
Spiritual Experience Quotes

There are 1446 quotes

"Every experience is unique, but it creates a state of radical unicity, oneness, a felt sensation of being as God with God, inseparable from God."
"You're preparing yourself so that that ultimate truth will be a stunning, beautiful, blissful experience."
"The baptism with the Holy Spirit is both a well and a river; it's both an event and a continual state of being."
"The dignity, the beauty, the connection to nature, the honoring of spirit, the welcome, the love, the resilience was also just absolutely humbling to behold."
"God is going to give you something that you're going to feel kick on the inside."
"It was the most spiritual and best experience I've ever had."
"We think we are human beings in search of a spiritual experience, but the truth is we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
"The fourth step is ultimately this kind of feeling of letting it all go. This feeling of surrendering to the experience itself."
"Reflecting on that life-altering night, Stevenson's voice resonates with wonder and reverence. He attributes his survival to what he describes as a medicine owl, a creature sent by the creator to offer help in the most extraordinary of circumstances."
"Suddenly I looked up and for the first time I saw the visible manifestation of the Holy Spirit."
"When you are experiencing God's Glory, you're experiencing His goodness."
"Then a beautiful angel came down to bring me to the Gates of Heaven."
"Jesus is weird, man...He really is love. He looked at me as if he was proud of me, his eyes were love."
"It was like being dipped in liquid love, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet."
"I felt the most incredible peace I have ever experienced."
"You can't get in His presence for just a few minutes that you won't walk out of there and want to share with somebody and tell somebody Jesus is alive."
"Having that... it provided that peace of mind and ever since that day, I have zero fear of death."
"Open up our spiritual senses... sight in the spirit, sound in the spirit, taste in the spirit, touch in the spirit, smell in the spirit."
"Actually sensing the voice of God, His presence near you, sometimes hearing God is less about having a specific word and more about just the nearness of His presence."
"I felt the personality of Jesus... Jesus is here."
"Pope Benedict XIV once stated that the exchange of hearts is in fact spiritual and mystical, defying any true physical explanation."
"I felt like a backpack on my back of sin just fell off, and I felt weightless."
"I've experienced that people from religious and non-religious experiences encounter that there was a logos present beyond all of us, and we started getting caught up in it and following it."
"Light came. It surrounded me, it embraced me, it seemed to be comforting me."
"Some people even report meeting God and for some, particular trips rank as being among the most meaningful experiences of their lives."
"First, there will be this illumination of conscience...followed by a period of approximately six weeks in which the devil will not be able to interfere or to manipulate man's conscience."
"Revival is when His Spirit, the immaterial, in some way becomes material, tangible."
"Every time you do that, you find out what the monks and nuns experience, when you stop all this wanting you find the deepest meaning of life, stillness, peace of mind, nirvana."
"The angels who were sitting beside my head were silent, simply sharing their thoughts with mine."
"Healing on the streets, I saw God spoke to me... it's like his words were coming inside me."
"You need a spiritual experience and then you need the support of a community."
"I've had God bumps... you just get that overwhelming feeling that He's there."
"The atmosphere there was what I would call the land of liquid love. Not some wimpy love, but the firmness of God's love."
"Once you're touched by Revival, you'll never be the same."
"Having my Akashic Records read was so much deeper than I thought it was going to be and it was also really healing."
"While I was praying, God actually spoke to me through me... He spoke about the sacredness of what we carry."
"The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them."
"When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the Word of God with boldness."
"When you start praying, 'Make me bold,' and the next thing, you are bold, suddenly you'll see the power of God in your life in ways that you may not have ever before."
"You may now have a sense of knowing within you that is heightened, and you may feel elevated levels of joy throughout your entire being."
"Hearing God's voice is just absolutely essential."
"There are some things that are so beautiful, spiritually beautiful, that they simply leave you no other choice."
"Many people are satisfied with good theology and they stop short of a divine encounter."
"Being on expedition, being in the wilderness, being in the middle of nowhere is for me anyway a spiritual thing."
"Instantaneously, as if my words and thoughts were heard, I was granted spiritual knowledge much like mental telepathy."
"I was beholding a large spiritual being... like a misty cloud that I could see through but yet solid at the same time."
"I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all of my fears."
"I collapsed to my knees, and it felt like my soul was being sucked out into complete absolute darkness, and I heard myself scream, 'Jesus Christ, save me.'"
"I want to pray that God invades your night in such a way that tomorrow morning something takes place where you are awakened with the joy of saying yes to Him."
"When you experience spiritual power, you will experience divine power working on your behalf."
"God, I don't believe in you. But if you're real, I will."
"Father, we want to experience your love more in our lives. Help us, Father God, wake us up to know that you truly do speak to people on earth today during the night when they're asleep."
"When I went on a six-day silent meditation retreat and I turned this thing off, when I came back, you can see the videos I did. I was filled with light and love."
"That encounter with God is gonna propel you into your next step."
"To shift you from your destiny. Oh Lord, why I feel this one today. I don't see this going into a part two or three right here because I know I can't cover all of what I got here today."
"I have this one body in this lifetime and I am a like spiritual being having an earthly experience."
"I have a vision for a church that when the service is over, you stay in the room."
"I've just had a lot of experiences with immediate miraculous answers to prayer."
"It was there on my couch that I was struck by lightning I'm I was struck by a spiritual lightning I felt it hit me I felt the power of it and I felt it literally come out of my hands and feet."
"I felt lighter and lighter, just love pouring into me. I couldn't explain it better than that."
"I found incredibly powerful healing through the word of God becoming part of me."
"I called out to Jesus, and to my complete surprise, he came surrounded in brilliant white light."
"I felt like I was just engulfed in this forest and energy that felt like the most intense love."
"It becomes almost a physical, I will say almost a spiritual experience."
"It's oppressive and claustrophobic, like sitting in a temple."
"Ayahuasca requires us to confront the truth about ourselves."
"You shall see your guardian angel appear unto you in unequaled beauty who also will converse with you and speak in words so full of affection and of goodness and with such sweetness that no human tongue could express the same."
"You don't always get what you want with Ayahuasca, but you always get what you need."
"The presence of God at the death of a Christian is unbelievable, it's one of the most powerful things in the world."
"You get the most insight when you travel, spiritual downloads, and enlightenment."
"God is calling you home to the real thing, the real gospel, so you encounter the real Jesus."
"I just feel like in that moment, God just showed up."
"There are times when I hear God speak everyone around me knows. The voice of God comes with the spirit of faith."
"In that communion, you are seeing his glory, tasting His goodness, and being drawn to trust his promise."
"There's nothing better than knowing the Creator of the universe has answered your prayer."
"Recognize the direct experience... beyond the mind and the senses."
"Intention might be the most important step into having a mystical experience."
"You've not only heard but you have felt a tug of the Spirit of God."
"The water is going to have a really spiritual, mind-blowing impact and effect on you."
"Christianity just comes alive in these tangible physical facets."
"I only know that it took a psychological toll to suddenly find my soul had returned to its body."
"If you haven't been in one of these services, get to one of these services."
"Something told me, and then you realize in retrospect that's something that told you was the voice of the Holy Spirit."
"I don't have to have faith, I have experience."
"The most powerful thing you can do is wait like you are expecting the power to fall."
"I felt only love and understanding throughout the entire life review."
"We've had over 3,000 people saved in the past two, I'm talking about first time ever got saved."
"Something's about to happen, I feel chains breaking in the spirit."
"The revelation in the word literally dropped me to my knees."
"The danger is tomorrow is 420 doge day and if we don't get a big big move on 420 doge day and we end up getting more sell the news."
"In heaven, our senses will be heightened. We'll experience the beauty in a way we can't fully know here."
"I want people to experience what I've experienced. I've been restored."
"It's the most life-changing thing that'll ever happen to you."
"I have never in my life ever felt such peace. Everything was stripped away, every hope, every fear, every attachment to the material world was completely stripped out of me. I was free to just be the essence of a soul."
"Time crumbles, the linearity of time is totally meaningless in these states. You are at the Godhead, the point where all time folds in on itself."
"I knew it was heaven, whatever word you want to put on it."
"Young people can change the whole world if they have an experience with Jesus when they're really young and they get an anchor in their soul."
"The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an empowering experience."
"It's the power of God at work, don't let this moment pass you by."
"When you are able to experience and sense and feel the love of God in your life, that's when you know you're growing in your Christian life."
"I just believe that God has healed me because if I don't take drugs before I go even go I urinate I will erase my body."
"Experiencing what is hoped for while it is yet still being manifest."
"You are in charge of how much God you experience."
"Family is where one man loves one woman and the angels of heaven come down to enjoy the orchestration of love in that house."
"Earth Wind and Fire from heaven, he wants to give you a new song to sing."
"Here is one who is literally seeing God right at this moment, and it's expressed in his face. That's what stuns all of us."
"Receive the baptism of The Healing, in the name of Jesus Christ."
"When somebody actually has a near-death experience and they experience heaven, it's a whole other level, you know, when you actually have the experience."
"I pray that you would have a revelatory encounter with that love right now in the name of Jesus."
"Could it be you're in a suddenly moment with God? That you're one prayer away, you're one word away, you're one encounter, one moment, one second, one breath away from God flipping it all around in a moment?"
"You weren't crazy you were hearing from God."
"Once you've tasted of him, you can testify to the words of Paul the Apostle who said that he counted all things as rubbish in comparison to knowing him."
"But that's okay because the more uncomfortable it is the better possibility for a divine encounter."
"Sacred revelatory profoundly instructive experience with the Lord in any situation."
"God's calling me personally to a baptism of anguish."
"Eclipses are not just any full moon eclipses, it's something fated, pivotal, when it's connected to your imaginary world, your inner soul activity."
"If we can breathe through these moments of transition... and really just sink into the space that we are more than just this, we are connected to something bigger, and we will never die."
"It was literally like my body evaporated and pure consciousness remained."
"Healing is an act of defiance when it comes to narcissistic abuse."
"The power of music: 'There is a power in music which we cannot see with our natural mind but we can sure feel that power with our soul and spirit.'"
"Let your fire rest upon me now, just like it did in the book of Acts."
"When the Lord revealed himself to me through the vision as Jesus, I was like, suddenly, my whole life changed."
"You are an ethereal being having a human experience and you are here to get closer to love."
"When I first heard the Sermon on the Mount, I had almost a supernatural experience."
"This move of God is going to come in volumes and waves of glory."
"When you look at the people who are having these encounters... and they call on the name of Jesus... something happens."
"I felt some weird like awakening, like some spiritual. It was [expletive] insane."
"The call of the mountains is a real thing. You may not be able to hear it, but you can feel it calling you in the depths of your soul."
"There's a gift of faith, and I feel like the Lord is saying He's giving it to people right now."
"In that moment, I found myself standing in the middle of nowhere, connected to the vast wisdom of the universe."
"One of the great places for me is when I've dropped into plant ceremonies and plant medicine ceremonies and there you enter a timeless space that you don't dare bring your phone or your watch into."
"The Spirit of God is in this place, he's already here, he's already filled this sanctuary."
"The energy is real, the messages are real, the feelings, what you're sensing, what you're picking up, it's real."
"If an angel shows up and tells you to do something for God, obey it."
"I obey, I got, I have a perceptual problem, and then suddenly Christ's vision comes."
"Astral projection is similar to what you may know as an out-of-body experience."
"See him, then you'll be amazed at the words of Grace that you hear, the acts of Grace that you see."
"When you come in contact with the power of God, there are no limits."
"Ayahuasca is like a maestro, a plant teacher, a divine goddess."
"So I didn't care what I was gonna lose because I knew I had already found life in Jesus Christ."
"Feeling that cosmic flow, even feeling synchronistic, being in the right place at the right time and things just magically happening."
"It was the Holy Spirit speaking to me directly through a prophet."
"Dysphoria is the sort of sadness that takes over you and you become very aware of everything that you feel is wrong with your body."
"I went to heaven and I got to thank my donor."
"And that is so amazing, you know, for people watching and listening, for people that I've interviewed in the occult, that once they encounter the presence of God or they feel that peace for the first time, it's so life-changing."
"Holiness came into my life, the greatest day."
"One of the greatest points or days of my life when I got a prophetic word from God and he called me out by name, Bo the analyst of time."
"Nobody can convince me otherwise. I travel the world and I meet thousands, thousands, thousands of people and everybody have their own testimony how they came in contact with the truth of God message."
"The voice of your god can penetrate the walls of the virtual world."
"I got baptized with the Holy Spirit, and I'm so grateful. I do not know what my life would have been like..."
"Jesus experienced one of his most lonely moments."
"To be truly religious, what you need to do is to experience all the different religions."
"What a shame it would be to miss out on the outpouring of God's wonderful spirit."
"I felt like I was becoming enlightened, like a glimmer of what Buddha and these ascended masters must feel all the time."
"I woke up and I remembered it... I was really with God."
"I felt a distinct presence in the room... I knew immediately that I was in the presence of Jesus."
"If you don't have an emotional encounter with God at some point of your faith, you're doing something wrong."
"Faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical."
"Every time somebody says 'I experience something and I call it God'..."
"I saw in Ayahuasca, I talked to Mitzi for real. She said, 'I prepared you for all of this. I wasn't just a [__] for no reason. I was getting you ready. It was basic training.'"
"Swedenborg got to experience both heaven and hell."
"They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke of the marvels of God. Alleluia."
"Falling in love with Jesus is the best thing I've ever done."
"The purpose is to experience God as all things."
"In that moment, it was a complete and deep transformation."
"The Holy Spirit is being yielded to, I give you the glory and the praise and the honor."
"You can just be in nature... You can kind of have like a spiritual experience where you feel connected to everything around you."
"I attribute that to not me finding God but God finding me in Hollywood."
"I had an encounter with God many years ago." - Personal spiritual experiences.
"If you received the gift of tongues, write in the comments section right now 'I received it.'"
"The awakening is so radical, you're not going to miss it."
"In your presence, Lord, is where we can experience the breaking of curses."
"I just said, 'Please God, help me,' and in an instant, I stopped crying and I just sat up and I said, 'Everything's gonna be alright.'"
"The companions reminisced and thought about listening to his recitation in Paradise that it is Jannah like paradise-like to listen to this man recite the Quran."
"I had an interesting Deliverance... demons were giving him heart attack symptoms."
"All the success I had... what none of that could fill, He instantly filled with His presence."
"I'm doing you a service, okay ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I believe that I, August the Doug, have found God."
"When he baptizes you by his spirit, it's powerful, it's life-changing, you're a new creation."
"I feel that old-fashioned anointing of the Holy Spirit in this place."
"I went up on the ceiling as I looked down at my body and saw the top of the heads of everybody in the room. It was a very calm, wrapped in love feeling."
"I just see how God was with me and how you just truly saved me."
"There is a facilitation of the Holy Ghost that comes as we worship him."
"I just loved everything. The only way in this fight of lifting me of the obsession of ridding me of the desire of a drink or a drug was having that spiritual experience."
"So until I have that spiritual experience which for me came through the twelve steps then I had a chance because I don't know literally."
"A big wave is coming: a big wave of glory, of miracles, of revival, of transformation."
"God is touching you, waves of glory awakening."
"You and I have the right to experience the strength of God."
"If God made joy, you can't tell me that being in Him, you won't experience joy."
"The first thing a person does when they get saved is they want to go tell somebody."
"Once I experienced His presence, it pretty much ruined me for anything else."
"The center of Hinduism is an experience called moksha liberation."
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience right now. We are purely spiritual beings having a human experience."
"K2's energy is strong, hitting you dramatically for realization."
"As close as we can get to heaven on this earth."
"I just felt this gust of wind come across me and I've heard the Lord say I'm with you, Abby."
"I quite literally left my body, I went into this other just world."
"Whenever the wind begins to blow in your room, God loves tremendous adoration."
"May you just see, feel, and know that He touched me."
"We're going to be in the presence of God and it's going to be so amazing."