
Anthropology Quotes

There are 1377 quotes

"We are, and we now know, risen apes, not fallen angels."
"We have to understand again that the human form fundamentally is something that has been evolving through metamorphosis."
"All human cultures have some version of [marriage]."
"We as old world primates, much like other primates, are very dependent on faces and facial expressions in terms of registering our own place in life and our emotional state."
"The goodness paradox refers to the fact that humans are so extreme with regard to aggression and non-aggression."
"We are the domesticated version of the species that lived 300,000 years ago."
"Dogon knowledge of Sirius B is very impressive and a fantastic contribution to human knowledge because the dwarf star wasn't even found by Western civilization until the 20th century."
"Modern humans, the direct ancestors of people who live today, emerged first in Africa, accumulated genetic variation there, and a part of that variation goes out and colonizes the rest of the world."
"The original dark-skinned Europeans: Several genetic studies on prehistoric human remains in Europe have revealed that several of the earliest Europeans looked very different."
"There are no savage and civilized peoples; there are only different cultures."
"Nations don't come from nowhere. Humans evolved once in Africa. None of us is truly autochthonous; groups come into contact with one another."
"Each culture has a different orientation to the world, whether that be to nature, to each other, and even to time."
"For the vast majority of human life on Earth, we have been hunter-gatherers."
"So this is very much saying that at a very early date, hunter-gatherers are coming together to create community out of reasons that are social and ritual."
"Over the past five million years, our species has spread from the plains of East Africa to every inhabitable landmass on our planet."
"We're one more species biologically; we are a large-brained primate."
"If this is cannibalism, it's a stunning discovery."
"Every time a new study comes out, it's like, wow, they were really smart and they did things that humans do."
"There is now strong evidence that our species, Homo sapiens, shared planet Earth with a number of other species of early humans."
"Anthropology and history aren't about glorifying one culture or another; it's about trying to learn as accurately as you can."
"There's only one race... We all came from a black female."
"Modern humans originated in Africa and spread out from there."
"There were two interbreeding events... mixing with Neanderthals... and Denisovans."
"We are the paradoxical ape, bi-pedal, naked, large brain. Long the master of fire, tools, and language, but still trying to understand ourselves."
"Anthropology deals with the ways in which we categorize the world around us, how we form theories of the world through context, content, and logic."
"Despite all of that, the Hadza people are some of the healthiest people on the entire planet."
"We are at least the third civilization to have flourished here on Earth."
"Our ancestors and the people who didn't win, the people who didn't get to be on the planet right now, all the humanoid people who would be really freaky to interact with, I'd love to just observe a group of those."
"Deliberate burial suggests an early manifestation of religious belief, showing that our ancestors had the capacity for symbolic thought and ritual."
"Many anthropologists and significant research throughout the 20th century demonstrated that culturally shaped gender roles considered appropriate for males and females in a given society could not be reduced to or predicted by the biological sex of an individual."
"The hadza are one of the last true hunter-gatherer societies remaining on Earth."
"This shift we see a large change in diet...Chimpanzees...are largely fruit-eating animals...in contrast, our Australopithecine ancestors out on the savanna were scavenging meat."
"It's culture. For a long time, people assumed culture was limited to our own species."
"I think anthropology gets a lot of points for me because I think they again take those little extra steps to make things just feel a little bit more special."
"Language is one of the fundamental topics in the human sciences. It’s the trait that most conspicuously distinguishes humans from other species."
"Anthropology can enlighten us on human nature by documenting human universals, ways in which people in all cultures have similar emotions and thoughts and patterns of behavior, as well as ways in which cultures can vary."
"The disdain you have for anthropology, the attitude you have towards other cultures... you are the real Barbarian."
"We're animals; we're apes, and everything we do can be understood as social apes jockeying for status."
"Cultural relativism views a culture through their own lens, avoiding judgment based on one's own cultural standards."
"So while they no doubt had a ritual function, in a battlefield context, these would have protected the head but more importantly, terrified the enemy and inspired the warrior retinue of the chiefs wearing them."
"The evidence indicates very similar ideas can exist in primitive hunter-gatherer societies so the idea that customs and beliefs present in Genesis had to develop late is not the only possibility."
"There was in the past somewhere maybe in East Africa a sort of restricted Garden of Eden where a fully human creature like us emerged."
"Humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans have mixed multiple times likely in multiple places."
"Fossil evidence and if you think about physical variation, imagine what was going on with language or child-rearing habits or social customs... there wasn't one original form of human society, just a panoply of experimentation in social forms."
"Everyone came from Africa... there's only one race, and that's the human race."
"The Altamura Man lived during the late Middle to early Late Pleistocene period around 150,000 years ago."
"Humanity started without a state, in a hunter-gatherer society without a government."
"This is important because the people born of this event produced the ancestors of almost all Native Americans today."
"This shows that people were dispersing throughout the continents very quickly."
"The settlement of the Americas is one of the final chapters of human migration and it's an amazing narrative that bears witness to human Ingenuity and resilience."
"The lost civilization emerged out of shamanism and out of the techniques of ecstasy that are used in shamanism."
"The Jon Frum religion is one of the last remaining examples cargo cults..."
"The Divergence of each race from the other races and of all from a common stock can be traced back to any one pair of progenitors." - Charles Darwin
"Cultures all over the world actually kept track of their history."
"There are no savage or civilized people, there are only different cultures."
"In a groundbreaking Revelation anthropologists have definitively established that numerous ancient Egyptian rulers and Elites were part of the black community."
"Humans have been eating lots of fatty meat for three and a half million years."
"Their view instead is that Indian culture grew out of the interaction between indigenous peoples of South Asia and the various groups of people that migrated into it over the centuries."
"Most Native Americans trace their ancestry to a single migration from East Asia to Beringia between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago."
"Humans at 4 million years... we'd be something else, that's just how evolution works."
"The Neanderthals: likely our closest human relative... smarter and stronger."
"Christianity is the most anthropocentric religion the world has seen."
"Their ultimate conclusion was profound: out of the three human species whose DNA was genetically compatible for cross-breeding - Neanderthals, Denisovans, and modern humans - Denisovans were likely the most advanced."
"The fossilized skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis was uncovered by a team of scientists led by American paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson and French geologist Maurice Taieb."
"New human species found in Africa: Homo naledi. Scientists have discovered a new species of human ancestor deep in a South African Cave, adding a baffling new branch to the family tree."
"Even more remarkable is the fact that traces of Denisovan DNA have been found in humans living today in Asia, providing the link to the past that seems even closer than first believed."
"The very first modern human being on this Earth was undoubtedly a person of color."
"Weapons are very often culturally specific to certain groups of people."
"Humans have genuinely decreased in size slightly in the last 50,000 years."
"Every human on Earth today is in some degree Annunaki descended."
"Humans are primates just in case you didn't know, you're animals."
"The most staggering implication of these remarkable hobbits..."
"Determining sex is almost always a matter of studying the pelvic bones narrower in males than females."
"If you're familiar with cheddarman, he would have been around 10,000 years ago."
"They would then rebuild the corpse using wood and plants before ultimately sewing on a layer of clay skin and then adding a layer of ash paste."
"The discovery of tool making was a major milestone in human history."
"It's amazing that Homo sapiens were precocious enough to figure out the only priority they had was don't die."
"Kuru, a terrifying and incurable neurodegenerative disease that for nearly 100 years terrorized the Foray people of Papua New Guinea."
"It rewrites who we came from and how we think about ourselves."
"Results of this study showed that the village of Chuanhu-kun was a source of food for the cats 5,300 years ago."
"Diet was one of the environmental factors, perhaps the most important environmental factor, that allowed us to become human."
"Humans, whenever and wherever possible, were eating a lot of meat."
"We are literally Stone Agers living in the space age."
"This bird could signify the exact time that human beings in China became comfortable enough to stop foraging for food and began making three-dimensional art." - Luke Doyle
"The colossal jaguar sculpture currently sitting at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City was once used as a vessel for hearts that were torn straight out of the chest of sacrificial victims." - Unknown
"Their skulls imply they had unusually large craniums."
"Lucy's completeness gave us much more information on the evolution of bipedalism and brain size."
"How is this possible? Carl Sagan tried to debunk this by suggesting that the Dogon people must have learned this information by picking it up from traders in more recent times, which makes a lot of sense."
"The Dogon people of Mali, Africa, literally have a legend about fish gods coming down from Sirius and teaching us everything that we know."
"Olduvai Gorge holds the earliest evidence of our first human ancestors in the midst of evolution."
"The masks have led some fringe scientists to speculate there could have been European visitors in Peru long before the Spanish arrived with their fleets of warships."
"It gives amazing insight into what life was like for humans and mammoths."
"Interbreeding with Neanderthals has left a phenotypic legacy in modern humans."
"This is a hallmark sign that there's actually among the ancestors of the Denisova and some Neanderthal ancestry."
"So how did it happen? How could a tree dwelling creature develop what we now consider to be the most fundamental aspect of the human form? How does an ape learn to walk?"
"Every population in the entire world has some amount of admixture from its neighbors, that's just normal."
"Hunter-gatherers once they got themselves organized, they weren't short of food at all."
"Could we speculate that there wants could have been not just individuals like Goliath in the Bible but entire races of gigantic people?"
"We see remarkable similarities among cultures even if they're separated by oceans."
"Skull 5, as this one is known, exhibits very robust morphology."
"Having the tiniest brain attached to the most robust cranium and jaw is a bit surprising."
"The Dmanisi assemblage samples a population belonging to a single species."
"It's very likely that the Dmanisi assemblage samples a population belonging to a single species."
"At Dmanisi the fossils seem clearly to be Homo."
"This book has one of the strongest scientific arguments in print for the recent origin of humanity."
"We diverged from chimpanzees about 6 million years ago."
"For any anthropological explorer who wants to take a dive into the deepest depths of the Canadian cultural iceberg... the 20th century is definitely an experience I would recommend."
"Race is an invented category between human beings."
"Khajiit take on a feline appearance with the talents to match—they are highly acrobatic, good climbers, and also quite intelligent, just like cats."
"Human beings have evolved for face-to-face contact."
"That's kind of the story of the human species."
"Lucy is enough on her own to really cause problems for creationism."
"Running is what we had as our art before we had science, art, imagination, literature, technology. All we could do is move this thing and then move this thing, and then move this thing."
"Humans are fundamentally a Cooperative species."
"It is fascinating to think what else is hidden in humanity's prehistory, what other branches and peoples existed back then with their stories no longer visible in our modern world."
"Evidence obtained from this cave shows that there was a clean break between Neanderthal and modern humans."
"Neanderthals were far from primitive, they were actually by those standards pretty complex."
"Even though we've already discovered so much about them which helped us understand that they weren't really primitive at all they were really complex."
"I think that all of these ideas were created by the Denisovans and passed on to their earliest descendants."
"It's honestly so fascinating that one of those species made it to Crete."
"It is one of the true universals of our species."
"Homo erectus was so successful that it lived all around the globe."
"Yes, every human on earth today is a Homo sapien."
"Humans have been around the world for an inconceivable amount of time."
"South Asia is often sidelined in discussions of human evolution."
"Giant skeletons of America are almost certainly hybrids of Denisovans and possibly Neanderthals."
"I'm always interested in humanizing our ancestors, humanizing the past."
"Even uncontacted tribes... can't be held accountable by some natural disposition."
"It's the largest known child sacrifice ever found."
"Humanity did not evolve from apes and is descended from much older civilizations."
"How ancient DNA has yielded a great surprise."
"This manuscript offers us a glimpse into the violent and complicated world that we're only just beginning to truly understand."
"Of all the AB human strains, squats are perhaps the closest to normal humans in physiological terms."
"The thing that actually makes us unique... is that we tamed fire."
"This is what would go on to make us the species that we are today."
"The things that make different populations function differently have to do with a lot of arbitrary things that are not inherent to the creature."
"In humanity's pre-history, pretty much everybody figured it out unanimously or learned it from a neighboring tribe."
"Before the past is lost, before their world vanishes, I can learn their ways."
"My interest has never been in bigfoot, it is the people who look for bigfoot that fascinate me."
"North Sentinel Island...among the few uncontacted tribes left...not going anywhere."
"People have lived on the island for over 3000 years."
"You're telling me when they find my bones in 100 years, they're going to say, 'We can tell this guy was a dick because of his ankles, his kneecaps.'"
"The arrival of the first people here still ranks is one of the greatest feats in human migration."
"There are roughly 500 cultures that have a legend about a global worldwide flood."
"The hohokam did not simply exist, they did not simply live, they triumphed."
"Inuit culture is one of the most underrated and culturally fascinating things you'll ever encounter."
"Those are places where you get to see intense aspects of human kind in human nature."
"...but the fact is that our DNA doesn't just have similarities, it has us firmly nested within the family of great apes precisely, conclusively, and irrefutably."
"Human beings have roles that were developed by evolutionary biology and culture."
"New research has changed our understanding of the Amazon rainforest, previously believed to be uninhabited before the arrival of Europeans."
"Some skeletons are so bizarre looking that researchers concluded that they might have belonged to aliens."
"This probably tells us more about human beings than it does any type of visitors from outer space."
"Y'all are the first out of neanderthal, we're full for that man he meant that too."
"Meat played an integral role in the evolution of the human brain."
"Pictish man: Buried in a cave that may represent an entrance to the underworld, the largely built man is not believed to have fought in battles or to have performed labor-intensive work."
"We know from several documented practices, histories, and languages that the Indians who inhabited this area had traditionally followed the customs of their forefathers."
"How else do we explain the cultural similarities from the cultivation of corn to the construction of pyramids?"
"Many Native American tribes tell of the long-forgotten existence of a race of humans that were much taller and stronger."
"In short, tribes are fascinating because there's no direction you can't take them."
"Aleš Hrdlička began his career as a physician in the 1890s, and even at the start, he had an obsession with categorizing people into groups, and more to the point, ranking those groups in terms of superiority."
"I had no idea how close to the truth it was. This is where humanity was created according to ancient African culture."
"Superstitions have influenced humanity since the dawn of our species."
"Humans are animals with very sophisticated imaginations."
"Human beings are the animal that can cooperate flexibly in large numbers."
"It'd be misleading to think of this as a single unified culture, but rather a group of related cultures..."
"Fear of the evil eye may have co-evolved in pre-industrial agrarian societies as a strategy of social control."
"Black people are very, very diverse. Africa's still the most diverse gene pool on the planet."
"Bread as plate, Helstosky says, puts pizza in the same lineage as pita, lavash, and tortilla."
"The totora Reed might have been brought by ancient Peruvian people to Easter Island before the time of the Polynesians' arrival."
"It's looking more and more likely that the mummy belonged to a group such as the Chiang Kai who inhabited these valleys close to the Pacific Ocean."
"Things looking a hell of a lot better for them compared to yesterday."
"Hairstyles continued to be important in defining identities in life and in death."
"People have been styling their hair for at least tens of thousands of years."
"It's an integral part of human history, the domestication of plants and animals."
"Maybe men were the primary storytellers in early tribes and [ __ ] like that."
"Alternative forms of the human genome little people I've heard about them from almost every tribe of Native Americans in North America."
"Ancient Amazonians built and lived in densely populated centers surrounded by kilometers of elevated roadways."
"Africa's vital role in human evolution research."
"The significance of the tongue child cannot be overstated; this extraordinary fossil provided compelling evidence for the theory of human evolution and shattered long-held misconceptions."
"Australopithecus afarensis possesses a combination of traits entirely appropriate for a transitional form."
"Lucy's pelvis was indicative of bipedalism when on the ground."
"Juvenile Australopithecus afarensis individuals already had many of the bipedal features found in adult specimens."
"All paleoanthropologists appreciate that ostop were bipedal when they were on the ground."
"It turns out that anthropologically speaking it seems that our planet has had a far more diverse history than many of us previously believed."
"What we know about human history is a tiny fraction compared to the time we have been on Earth."
"Language itself could have been a fundamental force shaping human evolution."
"Africa occupies an essential role in the history of our species."
"It's well known today that Africa is considered the cradle of mankind."
"In all cultures, men and women are seen as having different natures."
"Most likely we are looking for our intellectual equals in the wrong place."
"The success of mammalian evolution led to the emergence of homo sapiens, who is now the dominant species on earth."
"Witches have existed in every single culture to a remarkable degree."
"Archaeologist gabino Lopez arenas investigated skulls jaws and other bones that were found as remnants of offerings inside the temple."
"The history of the human species and our closest relatives is confusing at best."
"Neanderthals were not the dumb, bumbling cavemen you were taught in school."
"A skull found in northeast China represents a newly discovered human species called Homo longi or 'Dragon Man,' with distinct features from Neanderthals."
"Maybe if I trained you a little bit to do it my way, your way, you might be a beast out there, dude!"
"Homofloresiensis: not Homo sapien but human all the same."
"If we all make incremental changes, maybe we make the world significantly better overall."
"It reaffirms something that anthropologists have long thought: it's not how big a brain is, but rather how it is organized."