change the economics... that's going to be not good for something that is certainly helping many indie studios actually exist."
"The world was introduced to a thrilling Zombie Survival game that promised to define the genre and change the gaming landscape forever."
"Start in Unity, switch to Unreal if you're feeling curious."
"We continue to work on future updates to Balder's Gate 3 with further improvements, fixes, and patches yet to come."
"Creating a game like Dune Awakening is about more than just survival; it's about crafting a universe where players can live out their dreams and fantasies."
"This whole franchise starting from a simple game jam entry that didn’t even win is nothing short of inspiring, and maybe we can get some more horror games like this in the years moving forward."
"Make the world bigger, more expansive, more immersive."
"Our approach leads with the creation of joy in marginalized players and seeks to be additive rather than strictly corrective."
"If it's not fun, then we work on it until it is."
"It's baffling that in 2024 we have to be like, the key to making a successful game is to make a fun game."
"The importance of player feedback and ideas that come from the community, I can't stress enough."
"Game development is very difficult, especially for an MMORPG that is trying to be as ambitious as Ashes of Creation is."
"The sheer scope of the project...seems to be combining all the best aspects from all the top MMOs over the past 10 years."
"Making an MMO is hard as [expletive], and making an MMO of our size is even harder."
"Bungie has actually walked back some of these changes after overwhelmingly negative player feedback."
"You can either cut your losses now and say, 'Hey, this didn't work, we recognized it, we tried it out for a little bit but we've walked it back, we've heard you loud and clear,' or you can keep it in the game and watch your PVP player base continue to bleed out."
"The idea that Hive Swap was taking forever or would never actually be finished very quickly became a popular sentiment."
"My dream this year for Warframe would be that the people that play this game and genuinely have fun continue to do so in ways that we can surprise and delight them with."
"The community hasn't just supported us, they've driven us."
"Grand Theft Auto 3 is the first entry in the Grand Theft Auto series to feature a dominant third-person perspective."
"Fujibayashi reconsider the level of animal interactivity for Breath of the Wild 2."
"Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto saw this proposal and was very dissatisfied with its direction. He flipped the pitch, saying the game should be more of a Dynasty Warriors title with Zelda elements."
"The game has certainly evolved into something completely new and different and much more expansive."
"I think Riot just does what they do all the time. They take a pre-existing thing, polish it up, add their own spin on it, and release it, and it's good."
"Perspective on some things that I don't think we've really heard before this time, giving us some insights on the inner workings of the development team."
"Despite all of the challenges that they had to face and how little rest Nikita and the folks at BSG have had over the holidays and into the new year."
"When it's done very well, the player feels very engaged, they're paying attention, they think about what they want to do, they feel satisfaction and the sting of making sacrifices along the way."
"Working entirely in Unreal Engine means there is no round-tripping with an external DCC, no exporting. Being able to see everything in context—lighting, camera, animation—iterating and making changes in real time with final pixels is a real game changer."
"His game-making aspirations began with a development tool for the DSi known as Petit Computer."
"The most successful a game is, the more people that it reaches, the happier the developers will be."
"This program will improve knowledge and empower game developers and policymakers, building resilience to games-based radicalization."
"Star Wars Battlefront 2's director nearly had a nervous breakdown towards the end of production, but the team successfully completed both modes on time."
"We need games developed by gamers for gamers that don't waste our time."
"The decision to cut psychos from the game was partly walked back on the advice of passionate team members who insisted fans would care."
"Ultimately, The Witcher 1 is an ambitious RPG from Polish developer CD Projekt Red in 2007...it's a game that introduced me to what games could be."
"Game development technology has only gotten better and better, and games have only become more and more ambitious. So, from an objective standpoint, gaming should be better now than ever before."
"4.5 is a far superior game, the devs clearly putting effort into it, a shocking concept, I know."
"Red Dead Redemption's development wasn't without its fair share of obstacles."
"The towns are built much more organically than they were in Red Dead Redemption."
"If Bungie has a reputation for something in Destiny, it's throwing a hail mary and saving the game from going down a bad path when absolutely needed."
"Universe Mode, even 9 years later, still has the potential to be the incredible WWE sandbox mode that we as fans wanted it to be, but it just didn't get quite there."
"Hideo Kojima started the 800-page script for Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty in November 1998."
"Kingdom Hearts owes its existence to a string of chance events."
"Sony have a keen interest in making their games resonate emotionally with their players."
"Creating a human connection and from the game to the developer... it's creating that bridge between the game and the person behind it."
"We want your feedback; everything we do across classic continues to be a journey that is co-written by you, the players."
"Did you know in A Link's Awakening DX staff questionnaire, Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto confessed to having nightmares about game-breaking bugs in Zelda games?"
"Link's Awakening originally began as a hobby project by programmer Kazuaki Morita to test out what the Game Boy was capable of."
"A delayed game can be good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
"This game has been very iterative, and I think that's one of the great things about it."
"But there is one game studio out there who has been pushing this envelope further than any other, and that studio is Arc System Works."
"Making a game on the scale of Halo takes hundreds of people with different skills, a singular vision, and time."
"RE5, because of the success of 4, ended up being one of Capcom's best-selling games."
"Destiny is a massive, living, breathing organism, and what it requires to thrive is an incredible development team with a constantly updated list of priorities that can regularly inject high-value changes."
"What happens with Forbidden West is while the world isn't necessarily dramatically larger, they have taken it to a level that is really pristine."
"Highrise City was under development for nearly a decade."
"The Unity game engine is the most marketable game engine out there."
"For your first 2D game... the Godot game engine is a nice option. It is free, open source, very flexible, and it is good for 2D for sure."
"G Develop... gives you the ability to work in a completely visual programming language but also gives you the ability to jump back to JavaScript."
"It's a clever idea and a testament to the ingenuity of the developers."
"We got to focus a lot on story and gameplay because that's really important."
"We are excited about roll queue and a 2-2-2 meta. That is something we would like to pursue."
"But besides that, I just have to thank Toby Fox for making such a wonderful game, that impacted most people for the better."
"It's really enjoyable to be able to listen to the developers talk about it. It's clear that they're just people. They just want to make the game as good as they possibly can."
"I hope From Software doesn't change their approach. I hope they continue to experiment rather than just iterate."
"Collision detection is a very common thing in any video game."
"You can be now proud of yourself because you built the complete game."
"The passion of the developers and their love for Battletoads is abundantly clear to see."
"With all the time that goes into a game, it would be foolish to rush it out the door before it's ready." - Pete Hines
"I think what our fans expect... is a high-quality game and we want to do everything we can to give our teams the time to fully realize the games they're making." - Pete Hines
"No one wants to make a bad game; game development isn't a career people choose for the money."
"If you make a good game and you want it available for everyone to play for years to come, make it open source."
"Destiny 2 is really ramping up everything in every regard. It's about the breadth of experience that you can have."
"Insomniac knocked it out of the park with this game."
"Insomniac has such a clear passion for this character; it's infectious."
"At least they're fixing this game. At least they have not abandoned this title."
"There's some brewing to be done around the edges... there's a lot to be done with those last 10-14 slots that could really make the deck a lot more competitive and even better than it is right now."
"I do appreciate that the devs are being open and honest with their communication."
"Video game developers have a specific experience in mind that they are trying to cultivate."
"Arming game developers of all sizes with these insights can give them the conviction to thoughtfully consider how to make games more inclusive for everyone."
"The publisher primarily is interested in making profit from your project, and we do not want to make all the money in the world; we want to make the game interesting."
"At its heart, this alpha test is really the starting line for KOE's development progression."
"It was only through trying all these other crazy things that we were really able to, I think, discern the heart of what 'Tomb Raider' was."
"Game jam is when a bunch of developers, coders, artists, and musicians get together...in a fun, creative, relaxed space...great for networking, socialization...always big on diversity...all genders, all races."
"What could be more important than making the game that people paid for, that they're actively playing at this exact moment, better?"
"If there's still anyone out there who's unsure of why Hideo Kojima is revered as one of gaming development's biggest all-stars, look no further than his track record on the Metal Gear franchise."
"Old is the new new, and as the true value of nostalgia started to sink in, developers have looked to cash in their chips with throwback titles, spiritual successors, and an ever-expanding catalogue of remakes, remasters, and reboots."
"With its final patch 5.0 having now been released, Deadfire is a much improved game from one year ago."
"The generally positive reception to turn-based mode, despite its problems, must also give Obsidian something important to consider when looking to the future."
"Obsidian have found themselves in a difficult position, but they do have all that Microsoft money now, so maybe they do have the means to really surprise people and do something special."
"For Obsidian, this came after a series of cancelled projects and failed pitches to publishers, and so the success of Project Eternity offered a lifeline that may have saved them from closure."
"Changing the way games are sold is a big disruption to everybody...but this is a necessary step forward for the games industry if we want to enable developers to invest in building better games."
"Thank you to everyone... your feedback, your passion, and your desire to make the best game possible."
"For a game to age as well as this one took some real craftsmanship that was exceptionally special."
"Every inch of our open world is carefully handcrafted and packed with environmental storytelling."
"Developers getting extra funding and a healthy cash infusion... certainly goes a long way."
"It's a perfect display of the fluidity of animation that devs worked for."
"The passion for polished, finished games is gone."
"We want to share all this with you early so that we can get feedback, make changes, and make the game better before we are finally live."
"This is what game development looks like: it starts looking pretty bad, you make it better and better, you hire better artists, and eventually, you should be able to produce something pretty cool."
"We built a robust character customization system that is entirely new to Diablo and it was a daunting amount of technical character work."
"I failed over a thousand times trying to make a game, but I never gave up."
"You only get one life; you may as well spend it making good games rather than chasing something."
"The best games come from someone who's actually got passion for making that particular type of game based on their own gaming experiences."
"Creating games in and of itself is really, really competitive."
"The feedback became an instrumental tool in selling features to the team."
"So, in some crazy ideal world, it would be awesome if we could all take our games and just drive the polish through the roof early on."
"My point is, you're going to add feedback to your game anyway, right? So, just front-load some, even if you're going to throw it away."
"The big piece that's missing is the big picture: how do you get all of these tiny little parts of your game come together and actually be a cohesive game."
"Miyazaki and From Software seem to be on a quest to make a very specific game, revamping and tweaking it throughout the years to get closer and closer to that game that's been in their mind's eye."
"No game developer ever wants to release a bad game."
"The Last of Us: Part II took what its predecessor did and built upon it."
"Anyone who's angry at ArenaNet for moving to Guild Wars 2 needs to seriously consider just how much work needed to happen for Utopia and beyond to be a success."
"So far so good, Blizzard sticking to the true word that they said about how they're treating the players."
"With Redfall, we take an exciting step forward, building a lovingly detailed open world."
"But then, we got the infant update, and it wasn't just a baby update -- they added an entire new life state to the game, which I think by far exceeded most of our expectations."
"Video games are meant to be fun and fulfilling, not just for players but also for the people making them."
"I love this game. This game has genuinely changed my life. I owe a massive debt of gratitude to the people who create this game."
"Anthem died so that a single-player offline Dragon Age game might live."
"Based on the feedback throughout the year of the Witch Queen, we knew players wanted more exotic missions."
"Happy staff means better games, but more importantly, we can celebrate it because it's important to care about the well-being of the people who make the things that we love."
"If we just continue to make videos like this as creators and as communities and voice our concerns and not just 'oh this game is dead on arrival' or 'Warzone is dead,' say what we want and why we want it, the devs ideally will continue to listen."
"I would much rather have the game launch a little rough...than have the entire holidays chalked because the development crew is off for the holidays."
"It's the leadership who failed the game and the community and the development team, and yet it's the developers who suffer the consequences."
"With Dreamhaven, we look forward to creating and sharing new experiences with players everywhere."
"We're almost trying to create a haven for creators who want an environment that is development friendly, values product and player experience over short-term financial pressures."
"There is a better way of approaching business and game creation that can work and be sustainable and be a lot of fun and yield positive results."
"Obsidian revealed that Avowed started out as a co-op game but said that it didn't feel 'Obsidian enough,' pivoting it back to single player."
"We all wanted Obsidian to make this type of game for a long time now, and they're finally making it."
"It's not cheating, it's actually an amazing thing that you do know how to use other people's assets in your game because that's how game development actually works."
"Impressed with their audacity, backers wound up pledging over 1.1 million pounds."
"A subtlety rarely seen, this framework didn't always exist. Portal evolved greatly with time."
"Portal is concise in both its development and experience."
"Delays were never due to incompetence but love, a desire to ensure that the release of their latest lived up to the standards set by the past."
"It's okay to make a game or do something that's formulaic and just have it be really, really good. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, just make a really good game."
"Our goal is to keep adding more and more stuff forever, as long as we can think of cool things to add, we'll add more stuff to the game."
"Many new features and content included in this update have been inspired by player input."
"FTL was a hobby project that took off a lot more than we ever expected."
"Cyberpunk isn’t the deepest RPG ever made, but it’s still probably deeper than anyone should realistically expect from a game of this budget and its depth is greater than the last RPG made by CD Projekt."
"A diamond in the rough, full of charm and personality, which left me impressed by this little unknown Polish game developer who I was left eager to see more from."
"Diablo III was initially started by Blizzard North before being cancelled and... Diablo 3, as it ended up, is a smash hit regardless of whether you like it or not."
"Every era has its ups and downs, and modern gaming has given us some incredible titles, but it's also changed so much of the heart of game development."
"A well-designed first level has to find a way to put the game's best foot forward as quickly as possible and get the player both prepared and interested to keep playing."
"We're not building Star Wars games in Ubisoft, okay? I just made it for you guys, just disclaimer."
"Such a polished and innovative game was created against this backdrop, showing the sheer tenacity, passion, and commitment that existed within the team."
"It's almost as though we make better games when we're not thinking about making bigger games."
"It's important that we get feedback from everybody...the community is what makes the game."
"Bethesda marketed the hell out of Fallout 76, if only they allocated a whole bunch of that marketing budget towards making the game good. If the product is good, it will sell itself."
"This game was an absolute heartfelt labor of love."
"Star Citizen sheds the more multiplayer style of Freelancer and scales up to the massive multiplayer scale."
"From Japan to the world: how to translate a game behind the global success."
"It's a complex process that's come a long way since the wild west of the '80s and the '90s."
"It's about retaining the artist's vision and delivering what the customer wants."
"People buy games because they believe in the developer's vision."
"The artistic vision should be paramount; altering it for localization can dilute the original intent."
"The patches were substantive and genuinely improved the game, fixing bugs, improving performance, adding assets, and even removing that stupid online-only requirement."
"Live ops isn't just a checklist of things to do... It's a whole approach to game development."
"The great thing about live ops is it's never too late. You can start making your game better and better."
"Everything became more complicated, and we really pushed the GBA to its limits."
"Back when Guild Wars 2's first expansion, Heart of Thorns, was in development two years ago, we had a lot of waiting around."
"We're using a very small subset of what we're using, and it's specifically to address the issues that people have had around armor customization."
"It's a testament to the complexities of game development."
"Regardless of how the game turns out, I am willing to fully embrace an entirely new interpretation of what Sonic can be because I know that change is the only way forward."
"But despite these corporate desires, there were three bright young developers within Sega that made sure brilliant game design took agency over this mascot being a shallow marketing ploy."
"The game, despite receiving mixed reviews upon release, became a huge success."
"People are saying the game is on the right track, and they feel a lot more confident about its future, which is a great relief."
"Players are the lifeblood of a game and its ability to make money, not the monetization machine itself."
"No developer is immune from critical and skeptical looks at their games."
"Feedback is extremely important for this game's smooth development."
"This is a step in the right direction and I like this from Paradox."
"Artifact now represents an opportunity for us to improve our craft and use that knowledge to build better games."
"We're proud of the work we've done on both games and excited about delivering them to a much larger audience of gamers."
"A late game is only late until it ships; a bad game is bad until the end of time."
"Our objective with Ashes of Creation is to create an amazing game that stands the test of time."
"Keep sending us your feedback, keep sending us the love."
"The release of the game marks not the end of development, but rather the beginning of a new phase."