
Quantum Theory Quotes

There are 266 quotes

"Reality exists as a probability, and it's the act of observation that causes a probability to collapse into a reality."
"The amplitahedron captures the structure of space-time, Einstein's special relativity, Quantum theory, and a so-called unitarity of quantum theory."
"Quantum Jumping is the idea that people in times of distress can purposely choose to jump from one universe to another parallel universe."
"Every thought in the quantum field produces a frequency. If you can feel the frequency of that thought and you experience it, you're shortening the distance between the thought of what you want and the experience of it."
"Quantum theory is not hard to understand; it's just hard to understand what it means."
"Sometimes quantum is seen to be well the scientists don't really know what's going on, everything's weird. Some things are weird but an awful lot we do understand, and we can do the maths and we can treat those those particles in terms of wave-like properties and it works beautifully."
"You have unlimited potential. You are a quantum being."
"The very fact that we don't have a scientific consensus on the right interpretation of quantum theory suggests that we haven't got it yet."
"That suggests that, in fact, consciousness does not seem to be just an illusion or just a localized phenomenon, but that it does have some sort of capabilities to affect the probabilities at the deepest layer of reality down in the basement layer of the quantum world, somehow."
"Quantum theory has this wonderful property of stretching these tiny quantum fluctuations from very small scales to bring them up to macroscopic and cosmological scales."
"The classical world, the branches of the wave function, are emergent."
"The wave function is reality and it is all of reality."
"If we can do a good job with it, maybe far in the future, when our civilization has advanced to the point at which people can be quantumly re-recreated or something, they’ll look back at our time and say, hey, let’s bring them all back to life."
"The bizarre new quantum theory of smell is all about vibrating bonds; chemical molecules are playing music for our noses."
"Niels Bohr himself said, 'Anyone who isn't shocked by quantum theory hasn't understood it.'"
"Anyone who isn't shocked by quantum theory hasn't understood it."
"Geometric quantization... said that Hamiltonian structures are actually predictive of a quantum theory."
"Quantum theory came along and said that if you know everything that you can know about the universe right now, the best you can do is predict the probability, the likelihood, that you get one or another outcome."
"Everything exists first as a wave of potentials before a reality is collapsed into existence."
"Many Worlds Interpretation, which states that the Schrodinger equation is the entire story—there’s no collapse, no labeling of the one real branch."
"The theoretical inconsistency between quantum theory and gravity is a genuine problem that demands a solution."
"Collapse has a number of features that ought to make us very suspicious of it just at priority without even doing any experiments."
"Reconciling quantum theory and gravity is famously difficult, but each actually throws light on the other."
"Quantum gravity is one of the longest unsolved problems in the history of physics."
"You can't clone a quantum. It means you can't take an unknown state, and you can move it, teleport it from here to there, but you can't teleport two copies to one place and to another."
"The laws of nature which we formulate mathematically in quantum theory deal no longer with the particles themselves but with our knowledge of the elementary particles." - Werner Heisenberg
"The Copenhagen interpretation gives us a non-deterministic universe."
"Everything in the world is quantum and entangled."
"Physics has been about exploring... the overall structure is pretty simple."
"What would it even be like if instead of approaching everything with a stubborn insistence of objectivity, we approached the world with a more quantum view of knowledge?"
"And I just think it’s cool that this weird esoteric quantum magic thing is literally responsible for like, the diversity of life."
"Hyperion just sort of wobbles...Hyperion is really a quantum system."
"You exist within a Quantum field and as the Observer, you directly affect the way this field behaves."
"The famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle captures this fundamental uncertainty."
"Anything is possible with quantum manifestation."
"This could all be explained by this idea that DNA is a quantum emergent phenomenon."
"Quantum immortality... reassuring that you are indeed immortal."
"I feel like jumping straight into quantum field theory, the advanced version, is probably a bad idea."
"People really want to embrace the quantum model of reality and begin to look at how they can apply it to their lives."
"All of you are already quantum beings of light."
"The brain is a logical instrument... properly described only by quantum physics."
"Quantum field theory is the best description of the universe of reality at a deep level that we currently have."
"The universe playing out all these different quantum choices... a whole planet working with Law of Attraction."
"Telepathy, psychic ability, intuition - all traceable to the quantum world."
"Intuition in quantum field theory is developed through experiences."
"You cannot walk through the door into the quantum field as a somebody; you must enter as a nobody."
"Quantum mechanics is uncomfortable but successful."
"Everything is quantum, so everything is a quantum computer."
"The probabilities that arise in quantum mechanics are subjective... just as much as the probabilities that arise in statistical mechanics."
"I think souls are like pieces of quantum energy."
"Planck's great contribution came when he realized that he could obtain the required cutoff in energy."
"The wavefunction is a mathematical formula...gives the probability of finding a particle in a certain position."
"No comprehensive theory of quantum mechanics can be strictly local."
"Biocentrism is the only humanly comprehensible way to explain quantum phenomena."
"Quantum leaping in and out: pop into different realities to protect yourself."
"Each one of us is a quantum hologram of consciousness."
"No phenomenon can exist until it's observed."
"These things might sound small to you but remember everything is on a quantum in a non-physical the creation process begins from the inside out begins in the mind that is projected to the physical."
"Matter doesn't exist as a wave of energy prior to observation but as a wave of mathematical potentialities."
"The bottom line is your focus and attention. You as an observer affects the reality around you and you collapse waveform States into realities by your intention."
"Quantum fluctuation as the origin of the Universe."
"Even if you froze the entire universe down to absolute zero, there's still quantum energy there."
"Life consists of parallel realities. Every timeline consists of billions of parallel realities per second."
"What's on the screen is just potential until someone looks at it."
"What Planck specifically ended up assuming was that the energy spectrum of standing waves within a black body cavity was not continuous as the classical way of thinking posited rather there were specific values that the energies could take."
"Changing frequency and amplitude allows one to access different configurations of energy and intercept meaning from different holographic modes of the universe."
"Your attention is what collapses the wave or possibility into the particle or reality."
"There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together." - Max Planck
"There's compelling evidence that quanta only manifest as particles when we're looking at them—that's craziness."
"The very act of making a prediction changes the outcome, it's like our own version of a double-slit experiment."
"Our emergent theoretical understandings of quantum physics and relativity give us Multiverses for free."
"Thoughts are the electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings are the magnetic charge."
"Consciousness determines existence and creates two different universes. The cat is either dead or alive."
"He's very right and it makes sense and I understand what he's talking about because it is actually part of the quantum code and the flag."
"At the core of quantum theory is the understanding that particles, the very building blocks of matter, exist in a state of potential all possible states until observed."
"Death ain't inevitable for me like it is for the rest of y'all. I'm on that quantum immortality type beast."
"The universe is playing a risky game of chance and quantum theory seeks to explain the behavior of particles in a universe where anything is possible."
"...if gravity is a quantum theory then then virtual universes are popping in and out of existence all the time."
"It suggests that the feelings of disconnection and isolation that plague our modern existence can be healed through a deeper understanding of the universe's Quantum fabric."
"Locality and realism are false. Space-time and quantum theory are both secondary theories."
"Quantum theory asserts that randomness, indeterminate states, and instantaneous effects govern what happens."
"The idea also behind parallel realities is that because this moment is the only moment that exists and there's an infinite number of parallel realities."
"Most importantly, if the parallel universes we're talking about here are Everettian universes or different branches of the wave function of the universe, then it's true that there are many different branches where many different things happen."
"Neil Turok: 'Quantum theory is the basis of all of 20th-century physics.'"
"He said, 'It's kind of like the Schrödinger's cat, like it was all these potentialities of what could happen and whatever he chose in that moment would appear.'"
"It's kind of like the Schrödinger's cat, like it was all these potentialities of what could happen and whatever he chose in that moment would appear."
"The reason why we use different language to talk about superpositions in quantum theory than in other contexts... is because when you observe quantum things you only see certain outcomes."
"Those subatomic particles do not exist as a particle until they are observed by a conscious Observer."
"Quantum field theory... matter, antimatter, and radiation are all different ways of looking at the same thing."
"I think our best guess now is that quantum theory is the nearest thing we have to an adequate account of physics."
"For every event in space-time, other universes are created based on the possible outcomes."
"Quantum Jumping implies that non-linear progression is possible."
"The Schrödinger Cat Fable demonstrates how ridiculous the interpretation of quantum theory is."
"The idea that all of these potential realities exist simultaneously leaves you with many worlds for every event, with one world for every possible state or every possible action."
"Planck's concept of quantized light introduced the idea of the photon."
"There isn't, in fact, an interpretation of quantum theory that's taken seriously by many physicists called the many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory."
"What happened in 1994 to 5 was that a wider perspective emerged in which all the quantum field theories play a role."
"Understanding how quantum field theory can work with gravity enriches our understanding."
"I'm a PhD student in quantum information theory."
"I'm trying to understand quantum effects for various different systems."
"The geometry in the bulk arises from or is describable by entanglement in the boundary Theory."
"Honestly, the best way to wrap your head around quantum theory is to play with it."
"Quantum immortality... our consciousness always exists in a universe in which we're alive."
"Quantum theory has become the most successful theory in the history of science."
"Modern life is really based on quantum theory."
"The universe came into existence not out of nothing, but from quantum space-time fluctuations."
"...one of the problems in quantum theory...was that an electron would go from one orbit to another apparently without passing in between."
"Consciousness depends on quantum vibrations in microtubules, a deeper layer of the brain's neural."
"So if the rules of quantum field theory are true, the force that I can possibly exert on another macroscopic object can be thought of as what is the force between the electrons, between electrons and protons, electrons and neutrons, protons and neutrons, etc."
"Every possible timeline exists so you're just shifting around."
"String theory is more predictive than standard quantum theory."
"The doubling down by physicists on their misconceptions which has then been transferred to the public... maybe the public... have got a better handle on what kind of theory many universes quantum theory is than the physicists who still resist it."
"Physicists who have resisted have been led by their education by very strong peer pressure and authoritative pressure... to make people use bad philosophy as a defense of their misunderstanding of the science of quantum theory."
"This thought experiment is sometimes called quantum immortality."
"Quantum UNconsciousness achieved."
"The crowning intellectual achievement of the 20th century was the development of quantum theory."
"If you normalize the initial function, the probability for everything will add up to 1."
"Tapping into the field of intelligence, the quantum field if you will."
"Quantum gravity tells us that geometry is discrete and since geometry is discrete, the infinities of quantum theory are fake."
"Observation somehow forces reality to choose from among many possibilities."
"When we talk about a quantum leap, the word 'quantum' comes from the word 'quanta' which means small. Small changes consistently over time so that I can expand slowly."
"We start by looking at the vacuum state, a traditional thing to do in Quantum field Theory."
"The impressive thing is that you can see how all of these quantities are emerging out of Hilbert space and the Hamiltonian itself without anything else being put in."
"If there's anything remaining at the end of the day in what I'm proposing here, it's the usefulness potentially of taking this other point of view that just starts with Hilbert's space with as little structure as you can and get everything else out of it."
"We're starting with just vectors in hilber space."
"Accept that old reality as one Quantum possibility, then choose the new one."
"It views time as a many-branched tree wherein each possible quantum outcome is realized."
"The true wisdom of Ascension is learning how to quantum entangle with the universal consciousness."
"Einstein recognized that quantum mechanics was extremely good at predicting how the universe around us behaves on a small scale."
"This simple question has brought us here to one of the most fundamental problems in modern physics: figuring out a quantum theory of gravity."
"The desire to attribute consciousness in some part to quantum mechanics is maybe a reflection of people's desire for what has sometimes been called the minimization of mystery."
"People affect the reality that they see."
"Matter in quantum mechanics is not an inert substance but an active agent constantly making choices between alternative possibilities."
"Classical probability distributions are expressions of our ignorance. An expression of our ignorance cannot interfere with itself, but a physical wave can interfere with itself."
"Then the frequency of light does not depend at all on the frequency of the electron. This is an enormous achievement! The theory of Bohr must be right."
"Non-renormalizable theories are just as renormalizable as renormalizable theories."
"The theory will be safe from the couplings blowing up if the couplings are on a trajectory which is attracted to a fixed point."
"The dimensionality of the ultraviolet critical surface is crucial; it determines whether we have a theory with only a finite number of free parameters."
"The entire universe as a quantum system... what is primary is information."
"If quantum theory is true, then the Turing conjecture is true in physics."
"There's a wonderful story in quantum field theory about the topology of the quantum fields."
"Einstein wrote, 'Quantum mechanics is very impressive. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory produces a good deal but hardly brings us closer to the secret of the Old One. I am at all events convinced that He does not play dice.'"
"The theory cannot be reconciled with the idea that physics should represent a reality in time and space free from spooky actions at a distance."
"Let's focus on quantum theory and relativity in the relation. If we succeed, it will take generations to sort out the ramifications."
"The hypothesis of quanta leads necessarily to the absolute value for the entropy."
"Higher thoughts create the fluid state; intention detached from matter becomes a wave."
"The Dirac equation: a masterpiece that harmonizes the quantum world."
"One of Einstein's major results in that marvelous year he had of 1905 was contributing to quantum theory, relativity, E equals mc², and particularly I want to talk about Brownian motion."
"The average value of where it might be is called the expectation value of the operator."
"What if becoming aware consciously of quantum processes is a spiritual experience?"
"There's a new generation of young scientists who have been internalizing the ideas and concepts and tools of both quantum information and quantum gravity."
"Almost everything that is wonderful about quantum mechanics is the solutions to this Schrödinger equation also exhibit constructive and destructive interference."
"If it's a quantum book written in qubits where these pages are very highly entangled, there's still a lot of information in the book, but you can't read it the way I just described."
"It's a whole different way of dealing with information. There's quantum information."
"The probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics comes from the measurements, not from the time evolution itself."
"The brain is sort of a quantum computer, there are quantum states that are more like making suggestions rather than programming in binary exact sequences."
"Along Comes Einstein and quantum theory, and we know precisely some of the key limits of Newton's Theory."
"The wave function... describes all of the properties of the system."
"As long as the cat is not observed, it is both alive and dead at the same time."
"This means that it is in multiple locations at various distances from the nucleus at the SAME time."
"An electron is a wave, and that's so important because it sets up this new theory that's coming: quantum mechanics."
"An orbital is a probability distribution."
"Soul, which is another word for quantum, has access to so much more information than the ego part, the human part, has access to."
"95% of the mass that we know about in the universe simply comes from this theory of quantum chromodynamics."
"Violation of Bell's inequality is stronger than the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect."
"All quantum states derive from a primordial substance."
"The eigenvectors of Hermitian operators in the Hilbert space have nice properties."
"This is the principle of quantum linear superposition."
"According to quantum field theory, there is no such thing as a discrete individual with its own roster of properties."
"The quantum phenomenon makes it possible to propose that the background of the universe is mind-like."
"Quantum theory yields experimental predictions which have been verified to an accuracy number of decimal places."
"If you think you understand quantum theory, you don't understand quantum theory."
"Nature behaves differently. We describe particles with a wave function that has a space dependent part and a time dependent part."
"A quantum system in a quadratic potential well must have a minimum amount of energy that is not zero."
"Quantum particles can only have specific energies."
"The quantum harmonic oscillator becomes very very important in the world of quantum mechanics."
"Quantum field theory is of course the description of nature as we know it with the exception of gravity."
"The fact that we have amplitude and not probability is so fundamental in quantum theory because of quantum interference."
"Every type of particle is associated with a field, and every field type is associated with a particle."
"Everything is probabilistic and uncertain."
"The general solution to the Schrödinger equation is \( \Psi(x, t) = \sum_j \psi_j(x) e^{-\frac{iE_jt}{\hbar}} \)."
"These notions of statistics appear a lot in the context of uncertainty, for example, variance and the overall average outcome, the expectation value."
"It is one of the few problems that can be solved exactly in quantum mechanics but still it displays the most important features of this theory."
"Quantum field theory is needed to describe the birth and death and some kind of life in between."
"Planck had proposed that frequencies should come up in certain packages that are proportional to the energies of the particular frequencies."
"It's like a whole world. It's incredible, all the discussion on how to interpret psi and the different things."
"These particles can be very far apart, and that's when it gets really interesting."
"The Schrodinger equation is really fundamentally, at the end of the day, the statement that there is a unitary operator that evolves any physical state."
"It's some of the weirdness that happens at the quantum level."
"The Copenhagen Interpretation of the 1920s was generally considered a correct physical theory, as it predicted outcomes of quantum events with amazing precision."
"The proprietary Quantum Imaging derived discrete signal data sets appear to resolve a possible theorized Quantum field or membrane of sorts."
"Observing a process changes the process."
"It turns out that our best theory of physics for describing ordinary matter, that's quantum field theory, it makes beautiful predictions to ten decimal place accuracy about the properties of normal stuff."
"We really want to think about quantum field theories as living on space-time manifolds."
"The connection... is a very very rich idea that starts here in general relativity but also exists in Quantum field theory in a major major way."
"Quantum mechanics... everything is in quantized jumps."
"Waves and particles are closely connected through the link of quantum mechanics."
"The quantum theory is crazy; it doesn't explain anything, it just gives you numbers."
"If quantum theory makes sense to you, then I'm pretty sure you don't understand it."
"Entanglement violates the principle of local realism, which asserts that particles cannot influence each other instantaneously across space."